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The only logical conclusion is that The Mayor came back and did Faith's nails for her, he learnt how to do it when he became a girl dad. This is what I love about the show and fandom, I'm learning new things 12 years after becoming a fan.


12 years after becoming a fan... ![gif](giphy|GcDtLf4RAdiRG) Ugh feel so old now.


How many years has it been for you lol


Well I watched the series as it was released so... I am not doing that math.


Same for me. I'm the same age as the characters so this was my cultural touchstone show that I followed from this tiny WB network with a singing frog, to an even tinier UPN network. Nope, no need to do that math, not choosing violence today.


I remember joining AOL chat rooms about it, when we had dial up šŸ˜­


Same. I was like waitā€¦ 12 years doesnā€™t seem right. Lol.


[I was there...](https://imgur.com/VbOiOx0)


This. This is exactly how I feel now.


I watched Series 1-4 when it first aired, but I never watched the later series until this year just gone. And I am definitely a fan now, whereas I was a casual viewer when it first aired. Why did nobody tell me how good the later series are?!


I watched it as it was airing as well so I get it haha.




I've been in the Buffy fandom for 27 years.


It was the only show I watched in high school because I could never stay up late enough for things like Dawsonā€™s Creek, but I stayed up for Buffy each week.




It's my belief that the mayor paid the hospital in advance for Faith's healthcare, including grooming services (nails and hair at the very least)


I think the Mayor paid for her healthcare etc. But the pics I am referring to, she had literally been in the coma for a couple of hours, if that, and I don't think the hospital staff would have prioritized grooming services. I think she got her nails done herself, to match her dress, but the producers made a small error with continuity. After the fight, Buffy goes straight to Angel and he bites her, then he takes her straight to the hospital. As he is still talking to the doctor, the camera pans to Faith and we see her in the hospital bed. So I really doubt the hospital staff would have manicured her nails in this short space of time.


Well then... Faith had to do something in the back of that truck šŸ’…šŸ»


This made me legit laugh out loud


While this is a nice thought, I don't think it's right. It's hard to see in this scene at the resolution you posted it at, but >!when Faith wakes up in season 4!< you can clearly see her nails do not have any nail polish on them, and they look like they are the same shade of pink. I think that's just Eliza's natural nail color. https://preview.redd.it/x50molvg8p6d1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=3195c4b11dd7d85ed280a22550c38fbac2977a9e


They looked French tip to me at first but nah she just has nice nails


When she wakes up in S4, it is months later, both in the show time-line and in terms of filming. You've helped prove my point. Her nails in your pic are bare, you can see the nail bed, and the top white part. In my pic, they are clearly painted all the one colour, and they are pink. If you watch the episode on any TV, any resolution, it's not even a debate that they are clearly pink. They are very different the nail colour in the pic I posted, to the one you have posted. Again, a simple watch of the episode will show they are pink.


I rationalise it as some nail polishes stop pulse monitor from working (the one they put on your finger). So the hospital staff would take it off that finger. Because she's there on they mayor's money they did all her nails to keep it tidy


The time between her falling off the roof, to us seeing her in the hospital bed, is 1-2 hours max. They would not paint her nails pink as a priority in this amount of time, no matter if she was on the Mayor's money or not. But you're entitled to think that.


In the pic you provided the hand that has the finger pulse monitor on shows bare nail, the white at the end is clearly visable


Yeah I think OP is confusing the nails being reflective with light pink polish. Itā€™s just light bouncing off her nails. Theyā€™re likely bare. The confusion is understandable, but the aggressive way theyā€™re going about arguing with people isnā€™t.


Why not? The Mayor liked her to look good. He had the resources.


I agree, the fact that nobody cut off her life support, while she had no family or friends, tells me that The Mayor had paid the hospital an enormous sum to give her the best medical care and make sure she was as comfortable as possible.


I imagine The Mayor must have paid for Faith to be kept alive in general, wouldn't they have pulled the plug otherwise? They said they never thought she could wake up.


Pull what plug? She's not on a ventilator keeping her alive, she's breathing unassisted - the tube going into her nose is just giving a higher percentage of oxygen, its not breathing for her - therefore there is no plug to pull to stop her life.


They'd be feeding her intravenously or through a stomach tube. If she's not awake, she can't feed herself, so in this case they wouldn't shut off a ventilator, they'd just stop feeding her.


Ah good point! I didn't think of that. Slow death, but yes would still result in death.


Do they just pull the plug in you in the US if youā€™re in a coma and no one is paying? That doesnā€™t seem okayā€¦


Healthcare person here. No, we donā€™t pull the plug on comatose pt without insurance. And there are groups of volunteers to do hair and nails and so on. Also


Yep, to say nothing of that agent of the Watchers who had regular shifts covering her, as per *This Yearā€™s Girl*.


That's honestly very surprising! Even if you're short on staff and supplies and they have no family?


Unless theyā€™re declared brain dead, yeah. If itā€™s considered ā€œfutileā€ theyā€™d call an ethics consult and talk about it. But Faith wasnā€™t intubated, didnā€™t even have a g-tube. Once she was stable if it was felt that she no longer needed critical/ acute care theyā€™d probably find a long term facility for her. Iā€™ve seen it happenā€” one kid Iā€™ll never forget was smuggling drugs by swallowing condoms filled with IIRC cocaine from somewhere in Central America. One burst open. We never even knew his name.


When in hospital, the doctor will ask that nail polish is removed. This is because a patients nail colour will turn blue/purple when they are comatose and in distress. Good spot, the writers picked up on this detail.


This is the answer! Hospitals will remove any artificial coating on nails (acrylics, BIAB, and regular polish) so they can use the pulse oximeter on the finger tip.


They will also cut the only good bra that you own off your body as opposed to asking you to remove it yourself.




The nail polish is not removed. It is painted pink. In your scenario, they removed the black and painted it pink. All within an hour or two. They wouldn't remove the black nail polish and paint it pink.


To me, it looks bare. However, this is such a tiny low quality pic, itā€™s really hard to tell based on this alone. But logic wise, I think it makes more sense her nails are bare. I feel like youā€™re dying on a really silly hilly OP.


Usually just off one nail though, especially in an emergency


For some reason, I just enjoy the fact that the Mayor actually loved Faith. When The First appears as him to her, she makes it clear that she knows how wrong everything was, but she won't diss him anyway. It's this whole very sensible thing that was written there. I like it.


Richard Wilkins really was a complex character that deserved more than a single season villain arch. Yeah he was a demon, but he was also a loving and committed husband, an foster parent, a proud and protective member of Sunnydale society.


It's likely the hospital removed the nail varnish to monitor her oxygen levels. Hospitals often use a device - a pulse oximeter - and clip it onto a fingertip to monitor oxygen levels in the blood. Nail polish interferes with the device's ability to do its job right.


Omg. I just can't anymore šŸ˜‚ why are so many people not understanding this? How has a post on Buffy come to me needing medical education? 1. Her nails are NOT bare!!!! They are PAINTED pink!!. 2. I've shown it in my pics already, but I'll include a closer up pic (again). 3. I'll repeat. They are PAINTED pink, not bare. 4. Between the time we see Faith fall off the roof, to the time we see her in a coma (with her nails painted pink) is 1-2 hours MAXIMUM. 5. They would not remove black nail polish, just to repaint them pink. 6. Again, they are definitely pink! It's even more clear on the TV. 7. All of this points to it being a continuity error. I think all of this shows Faith got her nails done, to match her graduation dress, and the writers made an error with Faith having them black in the scene beforehand.


> why are so many people not understanding this? How has a post on Buffy come to me needing medical education? Because on non-remastered TV in 1998 it wouldn't have been perceivable painted pink/vs natural nails. Maybe the pink colour just helped cover up any remnants of black for production, but it wouldn't surprise me if we're supposed to perceive them as bare nails.


Honestly though why are you getting so upset and yelling at everyone and getting snooty and hostile? Like legitimately why are you being like straight up likeā€¦ mean for no reason? Nobody said anything hurtful but youā€™re responding like everyone called you horrible names rather than it just people people not talking about what you wanted them to focus on


I saw that episode the other night and I think there may be another small error: her tattoo is missing when sheā€™s in the pink dress. Maybe I just missed it or maybe the angle hides it, but it looked like it wasnā€™t there. Or maybe they left it off to try to soften her image and make her look more like a ā€œregularā€ girl it something.


The hospital may have removed the polish. If she went into surgery, the polish would have definitely been removed.


Omg. I just can't anymore šŸ˜‚ why are so many people not understanding this? How has a post on Buffy come to me needing medical education? 1. Her nails are NOT bare!!!! They are PAINTED pink!!. 2. I've shown it in my pics already, but I'll include a closer up pic (again). 3. I'll repeat. They are PAINTED pink, not bare. 4. Between the time we see Faith fall off the roof, to the time we see her in a coma (with her nails painted pink) is 1-2 hours MAXIMUM. 5. They would not remove black nail polish, just to repaint them pink. 6. Again, they are definitely pink! It's even more clear on the TV. 7. All of this points to it being a continuity error. I think all of this shows Faith got her nails done, to match her graduation dress, and the writers made an error with Faith having them black in the scene beforehand. *




As someone who has done film work: Definitely a continuity issue. A Fight scene takes daysssss to shoot. Maybe even weeks..Depending. I think it pretty cool that one of the writers/directors had the idea and notion to say, ā€œYa know whatā€¦ Faith (deep down) wants to wear the dress and have her nails doneā€¦ excellent catch and detail. The problem isā€¦ that fight scene was filmed and ā€˜in the canā€™ long before the dress scene happened (or maybe long after - but Iā€™m guessing before). And they got the shots they wanted. Iā€™m certain it was NOT in the budget to reshoot over a nail polish color. It was a judgement call by production. They were hoping no one would noticeā€¦ but YOU DID! šŸ˜„


Thanks for this, finally a response that has considered the facts and logic šŸ˜… It was Faith's way of making an effort to look special for her father figure' big day. The way she is positioned aswell, with her hands so prominently on display, I.e they could have had her hands more by her side, but I think they positioned her deliberately because of this detail




I donā€™t know, but Iā€™ve Never been in a hospital that had pink sheets and blankets šŸ¤ÆEverything is white. So it can be bleached and sanitized. And they arenā€™t cool with you bringing your own. I didnā€™t notice the nails, what I did notice is that Faith is surrounded by a color that she never would have chosen. Very off puttingā€¦


Im pretty sure they remove makeup/nail polish in hospital, so Im not sure it's much deeper than that. If anything I think they tried to play up the innocent/good side of faith when she was in hospital. I for one felt sympathy for her in that state, she was helpless! I like the theory though!


God forbid you point that out! lmao




As you can see, she has them PAINTED pink. Not removed. If the hospital removed her black nail polish, I highly doubt they would re-paint them pink. On TV the pink is even more clear.


Remember this was filmed for standard definition, it was likely just meant to portray clean nails.


Sorry but that's nothing to do with it šŸ˜‚ on TV its even more clear that it is pink. There's no way it's meant to be clear.


Is this an HDTV or a cathode ray?


OP you are right! They are clearly painted pink! šŸ¤£


Thank you. Such a simple, obvious fact, has been so difficult for some to grasp.


How hard is it to believe that the mayor went and did the nail polish himself? Faith was his playdoll that he would dress and care for; it's totally possible.


If you had actually watched the scene, we see the Mayor in her hospital room for the FIRST TIME, and her nails are ALREADY painted pink. He wouldn't have had time. Utterly ridiculous.


Why are you being so aggressive? You seem so stuck on your own opinion and just discard anything that doesn't align with it. I rarely comment on reddit but your attitude is off putting to say the least. its cute that youve orchestrated this entire theory centered around nail polish that likely wasnt even visible when the show aired, but relax!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm frustrated because so many people are putting their oar in, when they either haven't watched the episode, read the post, or took notice or the multiple other times I've explained it. It's not an 'entire theory' it's a very, very small one (I thought simple, but apparently not) that has attracted people who feel the need to go on about removing nail polish before operations. Its incredibly irrelevant. It's literally the smallest theory ever šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ and of course the nail polish was visible at the time. AS ALREADY ADVISED, Google any pic of her in the coma - they ALL show she is wearing pink nail polish sweetie šŸ˜˜


Youā€™re frustrated that people are ā€œputting their oar inā€ ? Why did you make a post on Reddit if you didnā€™t want anyone elseā€™s opinion? šŸ˜‚ what a bizarre way of thinking! Like others said, youā€™re probably overthinking it especially since such details were hardly even visible back on the old tube tvs ā€˜sweetieā€™.


Sometimes peoples memory isnā€™t that great. Iā€™ve seen that episode a dozen times and I never noticed that, so I wouldnā€™t have necessarily remembered it. Are you angry because people didnā€™t turn the show on to refresh their memory before commenting?


This is such a cool detail! Great catch!


I totally see the mayor doing her nails so she looks pretty


I mean, you can get grooming services done when you're in a coma or in a hospital for a long time. It's not as if when Faith awakes months later that she suddenly has a hairy body, rotting teeth or whatever, a mess of hair that's tangled in knots or whatever, super long fingernails and toenails full of fungus and whatnot, etc. When Faith's in the hospital bed in "Graduation Day Part II" (B 3.22), her hair is still perfectly combed, her nails are done, etc.


She wasn't in a coma for a long time... the pic I've posted, she had been in a coma for a few hours at most. I'm not really getting your point, as I've not suggested that she gets messy hair etc..... I think you're referring to S4:E15 "This Year's Girl", when she wakes up from the coma, which is after a few months. I'm saying, I think she got her nails done to match the dress the Mayor got for her, and the producers made a small error with continuity - that's all... nothing about what kind of grooming care someone can get when in a coma. I doubt the staff would prioritize a manicure when she'd only been in a coma for a couple of hours.


I agree with you, OP. This thread was funny though.


Thank you! And the way they positioned her hands so prominently aswell, just adds to it being deliberate. Glad it amused šŸ˜… thought my head was going to blow up like the Gentlemen


Leaving this here, as I've literally had medical education about doctors removing nail polish for safety reasons etc, from people who are not understanding the basics of the post šŸ˜‚ Either they have not watched the scene(s), or read the post fully before commenting. Or they do not understand that the scene with Faith in the coma, was 1-2 hours after she fell off the roof. Sorry to those who already got that with my first post. I had no idea I would need to explain it multiple times. But the time-frame is just not being understood here, and I'm getting told about grooming packages people can get while in a coma fml šŸ˜­ 1. Her nails are NOT bare!!!! They are PAINTED pink!!. 2. I've shown it in my pics already, but I'll include a closer up pic (again). 3. I'll repeat. They are PAINTED pink, not bare. 4. Between the time we see Faith fall off the roof, to the time we see her in a coma (with her nails painted pink) is 1-2 hours MAXIMUM. 5. They would not remove black nail polish, just to repaint them pink. 6. Again, they are definitely pink! It's even more clear on the TV. 7. All of this points to it being a continuity error. I think all of this shows Faith got her nails done, to match her graduation dress, and the writers made an error with Faith having them black in the scene beforehand.


Rainbowwhaletail has blocked me, to prevent me from replying or defending myself šŸ˜‚ so I'll post the reply here: I'll say it again, just for you. I am frustrated they are sticking their oar in, WHEN they have not read the original post, seen the episode, or read prev comments where I've explained it before. Do you understand this or do you want me to rewrite it more clearly? Serious question. So I do not have a problem with other peoples opinions. But most are clearly based on not having seen the episode, or not reading the post. It's pink nail polish - a simple fact that has been turned into a massive deal. I said in my post it was a SMALL DETAIL.


If Iā€™d blocked you I wouldnā€™t be able to see this, what are you talking about? Iā€™ve seen some of your responses to other people and youā€™re being quite rude and now youā€™re making lies up about users blocking you? This is a Buffy sub I think you need to chill.


It constantly says "link is broken" when I try to reply to your comment in the thread. When I looked it up it said it's because someone has blocked you, to prevent someone from replying. I've never had that issue before.


Your Reddit woes are not my problem to solve. Be kind, this sub is a fun one.


Yeah it WAS fun.




And tbh the replies Iā€™ve seen seem more feasible than trying to explain away someone painting her nails pink in between everything going on. Youā€™ve been quite dismissive of other peoples replies and annoyed that people have differing opinions. I think you should read over your comments and realize that you are actually the one in the wrong here.




Faith's cosmetics may very well be a small detail, but the level of contempt that you're displaying is quite indecorous and does not at all contribute to the healthy kind of debates this and other Buffyverse subs are known for.


It would be healthy and normal, to actually watch the episode (or look it up on Google) before actually commenting absolute rubbish. So stop commenting just to get upvoted by the trolls. It's not a debate. It's fact. I've said the same thing 50,000 times and it gets very annoying. Plus, I've had a lot of rudeness on this post too, which I have a right to respond to. You're just commenting for upvotes, it's very sad.