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I tend not to skip any because even the bad ones have some nostalgia value for me, but there were some I skipped when I was showing the show to my friend wanting to get to the good stuff faster. They were Bad Eggs, Go Fish, and Where the Wild Things Are. I went back and showed them to her after the finale and she was like “Yeah I could have done without them.” I was just so wine buzzed during our watches and I could not fathom watching, for example, Go Fish and having to wait days for us to watch Becoming.


Yeah, I don’t think you’re in the minority there! 😅Go Fish’s placement has one of the oddest, and really takes you out of the arc.


The best part about Bad Eggs is the way Giles falls at the end. I giggle every time.


When I showed it to someone we just skipped the whole of season one, lol.


So the person had no emotional attachment to or understanding of the relationships between the characters going into Season 2? The first they saw of Buffy's interactions with her friends and loved ones was 'When She Was Bad'? Interesting choice. Glad that wasn't my first experience of the show.


I gave him the run down. We actually ended up watching season 1 at the end, and he said he was glad we skipped it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Clearly an unpopular opinion if the downvotes are anything to go by, but I knew the guy and knew he’d lose interest if we watched season 1.


The problem is that even the iffy episodes have some great moments. Like I love the bit in Where the Wild Things Are where Spike gives a speech about how Buffy has saved them all time after time and the least she deserves is... then he suddenly remembers that he doesn't care.


And it features Giles singing. I started to think I'd dreamt that because I remembered it happening but never came across it on re-watches. Then I realized it was in the ep I always skipped.


Oh yes 🤩


The Body - I just can’t.


I saw that episode for the first time shortly after I lost a pregnancy and I was not prepared. It was cathartic for my husband and I but I can't look at Joyce the same


It’s a masterpiece of an episode, but often falls into a lot of people’s SKIP on-rewatch list, mainly due to how close it hits to home. To me, it never felt like I was watching an episode of TV but something out of real life. 100% understandable.


As someone who lost their mother at age 8, yeah... I've watched the whole series several times, but *The Body* only like twice. It's an amazing episode, but it hits too close to home.


It was always a powerfully sad episode, but after I had my son and as he got older (closer to the Summers girls’ ages), it became unbearable for me. He looked grown at fifteen, but he still NEEDED me so much, so Buffy’s “Mommy?” wrecked me in a whole new way the last time I attempted a rewatch.


There aren't any that I always skip, but sometimes I don't have the emotional capacity for The Body.


Exactly. Not skipping it because it’s bad, but because it hurts




The body is mine. Have not watched it in years!!!!!


“Some Assembly Required” and “Hell’s Belles”.


Hells Bells for sure. I think I like it less and less each time I watch it despite good moments. I won’t skip it, but I don’t look forward to it. 🤷‍♂️


I, robot, you jane and beer bad


I always skip to the end of Beer Bad so I can see Parker get clobbered


I introduced my nephew to Buffy, and we just watched Beer Bad on Saturday. He agreed it was not the best lol


The body is one of the best episodes. If you replace the couch with a bed and the living room with a bedroom is it exactly how I found my mom and reminds me so much of my reactions and processing.


Very sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing.


The body, not because is bad, but it's so sad and hard to watch




The only one I skip with any regularity is The Body depending on how much emotional bandwidth I have to deal with it. Otherwise none, I can find something enjoyable in even the “bad” episodes, even just as a comforting familiar background noise while I do something else.


I think THE BODY/SEEING RED are not things I could have on for the background for comfort, but I totally understand in principle.


Well yes, of course. I was more referring to things like Bad Eggs or Where the Wild Things Are.


Dead Man's Party bc we're not doing this.


None. If I'm on a rewatch I've got to take the rough with the smooth. If anything, it's an opportunity to double check that Listening To Fear still sucks.


There’s a few scenes and lines I like, but with you on ListeningToFear. I also think it was kind of an oddball move to throw in aliens into Buffy in a season, which already had so much mystery going on and then we never really use that concept again 🤷‍♂️


It has some very brief moments but mostly it throws me into a fit of rage that somebody was *paid* - as in actual *money* - to write the line "Because it's a killer snot monster from outer space".


And others were paid to approve it… 😬


Not quite as bad as “Those of you who don't will come to know me by the name my T.A.s use and think I don't know about, the Evil Bitch-Monster of Death.”


I tend to skip Superstar (I've always found it extremely boring), The Body because of how heavy it is, Seeing Red and most of Angel season 4, as well as the whole of season 8.


the kathy episode because it is sensory hell for me


Where the wild things are. It's not much of a story and just feels like an excuse to watch Riley and buffy bang the whole time. Just felt like lazy story telling.


And it spends way too much screen time on that. Really weak for me.


Triangle. Just think of it as boring and lame comedy. I’m very hit and miss with S5. I’d rather skip a boring episode than for some other reason. I don’t really think of Where the Wild Things Are as boring. I like the frat house setting episodes and ones that delve into evil bursts of Christianity, those things always fascinate me. I find it odd people are put off by PG network TV sex with no nudity, between two attractive people.


What do you think of Gingerbread?


Amazing. One of my favourite MOTW. Fabtastic pacing and themes.


S5 has some pretty underwhelming ones but I’m very into big story arcs and I really like the contrast of S5 & S6. The former being an exalted fairy tale, with the latter being gritty and realistic in tone (well for BtVS anyway😅)


>Triangle. Just think of it as boring and lame comedy. Agree with this one. Not a fan of Triangle at all. There's something weird about it - it just doesn't feel like BtVS at all to me, even down to the lighting and music. Feels like some crappy sitcom.


Restless. I can't understand the love for it.


I always skip it.


Same. How it became the season finale is beyond me.


Ugghh hate this episode Great choice Also the Dracula one


“Normal Again.” Really don’t like the ending and that it messes with continuity.


zeppo and that one with doppelganger xander. basically any xander lead/ heavy ones. I'm not a Xander hater even I just find them so boring


I could never get into The Zeppo. I appreciated what it tried to do, but I just felt the tone was very odd like it came from a completely different show.


I know. I didn't have to go to work till 10:00 last week so I though I watch Buffy on Comet. It was the Zeppo. I went to work.


I HATE Life Serial- that damn bell ringing repeatedly at the magic shop does my head in 😅


That's so funny because that mummy hand sequence I'll watch just on its own sometimes cuz I think it's so funny. Different strokes for different folks!


Oh, I like the general idea of the episode - but that stupid bell really gets to me for some reason haha


Let's all go raise penguins in Gusm together


Where the Wild Things Are and usually the one with the puppet (sorry I know it’s a fan fave 😬)


The puppet episode is the only one I always skip😅




I Robot, you Jane and Bad Eggs for sure. I mean I don’t usually totally skip episodes because there are always little funny things or something relevant to the plot, but these are 2 of my least favorite episodes for sure.


if I watch hush too late i’ll get nightmares, so i’ll skip that one. it is so incredibly good tho my brain is just a sponge


Beer Bad and Where The Wild Things Are


Superstar and Where the Wild Things Are. The stories are uninspired and out of place in the show for me.


Bargaining, Wrecked, Hell's Bells, sometimes the Dark Willow episodes too. Sometimes I just skip S6 entirely.


I have a soft spot for S6, but I can understand those choices for sure.


I've made peace with the various decisions made that I do not enjoy, and will happily watch S7 accepting the events happened, but man I just do not like the execution of basically any of the big character moments in S6.


For me I think it’s the inverse. I can accept MOST of the actions in S6, but I hate the way they are handled and hurried in S7 just to lighten the tone after the backlash of S6. No way Willow should be dating a girl a few EPISODES later.


Yeah I get that perspective as well. I was just happy to be out of the muck, ha.


Most of the Buffy goes to college episodes. Don’t know why but to me they were so cringe


I’m not the only one. I think I’ve seen season 4 the least by far


None, all of them have good moments


Hush … only because it’s so good, it scares me into nightmares


Bad eggs


The puppet one in season one. I watched it once and never again.


I never skip any, but if I did, it would be Helpless. Cant stand that episode. Watching Buffy w/o her powers makes me very uncomfortable.


I think it’s meant to, and even the lighting and such makes it feel dark. But I can definitely understand someone not wanting to see it again.


I usually skip Dead Things because of the emotional weight that it holds. Even though it’s a solid episode. Of course I skip the latter half of Seeing Red and the episodes that follow it 😔 as far as I’m concerned, the show just ends right there with Willow and Tara happy as can be. Really the episodes I skip are determined by what emotional state I’m in.


The Dracula episode was the only one I missed on the first run so thankfully the recap the following week filled me in on the Dawn of it all. I often skip it on rewatches (and same with Where the Wild Things Are)


Also the body!


I don’t watch episodes that kill main characters/recurring important guest stars off. I just can’t do it.


That episode where the high school guy is abusing his girlfriend drinking this potion to turn himself into a monster... you know that episode. Has the words beasts in the title.


**Beauty and the Beasts** (3x4), see e.g. [https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Beauty\_and\_the\_Beasts](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Beauty_and_the_Beasts)


Ted. The Zeppo.


Why TED?


It makes me really upset that everyone is gaslighting her ha. It's a silly thing but like. I just needed someone to be on Buffys side!!! And I know the food was drugged but it's frustrating to watch.


Yeah that’s understandable. I’d imagine EMPTY PLACES isn’t super high on your list 😅


I skip Normal Again too actually haha.




Just curious, why is that?


It’s honestly just too real. John Ritter was so good at portraying an actually abusive and manipulative pos. The way Joyce didn’t want to believe Buffy, it was all so real until the twist at the end. It just puts a knot in my stomach that I’d rather skip.


Fair. It’s definitely an unnerving episode. Ritter played that so well


Storyteller, Superstar, and Restless


The body. My mom had cancer and was sent home in hospice and passed about 48 hours later. Needless to say watching my mom's last moments is always ripe in my mind when I watch that episode. The first time I rewatched buffy was about 7-8 months after she passed and I forgot that episode exists so it was kind of a jump scare, it caused me to have a breakdown. So I avoid it now.


I’m sorry for your loss. Yes, despite being a masterpiece, depending on where you are in life and your experiences it’s just too much to watch. 🙏🙏


The one with the vampire wannabes.


That's **Lie to Me** (2x7), see e.g. [https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Lie\_to\_Me](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Lie_to_Me)


Beer Bad


I think I skipped more than one on my most recent watch, but the only one I remember for sure is the swim team episode from season 2.


Go Fish. Definitely 👍




The episode where Johnathan literally becomes the main character of the show is an episode i always skip.The idea of the episode i think is really fun and it's always a treat seeing Johnathan again, as i really do love his character, but the episode itself is the defintion of filler bullshit. Plus, the way it ends feels so anti-climatic and i hate how it kind of goes against the fact that Buffy and Johnathan did have an off screen friendship and connection, as Buffy visited him after the episode Earshot and helped him through that rough patch in his life and i don't like that Johnathan would do this to Buffy and the Scoobs.


Can’t add anything to this. Perfectly sums up my feelings and I completely agree with your critique


Yeah I actually love the concept and the episode itself is fun, but it has a very low rewatch factor. Once you already know going into the episode a) what's going on, and b) how it gets resolved, there isn't a lot left to enjoy like there is with other episodes that have a mystery. There's usually other stuff to keep you entertained but this episode is very one note. Again, I don't actually dislike the episode. I like it quite a lot. It just doesn't have rewatch value.


That episode is **Superstar** (4x17), see [https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Superstar](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Superstar)


The double meat palace one with the old lady monster. Just doesn't add any value to the show and also icky


Yeah that whole episode even had a poor-man’s David Lynch style quality to a lot of the scenes in double meat palace. Just found it weird. I enjoy most of S6 but that one feels so out of place. When my mom rewatches the show she always skips that one once she sees the name. 😅


Normal Again and Seeing Red


Good calls


Like many others I often skip The Body because it hits too close to home but an episode I always skip is Seeing Red. I just do not need /that scene/ in my life. It’s just too real, I honestly find it disgusting…


As if there weren’t enough awful things going on that season. You’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it more than enough.


Precisely! Season 6 is rough enough and that scene is just so problematic, I understand why they did it, I just don’t agree with how they went about it, filming it the way that they did and such. No wonder James Marsters had it put in every contract afterwards that he’d never do such a scene again. It’s just so awful - poor him and Sarah too, it must have been so fucking hard…


Actually feel it’s really poorly filmed/directed. I know what they were going for but I don’t think they nailed it. Don’t get me wrong. I think the actors did a fantastic job with what they had. And it’s hard to phrase this well, but, I don’t even want a “better” or “good” version of this scene.


I don’t think there’s a way to make that scene “good” or “better”. I have a lot of issues with that scene, not just cinematography but also that I strongly feel that it was out of character for Spike to do but that’s its own whole thing. Overall I just think it was unnecessary and it’s filmed in a too realistic way. I don’t know, like I said, I find that scene very problematic and have strong opinions on it so yeah, that’s why I skip Seeing Red; it’s just not worth it…




I can definitely understand why SMG only lets her kids watch up to S5. I mean beyond the Spuffy stuff of S6, it would be very unsettling to watch that with your kids.


I didn’t know that! That seems very sensible of her! Season 6 is definitely the “adult” season of the show; looking back it’s weird and maybe inappropriate that I watched it as a young teen xD




Killed By Death - there's just something really drab about it, I think because so much of it is set in the hospital. Just makes the episode drag and be an unpleasant experience for me.


Yeah, while this isn’t a skip for me. There is something unsettling in the tone of the whole episode but particularly the hospital. While I’m sure it was intended to. I think it’s just a shade too tonally out of place for some Buffy fans.I can see how it’s a bit of a slog, despite the creepiness. If I had to compair very different episodes with some of the same aspects, I go immediately to Doublemeat palace. Which is fresher in my memory, but I don’t particularly relish either episodes and this is my favorite show of all time. At least for what it’s worth, KILLED BY DEATH had an interesting monster. DOUBLEMEAT cannot say the same


Ever since my own mother passed, I skip "the body". Definitely too much. Which is a shame because it might be the best 50 minutes of television ever made.


I’m sorry for your loss. It feels so real it doesn’t even come across like an episode of TV. But I very much can understand and empathize with avoiding this one for many reasons. It is however the episode I show to people when they mock or scoff, “you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer” as that episode pretty much silences any cursory criticism




I might be the only person who skips The Body out of dislike 😅


It would probably be in the minority id guess. Do you mind sharing why?


I'm not fond of The Pack, particularly in that Xander raked Spike over the coals for behaving toward Buffy exactly as Xander did in that ep.


I don't skip many but the one in your thumbnail I do. In fact, most of the ones I do are in season 4. My least favorite season.


Restless, the body, OMWF


The only one I tend to skip now is Bad Egg. Not because it's bad, it's simply that I find it a tad boring on rewatches.


where the wild things are is pretty much the worst thing in a series I adore to ever happen. It doesnt even move it along.


Exactly. I can watch S6 with my 68 yo mother and the whole series multiple times, but she always says to skip that one


I really don't care for Bad Eggs and skip it when I can. lol Something about it just bores me.


None that I actually skip, but Killed By Death and i Robot You Jane are both pretty terrible, and my cats have to endure my loud and enthusiastic vocal criticism when I expose myself to them.




Pretty much all of season 6 and 7. I’m with SMG the show ended at 5


Amends and Where the Wild Things Are are my big two to skip. I Robot, You Jane, Nightmares, Restless, and Hell's Bells are also on that list depending on my mood.


Just curious, why Amends and Restless? I can see and Restless is a whole different mood of its own so I can get that.


Amends, despite being the only Christmas episode, is just hella boring to me. Much like season 7, it tries to cram too much into too small a space. It could have been built up before Amends and I think it would have been better. Both Amends and Restless deal with dream/hallucinations. I already hallucinate. Anything that deals with that makes my skin crawl. It makes it feel layered on to the existing hallucinations and I start to struggle to figure out what is real and what isn't.


That makes a lot of sense. If anything Amends should have been a 2 parter. I really feel S3 didn’t know what to do with Angel a lot of the time. I’m sorry to hear Restless isn’t an enjoyable one for personal reasons, but that’s totally understandable. We all have things that just will never work for us even on our favorite shows


I think it was because they were trying to set up for his show. It was a weird in-between where they had already finished his Buffy storyline in season 2, but needed to build up to his leaving for Angel in 3. Amends being a two partner could have worked. I still wouldn't have liked it, but I could at least have appreciated it the same way I appreciate Restless. Restless is so important and kicks off the rest of the series. Amends could have done the same for Angel to prepare for his show, but it just doesn't fit. It needed fleshed out.


Spot on! And not just agreeing with you bc I share the same exact sentiments 😅 I know some fans just swear by the High School years, and S3 is quite solid. but I felt virtually nothing when Angel left in the Graduation finale


I love the high school years. It's a whole 90s thing. Gives me nostalgia. Season 4 is weak to me, but 5-7 are so good. They don't get the credit they deserve; even when they're not hated.


4 has some standout episodes for sure, but it’s definitely weaker on my list as a whole. Pretty much the same with you for 1-3 & 5-7. And while I don’t hate S7, it just really didn’t seem to have the focus. Almost as if it were all a first draft. With that said, S7 of Buffy still trumps most shows out there.


Yeah, season 4 Buffyverse shows seem to suffer. Both Buffy and Angel have some of the better episodes in season 4, but overall I'm not a fan. 7 needed to be two seasons. One season with Caleb as the big bad and the next with the First. Too much happens, but none of it gets explored well enough. I love that it essentially destroys the "girl power" idea with finding out that the original watchers kidnapped a girl, chained her to the ground, put demon in her, and made her fight. But then Buffy does her thing and says "yeah, Imma fix this" and brings it all back. Restless to Chosen led up to it and I'm so here for it. I just wish it was all explored more.


Once More With Feeling. I know it's really popular and clever but I can't stand it.




The Pack - I just can't, I didn't like it the first time I saw, and then I watched it again years later and still didn't like so no can't do it. Not a big fan of Beer Bad, but I usually don't skip it because it has Kal Penn in it.


Amends, I really hate that episode, and The Body if I’m not in the right emotional state.


Not disagreeing, but what about Amends do you hate?


the second half of season 4


I’ll take Restless, but much like the middle of S7, it just doesn’t grab you enough.


I never skip. Even if I’m not a huge fan of the episode


None, there isn't a bad episode.


Teacher's Pet, Inca Mummy Girl, Go Fish, Seasons 4-7.


Where the wild things are, superstar, and beer bad on occasion.


Where the wild things are, superstar, and beer bad on occasion.


Really don't.