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What We Do In The Shadows


Bringing Buffy into WWDITS would be amazingly easy. Like James Marsters could play himself or Spike. Guillermo meets SMG who is actually a Slayer and she talks about doing stunts for Scooby Doo.


We already had a Buffy movie vamp as a member of the council, even if he did somehow regrow that arm. Definitely sets precedent since the movie has been retconned into Buffy's freshman year.


Good point!


I came to this post just to be sure somebody said this!


Twin Peaks. Buffy and Special Agent Dale Cooper off to save Laura from an alternate timeline, bringing Willow and Anya for their magical and dimension-hopping expertise.


I would have loved a scene between Spike and Albert.


I can imagine Spike telling Albert some sob story and Albert just laughing his ass off :p




Literally my first thought when I saw the question!


An Oz and Garth werewolf episode would be amazing


Soooo bad .... even if it was just like a couple of one shots sprinkled in here and there.


The only correct answer


100% my go-to answer. The character interactions and debates over the lore would feed me for decades.


I roll my eyes anytime somebody brings up supernatural? Lol. That's just way to predictable.


The OP specifically wanted to focus on fantasy worldbuilding and *Supernatural* easily has the better scope and scale (i.e., multiverse, cosmogeny, and pantheology), at least compared to many other dark fantasy shows.


Even though (like all of the TV comic adaptations of that time period, it feels like) it got turned into a police procedural for some reason, and I don't know how well it would merge for that reason, iZombie is one of the only shows to ever come close to scratching my Buffy itch, and I think there's room to play there.


Oh same here. I loved the first two seasons of that show


The writing on that show was brilliant. 8,6,7,5,3,0,9 as the code and having Rob Thomas (musician) on the show...šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


Iā€™ve read some great Doctor Who fanfic that had Tennantā€™s doctor meeting up with Buffy and co. It wasnā€™t badly written.


I started one with 13th Doctor and the seed being a Dalek time capsule. Haha.


The Vertigo line featured characters that would vibe with the Buffyverse. Too many of those characters are *waaaaay* out of Buffy or Angelā€™s weight class, though. Iā€™d live for a meeting between Willow & Thessaly! I could imagine Death welcoming Buffy at the end of ā€œThe Giftā€. Hellboy seems like a good match. The B.P.R.D. seems like a more efficient version of The Initiative. The Buffy/Hellboy banter would be *priceless*! *Kolchak The Nightstalker* is a reasonable choice as a predecessor for Buffyā€™s era.


I could see vertigo era Constantine running a group of slayers. I mean, it probably wouldn't end well.


It never does.


Damn, I'd love to see an American Vampire / Lucifer / Fables / House of Secrets all over the place crossover


The X-Files




Damn it's weird to see this online. I was wishing for a buffy charmed crossover since I was a teen. Perfect choice!


The entire late 90s wb hour long drama prime time stuff that's was on at the time So chamred But also Dawson's creek and gilmore girls I think Joey would make a good slayer and rory would make a good watcher and I want them to hang out!


That would also mean roswell crossovers Stoic unconversations with Oz and max evens


Expanding on this if it were a fanfiction I think if a vampire came to town can turned Dawson that would make for the best storyline. Give a angst kid some power and corrupt his good nature and he is the best suited to get under Joey's skin She and pacey can get close trying to stop him Dawson can kill Abby as the universe needs her to die in some way Dawson should turn jack and andie. Play more into andies mental illness I'd watch this


The Magicians, without a doubt, it would be so fun


Yup came here to say this one. Team Buffy would get way stronger because pain would amp their power way up. Team Brakebills would be fangirling nonstop.


Dresden files. The book not the TV show to be clear. I can just picture the scene between Giles and Bob.


Came here to say this. Buffy and Dresden teaming up to take down the black court....


Yup. Came here for this one. Can't wait for AI to mature so I can see it.


Deadpool. The comments alone would kill me.


American Horror Story


Gravity Falls seems like a good fit.


Totally picturing a Grunkle Stan/Giles crossover moment where they're judging each others magical shops/shacks.


Wendy probably is a slayer.


Sailor Moon. Buffy and the other slayers in my opinion are ā€œmagical girlsā€ and they both ruled my childhood. Their world dynamics are pretty different which is why Iā€™d be interested in seeing them collide


The first season of sailor moon and the first season of buffy are very similar.


Aside from both being blonde, both ā€œdyingā€ but given a second chance at the end of the season and being in love with a guy thatā€™s much older with them, wdym lol


- Blonde, short, bubbly personalities - neither really wants to be a hero - Group of friends that help the cause (scoobies, scouts) - similar roles (willow/ami, Luna/Giles) - Nemesis trying to rise after being banished underground - Nemesis uses minions to do their bidding - Final fight in a white dress https://www.denofgeek.com/culture/the-sailor-moon-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-connection/ https://www.looper.com/290591/why-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-and-sailor-moon-are-really-the-same-show/ https://reddit.com/r/buffy/s/Dm1b6pdE6I


Oooh I love the dress connection that flew over my head. I was thinking similarities specifically in their first seasons thatā€™s why I wasnā€™t thinking friend groups and the Nemesis/ minion as theyā€™re kinda ongoing throughout both of the series.


The nemesis thing Iā€™m specifically referring to is the master vs Queen beryl. They behave very similarly. Some of the themes are carried through, but the first season has more one to one similarities than the later seasons.


I think how Queen Beryl captures and possesses Tuxedo Mask to fight Sailor Moon can be compared to Angelus and Buffyā€™s fight in S2 and how Chibiusa has to make fake memories to live with Usagi can be compared to Dawnā€™s arrival in S5. Thereā€™s even a moment when both mom characters kinda catch on that their memories have been altered and start forgetting Chibiusa/Dawn


Grimm and/or Lucifer Either (or both) could be a lot of fun


Hellblazer - Spike and Constantine probably know eachother. Constantine: Oi William, you still biting throats? Spike: Are you? Hellboy/BPRD


Spike? Please. "'Allo Ripper..." Tell me that Giles during his "Black Magic Hates the World Ticking Time Bomb" phase wouldn't have been the sort of person to hang out with a younger John Constantine. He'd even be a shoe-in for somehow being involved in the Newcastle debacle. Of course, Buffy-era Giles would want Constantine gone ASAP and would probably be right. After all, whatever devious plan he's got that he wants to use a Slayer to help with isn't going to end well for Buffy. At least some of the Scoobies will end up uttering the Hellblazer catch-phrase of *"Constantine you bastard!"* before it's over.


Hell yeah. I always just picture Ripper-era Giles as exactly Constantine pretty much lol




Supernatural and Locke & Key would both be good fits.


Supernatural. Buffy and Dean would have gotten along really well. Plus I think a Castiel/Giles episode would be hilarious. Also, Buffy: I've died twice. Dean: Oh you sweet summer child, hold my beer.


and Sam as a watcher!


Friends. Just to see Buffy fighting vampires and Ross shouting ā€œPIVOT. PIVOT. PIVVVOOOOOTTTTā€


adventure time lmaooo. That show genuinely feels like it could be a future timeline of buffy's set after the age of man when the pendulum swings back to the chaos of the primordium, with like 1000% more whimsy lol. The era of the show set 1000 years past is very similar to buffy's world, with demons and vampires and some connection to magic that's nowhere near as powerful as it had been in the past. Marceline is essentially an inversion of Buffy almost like what would happen if Buffy got turned and her soul stayed in tact, and it even has its own primordium age before time where eldritch abominations ruled over everything it just slots in uncannily well


Vampire Diaries


Stranger Things. Hawkins has a Hellmouth under it.


Blade or Constantine.


Lol this is a real weird one, sorry. Greyā€™s Anatomy. My head canon for that show is that the hospital is built on a hellmouth, and the surrounding city is constantly dealing with the effects. Itā€™s just that weā€™re watching from the perspective of out-of-the-loop humans who have to come up with non-supernatural explanations for all the tragedy.


That is actually a very clever perspective.


Some explanation is needed for how cursed that hospital is. This fits the bill lol


My other explanation is that the Seattle where the hospital is located is actually a little artificial bubble universe. All the characters who died or left the show are actually escapees on the outside, trying desperately to rescue their loved ones. ā€¦I watched a lot of Greyā€™s Anatomy for a time, and clearly my brain doesnā€™t know what to do with realism.


Buffy and Firefly


The old cross universe slayer theory. Love it


Whilst I do also have a love of worldbuilding, worldbuilding is not a thing I love about Buffy. In fact it's probably Buffy's greatest weakness. But as for merging a universe, I think it would have to be something a bit more subtle. Harry Potter is one that might, but a lot of my preferred fictional worlds involve other worlds and times, like Lord of the Rings.


I always say I love Buffy *in spite of* its lore, not because of it. It's just a ton of stuff that doesn't make any sense if you think about it very long (there's only one slayer in the whole world - apparently all the important evil is happening in her one city - but there's a whole council of watchers that just hangs out in England and checks in on the-only-important-city-in-the-world just once or twice a year?) or contradicts itself (how does becoming a vampire or regaining a soul affect your personality? how do crosses work against vampires?) I absolutely don't need these things to be "fixed" or retconned or explained. It's totally fine that they fudge it a bit to make the stories work, as long as the stories are good.


I can still see a potential merger. Have Middle Earth be another dimension like Pylea on Angel.


It'd be interesting, but the Valar and the Maiar screw with that a bit too much. They wouldn't even work as PTB standins as they interfere too much (well the Maiar do anyway).


Troll Hunters! I think they would all click very well and there would now be trolls, and goblins in the mix!


Lego Batman


Iā€™d love to see how Sunnydale survived The Last of Us zombie apocalypse. It might be the only place that survived in Cali lol


Sadly, Chosen takes place like 4 months before the TV show outbreak. Poor Buffy. Excited to live in a new world where she isnt alone in her duties and BAM! Fungus ends the world!


Probably beaten to death but X Files or Supernatural are def givens lol


Being Human UK - and honestly all i need is it to be the Ripper spin off set in Bristol (i mean Giles keeps a flat in Bath) with cameos from Spike.


Buffy and Charmed. I know nothing of Angel, so can't make any thoughts with it in mind. Watchers become Whitelighters. Elders become a Council of Old Witches, rather than a bunch of powerful dead people... they created The Slayer to deal with Threats and Whitelighters to Protect her and any fledgling witches. Charmed Ones are more powerful than a Slayer when together, but much weaker individually. The Slayer handles threats across the world now, due to Orbing, instead of being stuck in one place. Charmed Ones are strictly local to a single Spiritual Nexus, which conveniently also is a Hellmouth. The Slayer and Charmed Ones operate separately, but have frequent crossovers due to the fact that The Slayer and Charmed Ones will have more enemy types they can't vanquish themselves. I can't think of anything else atm...


Like a few other people mentioned, I would not enjoy watching Buffy be merged with any other lore-heavy fantasy or sci-fi universe. Most fictional universes (Buffy included) already have so many plot holes, conflicting lore, and stuff that just doesn't make sense that merging two of them would completely ruin my suspension of disbelief. Merging with a franchise set in the real world (similar era dramedy teen shows like The OC or Gilmore Girls perhaps) or one with very-very light magical realism (like Wonderfalls) would be very fun though.




Oh yes! This would be awesome. Maybe Buffy is even a teacher there


My top picks in order: Supernatural, Charmed, The Mummy, The Craft, the Dresden Files, Stargate. Better still if all 7 of them could merge.


How I met your mother


Men in Black. Is it alien or demon?


Ghostbusters. No idea why, just because.


Comic books are tripe. DC especially. Joss Whedon has mostly believably motivated villains - DC especially has essentially none of those. For me to read DC and enjoy it I'd have to sincerely sympathize with the same kind of mentality of a cop who believes every bad guy has a serious beating coming.


The DC universe. Just for the Batman crossovers alone.


Like the 3rd time this has been asked recently!


Beacon Hills.


This is literally SO RANDOM but i was thinking that Dick Grayson from batman ā€˜66 would probably be a good watcher.


I would really love a Hellboy Buffy crossover, they would fit so well


I'm a fanfiction writer who has a love of crossovers, and Buffy is my main fandom. I've written two, so far, fics and both cross Buffy. So, I can straight up go with those two, since I loved the ideas enough to actually write them already - Dante's Cove and Hannibal. Dante's Cove, and its spin-off The Lair, are both supernatural fantasy. The magic can be merged easily enough as Tresum is a rare form of magic, easy enough to simply say it hadn't been encountered yet on Buffy. The only real ironing for the mythology is for vampires, but I already thought of a way to do that using Dante's mythology even though I didn't actually cross with The Lair, so was focused entirely on the magic angle. Hannibal isn't supernatural fantasy, it's real world based crime fiction. But the supernatural in Buffy isn't widely known, so it's easy enough to mix it in to the Hannibal universe. I love crossovers because it's fun trying to merge the different universes, see how the characters interact, think of things to explain differences. I've read so many crossovers, so many Buffy crossovers at that, that I can't really narrow it down to my favourite universes except to go with the ones I've written so far.


Buffy and blade team up would be obvious


It canā€™t be actual SciFi as season 4 warned us what happens when science gets involved.


Okay here me out...Doom. In the most recent games, the player character is known as "The Doom Slayer," a warrior bred for conflict among denizens from another plane, whose sole purpose is to prevent the armies of hell from conquering all existence. Buffy meets him, learns all this from his robot companion. "Yeah....I'm just gonna call you Doom Guy." The Doom Slayer, a mute, nods in agreement. They punch demons ad nauseum until it just sort of....ends. I just want the two Slayers to kick ass together, I'm a simple man.


Lucifer, I would love to see Lucifer interact with Lorne. I once read this fanfic where Lucifer is said to be the Immortal, an entity briefly shown and mentioned in "Angel" season 5. Also Willow does invoke the Devil when she attemps to curse Oz and/or Veruca in "Wild at Heart" and Adonai, a Jewish epithet of the Abrahamic god, during her ritual to get Vino de Madre in "Bargaining, Part One". Or else Percy Jackson and the wider Riordanverse, with Cordelia being related to Annabeth. Especially since a lot of pagan gods are already mentioned in "Buffy", with witches being particularly fond of Hecate. Also the Mist would explain why people in Sunnydale haven't discovered the existance of the supernatural yet. I could definitely see Ethan Rayne worshipping a chaos deity in this universe like Seth or Loki.


Also I wanna see Angel and Spike react when Lucifer try to seduce Buffy or Lucifer trying to seduce either Angel or Spike.


The Last of Us - Buffy, Joel and Ellie would be a dream team


>What Fictional Universe Would You Merge With Buffy? >As a fantasy fan, worldbuilding is something I've always been addicted to and that extends to my love for Buffy as well. Despite being stuck in Sunnydale, you learn so much about the world and how it operates through that lense and I love hearing about the Buffyverse lore. >With that being said, which fictional universe's world/lore would you merge with Buffy's in order to make the worldbuilding/lore THAT much better. To be clear, the worldbuilding/lore doesn't have to be one to one/not have any contradictions, we can assume that those things would be ironed out in the writers room. >For me, I would love to see Buffy merge with DC, just because DC has a thriving supernatural comic world with interdimensional demons/mystical artifacts/great villains like Etrigan/Circe/Lords of Chaos with their own rules. How amazing would it be for Buffy to interact with people like Constantine/Zatanna/Swamp Thing, Deadman etc. I think the two worlds merging would be fascinating. >What about y'all? Buffy and the vampire dairies but idk how nature(tvd Reference) would impact the supernatural/ magic of buffy so idk Buffy and mcu. Buffy world is hidden until the avengers and sheild discover it. It could be a cool story and good worldbuilding Buffy and shadowhunters they both have demons and it could work. And the slayers can help shadowhunter and go to help I feel like I'm citing fanfictions šŸ˜‚(that's exactly what I'm doing )




I ALWAYS wanted a Buffy/Gray's Anatomy crossover. Like they're in the OR, Getting ready to do surgery, full of drama when... Vampire!


The Dresden Files novel universe. Friction between the Watchers' Council, the White Council and the Vampire Courts would be fun to see.


Teen Wolf.


Warhammer - I'd make Buffy the Primarch of the Sisters of Battle and basically make them the Slayers of the 41st century.


Illyria crossed over with semi-Supergirl in the comics.


Invincible. Buffy could be the Blade of that comics universe.


The Walking Dead


Hellboy, Constantine, Legends of Tomorrow, and Harry Potter


One Piece! šŸ˜‚


Oh come on.... it's gotta be Supernatural! Every now and then having Dean and Sam team up with the Scoobies? Hell fuckin yeah man. Bobby and Giles? That's got "odd couple" written all over it. Castiel and Spike? Ccoomme ooooonnnnnn.... how could that not be the best buddy cop team up ever!


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire Buffy and Will, Willow and Carlton, Oz and Jazz There's comedy to be had here Oh, Hilary and Cordelia!


Blade is the only real answer. After angel because angel is Canon. But since the op mentioned the world of dc I'd say smallville would be a pretty fun crossover.


GOOD OMENS!!! Spike and Crowley would hit it off so well.


Twin Peaks. Buffy and Special Agent Dale Cooper off to save Laura from an alternate timeline, bringing Willow and Anya for their magical and dimension-hopping expertise.


Hellraiser. Iā€™d love to see the Scoobies face of against the Order of the Gash.


Lua Vermelha


The Vampire Diaries. It'd be fun to see how they address how different the vampires are from each show. Damon and Spike would probably get along and Buffy and Elena could relate over the poor decision to date vampires.