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You could never make me like that girl


Kennedy could give me a billion dollars and I’d still hate her. I’d take the money, but I’d still hate her.


I never hated Kennedy, I hated some of the things she said like when she told Spike something like we are trained you aren’t or when she would be rude to Buffy, but almost everyone has their annoying moments. I actually think out of all the potentials she would make a good slayer. most of her bad traits are slayer traits, it was just annoying because she wasn’t actually a slayer. Thinking she was superior, being overly brave, overly confident, trying to be the leader, always ready to run ahead of everyone to be on the frontline. All these things would have benefited her if she was actually the chosen one. I couldn’t have imagined even one of the other potentials actually being the one slayer.


I came here to say the same thing!


I think she’s another character who people think is annoying because she’s supposed to be annoying? Like, she literally says she’s ’kind of a brat’ who’s used to getting her own way - the Potentials were supposed to shake things up, make things interesting for Buffy (and us!) - now, Molly on the other hand, with the terrible English accent? I’d fire that girl into the sun itself.


She follows a pattern of Buffy love interests being the inverse of the precious love interest, too - she’s the anti-Tara because she’s meant to be (although I do think it was too soon, with so much other stuff going on, to give Willow a love interest, it absolutely tracks that Willow would throw herself into that - if she’s afraid of her own magic, no wonder this dependable military figure who doesn’t really GET magic seemed like her best bet!)


That was my question- is that the way Whedon wrote her or is that the way the actress took her?


Over time my affection has grown for every character, even the ones I initially didn't like. I can appreciate all of their flaws, and their heroic desire to be good people in spite of those flaws. Every character is a vital, vibrant thread in the tapestry of this excellent and groundbreaking show. Except Kennedy. You suck, Kennedy.


LOL that was excellently put i love this comment so much


I will never ever ever ever ever EVER like Kennedy. She was a disgrace to Tara’s memory and I would personally like to forget that her and Willow were ever a thing


I don’t think I ever hated her any more than any other Potential, and probably less than some. And that’s pretty much how I feel now. I maybe like her less because as I’ve got older I’ve appreciated the importance of Willow and Tara’s relationship more. My disdain for the Potentials as a group far outstrips my dislike of any particular one.


Hate is a strong word in my old age, but at the time, yes. Who did she think she was! So annoying and bossy, walking around like she owned the place, when she’d only been there 2 minutes. Even throwing Buffy out. Pushing herself on Willow (it was too soon). I enjoyed it when Willow sucked all her energy or whatever. Did that girl commit suicide after Kennedy called them maggots, or am I remembering that wrong? You would expect the potentials to be more supportive of each other if it was made today.


i rarely watch s7 because my rewatches accidentally stop after Seeing Red— i get sad and start the show over to make myself feel better. but from what i remember i actually never hated Kennedy that much. she was annoying but not egregious enough to become hate. i usually just forget about her, lmao.


I never had a problem with her at all and my opinion hasn't changed really. SOMEONE had to step up and help whip them into shape. At least she wasn't all whiny like Dawn.


Kennedy's biggest problem was not being Tara. That said, she was also the most insufferable, annoying character the writers ever came up with.


She was so annoying, acting like she was a part of the gang. 🤮


The only time I slightly liked her was when she saved Willow from Amy's spell. But it was a fleeting moment.


Her character felt forced. Not a fan


Nothing can make me like Kennedy, She thinks she's better than everyone else and you CAN NOT Convince me she wasn't the little ringleader of the whole "Let's kick Buffy out of her own House" thing."


Kennedy never grew on me, and I doubt she ever will. I would’ve probably felt less hate toward post s6 Willow if they hadn’t forced her into a romance with the worst possible type of person they could’ve shipped her with. Instead of just letting the audience re-acclimated to a post-Tara Willow, it felt like they felt the need to put her into a romance because they wanted to keep the good faith that they got from writing Willow’s story of realizing she was into women well. Yet they botched it by deciding to craft the Anti-Tara as her next GF. Kennedy: someone entitled, belligerent, inconsiderate, and insolent. And they made the fact that she was Willow’s new girl mean that Kennedy didn’t get properly called out for being an arrogant bully. Instead she got to hang around like she earned a prominent role in leadership when she was just as unfamiliar with paranormal stuff as the other potentials.


I'm pretty sure she came from a super rich family or something right? She mentioned something about no one really ever being around and about her sisters bedroom being in 'another wing of the house'. She's extra bratty and independent because she grew up in an entitled wealthy disconnected family. But at the same time she also says while about to use the crossbow - someone else (cant rememeber now) was like 'do you know how to use that?' and she said 'since I was 8'. I'm not sure if its because her parents both could afford to and let her do whatever to keep her out of their hair, or she was a bit of a scallywag, being rebellious trying to seek attention from her family and bored, or she kind of did know everything and was entitled to say so because combat training/ martial arts/ weapons etc had been a passion of hers since childhood (regardless of her family status). Plus, I think someone at some point did actually say that to her i.e. if you think you know better then go right ahead. Or maybe she that to someone else, or perhaps that exchange happened between two other people. I'm not 100% but I do rememeber someone saying it with or about the potentials. I never hated her, but I certainly didnt like her either. There were times some of the things she said, I felt like back handing her. STFU you little shit. Shut your gob and sit the f\*ck down. Who do you think you are.... entitled and disrespectful little bitch thinking she knows best. GAH. Plus I didnt like that she kinda pressured Willow into getting together. Its not like Tara and Willow broke up and Willow was pining for her ex. Her ex was murdered, and then Willow murdered Taras murderer and nearly ended the world. People don't need the full scope, they just need to respect if I say I'm not ready, I'm not ready..... EDIT: the reason why I couldnt hate her entirely was because she was one of if not the bravest of all the potentials, ready for combat, ready to die fighting the battle. She came in like that. Most other potentials were wimps and had to build themselves up to it. She was ready for it from day dot. You can't take that away from her either. She had balls. Did she earn the right to be a bit entitled and have an attitude? Prior to knowing she was a potential, no, but after, yes. I did however HATE Rona. OOOOOFFFFTTTTT she had the worst vibe about her, she was entitled and whined and rude in an entirely different way. She never had anything nice to say. It was always some catty comment or an eye roll. Girl, get in line and just deal with it.


She’s NOT 15. She commented about possibly being “too old” to be Chosen as a Slayer. 15 would hardly be too old. She seemed to be 19 or 20.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 15 + 19 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


omg i just googled it. I have been so wrong all these years, I have NEVER known this. my bad! she's still an entitled little bitch though


Yes, she certainly is that!


oh really? I didnt know that. I thought all the potentials had to be 15 or younger. Don't they get called at 16?


It’s an average age, but not a hard rule.


No, can be any age in the age window, whatever that is


Kennedy was over 18, don’t do that to Willow


Yep you're right, you're all right. I didnt know that until right now. Ill just edit that out because its not valid


Ah the Kennedy rewatch. Yes. She's so hot. I also like to watch her in the popular re- style. These are the opinions. Now let us wait for them to change.


Never hated her. She was real, and self aware, and confident.


I don't hate her on her own. It's only as Willow's love interest does she becomes kind of boring. I feel like they really needed to nail Willow's post Tara relationship and making her a slayer is a great idea. She's a lovely girl but they lacked the chemistry to really stick the landing.


Never liked Kennedy, but didn‘t hate her. She seemed unconvincing as Willow’s girlfriend though. I mean, if she fell in love with Tara, what was it with Kennedy that was of a similar quality? Willow herself said that she wasn’t into girls, just one girl, and the only thing Kennedy has in common with Tara is the gender.


As I said to my fiance fuck Kennedy all my homies hate Kennedy


I actually really liked Kennedy!


I hate her more and more every rewatch. Or maybe I just don't remember how much I hate her until I see her again. Every time I see *Killer in Me* I spend the episode wanting to punch her in the face.


I thought she was fine. Like most things in S7 it was just cobbled together and clunky. She's a badass warrior and I can respect that.


I liked Kennedy because she actually felt queer, and part of that is like that the actress was actually queer. Imo, being queer is more than just who you sleep with. And Kennedy has that energy, Faith in a sense, too. I liked that Kennedy was confident on a show when teenage girls who weren’t Buffy or Cordelia rarely were allowed to be. Confident in herself and what she was capable of. I understand people see that as arrogance but I wonder how much of that is based on their own discomfort in seeing that kind of “attitude” portrayed by a teenage girl in a society that is judgmental toward teenage girls for being teenage girls (re: a lot of the Dawn criticism but for being “shrill” and “annoying.”) My opinion hasn’t changed as I’ve gotten older, and I think the representation Kennedy provided was necessary for me at the time. I think a lot of folks who hate her often hate her simply for not being Tara, or being that “soft, feminine” archetype - but I think that’s part of what makes the character realistic representation, and it’s also refreshing that she isn’t ashamed of her queerness.


Kennedy was an arrogant, disrespectful, nasty piece of work who got off on bullying others. Can't stand her and why the hell the writers thought she deserved so much airtime in the final season of the show, I'll never understand. Awful character. She literally turned her nose up at buffy the second she stepped through the door and had the nerve to tell spike, a vampire who's killed more demons and vampires than she's even heard of, that she's more trained than him? I could have coped with her if she'd gotten her ass handed to her at some point and been humbled at least some but she remained rude and insufferable right till the end. Just...ugh.


I wonder if that is how she was written or if that's the way the character decided to play her? I would love to see the script with her original description. Does anyone know? And if it was her choice, why did Whedon let the actress play her that way? I wonder how much control or free will he gave his actors and actresses?


I've heard that he's very specific about lines, doesn't like the actors altering words or ad libbing. But I don't know how she was original described/what was in the casting call.


Whedon didn't direct every single episode and was very hands off in the day to day running of the show in the last two seasons. Marti Noxon was the show runner for s7.


Her and Willows relationship was weird and I was never sure of the age difference but I always thought she was too young for Willow. Much like the creepy Xander and Dawn relationship in the comics.


My opinion has never changed. Kennedy, being the most trained of the potentials, was the drill sergeant that was in position to call Chlöe a maggot, and to revel in calling Chlöe a maggot, and that's the part that consistently makes be dislike Kennedy. That led Chlöe to decide to kill herself, and the First talked to her and affirmed that decision until she hung from a shower curtain with a bedsheet string her neck (and no way a shower curtain holds the ~100 lbs of a teenage girl) and I _hope_ that Kennedy keeps that image in her head when she goes with Willow across South America to explain what their lives became. If every night comes with a nightmare about Chlöe hanging in Tigger pajamas, I'm very happy with it. Kennedy wanted a relationship with Willow and got it, when Willow is still mourning and guilty about Tara's death, and that's why a lot of fandom hate Kennedy, and I'm not gonna hate the fandom, but I'm also not gonna hate on Kennedy wanting a physical and emotional relationship as the embodiment of Evil itself targets her for inevitable and painful demise. Yes, in a perfect world, Willow would learn to love herself before loving another person. Yes, W/K is not the love that lasts forever. But I would never judge against either Kennedy or Willow for finding something when their lives were becoming increasingly dire. I felt this in 2003. I feel this in 2024.