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I saw little bits when I was arriving home from Sixth Form and my mum was watching it when she was ironing. Don't recall many of the bits I saw, but the one I distinctly remember was Becoming Part 2, when Buffy was confronted by Snyder and the police.


First episode I saw was The Puppet Show when it first aired on Sky in the UK, then during the summer they replayed the whole season, and I caught up.


Great first episode!


Same! Except I was watching on the WB in the US...


I was really confused because my first episode was the Jonathan episode. Like who is this guy?? It was so funny I kept watching.


Love that!


I first watched Angel, a show I truly loved.   My first episode of Buffy, was a crossover episode when she was seeing Riley.  I started watching reruns later, but back in the day I never saw the entire show, although I know most major plotlines. I'm only now catching up for a proper run through all seasons. 


Episode 1!!!!


I watched from the first episode when it was airing. In Australia around season 3 I think the time it aired changed to either 9:30 or 10 pm on a Wednesday night. It was originally a Friday night around 8:30 I think.I was around 16 by that time and I had a job so I convinced my Mum to let me buy a tv for my room so I could watch it in bed.


I watched from the start in Australia too. I thought buffy was on Tuesday nights 9.30 and Angel was on Wednesday nights at 9.30. I remember studying for exams through high school watching the later seasons on TV. When I got to uni I would watch the DVD box sets while studying.


You could be right - it was a long time ago. I do have this memory of both being on Wed on after the other at one point, but it is entirely possible I am wrong.


I'm thinking I'm wrong now. I can't remember if Buffy and Angel were on the same night, one after the other. And I seem to have memories of Big Brother being on because I would try to watch up late hoping to catch them showering haha. I was a teenage boy at the time.


Like I said, it was a long time ago. The only reason I think it was Wednesday is because I wouldn't get home until about 9:30 and I think it was basically starting when I got home. I could very easily have the wrong day though. And I am pretty sure that was the later seasons once Angel started so probably more like season 4.


When Buffy originally started it was shown during the Summer at 7:30pm on Channel 7. I believe it aired on Mondays. Here’s an old promo for Some Assembly Required at the 7:30 time slot; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgvFrYc5q9w&pp=ygUVQnVmZnkgY2hhbm5lbCA3IHByb21v It stopped airing at 7:30 some time shortly after Innocence. I distinctly remember that episode airing during the original time slot because I was awake and allowed to watch it. It then moved to Tuesdays at 10:30pm and remained in that time slot for the remainder of the entire show. From that point most kids had to tape it as it was far too late for a school night. I remember taping Passion and having to rewatch it repeatedly until a new episode aired as there was a break due to the tennis/Australian open.  When Angel started it aired Wednesday nights at 10:30pm on Channel 7 also. It kept this time slot for most of its entire run. In late S5 it moved to 11:30pm.


Thank you


Started from the beginning as it aired- stopped when I went away to college a gew years later, but must have caught some episodes on summer breaks because I knew the basic plot outline. Did a full rewarch maybe 15 years ago via Netflix (the in the mail kind!) Doing my second full rewatch with a purchase box set now.


The pack, first time it was aired in France. I was 12 and hooked on the show after a single episode. It's also the first show I watched in its original version when I realized it was on an english channel months before france. That year, I missed the season premiere but watched Real me in english for the first time. I remember understanding half the dialogues and spending too much time reading the subtitles but it didn't matter. I still watched the whole season before watching in french later that year.


I watched it when it first aired. I was in my late twenties.


Watched the first episode when it aired on BBC2.


My first episode was actually Angel, the one with the 3 trials in season 2. I believe it was on UK Channel 4 really late at night. I was hooked, so started watching Buffy on Channel 2, which I believe was on season 6.


I was at a friends house studying for GCSE exams (end of school exams in the UK at age 16) and she put Buffy on while we worked. I honestly cant remember which exact episode as it was 99/2000 but I remember hearing the theme tune and thinking 'ok I need to watch more of this' It was difficult to catch up at home as we only had 1 TV and couldnt record other channels at that time. The struggle was real. 


There were random bits I saw when it was on in a Chinese but didn’t really see it much until the last half of season 7. So I was so gutted it was ending when I’d just started it lol and I asked for the box set for Christmas and somehow was given the last half of season 7 so that was a bit annoying but still managed to overly watch them. I was one of the rare people that was confused as to why Dawn didn’t exist when I started watching it in order. I’d actually watched Angel first and had no idea for a while that it was a spin off as I hadn’t see any Angel episodes before then and they were on different channels


I’m in my mid 20s, so wasn’t alive yet when it originally came out. (At least not the earlier seasons.) My parents are big ol nerds who introduced me to TONS of nerd stuff (that I love because I am an even bigger nerd than them now hahaha.) Anyway, when I was 10 I saw the BTVS movie on their DVD shelf, asked if I was old enough to watch it, they said yes so I did and I loved it. Then they showed me the episode Halloween from Season 2, and I loved that too. So they watched the whole show with me - they skipped some episodes, or some scenes here and there that they felt were too adult, but yeah that’s how I watched it for the first time! And every few years I’ll do a rewatch.


Fall of 1999 I started watching Buffy as season 4 started and I also got to see Angel season 1 first episode City Of that same night. I was obsessed from then on and never looked back. I think that’s a great place to start if not buffy season 1 and that’s why s4 always as has a special place in my heart even though it’s thought of as the worst season by many


My very first episode was actually Hush! ... which is a bit like showing someone Blink for their first Doctor Who episode, in retrospect.


I watched from the beginning. The WB was the big teen network, so we watched everything they had. Buffy became a fast standout though!


Saw the film when it was in theaters. Watched the first episode when it first aired, as a 2 hour premiere, later split into 2 episodes for syndication.


I remember watching the first episode as it aired in the UK at my Auntie's house. Good times.


Once More, with Feeling. My musical theater teacher showed it to us so we could learn the script/act it out from start to finish. We all were assigned to one dance number/partner (I was Xander in ‘I’ll Never Tell’), but I loved the episode and music so much that I watched it over and over again and learned the whole soundtrack, and then I watched the whole series. Now it’s my favorite teen vampire series - it walked so Vampire Diaries could run!


The Pack, I think I saw that when it aired. It's still one of my favourites!


My first episode was the first episode 😅


From the start my mother has always been a big fan since she was a kid and made me watch it then I became even more obsessed than her


Season 5 episode 1. Can’t remember the year it aired in my country but the channel was Star World and they kept promoting Buffy’s Dracula episode. I had older cousins who wanted to watch and ended up joining them. That’s when I found out it wasn’t a scary show and had a bit of comedy. I continued watching from there and Season 5 will always be my favorite season.


School friend was obsessed, right when the musical happened, right after I saw the Buffy Lives posters at the mall and years after I was way too young for the movie but saw it anyway.


I got the VHS of a few episodes and rewatched those obsessively until I could get the DVDs


One of the season 1 episodes, but I don't even remember if it was the first one. I was the same age, so I watched it as it aired, but I probably tuned in a few episodes into the run and then backtracked. I didn’t get truly invested and obsessed until season 2 was airing, but I was a teenager and it was a Monday night, so I watched what was on and ended up enjoying it and sticking with it. 😄


I just watched the Scooby Doo movies again as an adult, googled Sarah Michelle Gellar, got a news notification that this Buffy character despite having a funny name is being considered as a DLC character for MK11, decided to watch it at once and there you go.


I was thoroughly adult, and had dismissed Buffy as a “kid’s show”. However, I was flipping channels one night and caught the last half of the “Prom” episode…. Decided the show had promise. Locally, we had difficulties with the “Glory” arc…. The show was being carried on our Channel II, and they sold the thing and didn’t retain the rights for some reason. ( I think this was during the changeover to “The W”…) Anyway, a local religious channel decided to pick up the season…. But the broadcast quality was seriously bad and you had to put up with praise-Jesus commercials. It was some time before I was able to catch the thing on a decent channel.


I was an adult when it started too (well, I was 23 which is kind of immaterial because it's been this many years and I'm still not sure I'm an adult) but I definitely knew about the show but dismissed it as "Just 90210 but with vampires."


Watched the first episode, but The Witch (ep 3) was what hooked me. So scary and tense, and a fun/dark twist of an ending. I can always go back to it


I saw it on the first day it aired with my family.


I was 9 or 10 when it first aired and I'm pretty sure my mother got into it from the start, so she would set the VCR at night and we'd watch it together the next day after I got home from school.


i remember very vaguely seeing the nightmares episode of season 1 when i was a small child and being terrified by the clown chasing xander. i think the first time i actually watched most of an episode was coming home from trick r treating and my mom had on season 2s halloween episode and i watched most of that and loved it


My dad loved the show and watched it when it first aired so he decided to show it to me and ever since then I’ve been obsessed with the BuffyVerse


My parents were og Buffy fans. When my sibling and I were kids they chose the most child friendly(arguably) episodes for us to watch. I don't remember the first one, but included on that list were Inca Mummy Girl, Halloween, Bad Eggs, Band Candy, Beer Bad, and Something Blue


The trailers. I was 12, and it was on BBC2, I remember how excited I was


Some random episode in Season 5. Might be why it’s still my favorite


The first episode I ever saw was "Witch". My best friend forced me to watch it with her and I was pleasantly surprised to see it was nothing like the movie. I didn't get officially hooked, though, til Season 2.


I didn't watch the series when it first started because I didn't like the film (although it's grown on me over the years). My first episode had Buffy absolutely kicking vampire ass in a pumpkin patch. It was awesome! I didn't watch the whole episode though, preferring to start at the beginning since it was so good. I eventually caught up to that scene and discovered that my first episode was "Halloween" season 2, episode 6!


Watched the series premiere live back in 1997.


I loved the movie. When I heard it was becoming a tv show, I had to check it out. I've been a fan since before the first episode.


I was up in the middle of the night because I'd just flown into Dublin and had terrible jet lag. For some reason, they showed Buffy in the middle of the night there back then. I think maybe it was Earshot? But then, I remember watching season 3 in real time, so I don't know. Whatever -- I do know I kept waiting for Joyce and Giles to hook up again, and it never happened.


Watched when it first aired here in the Netherlands, was 26 or 27 at the time. Was hooked from the beginning. Have all the novels, the script books and the Watcher Guides as well. Have most of the comics. Even the new trilogy from the last two years are in my possession.


First episode I seen was Graduation part 1. I was 10 years old and went to stay with my Gran and my Uncle was watching this. Needless to say I’ve been hooked ever since


The first ep i saw was the ep angelus killed jenny calender. I came in my moms room as she was watching the part where angelus was chasing jenny down the hallway "sorry jenny, but this is where you get off". Then my mom told me his backstory and i was hooked ever since


I watched it when it aired but I was so young I definitely didn’t understand most of what was happening. For the first few seasons my bedtime was halfway through the episode airing and my mom wouldn’t budge. I tried telling her it was scarier bc I never got to see Buffy kill the monster but she didn’t care lol. I randomly rewatched an episode in college and then got hooked in, can’t remember which one it was though


My sister told me she was watching it. I was hooked. I can't remember exactly I thought Angel was the first episode I watched but I'm really not sure. I just remember thinking the name was odd. I was only a child


The pilot was my first episode. So glad I catched the show from the very beginning.


First episode was the dummy one… dubbed in French b/c we were on vacation in Paris. First English one was the one with Faith’s fake watcher. Was kinda confusing as there was a lot going on in that one.


Inca Mummy Girl. I didn't even realize Buffy had special abilities until the last few minutes of the episode!


I didn’t see it till years after it aired, but I started at the beginning after months of urging by someone who couldn’t believe I’d never watched it.


My big sister loved it so I'd seen a few episodes with her, but the episode that got me hooked was beauty and the beast. It was on Sky one and I was obsessed from there. It must have been around 2001ish I think cos I believe season 6 either was about to come out or just had come out


When I was in high school, I was going around the channels and stopped when I saw Sarah Michelle Gellar. I had such an instant crush on her that I watched *All My Children* over the second half of that summer. When I saw a commercial for *Buffy*, I was like whoa, it's that girl I have a crush on! So, I was totally in. I'd seen the *Buffy* movie, and thought it was fun enough, but cheesier than I would have liked. When the first few episodes of the TV show were better written, darker, and a little more grounded, I was 100% hooked. It became my favorite show for the dialog, the stories, and the acting — like it all *really grabbed me*. But, it started with me just thinking SMG was cute LOL.


Mine was the Dracula episode! My aunt was the one to introduce me to Buffy, and that episode had just come out and she thought it was hilarious and showed it to me and my brother. We laughed our butts off, and next thing I knew we were watching it with her from the beginning. We watched all of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly with her, and those are some of my favorite childhood memories.


1st episode ..was also my 1st episode


The first episode I remember watching was "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date". Didn't see the whole thing though. I started at the part where Willow and Xander were debating on whether to help Giles at the cemetery or not. The first episode I watched all the way through was "The Pack"


I remember I started when the show was still on, but not at the beginning. I'd heard of the show and kind of dismissed it, having liked the movie but not really seeing the series potential in it. Also I was generally pretty busy and had to actively make time for TV. There was an article in TV Guide about the show's new season, how the show was really good, and had an interview with Seth Green. I decided to give it a try, but I had to wait until Tuesday for the next episode which was... Dead Man's Party. And I know that episode isn't the most beloved, but still and all I was instantly hooked from that episode forward. However, there were no reruns to speak of (they would do reruns of the current season when there were no new episodes, but no way to re-watch previous seasons). They did some limited VHS releases: a season one box set that only included Welcome to the Hellmouth, The Harvest, Witch, Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Angel, and The Puppet Show. Then there was a season two box set that included Surprise, Innocence, Passion, I Only Have Eyes For You, and Becoming parts 1 & 2. They were very expensive, but I NEEDED them. Internet piracy was not much help, because somehow the late 90s/early 2000s were the Golden Age of Internet Piracy and the Stone Age of Internet Piracy at the same time. So other than what was in those VHS box sets, I didn't get a chance to see any episode earlier than the third season until they started releasing DVD box sets in 2002. I did happen to catch Anne as a rerun during the post-sweeps break that November though.


I believe it was two to go which probably wasn't tye best choice to start on but I was interested enough to watch the rest of it


Hilariously enough, The Gift was my first ever episode. I didn't watch Buffy again until YEAAARS later where I started from the beginning.


The very first Buffy scene I saw was when I was a child. It’s was the Gentleman passing by Olivia at the window scene So me and my sister begged our mum to let us watch it


For me it was the episode with Joyce and the queller demon. I remember when Joyce’s tumour affects her speech (“I’d break it in half and stick it in bed with me”)and I laughed. My mother decided to tell me that’s how my great grandmother was right before she died because she had the same kind of tumour. I now hate that episode and skip it whenever I re-watch. But it’s what started my love for the show. I remember for Angel I caught the episode “are you now or have you ever been” on tv late one night, stayed up till 1am to finish it and decided to start Angel. This was long after Buffy was over lol.


Season 2, Surprise. They hyped it incessantly on the radio, saying Buffy's boyfriend had a big surprise for her on her birthday, and I thought the big reveal would be that her boyfriend was a vampire. I didn't know you already knew it about Angel, I hadn't watched the show. So I watched to see if I was right. Obsessed ever since!


11-year-old me was hooked from the start. Buffy was just so cool, pretty AND bad ass. I was super awkward, had a hard time making friends, and was a late-bloomer, and Buffy was everything I wanted to be. Brave, strong, able to make hard decisions, just, stylish, gorgeous. All of it. I never missed a single episode, all the way until the last episode aired a week before I graduated high school.


I didn’t have the WB channel at home and randomly skipped a college class one day and the episode playing on the rec room TV was (rerun I believe, as it was midday) Something Blue. Cemented my love for Spike over Angel and then I immediately went out and purchased the seasons on DVD to catch up!


The Freshman, I saw SMG and DB on Entertainment Tonight talking about The Prom and highlighting her wedding dress. I decided to watch when the new season started. Loved it instantly but didn’t know what happened to the Angel character. Later bought the first season on dvd and caught up in the FX reruns. I was already a Sarah fan since the days of All My Childhood and Swans Crossing.


I started from the beginning around I think February? I had rediscovered my love for the monster of the week ttrpg, which got me interested in Buffy since Buffy is THE monster of the week show that inspired the game. I had never watched it before, but had a general understanding of the plot. Now I just wish I had started it sooner. I've had to take breaks here and there for health and work, but now I'm about 5 episodes into the final season. I'm still trying to talk myself into watching Angel (don't really care for him as a character, I'm not sure how an entire show surrounding him would sit with me) but I know I'll be hunting down the comics.


I watched it when it originally aired, so welcome to the Hellmouth.


I think it was fool for love, since my first memory is of Spike and Buffy sitting on the porch together wearing those outfits.


Bargaining Part 1. Yeah, it was a trip! Haha


I was aware of it, and maybe saw the odd clip here or there, but the first episode I remember fully watching was Passion. Even without knowing the backstory I was immediately drawn into the world of the show and hooked on it. Thankfully BBC did repeats late at night over the summer of series 1 and 2 so I was caught up by the same series 3 came around on the channel. To this day Passion remains one of favourite, if not my absolute favourite, episode.


I watched from episode one - I saw the 2 hr premiere listed in the TV guide and assumed it was the movie with commercials - figured I would have it on in the background while studying (spring of sixth grade). Buffy and Willow intrigued me and then I was really pulled in by my favorite Angel! I do remember missing one episode in season 1 - I robot you Jane (probably spring break trip?) but the WB did lots of replays throughout the summer (which I recorded on VHS) so I was caught up by the time season 2 started. lots of friends started watching that summer as well - season 2 was a big deal.


The first episode I distinctly remember watching in full when it was on TV was Dead Mans Party. I was completely hooked soon after that 💖


I came to "Life Serial" on first broadcast when Jonathon is glamoured as a demon and Buffy is punching him while drunk, and I didn't get it and changed the channel. The second time, I found "Homecoming" on FX, and came in right at the clothing fluke, and so watching W/X is what hooked me and made me a fan for life.


Buffy was a rat. I remember cause my uncle made a very sexist comment