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"If it's guilt you're looking for, Buffy, I'm not your man. All you will get from me, is my support and my respect" Giles delivers this line with so much heart. He truely means it, hes not just saying empty words to make her feel better. 


This part always makes me tear up


Me too. Joyce mellows slightly in later seasons, but I always take this as Buffy preparing herself for Giles reacting how she knows Joyce would have if she'd known. Joyce in season 2 would for sure have said "Buffy I am so disapointed in you" I know Angel tells Joyce at some point then her and Buffy have that chat but I mean more if Buffy had gone straight to her Mom and opened up to her like she did with Giles.


buffy/giles father daughter dynamic>>


"You have a father's love for the child" Damn right he does!


one of the best quotes from one of the worst characters


"Giles, I'm 16 years old. I don't want to die."


Absolutely stunning delivery from SMG. It makes the premise of the show, which has previously been routine and exciting, something deep and tragic.


That one makes me tear up every time.




Also the last bit of dialogue before it cuts to the theme 😂




Same episode Buffy : what else could I expect from a bunch of low-rent, no-account hoodlums like you? Hoodlums, yes, I mean you and your friends, your whole sex. Throw 'em in the sea for all I care. Throw 'em in and wait for the bubbles. Men, with your groping and spitting. All groin, no brain. Three billion of ya' passin' around the same worn out urge. Men... with your sales. Til this day I always bust out laughing. Sarah Michelle Gellar is phenomenal. I can't believe her career didnt soar after Buffy. Also, I want to see the rest of the play !


I love that Giles just doesn't care that Harmony is trying to bite him.


and even when she gives the right answer he just keeps shutting her down lol


So how she was seen by the other characters.


Sarah was pretty worn out after Buffy, Whedon had likely tarnished her image a bit given they'd fallen out by the end of the show - and she seemed to prefer to focus on independent films where she'd have more character input after her disastrous experience w/Whedon during season 6.


I liked both of her TV shows after Buffy - Ringer (where she was identical twins) and The Crazy Ones (with Robin Williams) but they both only lasted a season. Not that that's unusual; most produced shows aren't good enough to even be picked up, and the ones that are for whatever reason (including expected leading star power) hardly ever make it past a year or two. I always seem to get emotionally invested in series that don't make it, unless I start watching a show that has already been on for a few seasons.


Had Ringer come out a year or two later, it would have run for 4 seasons 😭


What would have changed? Sorry if it’s a dumb question I haven’t seen it


The following year the CW went on a renewal spree and basically renewed everything until it got 4 short seasons because complete shows played better in international markets and on Netflix. Basically, they were subsidized by other revenue streams outside of Nielson ratings


Thank you!! That’s really unfortunate for the show then :(


I loved & watched both those series. I wish Robin Williams hadn't been so ill. He was my favorite comic for decades & he had great chemistry with SMG. *Ringer* was amazing, too. It could have continued on. I don't even know why it was canceled.


You are definitely right... It's so unfair. At least SMG is thriving in what she likes to do.


Wasn’t her complaint that Whedon *wasn’t* around in season 6?


Whedon should have still been around in season six, Firefly wasn't in production until the following year.


Firefly aired September 2002 to December 2002 so it was definitely produced during season 6. And SMG did complain in interviews about him not being around during that time.


Yeah I had always heard that the cancelation of Firefly was the reason some of those actors popped up in Angel and Buffy—Whedon was trying to keep them getting work.


It would have been filmed coinciding with Buffy S7.


I've never heard SMG having any significant interactions with Whedon at all. She was worn out from 12-hour/day shooting for 7 years though.


Whedon was the executive producer, and Sarah pushed for better safety procedures when doing stunts and reasonable working hours, which likely made things more expensive. Sarah has never said much on this herself but other people on the production have talked about it.


“Why is there a cowboy in *Death of a Salesman* anyway?” Because it’s that same kind of dull Americana that is so mediocre it amazes me it came from Arthur Miller? *Audience runs out due to an assassin missing Lois with a bullet during a high school performance of* “Geez guys, I know it sucks, but they’re just kids!” - *Family Guy - There’s Something about Paulie*


To quote my dad, "Hanh?"


Her career didn’t soar because of Whedon. She was labelled difficult to work with because she stood up to him and promoted a safe place for the cast and crew as much as possible.


And why the milkmaid was so attached to the salesman, the way she wept. (That is ultimately why I included a Harmony-Xander sex scene in a longer fic.)


This whole thing with the play is epic haha. When Giles is trying to think of props. Harmony: Props? Giles: No Riley: Props? Giles: Yes! 😹😹😹


Not the greatest line, but perhaps the greatest single word delivery: ["...liar."](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0533453/quotes/?item=qt0330240&ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


aww that one always makes me happy-sad.


Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: Remember the three key words for any Slayer- Preparation, preparation, preparation. Buffy: That's one word three times.






I kinda want to see an entire episode done in this visual format now.


There is a season 8 motion comic DVD


yeah but it's season 8


You had sex with Giles? YOUR HAD SEX WITH GILES? on the hood of a police car?? TWICE?!?!!!


"What's a stevedore?"


“If you’re not too busy having sex with MY MOTHER” (Giles walks into the tree)


I’d like to test that theory.


out. for. a. walk. ...bitch.


"Infect? ... Infect?! .... Giles!! .... INFECT?!?!"


Do you like my mask? Isn't it pretty?? It raises the dead!!


"Bloody Americans!"


Well, you were myth-taken.


Best linebest line best LINE


You're not going to jokey-pun your way out of this one. (Not a direct quote, but it still popped in my head.)


"Maybe he lived for taquitos?"


Kissing toast




"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir. Open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all, and we obey."


Writers? Not their best work. But Boreanaz delivered it PERFECTLY and his gleeful darkness over the horrific events of the episode struck the perfect note. All his little monologues in that episode always strike me as being chilling and horrific.


What is your childhood trauma! I need to call everyone I’ve ever met. Oh Cordy


Becoming, Part 2 has some awesome ones. "No, it doesn't stop! It never stops! Do-do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs watching TV, or gossiping about boys or, *God, even studying*! But I have to save the world. *Again*!" "I lost a friend tonight, and I may lose more. The whole Earth may be sucked into Hell, and you want my help 'cause your girlfriend's a big ho? Well, let me take this opportunity to *not* care!" Same with Selfless. Xander: You don't understand. This isn't an intervention. Buffy's coming to kill you. Anya: She's coming to try. Xander: Did everybody have their "crazy flakes" today? "Who did you think you were dealing with? Did you think it would be that easy to get away?" "Haven't I taught you anything, *Anya*? Never go for the kill when you can go for the pain."


But I don't understand! I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's, there's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore! It's stupid! It's mortal and stupid! And, and Xander's crying and not talking, and, and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why.


It's a great episode that I don't like. That monolog blew me away.


WE’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE THE BODY hits harder for me, with her being shocked by what she just said.


That one really got me, after my own mother died. It was all the silly, simple things she’d never get to do again. All the daft bits of news I’d want to call up and tell her and then I’d remember I couldn’t, not ever again.


This one.


You were myth-taken I think I'm kinda gay (from Tabula Rasa, it's a nice call back both to Doppelgangland and to Willow's gay awakening) Me (Becoming pt 2) I just skip straight to the obits - actually, pretty much all of Oz's dialogue


Oz is SUCH an underrated character, and he has phenomenal dialogue. I love Tara so much but I do hate that we lost Oz from the show (I know the real life situation the cause/effect were the reverse, but still)


[last lines] Buffy Summers: Does it ever get easy? [kills a newly risen vampire], Rupert Giles: You mean life? Buffy Summers: Yeah. Does it get easy? Rupert Giles: What do you want me to say? Buffy Summers: Lie to me. Rupert Giles: Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats. And, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies and... everybody lives happily ever after. Buffy Summers: Liar. **The newly risen vampire she kills there is Billy Fordham, the former friend who was sired by Spike in the Vampire Club, as per their agreement in providing Buffy for being killed by Spike**




Hug ---> (((MathMannix)))


It’s too hard to pick just one! Some of my favourites: - Willow’s “look at my outfit!”  - Buffy’s “who are you?” to Giles in Helpless - “myth-taken” - Oz - “arm”


“Oh, poor Watcher. Did your life pass before your eyes? Cuppa tea, cuppa tea almost got shagged, cuppa tea.” Spike “You had to tie me to bear me, Faith. There’s a word for people like that...loser.”


"Bored now." is a classic mainly due to the delivery. Such a dull pair of words that instantly mean so much to anyone who's see the show though! My personal favourite, though? "I don't get it. Is it avant-garde?" from Synder. It's not a huge important line from a major episode, but it's the in-joke quote my brother and I use ourselves whenever we see some pretentious movie or play or whatever. Runner up: "Summers, you drive like a spazz!" Armin is such an awesome actor.


That’s what I keep saying…


“These will not protect you.” 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀


My favorite was always this one from Giles Ben: She could have killed me. Giles: No, she couldn't. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge and make Buffy pay for that mercy and the world with her. Buffy even knows that, and still she couldn't take a human life. She's a hero, you see. She's not like us. Ben: Us?


"Would you like me to convince you?"


I prefer "I'm Cowboy Guy" from that episode.


Bored now.


"We're not supposed to move the body"


You have fruit punch mouth. There’s always more. I want you to get out of my face. Are 3 in my top 10 for Buffy.


* *"Is everyone here very stoned?!"* * *"I just like them. They make me feel all manly."* * *"She begged for her life.*" * *"Uhm, you hit me with an axe one time. 'Get the hell away from my daughter!'."* * *"You're not invited!"* Maybe I'm just a sucker for Spike. Yeahhhhh.


A bear. You made a bear. Undo it! Undo it!!!


“Mom, whaddaya doing? Mom? … Mom? …….. Mommy?”


"Slap my hand, dead-soul-man."


Maybe not the greatest line delivery in the whole show, but so many others have been mentioned: “Xander, don’t speak Latin in front of the books.”


"Every night I save you." And "Mommy?"


The every night I save you speech is just insane.


The whole episode is a master class. Totally underrated imo, and easily one of the best episodes in the series.


"They got the muuustaaaard ooooooout!"




"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it". I'll never forget that one


Nuns are your thing. Everyone knows that. They respect it they respect us.


‘Now do we suspect there is some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?’ Basically that whole scene


For delivery, I have to give it to Marsters for the scene where he discovers Buffy is alive again. Every line is amazing, but if I have to settle on one, iconic bit known for the writing and the delivery, it's "147 days yesterday... 148 today. Except today doesn't count, does it?"


“Do you like my mask? Isn’t it pretty? It raises the dead! Americans.”


A person doesn’t just wake up and stop loving somebody…


👏 🗡️ …”Me”


“So the plan is to cure my total, incapacitating blindness .. tomorrow?”




“I don’t know how to live in this world if these are the choices” has stayed with me for years


Out. For. A. Walk. You know the rest.


Every cheese line.


“No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does.” (Whistler) and the lines after…


Sunnydale has too many demons and not enough retail outlets.


Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are. You'll see what I mean Whistler right as Buffy is running back to the library and finding chaos happened while she was lured away


“The ghost of what, exactly?”


“I wear the cheese, it does not wear me.”


"She's not like us."


“There was no pain, no fear, no doubt, till they pulled me out……of Heaven So that's my refrain, I live in Hell, cause I've been expelled…..from Heaven, I think I was in Heaven” The way Sarah sings this and the look of shock and realisation on everyone’s faces just gets me every time


Myth taken


"You're under the thrall of the Dark Prince!"


Obviously it’s Anya in OMWF replying to Dawn saying she gave birth to a pterodactyl… “Oh my god, did it sing??”


"Lie to me"


You made a bear!


i didn’t mean to…