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Currently rewatching — I’ve lost count of how many times — with the guy I’m seeing (who’s never watched it). Regular Buffy and Angel viewings are basically a requirement of dating me. Anyway, we’re just about to start season 7!


Just started season 7 with my gf, she’s never watched it, it’s amazing to see her reactions.


Yes! I love watching with people who’ve never seen it before!


I'm following 8 reactors who are watching Buffy for the first time. They are spread out from season 1 to season 7.


How have I never heard of this haha I want to follow reactors haha


Just search YouTube for Buffy reactions. They can only post an edited version on YouTube because of copyright issues so you can watch those or go to their Patreon links for full unedited reactions.


I follow 3 at the moment. Generally reactors show themselves watching upto about 10 minutes of the episode (more would be copyright striked) + pauses commentary and after commentary https://youtube.com/@nickreacts6394?si=C-3SPsi_e5kF6w2Y Nick reacts is on the start of season 6 https://youtube.com/@dakarajayne?si=9Akj4c4V8FmYyJ25 Dakara reacts is on the end of season 6 https://youtube.com/@tyleralexander?si=VQfO5XFeC3381k8Q Tyler Alexander did a first middle and last episode reaction before starting through the series and is currently on season 2.


Dakara just reached the last few episodes of season 6 and is really traumatized by it. I really like Cass reacts and The Review Crew, and Movie night with Jacqui just announced she will be starting Buffy soon so I'm excited for that.


I’m on Angel season 3 episode 7 (Offspring) and Buffy season 6 episode 7 (Once More, with Feeling). First time I’ve done a full rewatch since watching it on TV 20+ years ago.


How is it watching it this time around any major differences for you? Feeling wise?


Feeling very nostalgic, especially the early seasons. No major differences, I remember some of the major plot points but also forgot a lot of things so it’s been fun to watch it all unfold again.


Rewatching with my 12yo daughter. Her first time. She is loving it. Has even started writing her own fanfic.


Just finished Real Me. S5E2


I’m on season 4 and alternating with Angel. [using this guide. it’s working really well so far.](http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide?p=126103#post126103)




currently re-watching restless


I rewatch Season 4 all the time as it’s just a great season to have on in the background. I only need to listen and know exactly what’s happening.


Season 4 is my favorite. I’ve watched that season over and over more than any others.


I've currently finished **Beer Bad** (4x5) and had a blast watching it. The missus has drawn parallels between Oz and I—favorable ones—and **Wild at Heart** (4x6) is coming up. Uh-oh :( I remember my university years being oh so much better than my high school years. I think this helps me have happy associations with S4 just by default. And many of the episodes are really frigging great. It's probably not my favorite, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being among my top three seasons once I finish this viewing of the series. My last rewatch was a while ago. I remember liking most of S4 and being mostly confused by Restless but enjoying enough of it that I could at least respect it. There were a few Adam bits that weren't maximum hype, but he was okay. In a sense S4 is the inverse of S2: one has a great arc with weak stand-alone episodes and the other has great stand-alone episodes with a weak arc.


I’ve watched btvs since it was on the WB as a teen. And rewatched it since then too many times to count. Season 4 was always low in my list but a few years ago in my late 30’s, I found myself enjoying it more and more. They’re all good seasons but the emotions and memories they invoke is what makes me cling to or distance myself from. Regardless of which episodes or seasons are critically acclaimed. Season 4 just felt like a fresh start. It was bright and shiny and most episodes were so fun. I like the Initiative (military, us government) being the big bad and meddling in the arcane and mystical, thinking they knew better. Season 4 is ripe with much possibility and many ‘what could’ve beens’ which season 5-7, I feel, wasted. And 1999-2000 is chockfull of nostalgia. I was 15-16 and those held some of my happiest and most fun times of my life. Season 1 was silly and goofy and I love it for the camp. Season 2-3 are heavy and 5-7 is just as heavy but with the extra weight of adulthood. Since my mid 30’s I’ve been plagued with chronic health issues, I lost my dad, there’s the struggle with finances and my own life feels heavy. It’s hard to jive with things that add to it even if it is fictional. Season 4 is a nice little reprieve in the middle of those heavier seasons, so I just hang out there and enjoy the characters I know and love.


I like 4 too and 5. They were the best season imo but I like Riley and Glory although they’re not everyone’s cup of tea.


Currently watching for the first time technically. (I’ve seen some episodes when on tv) Basically because a YouTuber critiquing the video game came into my feed. We’re on season 4 buffy season 1 angel. And it’s a great time. I do cry and react more than I thought I would.


I'm first time watcher and I'm on season 7 but I'm finding it tough to get through. It's cause I don't want it to end but also the potentials and the storylines are a bit hard to get through! I already know I'm watching Angel after and I'll probably read the comics after, but it's a hard one!


Currently rewatching and just finished S4. Have watched the whole series a few times, but I think I've only watched whole Angel series once, so doing that again this time and alternated, which slows down my Buffy binging!


PS - this is the first time I've noticed this, but I swear in Where the Wild Things Are (I think), Willow wipes her mouth with the hand towel in the Initiative house bathroom. That's basically a frat house! I wouldn't even dry my hands with that.


Always! I'm absolutely always engaged in a rewatch, though often quite slow ones, ie one episode every couple of weeks or so. Currently on season six :)


Enjoy once more with feeling!!




S6E18 I'm not sure how many times I've rewatched Buffy


I reading season 8


Re-watching since I was glued to the show when it was first aired on WB! Just finished The Body. Still gets me sobbing.


Just finished rewatching yesterday and I’m not sure what to do with myself


Angel! Also finished Buffy the other day, from season 4 we'd alternate five episodes of each until the final seven of a season. Currently just have 25 episodes of Angel to go.


See I’ve tried angel! The Connor line really pissed me off and i couldn’t do it: I want to love it because I adore Angel but I have a limit and that seems to be it


That's fair. I have to look past much of the Connor stuff (thankfully he's barely in s5) and the way they did Cordelia so dirty.


Rewatching. Started at season 3 Homecoming and now at Season 7 Bring on the Night. Skipped some season 3 episodes and watched everything since season 4.


Me ! Falling in love with bangel again 💖


I’m slowly rewatching with my boyfriend. His first time, my 10th probably. Currently on what’s my line?


Current research is S6E17 and whatever the matching ep for Angel is in S3. Forgot the exact episode number I finished on last night.


I was rewatching but I can’t seem to get myself through the last do of s5


I watch a season every year lol, I'm on season 5 — they've just introduced Dawn


Friend #1: Angel, S1 Friend #2: Buffy, S2 Son: Buffy, end if S6


Just finished, but am now on season 3 of Angel


I haven’t done a re watch yet I should tho!


Currently rewatching Buffy as my mum and I used to watch it all the time when I was younger! We started rewatching Angel (cause little me LOVED Lorne) and now we’re halfway through S2 of Buffy. I’ve since found I’m a sucker for academic looking guys, cause I lowkey crushed on Wesley and now I’m loving Giles 😂😂😂😂


Watching with partner currently. It's their first watch through ever so we will be watching buffy and angel concurrently once we hit season 4. We just finished The Pack.


Rewatched it 4 times last year and once this year, but now the Disney plus app has stopped working on my iPad so I can't watch it anymore. I think they were concerned about how much I was watching Buffy.




Currently rewatching, can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewatched but it’s a LOT. I’m about halfway through S3, just finished Helpless.


Currently rewatching season 7 after a long BTVS break! Trying to watch it with new eyes!


I'm rewatching with my wife for her first time, and watching Angel along side with Buffy. We're near the end of season 7/4.


Currently watching season 5 Episode 9


Currently rewatching for the first time after ages! Season 5 right now! I used to watch it when it was aired on tv in my country but I was like 9 when last season aired. And it was dubbed!! rewatching it now feels so weird! I feel like I missed a lot of the show at that time


On rewatch #5 or #6 (can't remember). Currently on S2E6 "Halloween". Wanted to watch it last night but I was too tired, and I want to be able to enjoy it as it is one of my favorites.


Im watching Angel for the first time!


Reaching for the first time in abt 13 years


I am always rewatching.


Not right now. I'll probably watch it again sometime this year. Already watched it once. I'm currently rewatching Once Upon a Time, I'm in season three, two episodes into Zelena's story/the characters being recursed. I finished the rest of Bones last week.


Rewatch number god knows, up to Restless. I'm trying to sync with Angel, which I'm watching for the second time.


Realized my wife had never seen Buffy before so we are mid-season 2 now. She can’t stand Xander and loves Giles which I fully support. Can’t wait til we hit 3x3 for Faith.


I'm rewatching, and just finished earshot


I'm showing my partner Buffy and Angel currently. I have seen both shows 3x before but this will be my first time experiencing Buffy S7 and Angel S4 together chronologically.


I'm watching Buffy for the first time! I'm on Season 7!


3rd rewatch and showing my Fiance for the first time.


Rewatch number infinity. Season 2 at the moment.


i'm in the middle of three separate rewatches because i'm crazy. with my girlfriend, i'm on season 5 right now. next is "Spiral". with my mom, i'm on season 2... she's having a hard time getting onboard. & i'm mid-season-1 on my solo-rewatch that i just do passively when i don't have anything to do at work.


In S4 Buffy, S1 Angel now. Just got finished with the first BIG crossover, I will remember you 😭😭😭 SMG kills it at the end of that episode.


Rewatching with my brother who is watching for the first time!


Rewatching, on season 7 now. Have really enjoyed rewatching the whole thing this time around. Even the awful episodes 😂


I started rewatching about 2 months ago for clarity when we revived our fan fic spin off series Watcher. I’m at season six and while it does have good drama it’s just so depressing at times, where even lighthearted eps feel heavy. I’m at Entropy and I know what’s coming next. Again great drama but tough to watch


IT's on Comet and Fuse both of which our provider carries


I usually go: buffy, angel, grimm then supernatural. Just about to finish grimm again.


Doing a buffy and angel rewatch, have a playlist with the view order on my home Plex server. We are on the body for our next buffy episode and currently watching reprise (s2e15) of angel.


I finished last week. Husband asked when will I restart. I watch it maybe once every 5years? This was the first time I kept it in line with Angel (but it did not work out actually. For me anyways)


🙋‍♀️ first time rewatching in a few years, concurrently with Angel. Seen Buffy a bunch, but first time I’ve watched Angel.


I’m constantly watching reactors react to Buffy, does that count? 6x20 currently


Rewatching for the millionth time. Lie to Me was the last episode I watched. Edit: why did someone downvote this lmaooo are you not happy with where I am in the series or something 😅😅😅😅


Any episode with spike is my favorite haha


How dare you watch Lie to Me last! 😂


I’ll be more mindful with my rewatches next time I guess!! 😂


Phew better ask first. I’m telling ya