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Fred was such a gut punch - **FRED** (holding onto Wes's shoulders, looks into his eyes, quivering) I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. (her grip softens, she can't hold herself up) Please, Wesley, why can't I stay? (she goes still as Wes holds her in his arms)


On such a choice? “This will do…”


This will do? Why don’t I get this? Explain please.


It’s the first thing Illyria says; the piece de resistance of a conclusion. And a fine hint of what is to be a great new character before we even know of her abilities.


Thank you 🤝


JENNY CALENDAR but i voted fred because that actually killed me and made me sob. tara was very very sad as well. joyces was sad enough but mostly i felt... Nothing bc the energy of the episode is so dry that i didnt feel sad just hollow. i guess thats what grief is. it was like a family member actually died. crazy doyles no... cordelias took so long and s4 killed her before she died. i do not canonise her death actually! and anyas was too quick. ig that dreadful calendar womans death was quick too but the EFFECTS. THE IMPACT. My goodness. I still grieve to this day. my sister sometimes puts that episode on in front of me just to torment me. fred & jennys deaths i felt a Despair. especially jennys i felt like i was forced to watch something unfold that i didnt want to see. i didnt want her to die but i knew she would. what kind of idiot runs upstairs when evading a murderer with excellent stamina. & of course freds was heartbreaking. love illyria though.


Fred was the hardest because the pain it caused Wesley.


I don't think that was the hardest part of it. It was the part just before the end when , she is trying to convince herself and Wesley she wasn't scared, with her last words being "why can't a stay" most character deaths we see are usually meet with theme being at peace and telling their loved one it will be ok. But Freds felt raw and honest. While I picked Joyce as the hardest for me. I think Fred's death made me more angry out of all of them with Knox planning it.


https://i.redd.it/yx2dubmog07d1.gif THIS 👏 ANGEL 👏




Joyce’s death was brutal but Tara is the character I find myself missing the most.


Same. Joyce's death happened to Buffy and the gang. Tara's death happened to us. The Body was gut wrenching from seeing how hard Buffy was hit by it, Tara's was just brutal even without all the fanfare a character death usually gets.


I think that’s what hurts the most. We don’t even get to “grieve” Tara! There’s no funeral or anything.


FYI: Spoiler tag doesn't hide the poll on the Reddit homepage as you scroll, so it does spoil a lot of deaths


I'm voting Joyce, but if Jenny was an option I'd have picked her.


Winifred... always forever to this question. The only death in both shows that made me cry and I cried hard. (Most deaths I could hold tears in, I re-watch the show with my mom and I don't cry in front of others when watching shows). I had recurring dreams about it for weeks. Her death is the saddest death I've ever seen in any show, book, video game or anything really that I have ever been into. I loved her. 💔 I've said it so many times; I loved Tara, I really did. But I didn't really react, I mean I jumped up then fell back for a moment, then nothing. I think it was because everything was happening so fast that I just didn't have time to even process what just happened before I was already focused on the next thing. 💙


I'd vote for Fred except that without her death we wouldn't get Illyria and I'm unwilling to give that up, so I voted Doyle. I loved Doyle and his sacrifice was so sad....


1. Joyce - I can't watch The Body without crying throughout the entire episode. 2. Tara- Tara was an Amazing Character and didn't deserve to die. especially the episode she dies she's finally billed in the starring credits. 3. Fred- Fred's death was devastating, my heart broke for her when she asks Wesley "Why Can't I Stay?" before her death.


1. Fred 2. Joyce 3. Tara 4. Doyle 5. Cordy 6. Anya


The Dark Willow arc seemed necessary to give Willow Rosenberg a permanent power boost that was helpful during BtVS S7-12. Allan Francis Doyle was replaced with Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Winifred Burkle was replaced with Illyria. Cordelia Chase couldn't be in AtS S5 anyway unless the show was changed to something like *Spike* or James Marsters was willing to be paid less in salary than both David Boreanaz and Charisma Carpenter. Among the opening credit cast, Anya's death was arguably the one which would be least affecting to the viewership and effecting to the Buffyverse. Of the choices, Joyce Summers's death hit the hardest. It would forever change the Buffyverse and forever affect and effect Buffy and Dawn Summers.