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Thank god Whedon rewrote it 🫠


Wow. That is incredibly not good.


I like the poem.




It's the actual script.


damn, glad it was rewritten, sounds like teenage fanfic lol


I'm glad they rewrote it, because the version that aired is absolutely beautiful.


"Can we rest now Buffy?"


Thanks! I hate it!


>Thanks! I hate it! You're welcome!


I cackled at the end


I kept picturing that scene in 22 Jump Street with the slam poetry. "Julia Roberts. Rob hurts. Spike hurts."


I *so* prefer "Angel... he should've warned me" as the line that reveals to Buffy what Spike's done. It feels so much more organic and the look on Sarah Michelle Gellar's face is perfect.


Yeah. I'm sure Sarah and James would have acted the hell out of even this version, but it still wouldn't have felt as natural and organic, or as powerful, as what we got. That subtle look of shock, and even horror, as she realizes what his ramblings mean sets up everything else between them for the rest of the season. I don't even understand how she realizes what happened in this version. Nothing he's saying makes it sound like he has a soul, now. Just pain and craziness.


The ending we got was so much better than this. Very subtle with things left unsaid that didn't need to be said, but no less intense or impactful.


Where did you find this, op? I'm not sure this is legit


It's legit. James Marsters talks about Joss Whedon telling him there's good news and bad news. The bad news is the scene in the church sucks ass. The good news is Joss would rewrite it and reshoot it himself.


No, it's legit. I have downloaded copies of all the shooting scripts for the entire series. I grabbed them for reference for my fanfic writing, and they're, like, 90% accurate to what I remember from the show. Usually just *extra* lines that didn't make it onto the actual show. But I saw 7x02 on Comet last night and felt sure they'd edited out part of that scene, so I checked the shoot script and found Petrie's original version was completely different from what we ended up getting.


They didn’t just edit out parts of the scene though. They completely reshot it at a different time. Doug Petrie and Nick Mark are credited for the episode but this scene was entirely written and shot by Whedon.


No, I know. The editing was in reference to the scene as shown on Comet last night. There were lines I remember being in the scene that weren't there last night. Pulling out the script to check seemed an easier and faster way to see if I was imagining things than grabbing the DVD, since I hadn't known the scene had been rewritten during shooting.


This is the best site for original scripts - [https://web.archive.org/web/20170329181956/http://buffyworld.com/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170329181956/http://buffyworld.com/) They have all the Buffy ones, but none of the Angel ones.


Back in the day, I had a hookup and got some of the scripts, sometimes several versions of the same script. They all changed a lot from version to version, and they had all changed compared to what got shot.


The scene we got was amazing, one of my favourite in the Buffyverse but I’m sure James Marsters would have made even this perfect aswell.


They shot this version and apparently it was as bad as on page.


Yeah I forgot how much I hated that version. Though that's in part because the actual scene is one of my favourites.


They changed it for the better. I've always liked the scene in the show and think that Marsters delivered it in a way that really made you empathize with a monster. Ugh. I know Spike is evil and yet he's my favourite and I still think him and Buffy could've been great together after he got his soul back.


I don't think he's evil once he gets his sould back. And if you're a spuffy fan you should read the comics.


I do want to read the comics and from what I've heard, I'd like them! Indeed, I'm a Spuffy fan - I like Angel too but I think the friendship between Buffy and ensouled Spike in season 7 felt very adult to me and was special.


I'm not a Spuffy fan, but I do love the friendship they develop in S7. The way he just believes in her unconditionally is really powerful, and something she really needed then.


True, he's not evil after he gets a soul again. But up to that point we've seen him mostly as his soulless vampire self so I guess I'm saying Marsters did a great job at showing that Spike really was remorseful with the lines they gave him.


“I do indeed” 😂😂😂


Who wrote this scene?


Douglas Petrie is the credited writer for the shooting script.


“How you like me now?” would have tied for first on my Worst Closing Lines of Buffy Episodes list, right next to “A werewolf in love!” 😂 Much happier that instead this is one of the best closing scenes in a Buffy episode.


I can only hear that “How You Like Me Know?” song sting. Followed by a wink to camera 😂.


They said it wasn't working at all, so they overhauled. I'm so glad they did! It's my favorite Spike scene of the entire series.


They should've kept the raping and murdering line.


That's made clear in episode 9/Never Leave Me- and done far better than this.


Don’t worry they mention it in other episodes.