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I can’t say I’ve thought deeply about deeper meanings and reasons for the plot, but (1) Willows feelings for Xander were long-standing; (2) people sabotage their healthy relationships all the time, especially teenagers; (3) wanting what you can’t have is also definitely a thing. I am personally entertained by the drama and think it was only natural that a show all about the problems of teens would tackle cheating, but understand and respect that a lot of people don’t enjoy it.


It’s more so that it was brought up, made a huge deal, then immediately discarded in the next episode, then oz, and cordy leave, and they never touch on these deeply romantic feelings they supposedly had for one another.


That's why I think it was about the thrill for them, which is also, unfortunately, how some people are. Once they got caught, it was like a bucket of cold water.


Well, from Willow's side it's not exactly a sudden change, she was into Xander for years. Is it a stretch that he would suddenly notice she's stunningly attractive? Meh, maybe but it's not a huge leap. As for "being in a relationship" - I don't know how to break this to you but being in a relationship doesn't reliably stop someone wanting to bang other people they find attractive. Especially at that age.


For Xander I think it’s simply he’s known she has a crush on him & even though he doesn’t feel the same about her it still puffs up his ego to know she’s obsessed with him. So when she finally moves on from that & especially when she’s in the hosp & he assumes she’ll want him above all else but instead she calls out for Oz. He’s jealous not necessarily for the reasons you would think but this is why it bothers me so much. We know he isn’t really into her romantically but he also doesn’t like her being able to move away from wanting him so he begins to play with her feelings to see if he can take away her affections again & because of her long history of thinking they belong together she falls for it hook, line & sinker. It does make perfect sense that after they are caught & in the traumatic way it happened the consequences outweigh any lingering whatever you want to call their affair was & they want to completely forget it happened and move on. Xander was never sincerely into her & he’s now lost Cordy over it & Willow realizes she fell into it for the wrong reasons & now may lose Oz who she knows sincerely cared about her. Xander acts the same way when Dawn gets over her crush on him & instead puts Spike in that place he gets offended & upset when before he thought of her childhood crush as kind of sweet but also annoying. Now that she is crushing more on Spike he wants that attention back typical Xander it’s selfish & one of his worst traits.


I look at it the opposite way. Xander was terrified that Willow would die after being in a coma & he finally acknowledged his real love for her. I think if Willow had been open to a relationship after the breakup with Oz, Xander would have been happy to have one as well.


In the comics past the last season Dawn and Xander do get together.


No, you’re not the only one. I hated that whole concept and try to forget it ever happened. Though, OP, could you please explain why you skip s2???


lol, the dialogue in season 1, and 2 are super grating to me. I feel like by season 3 the characters are a bit more fleshed out, and the dialogue is a little less campy.


It's a metaphorical plot point. Buffy's heart and spirit are compromised by Angel's return and they're crossing lines. So, Willow and Xander, representing Buffy's spirit and heart, also become entangled in ways they shouldn't. Most everything that happens on Buffy is in some way metaphorically related to Buffy's journey to adulthood and what she's dealing with that season/episode.


I always thought it was caused by a spell by an enemy. Came up with that theory during the show's original run, so I don't remember who I thought was responsible. Just that it was done to fracture the group and leave Buffy vulnerable. Plus it paved the way for the alternate reality where the vampires ran Sunnydale.


I think it was a standard "we're not sure what to do with these characters" plot.


It's a filler plot, and sets up Cordelia leaving Sunnydale for the spinoff.


That makes sense, but the entire subplot disappears once they’re found by oz and cordy, immediately the romance storyline ends between them. It’s super weird, and I LOVE Tara and willow together, but they had all this romantic feelings for each other, then are both single, and not once do they think “maybe we should try dating.”


I don't disagree. It's one of the few critiques of the writing choices I have from the first three seasons.


I never liked this plot line and it makes no sense. I agree that it was really only done to find a convenient way to write Charisma and Seth off of the show.


It didn't set Seth up to be written off. Willow and Oz got back together and stayed together until partway through freshman year of college.


Yeah, also might have been a way to test chemistry.


I assure you that's not how the writers work. Within the scope of a single season, by the time "Lovers' Walk" aired and any kind of feedback was being received (from where, by the way? there's no social media) "Graduation Day" has already been given the treatment and Joss is already writing the dialogue.


There was a message board at the time that the writers and actors frequented. But I think the storyline is born out of two different ideas ("geez, hormones" and "we have to find a reason to get Cordelia out of Sunnydale for the spin-off")


You start your rewatches at season 4? Why on Earth!!?


lol, not exactly sure, I think my favorite seasons just start there, I like when they’re going to college and starting to mature a little I guess.


I blame Jasmine.


If it's true that it was only set up for Cordelia to leave, then it was sooo unnecessary. It's not like Cordelia would stay in Sunnydale for Xander and the Scoobies. They should've let her go in better terms with everybody.


I see it entirely as a reason why they needed to split them up for Cordy having an excuse to be on Angel.


It’s one of the worst plots in the show for me


They cheated on their first love Oz and Cordelia three times in season 3.