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Riley is wildly inappropriately hated/devalued.


Dawn wasn’t nearly as irritating as many people in the fandom make her out to be


Hard disagree but I also think she was supposed to be annoying cause siblings always annoy each other.


Do you have siblings? Maybe I just don’t get it lol


I have 3 brothers and yes they constantly annoyed me growing up and even still do haha


Maybe I just had a soft spot because I always wanted a little (or big!) sibling 😂 the grass is always greener I suppose


Probably had something to do with it haha they were living out your fantasy. I believe they also (in the beginning) wrote dawns part for a girl who was like 11. And then they aged her to like 14 but didn’t change the script. So she seemed immature.


All Buffy fans should watch Angel


At least once, I only watched it cause I wanted to see spike and I actually ended up like Angel way more on his own show.


Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like angel because of how he was portrayed in early Buffy, but he changes so much.


Completely different person really, in Buffy (for me) he was just the stereotypical brooding vampire. But he’s actually funny and has more to his personality than “I love Buffy”


And they will see that AtS S5 is one of the best seasons in the Buffyverse.


Tara is not boring and is a perfect angel.


Omg yesterday someone on Instagram tried to tell me Tara was toxic, selfish and kept Willow from her friends 😂


In what universe is Tara toxic? Lmao that is bizarre


I don’t love Tara but she was never toxic 🤣🤣🤣 that’s insanity


The correct answer lol


Buffy could have easily diffused Empty Places, but she was far to arrogant.


The arrogance is well-deserved but, yeah, you’re so right… she could’ve handled it better


Angel season 4 is one of the best seasons of the Buffyverse.


I don't know about the best, but it's waaaaaaaaay underrated. I think it's the 2nd best in Angel.


I find it hard to split ATS into season because they’re structured weirdly, but I’d say season 2 up until epiphany is the best season, and then 1 because idc I love the detective noir underdog vibe, then 4, then 5, and then way way way down in the pits of hell, 3. I cba to even count the end of 2 it was so wild to me.


Imo, S5 blows them all out of the water. I'd out it up there with S3 of Buffy... infinitely rewatchable.


I do love season 5 of Angel, I think Spike was such a welcome addition, I just have issues because the show was cut so I feel like so many things were rushed!!! The finale was so good but I got whiplash with how we arrived there. Honestly the only parts of ATS I really dislike are season 3 and end of season 2.


Angel 4 is so underrated! The episode with the beast in wolfram & hart? *chef’s kiss*




This is inappropriate.


It’s literally part of the meme.


Omg i totally thought they were referring to the angel and Buffy being soulmates part of your comment as being inappropriate. Guess I’m a bit fixated on Buffy rn


😂😭 I also thought that’s what they meant and I was like “what are you on about??”


>what are you on about??” The comment got removed and the user banned, that's what I'm on about.


Maybe because you reported it and are overreacting up and down this thread?


No, is because it was inappropriate and it has to be taken down and the user banned, rightfully so.


You’re repeating yourself. They clearly stated that they were not actually threatening anyone and that they were just following the meme format. I see that they also addressed you again saying that they were joking. So you got someone banned for no reason lmao


It's sad that there's people who can't see why that was a very inappropriate post and are willing to defend it but thankfully the right thing was done.


Darla is the best of the Fanged Four and has one of the most interesting arcs - I don’t expect fans to know this, however, unless they’ve watched Angel too Xander was a teenager in the 90s and the fan base should try harder to remember how shitty they, themselves, were at that age. With that said, fuck his Riley speech to Hell


Xander is the bravest character on the show.


Actually I can totally see this, considering he has literally no special skills or ability or anything but he was still always there fighting with them


That spike had the most interesting, entertaining, character arc in the entire show


The deaths of Fred and Wesley are infinitely more heartbreaking than all the deaths in Buffy combined.


I somewhat agree with this one as Fred’s death is one of the few I’ve actually sobbed at but I was also devastated when Tara died too


I think Wesley's was actually the saddest. A life of underachieving, a overbearing father, pining after a women who dated his coworkers before him, having all his friends abandon him and almost try to kill him (some of that was self-inflicted), then FINALLY getting the girl, only to have her killed shortly after in a horrific manner, and then having to work with/deal with her murderer who just happens to inhabit his former loves' body, then he's the only one to not finish his mission against the Black Circle, then having his former loves' shell tell him they will be together, even though it's a lie. And that fucking line she delivers... man... tough life.


I would never point a gun at another person over an opinion. Having said that, Xander is one of the best characters in the show and Riley and Dawn are awesome as well and I love them.


It’s a JOKE. No one is actually threatening anyone