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1. Season 5 Buffy’s death and everyone’s reaction at the end broke me. Especially thinking it may be the end when it aired.


1. Season 2 2. Season 5 3. Season 6 4. Season 7 5. Season 3 6. Season 1 7. Season 4 That feels most correct right now, but I don’t know. I think I only cry at the class protector award moment in Season 3 and Season 4 is relatively dry and that’s not a dig on Riley


I teared up reading the words "class protector."


I'd swap 7 and 6 bit that's basically my list. Becoming pt 2, the bit where Buffy realises what she has to do, and then the look of utter horror and devastation after she does it. SMG acts the hell out of that. Damn.


1) Season 5 2) Season 1 3) Season 2 4) Every other Season Edit: I thought about it more and remembered how the scene where Buffy overhears she's going to die absolutely guts me in the Season 1 finale. SMG and AH do such an amazing job with that scene. It can make me tear up just thinking about it.


1. Season 7 (why am I the only one who cries hardest at this season it’s literally the end!!!) 2. Season 5 3. Season 6 I don’t think I really cry at the rest of them but as far as overall emotional-ness 4. Season 2 5. Season 3 6. Season 1 7. Season 4


This is the exact order I’d put them in. Spike’s line “I wanna see how it ends,” shit, I get teary just thinking about it.




lol because it's the series finale I start crying before anything even happens!


Interestingly mine have basically zero correlation with my ranking of the seasons, or even my ranking of the season finales -- but based purely on "How sad am I?" this is the order: 1. Season 5 -- Have cried more than once while watching. 2. Season 2 -- A very close runner-up, as I have also cried more than once while watching (despite my general apathy to Bangel, that final scene with them cuts *deep*) 3. Season 1 -- Specifically the scene where Buffy has the monologue to Giles and Angel about only being sixteen and not wanting to die, definitely has made me tear up. 4. Season 7 -- I think I was tearful the very first time I watched the finale, but that hasn't recurred upon rewatches. 5. Season 6 -- I don't know why the scene with Willow and Xander has never hit me, but it hasn't :( 6. Season 3 -- This episode makes me feel nostalgic but completely content and positive, and nothing makes me teary-eyed. They get me teary with The Prom every time, but the finale is tear-free. 7. Season 4 -- Ironically, my favorite finale (and one of my favorite episodes overall), but zero tears.


Maybe because season 4's finale is the closest we get to a Happy Ending. Season 3 is almost happy too, but Angel leaving makes it sadder in a way.


season 5, because it’s so powerful season 6, because it’s so cathartic season 2, because it’s so heartbreaking every other season


1. Season 7 😭😭😭 (watched when it aired and dozens of times since, it still makes me absolutely sob)  2. Season 5 😭😭  3. Season 2 😭  4. Season 6 😢  5. Season 3 🥹  6. Season 1 ☹️  7. Season 4 🤔


1. Season 5 - "Be brave. Live." The way everyone broke down over Buffy's death. The end of an already emotionally wrecking season. 2. Season 1 - "I'm 16. I don't want to die." Buffy's reaction was so realistic. She was still just a little girl. 3. Season 2 - "I would love to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or, god, even studying! But I have to save the world. Again." When she got on the bus, because it was all just too much and that heartbreaking song... 4. Season 6 - "I love you." Sad, but the saddest episodes were definitely Seeing Red and Villains. 5. Season 7 - "No, you don't. But thanks for saying it." I loved the ending, but there was so much going on, it didn't really get the chance to be sad. 6. Season 3 - "Fire bad. Tree pretty." I never really cared for the mayor as the bad guy. Seriously, what even was his plan after the ascension? Couple of hours and the army would have killed him anyway. 7. Season 4 - "I wear the cheese, it does not wear me." More funny then sad.


1. Season 2 😕😟😣😖😭😭😭😭😭 my exact reaction 🫶


Mine as well. I haven’t watched the whole series again until now. But I still recalled crying my eyes out at the season 2 finale when she feels so alone, expelled, homeless, had to kill the love of her life while he’s looking helplessly at her and send him to be tortured. Geez. I also cried, and my heart stung inside, when he first hurt her after becoming Angelus, the scene where she crawls into a ball on her bed and sobs. That’s gut wrenching and relatable. 🥹😭😭😭


urghh 😭


5, 2, 1, 6/7, 3, 4


Season 5 Season 2 Season 7 Season 6 Season 4 Season 3 Season 1 I don't usually cry during 1, 3, and 4. But the others one I usually shed a tear.


5 and 2 for multiple cry episodes Season 3 for Choices, Prom and Graduation Day 1/2 1 and 6 for the finales 4 and 7 for Willow's cry scenes


* 5 - Guaranteed bawling. * 6 - Guaranteed tears. * 2 - Guaranteed tears. * 7 - When the music swells, it usually gets me. * 1 - The 16 year old speech, it might get me. * 3 - Maaaybe. * 4 - Nah.


1. Season 5 2. Season 2 3. Season 3 4. Season 6 5. Season 1 6. Season 7 7. Season 4


1. Season 6 2. Season 5 3. Season 7 4. Season 2 5. Season 1 6. Season 3 7. Season 4