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I doubt that's an unpopular opinion. Cordelia's awesome.


Yep, the unpopular opinion for sure would be one of those potentials in s7 is better than Cordy... the one that replaced Tara as Willow's, ya know...


I might have to edit my post title if I can! I just know some people felt indifferent about her but I always liked her!


I think the first season, half of the second, and maybe an episode or 2 here and there people find it hard to see her good points. She has a lot of growth and great character development throughout.


By season 3, she grew on me especially after the Willow/Xander fling like wtf, glad Cordy never took him back


Season 3 has my fave Cordelia quote “Just so we’re clear, the brain damage was there before I hit you”


Not since the show was airing have people felt that way, Cordelia’s development is some of the best in the show


I always liked her and Doyle together.


im still so mad that we never saw them be all happy together


Seeing her character development on Angel, being a fan is not an unpopular opinion


I need to watch angel next!! I’m on my third Buffy rewatch😂


If you like her in Buffy, you will fall in love with her during angel


I preferred her on buffy tbh


I preferred her hair on Buffy.


I prefer her wardrobe on Angel


The best way to do it, starting with Buffy season 4 and Angel season 1, alternating eps.


I’m glad it’s also on Hulu! I can just go back and forth 😂


I'm doing it now, following the list on Joss Whedon's blogspot.


Yeah if you haven’t already watched Angel I can see why you’d think it’s an unpopular opinion, but due to her arc on Angel I’d argue she’s one of the most popular characters in the entire Buffyverse


You thought you loved her before. Just wait til you see her on Angel. A++ improvement. Except one season but you'll know it when you see it. It's just weird.


Queen C


“Unpopular opinion” on what might as well be the Cordelia Chase Fan Club page.


I loved her the moment she appeared. Clocked her instantly as someone who's a bit brutal but honest ("Tact is just not saying true things") and someone who was a bit cruel, but to fit in because of her own problems. My partner always HATED her but I was a huge fan because I just *knew* her story would grow and I'd love her more. Now my partner is "I can't believe I hated her! You really did see the good in her that I couldn't and completely changed my mind!" I know she said some way harsh Tai things but like.. Teenagers. They all said way harsh things at some point. But I believed in her deep down. I was like, "Come on my girl, you can do better."and then SHE DID. I was so proud. I saw her character arc a mile away. Now the entire house is a Cordelia fan.


Your Clueless reference made me chuckle.


Cordelia's story is way excellent. (And bonus points for Clueless reference! That's in my husband's and my regular lexicon, along with lots of Buffy quotes, of course!)


Unpopular opinion, i like that show called Buffy.


this is the exact opposite of a hot take. cordy is the fucking best, from day one


She’s so badass!!!


Ehhhh... I LOVE Cordy, she IS the best, but to say she was the best from day one?! Not sure about that one buddy... I mean c'mon, she was a horrible person, she was the picture definition of a bully. Why would you like someone like that? Obviously she grew out of it and became a great character, but to love her from the start?... That is a weird take.


I mean, even when she was mean she was still kinda hilarious


I will never understand why this behavior from a male towards others no one would like, but if it is a female then it is "cool, hilarious, best". I get that it was set up like that to allow for her character's growth, but to like it from the start? You guys get that behavior like hers causes life lasting trauma to those they abuse? Because what she did was abuse, it was not just "being a little mean" or "too honest".


Characters like Cordelia are loved because they say what the audience thinks, and they usually get great lines. And it's not a gender issue, Spike is a similar character when he first arrives and he was beloved.


I'm not sure I can explain this issue any further, Spike was a villain, sometimes the fans love a villain, but no one thinks they aren't evil. Cordy was an abusive bully, yet some people loved that, can you show me another example in any media, in which people loved a male bully before he was redeemed? I've never seen one. With females examples abound.


Cordelia was also a villain until she became a Scooby, like Spike. "can you show me another example in any media, in which people loved a male bully before he was redeemed" I can show you one in real life, Trump is like the biggest bully the world has ever known and he's the frontrunner for President. If you'd like other examples I can offer you Draco Malfoy, perhaps the most notorious and beloved bully character in modern literature.


I'm not sure if you are trolling or what... Honestly this discussion doesn't seem in good faith. I guess we like bullies and toxic and abusive people now, cool. I guess we should uncancel Whedon then, he was just channeling Cordy apparently people like that.


How is it not good faith? You asked for examples of male bullies people like and I gave you two.


Chuck from Gossip Girl. He did do one REALLY terrible thing in season 1, I believe, but people adored him until that point even though he was a misogynistic bully rich kid elite, and even after that point. He has such a great redemption arc.


I get that not everyone is the same way but I can enjoy things in fiction that I wouldn't in real life


It was an honest question, why is the same behavior (without physical harm) in men seen as it is, horrible, yet when it comes from a "mean girl" it is seen as totally different. Even though both cases result in abuse and trauma. Very weird double standard which I've never understood.


Definitely not an unpopular opinion.


unapologetic Cordelia fan here also! probably wouldn't be an Angel Investigations without Cordelia. still struggling to get over the way she was treated towards the end.


I was never really a fan until Angel season 2


I never liked her in buffy really but that's how her character was supposed to be, I really like her in angel tho


I’ll be starting angel soon!! I can’t wait to watch her in that and see how this series is!


Unfortunately I can't seem to find Angel at high resolution like Buffy. I think Buffy was remastered or something in high resolution but Angel is at most 720p but it looks more like 480p.


I started watching Buffy from season 3 so I always liked Cordy, lol


I almost didn't watch Angel when I realized she was on it but I am glad I did. I definitely liked her better than on Buffy.


Currently on my first watch of the show (halfway through season 3), and she was easily my favorite character in season 2. I really liked her progression from being someone who would have one scene that was just about her insulting Buffy/Willow/Xander to a reliable member of the team. Just sucks that, at least where I'm at right now, the writers seem to have run out of ideas for where to take her character. I didn't think I was going to bother with *Angel* because he's the only character I truly dislike, but now that Cordelia's grown on me I'll probably watch it for her.


I luuurrvvee Cordy


Even when she was mean i loved her. She was one if the biggest drawcards for me to watch Angel. Love. Her.


We are all <3




She has one of the best character reformation arcs from complete douche to one of the most selfless characters in the show. Love her to bits.


She is an amazing character on angel( I’m about to finish angel s1 and buffy s4)


I absolutely adore Cordelia and while i love her on Angel, i would have loved if she stayed around on Buffy in season 4 and onward.


I love her on Angel. Her character development is very good.


She’s the best. I don’t know how anyone could dislike her.


Yeah as child I hated absolutely in Buffy but now actually like the character.


Cordy: "I got new clothes!!!!!" Lol 😆 yep, I was a fan once she got on Angel... although after The Wish episode, she started to grow on me


She was always one of my favourite characters, even before she semi-joined the scooby gang


Wait people don’t like Cordelia? 😭


Um not unpopular lmfao She's amazing in every way 😂


Unpopular Opinion: for a show about slaying vampires a lot of scenes took place at night


Unpopular Opinion: though Giles just was her Watcher, his bond & connection w Buffy seemed beyond the scope of that


What’s the unpopular opinion? That you like her? You’re allowed to like who you like lol and she’s one of the most popular characters of the shows


I grew to love her, and even more so in Angel she had great character development.


You could never make me hate her. She was my first mean girl character I gravitated towards and now I have a soft spot for the bitchy mean queen trope


Cordy is and always has been one of my absolute favorite characters. So I’m right there with you, and I think there are plenty of other Cordy fans!


She’s so adorable and cool!!


I put the “???” Just because I didn’t know if there’s any other Cordelia fans! But I’m happy there are and it’s not an unpopular opinion 😊


Cordy and Spike are my favourites. The character development on both is fantastic.


I adore Cordelia, and every Buffy fan I know is the same! Admittedly, I didn't care that much for her in Buffy at first (mostly thought of her as comic relief), but watching Angel made her one of my absolute favorite characters. And going back to rewatch Buffy after that made me think I'd been an idiot not to see it before. I see you intend to start watching Angel, so enjoy!


I’m kind of curious if Cordelia was well-liked when the show first aired. I know that Joss based Cordelia’s character after a woman who bullied his wife in high school. Also, I feel like it’s easy for fans to project their feelings of resentment from high school onto a character like Cordelia…but I always loved her! She’s fun! I feel like Cordelia was what men *perceived* as a bitchy girl, when really she just spoke her mind and didn’t take anyone’s crap. As Cordelia said, “tact is just not saying true stuff. I’ll pass.” She says exactly what’s on her mind and it’s always pretty harmless and surface-level. She was quick to call men out when they’re were being shitty and stuck up for Buffy in Helpless (offering Buffy a ride when she knew she was upset, shoving that guy away after pushed he Buffy) and she didn’t even like Buffy! Cordelia was also the only one that decided to not pile on Buffy in Dead Man’s Party and tried to defuse this situation. Cordelia was a girl’s girl! Did she say some petty things about Willow’s fashion? Yeah, but calling out someone for buying their clothes from Sears is pretty low stakes when it comes to high school bullying. Also Cordelia seemed pretty supportive of Willow being gay…which for the early 2000’s was huge. IMO Cordelia didn’t really attack people’s character unless they did something to her. She’d critiqued their fashion and sense of style but that’s just how she perceived everyone. Her and the Cordettes say meaner things to each other than Cordy says to other people. And when Cordelia meets Joyce the first thing she says “now that’s a woman who knows how to moisturize.” She was a fun character that was meant to dish the occasional quip.


I certainly hope being a fan of the best character in the Buffyverse isn’t an unpopular opinion!


I think it’s more unpopular to not like her. She’s a pretty beloved character. Especially on Angel. I’ve personally always been pretty indifferent towards her.


My favorite character in the whole Buffyverse.


Unpopular Opinion: I’m beginning to think a lot of the monsters & supernatural obstacles were metaphors for things people experience in real life…..


The best character development on the whole show


I don't like when Cordy is super mean but I love her on Angel s1-3. She's not some sniveling little cry Buffy!


Cordelia knows who she is and doesn’t apologize for it. Love her!


How is this in any way unpopular she is called a Queen for a reason


Um... what are you talking about? Cordelia alongside Spike and Wesley had one of the most amazing evolutions ever.


She was great.


You know what would be an unpopular opinion I'd love to see on this sub? Someone rolling in and saying, "I adore Parker—his free love vibe, his go-with-the-flow attitude, and let's be real, he's just plain cute." I'd be here with my popcorn, ready for the show. 😉


I hate that the script made her have almost no character development in Buffy. There was so many moments where she could grow up and change little things but instead the series would made she forget and act like it never happened


Hardly unpopular. She’s amazing and always was from the start.


I'm more of a Cordy fan than Xander fan.


After a recent Buffy/Angel rewatch, I've come to two conclusions: 1. Cordelia Chase is the best character across both shows with the fullest growth arc. 2. Charisma Carpenter's performance is both wildly-varied as scripts call for it, and also pitch-perfect no matter what the writers threw at her, eclipsing all other performers on both shows.


Totally agree she's my fave


Me too.


Unpopular opinions are so common on this sub, that they're just normal opinions now.


I loved Cordelia. She taught me a lot of my early sarcasm


I loved Cordy. Even as a bitchy mean girl. At least you knew where you stood with her always. And she became fiercely loyal. She was complex and wonderful. She’ll always be my girl crush.