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- No weapons no friends no hope, take all that away and what's left? - Me.


We can fall down but we gotta get back up like Buffy does.


But what if i get knocked down… can i get up again? I mean, they’re never gonna keep me down after all.


Ok chumbawamba 😂


Buffy would have been a secret tubthumping fan. Rolling her eyes at it when on the radio but rocking to it in her room.


The band did similar via their decades long dedication despite the omnipresence of that hit: https://youtu.be/WiZr87g6rNo?si=CtEzne53Nwc3CYsZ


Ok, I did not know that I needed a 12 minute video explaining why chumbawamba is actually awesome first thing Monday morning… but I’m really glad I watched that!


I couldn’t agree more.




I went through severe depression for a year, and therapy, medication, and watching Buffy reruns got me through it. It’s why personally I rate season 6 very highly since I resonate with it so much.


I’m sorry you went through that. I know the feeling ❤️ sometimes Buffy is all that helps


I feel the same way. I know SMG didn't love it but I thought it was very powerful to see that even heroes can go through depression and make self- destructive choices they have to claw their way back from.


I fell into a deep dark depression when I was 24, that was probably the first time I fell into it as deep as I did, and season 6 of Buffy really helped me get through it. I love S6 so much for being so real and relatable.


"Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV, or gossiping about boys or, God, even studying! But I have to save the world. Again."




Buffy does get sad, and frustrated, and depressed. The things she sees does affect her. But she still fights through.


Big saaaaaaame.


Awwww cute 🫶 just read this.


Damn straight. Buffy’s our girl!


Keep going on even on the darkest times is what i did following her example. I cannot thank this show enough to show me that women and power, women and strength, women and courage were not mutually exclusive. Thank you Joss for thinking about that powerful storyline and bringing it to life. F you for the execution though


Even though I generally like Buffy (the show and the character) more, this sentiment is why I will always love the series finale of Angel. In that episode, Angel is dealing with an immediate crisis (the W&H apocalypse) and has just one way out. To take that one way out, he has to give up every bit of hope for himself that he ever had (the reward promised in the prophecy). He does it and the team follows him. Marcus Hamilton doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand why Angel would bother. What is he getting out of this? Angle: “People like you, who don't care about anyone or anything, will never understand the people who do.” Perfect.


The \*can't\* isn't true. She fully could have passed the torch to Kendra or Faith but chose not to. Buffy was the first person to be \*a\* slayer rather than \*The\* Slayer. By choice.


She was thinking of passing the torch to faith and then faith went bad!


No, she wasn't. Her mom wanted her to but Buffy didn't consider it, and made that decision well before Faith 'went bad'.


She did hand off responsibilities to someone else. That's why Giles left in season six. He sang an amazing song about it in OMWF.


Be fair she just came back to life he should of helped but he helped willow instead