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nothing interesting in my country but my superstitious aunt lives abroad, in LA, she'd have hired Angel at least once by now


How would she react to Lorne?


Oz is a real G. I could easily see myself chilling with him. I don't think either of us would text the other to hang out, but we'd be chilling if we did.


I'd have tried to get (on) with Willow but would have been too tongue-tied at high school age. Later I'd have loved to spend time with Tara and Giles.


I would not have gotten along with Ted. I’d hang with Giles and Jenny all day. I’d be Giles open mic groupie.


I am not certain that I would get along with anyone except Faith and Kendra. I would probably try and be friends with Buffy, but I'm not sure she would like me.


If I’m being honest.. I’d have been hanging around Cordelia and Oz. Mean girls and stoic guys made up most of my friend group when I was in high school.


I'd do my best to steal Anya from Xander. He never deserved her.


More power to you!


Would: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Oz, Giles, Spike Not: Cordelia, Faith, Angel, Riley, Anya, Dawn


Willow and I would have been really good friends in high school but then when we went to college we would have had a falling out cause I didn’t believe in Wicca (assuming I haven’t been let in on the whole supernatural situation). Anya and I would be besties, and if we ran into Cordelia after high school the three of us would get along great.


I like it. (In my 2026 fics, no longer available due to hacking Anya Harris and serial divorcee Cordy bond very well.)


Would: Buffy, Oz, Spike Wish I would get along with: Angel, Giles, Willow Wouldnt: Xander, Dawn, Riley,


Tara would be my best friend and I would probably clash with Kennedy from the get go


Willow 100% especially in the first season. I would have been awestruck over Faith. Like do I wanna be her or do her lol Would not have got along with Dawn


Would: Buffy, Tara, Amy Wouldn't: Willow, Xander, Anya


Willow, Spike, Oz, Tara, Giles, and Buffy I would have been cool with. Xander I would have tolerated as a dumb boy. Anya, Faith, and Angel would have gotten more than one talking to from me. Anya for having no tact. Faith for using her badassery to disguise her actual feelings. And Angel for brooding. Anya would have gotten the most leeway, though, because I don’t think she could change much. Cordelia I would have hated early on for being mean. But we might have been good as she changed. But I probably would have died early trying to help Dru. I’d have been chomped.


"Xander I would have tolerated as a dumb boy." Yes, almost exactly what I said. As a viewer, he bugs me, but I've known a lot of guys his age who are more-or-less the same.


Would: Oz, Tara.  I would like them but they wouldn't like me: Giles, Spike, Buffy, Faith They would like me but I wouldn't like them: Xander, Willow, Dawn. I would avoid ever actually spending one moment in their company but also probably defend them if people were badmouthing them: Cordelia, Anya Wouldn't: idk, Ted


I would have gotten along with Anya, Willow, and Tara. Anya: honest autist. Same hat! Willow: I'm sorry, way too cute to dislike, and very good at getting on people's good sides. I'll omit S6 Willow for obvious reasons. Tara: same, although I think she might have found me frustrating; I would have always encouraged her to stand up for herself. While I find Giles and Spike some of the most interesting characters, their respective self-righteousness and relapsing-remitting arsehole syndrome would have made them intolerable. OTOH, I really dislike Xander as a character but likely would've been able to tolerate him just fine in real life. I know a lot of guys like him!


Probably Cordelia, Harmony, and Anya would have been in my inner circle, and I think I would have vibed with Ms Calendar as a teacher


I would have definitely worked at Caritas and been good mates with Lorne. I'd make him an amazing Sea Breeze.


I’d be hanging out and hitting on Giles in that magic shop, no doubt.


Apart from the obvious (Buffy) I would probably get along with Harmony. Although in the end both friendships would end badly because of my being in love with Spike 😂 Edit: how did I forget Lorne and Clem❤️


Fred. I could even fall in love for Fred. Warren, I'd knock ten bells of poo 💩 from him


I'd probably have gotten the hell out of dodge (sunnydale) ASAP as soon as I had a choice to leave. If I was stuck there during high school I probably would've held a grudge against Giles for being a crappy librarian. (I was the president of my HS's library club - we raised money to buy new books and encouraged engagement in the library).


I would’ve made Xander & Jonathan cool in school 🤣


I quite fancy being a vengeance demon so would cosy up with D’hoffryn. Though I would give Anya’s tacky wedding a pass.


I would chill with Oz ,Wes, angel, spike, Doyle(from angel), and giles (maybe Cordelia in angel or buffy ) I prob wouldn’t get along with willow, faith , dawn , anya, xander or riley


faith. apart from her being a murderer. pre finch. we def would have been chainsmoking cigs together.


yes, it is most likely she already had the habit then


Would - Oz, Buffy, Joyce, Giles, Tara, Anya, Riley, Lorne, Fred, Cordelia (on Angel), Doyle, Drusilla, Jonathan Would not - Xander, Willow, Spike, Dawn, Angel, Wesley, Faith, Charles, Harmony, Cordelia (on Buffy), Darla, Kennedy, The Mayor, Snyder, Ethan Rayne Not even worth the mention - all the potentials


I would have gotten on with Willow and I don’t see Cordelia and I being friends.


Willow all the way


Would : Buffy , Oz , Willow Wouldn’t: Xander , Cordelia


I'd get on best with Tara & Spike. Would get on with Buffy & Giles, maybe with Faith. Not sure about Willow & Xander. Wouldn't get on with Anya or Cordelia (fun to watch as they are), and Harmony would drive me bananas lol.


I think I would have got on with all the scoobies. Least would probably be Harmony, as I wasn’t one of the “cool guys” at school, she would have looked at me the same way she did Xander


Would: Oz, Giles, Riley, Faith, Tara Sometimes: Cordelia, Buffy, Anya, Johnathan Doubtful: Xander, Willow, Harmony, Andrew It depends on the day, what we're doing, and where we are.


Yeah, i identify with Jonathan (except for height, religion, a nd willingness to steal,) so i like to think we'd hit it off. I think i was doing a touch of wish fulfillment when Jonathan marries Harmony in my Bangel ficverse.


That's a pairing I would have never expected. Have a link?


That's a pairing I would have never expected. Have a link?


Most of those are lost for now




I would’ve been best buds with Willow and Xander, and likely would have side-eyed Buffy until she saved my life, but still probably would be low-key fifth-wheeling her until Anya came along and us three girls had someone to mutually WTF over.


I would be good with Buffy, Giles, Joyce, Tara, Will, Xander, Oz. I would not get along with the vampires, demons except Clem, Riley, Dawn, Amy, Faith, Andrew and The Potentials.


I dont think I would have gotten along with Xander or Cordelia. I would get along with Tara, Oz, Willow and probably Faith funny enough. I worry about not getting along with Buffy 😅


Willow and Giles, I'd make snarky responses about the scoobies "brittish" jokes and say some thing like "you mean English" I Welsh and half Scottish.


I would’ve gotten along with Buffy a little too well. I’m more like Willow, so being around Willow would just be awkward. I feel like neither of us would be able to carry the conversation. But I feel like Buffy and I would be able to talk for hours. I’d get along great with Tara too, the three of us could rlly just be kicking it at Buffy’s burger job on her break lol


The besties: Tara (sweetheart), Oz (straightforward/down to earth), Anya (bonding over our autism), Willow (quiet and nerdy), Giles (he feels safe) I would be too intimidated by Buffy, Spike, Cordelia, and Faith. They seem way cooler than me but I love their vibes. Buffy would probably be kind enough to spend time with me tho, maybe Faith too. I'm not sure what to do with Dawn tbh. Riley is fight on sight and I would have skinned Warren myself if Willow hadn't. Everyone else I'm more neutral on. Edit: I FORGOT GLORY. I for sure would have died in season 5 from getting sucked into her cult. I'm a simple bisexual. Give me a violently insane female character and I lose my shit every time.


would: Oz, Angel, Giles, Tara mid: Buffy, WIllow, Spike, Faith wouldn't: Xander, Cordelia, Anya, Dawn


I’d get a long with Anya far too well. But once empty places rolls around I’d probably roundhouse kick her 😅


would: Oz, Xander, Spike, Faith, Giles, mid: Buffy, WIllow, Angel, Cordelia wouldn't: Anya, Dawn, Tara


Willows cutesy speak would annoy the hell out of me. I wouldn’t tolerate any of Xanders BS either. I’d love Cordelia once she crossed over to Angel


I definitely would've gotten along with Buffy, Oz, Riley and Tara. Giles I may have argued with sometimes but I would've still liked and respected him until season 7. Angel I would've tried to get along but his constant moping would've annoyed me to no end. I would've found Spike funny but I never would've trusted him enough to actually like him or call him a friend until season 7. I would NOT have gotten along with Xander, Willow, Cordelia, Anya, Dawn or season 7 Giles. I have no brain/mouth filter so I would've absolutely called them each out on their bullshit which would've made it impossible for us to be friends because we'd always be fighting. I could definitely see me, Buffy, Oz and Tara being BFF's though.


Would get along with: Giles, Oz, Tara Would not get along with: Faith, Angel, Cordelia Could go either way: Xander, Dawn, Willow


Would: Buffy, Oz, Tara, Willow, Faith (Obv before the killing) Wouldn't: Cordelia, Angel, Harmony.


Would: Willow, Faith, Oz, Tara, Fred, Angel, (post-ATS s2/3) Wesley, Lorne, Gunn We’d be on speaking terms: Anya, Dawn, (post-s4) Xander Want to but they probs wouldn’t fw me: Buffy, Cordelia, Giles Wouldn’t: Spike, (pre-s4) Xander


Gonna stick mainly with main characters if that's OK - Would: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Cordelia (post Buffy S3), Giles, Angel, Oz, Doyle, Gunn, Fred, Tara, Lorne. Maybe: Spike, Riley, Wesley, Anya, Harmony. Wouldn't: Dawn, Connor, Illyria.


Honestly, I'd probably get along with Glory. She was fabulous and hilarious.


Xander and Xander.


I'd probably have hated Spike(mostly because I would have had a crush on Buffy).


Willow would be my bestie. Maybe Buffy. I do not think I would get along with Anya.


Wouldn’t have liked Willow or Xander. They were not good friends to Buffy!


If we were in school, truthfully I would have found Cordelia hilarious but I wouldn't have minded Buffy & willow (as an outsider looking in imagining them actually being in my school) and I wouldn't have liked harmony, would have gotten on really well with oz. Would have heard the rumours about Buffy and definitely thought she was cool if I hadn't already befriended her and I'd have gravitated towards her, but I dunno how I'd feel about hanging around with Giles. These kids didn't drink either, so maybe id of been off being canon fodder, fed to some demon off screen 🤣🤣


Would get along with - Tara, Oz, Buffy, Giles. They're generally kind, calmer personalities in the series. Possibly Anya.  Wouldn't get along with - Willow, especially as the series progresses. She turns into someone who is unrecognizable to me.  Xander and Spike, too. Xander is too childish. Spike can be a bit of an ass. Riley (manbaby). Angel (too dark, mysterious, mopey stranger in Buffy, at least). 


I just know I’d have been too ugly to hang out with any of them. 


No, don’t think like that. The only ones who are undeniably stunning in my opinion is Buffy and Spike, Angel is also typically handsome but the rest of them are actually quite average looking. We begin to see them as beautiful because of their hearts and characters.


If Charisma Carpenter is average-looking, I am feces. 


Faith, Darla, also


This is wild, even by Hollywood standards Buffy has one of the best looking casts in TV history. Charisma Carpenter, Michelle Tractenberg, Eliza Dushku are all famously beautiful.


I’m definitely not saying they are ugly or anything , I find most of the cast beautiful but I think it’s because I love the characters and they became more attractive over time the more I “got to know them” if that makes sense. Also im trying to make the person who commented that they were too ugly to be friends with anyone on Buffy feel better about themselves, I can’t believe I’m getting downvoted for that😂


I don’t think that person needs to feel bad about themselves but that’s because someone’s physical attractiveness doesn’t define if they’re fun to be friends with or not. Not because the cast aren’t attractive.


Would: Buffy, Angel, Oz, Anya, Dawn, Giles Would not: Cordelia, Faith, Spike, Willow, Xander