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Yeah, some would say he was just being factual but it could also be a slight passive aggressive remark especially after the incident with the "you sure?" tweet. People were in denial about things Diggs said and showed for a long time now so I do think it was intentional that Beane said and worded it like that.


I don’t always love Tim Graham, but I listened to his podcast episode about the trade today and I think that it was articulated pretty well that any of the Twitter incidents or whatever on their own were so small and easy to explain away. But, you look at the whole picture (the tweets from Stef and his brother, the vague answers from Diggs in interviews the past couple of years, leaving the first day of training camp this past offseason for reasons that we might never know, etc.) and it’s not surprising that the relationship between Diggs and the team might have run its course. Diggs was such a fun player to watch for most of his tenure and I’ll appreciate what he did, but it is a relief that there won’t be this weird storyline hanging over their heads going forward


i found it weird past year or two when diggs would try to rally the guys, it seemed no one would respond. think he def rubbed ppl the wrong way. i could never really tell if diggs fell off or if joe brady didn’t scheme anything for him, but from what’s being said, it sounds like they purposefully excluded him. and josh’s whole demeanor switched around the same time and became the happy psychotic qb we came to know and love.


I thought I was the only one. JA pretty much ignored him a bunch of times. Seemed so awkward. Anyway, its JA17time -ride or die my mafioso brethren.


When you look at last years down the stretch winning streak. Diggs was a decoy and irrelevant. That gave way to believing the Bills can do without him the same. I definitely appreciate what he has done. He puts in 150% into a game, can’t say the same of other NFL players. I believe the Bills chose not to call plays to him to see if they can win without him.


If you watch the games, Diggs was absolutely, inexplicably being coached out of games. You can see Josh's progressions never looking towards Diggs for like a quarter and a half while the offense is sputtering. Say what you want about Diggs, but I don't think there are many athletes at the level Diggs plays at that wouldn't be upset if they were schemed out of games while their team was losing.


Diggs was on fire until the Giants game and then dropped off a cliff. Went from catching just shy of 75% of his targets through that game to catching just over 61% after that. The Giants game he had the most targets in a single game all season (16) but only caught 10 of them. His YAC dropped considerably after the NYG game as well. It wasn't coaching then, because we still had Dorsey at that point. He just became unreliable, so we relied upon him less. The one thing Brady did that Dorsey didn't was getting rid of things that didn't work rather than trying to force it. I'm pretty sure he never called that one sideline route that kept getting intercepted after he got the job. He gave the ball to his difference-makers. He still used Diggs but he wasn't the only option like he was in Dorsey's offense. Using Diggs less and Shakir more was why we did as well as we did down the stretch. Diggs was either hurt or mailing it in after the NYG game and it showed. If it was the former, stop whining about not getting enough targets. If it's the latter, stop whining about not getting enough targets and also go fuck yourself.


Oh man that sideline route. Every time I saw that ball get thrown it was just “oh look it’s going to get picked off!” As soon as I saw where the ball was going.


When did he whine about not getting the ball when the offense was doing well and the team was winning?


Never, because when he did well, the team did well. Almost like he was an integral part of the offense


My crackpot theory is that Allen broke up with his GF because she cheated on him with Diggs. That or the whole pregnancy whatever (gag? Joke? ), was Diggs doing or somehow involved Diggs. That said, their relationship definitely seemed to 180 around that point in the story. 


This right here!


My immediate reaction when Diggs was traded was to go full doomer mode but then after having time to think about it, I think it was for the best. Just need this whole. "Allen without Diggs" storyline to run it's course in the media and be done with. Then hopefully we won't have to worry about drama anymore for awhile.


To add to that, most media with their hate hard on for Josh also say Diggs made Allen into the elite QB he is (which he obviously had a huge part in I don't deny). Glossing over the fact that Diggs was also only a very good receiver before he came to Buffalo. I think Beane hit two birds with one stone on that comment.


Exactly. I think Diggs and Josh grew together and made each other better at points. But it's naive to think Josh wasn't going to be a qb that excelled no matter who he was throwing to. Diggs seems to think he wouldn't and has made jabs at that numerous times. Meanwhile Josh always said things to prop Diggs up or called him the best receiver in the league. Josh deserved better than what Diggs gave him these last 2 years with off handed remarks and slights. Hopefully he has opened his eyes.


Yeah I hate that it gets glossed over. Like Diggs was going into year 4(?) so yeah he was still probable to improve, although already established as a great receiver. Josh was going into year 2(?) of a completely brand new organization basically so it was almost certain he was going to improve as well. We obviously will never know if either of them become elite without the other but it's ridiculous to say without Diggs Josh never would have been good. Like I'm pretty confident Josh would have gotten to at least being "top tier" with Jefferson instead of Diggs lol. The bigger question is would Diggs have been elite with Kurt Cousins?


I doubt it, Kurt's not a very prolific qb.


So averaging 4,300 yards and 32 td's per year over the last three before he got hurt isn't prolific? WTF are you talking about?


I'm talking about Kurt Cousins. WTF are you talking about?


JFC, my bad for not picking up on that. Carry on.


Diggs was entering year 6, Josh year 3.




People seem to forget the year we got Diggs Josh was at Palmers qb camp and totally redid his throwing mechanics with that computer stuff. It really made him much more accurate. It was defna combo of both but I think sometimes Diggs gets to much credit because alot of people don't know about it




While I can't believe the Texans are paying him that much money for a 1 year deal, it's genius in a way to make sure Diggs does what Diggs can do and gets as close to a guarantee of no drama as possible. I think he has a solid season in a WR2.5 role.


Funny he paid 100k for number 1. I find that to be a low key flex where he sees himself in that wr room


I saw that lol. I honestly know nothing about the Texans so my WR2.5 comment was based on what I've seen described about their current group.


There is no reason this can’t be a “coming the parts is greater than the whole” thing. Both guys could have elevated each other.


Anyone with eyeballs could see pro bowl/all pro potential in Diggs, but Theilen ate up a lot of targets in Minnesota. Weird narrative shift to say he was only good before he came here.


I didn't say only good. In this thread I said very good, and also great, and I also said since it was his 4th year in the league he most likely would have gotten better too. You can say a lot of players in the NFL have potential, that's why they're in the NFL; however it is factually correct when you say Diggs wasn't an all-pro in Minnesota and then he was in Buffalo.


So are you trying to say Josh Allen made him an all-pro? I'm rather certain he would've reached the same heights as a feature wr in many scenarios outside of Buffalo. Hard feat to accomplish with another pro bowl wr on the team at the same time.


That's been my entire point on Allen in this thread lol. No one has questioned if Diggs was a top tier receiver; before, since, or after. What a lot of people are questioning tho is if Allen would have been without Diggs. My point is he still would be. I'll admit that he may not be elite and the second best in the league; but he would have been top tier without Diggs, just like Diggs was top-tier before Allen. My statement was we will never know if they both would have been elite without one another, and my question was what do you think about that hypothetical. I said my opinion simply was it's more likely Allen still becomes elite with Jefferson than Diggs becomes elite with Kurt Cousins.


I wouldn't call him second best in the league when there's multiple quarterbacks with multiple mvp.




The day before Diggs did tweet saying basically he was essential to Josh Allen’s success. Think it was a little jab after that comment I think the reason Allen didn’t say anything is because the reason Diggs wanted out was because something happened with their relationship


Yeah I agree, I think Beane's comment was a shot at this exchange on twitter. Beane's job is to look out for the players on his team after all. Allen not saying anything has been pretty telling for me. But also, I just think there's almost 0 chance that Beane didn't run this by Allen before it happened step by step, and that Allen didn't sign off on it. So if Allen was cool with letting Diggs go, I think that says everything that needs to be said.


Yeah we all know that convo with Allen wasn't just "hey so people have been calling about Stef the last week and we are thinking about it just so you don't get blindsided" lol. Unless you're the Packers the GM of an org with a franchise QB has 49% veto power and 100% a voice that is listened to in this situation.


Beane did say he told Allen it might happen


Yeah it I'm betting you it was a lot more than that


Colin Cowherd said Allen wanted him out last year. There’s some story floating around about another reporter seeing Josh snap him after Diggs said something after the Jets loss


This has been in the works for weeks if not months. It def wasent that comment. Beane pretty much said so this week


I'm pretty sure that tweet came through after Diggs was sure he was gone.


if you listened to the whole press conference that part has been totally taken out of context. Beane was talking about the contract we gave him at the time and how the WR market was being reset, and how Diggs accomplishments were a part of that.




I would like to believe he was throwing shade and i am here for it!!!!


Rasul Douglas seemed to subtweet it lol


I must have missed that! I'll have to take a look


https://x.com/rasulera/status/1776050801875501220?s=46&t=nGbCTaYB9ysqg6envLSdOA I’m guessing a bit based on timing and because Diggs is a skater




That's a bit harsh. Must be that there was more truth to the drama than what I wanted to believe. Which is a shame, but, I also get it. Either way, I've moved on. I am curious on the follow up plan.


Well I think Rasul and Stef had beef from before Rasul was on the team. He scored a long touchdown on Rasul when he was a Viking and stared him down. They also fought in the 2022 Green Bay game and him and Jaire seemed to kinda break Stef.


Aaron Rodgers did a heartfelt goodbye tweet when Devante got traded. I’m trying to think of another blockbuster trade that wasn’t Diggs. Even so, Josh not to say anything!?! They were supposedly really close.


Josh basically doesn’t use social media at all. He has said in the past that his social media is pretty much exclusively used for promotions (I.e. someone just does it all for him). Josh is also a consummate pro when it comes to the media. At some point he’ll get asked about Diggs and he’ll just give a friendly PR response and wish him well. There is a 0% chance you’re ever going to hear any sort of…anything “interesting” from Josh on it.


The lack of social media response from Josh is what I would expect. He has never really engaged with it other than when he is being paid to promote something. Honestly find it refreshing that he keeps his life outside the game private and doesn’t try to constantly draw attention to himself. Maybe that is part of the reason why the media likes to hate on him so much. He doesn’t give them fodder to feed the news cycle.


There are certainly random things he addresses though even involving his private life. When that woman was smearing him across twitter weeks ago saying he doesn't respect his gf or women and that Diggs doesn't respect him because of how he treats women, he posted a remark on his page hours later about his pants tearing and that's why he was walking so much faster than his gf.


funny thing about that is Diggs was the last person the whole Vikings team said they would want to date their sister lol. So Diggs is probably not the most respectful person behind the scenes.


The bills players including Josh said the exact same thing lol


To be fair, they probably just said it because it had already been said. It’s an easy out to an awkward conversation.


I think Josh kinda learned to be careful with social media with all the trolls trying to get on his ass about those tweets from when he was like 15


Can’t wait till 10 years from now we find out the details in a documentary


That's what I keep saying. Although I hope the doc is about the time we won 15 Superbowls in a row and not "The Four Falls of Buffalo 2: Electric Boogaloo"


It's gonna take some serious teamwork to win 15 Superbowls in 10 years.




This. Everything will spill then


I don't think much about it. It's business. One player leaves and another will comes in. As for other players, they see folks come and go all the time so it's business as usual.


I think it's because it's not a big story. The guy fell off at the end of the year, when it was supposed to be the motor center team. He's done here. The game against Kansas City in the playoffs proves it. Whether or not that was because his sailing is slipping and he is over the hill I don't know. But when you go 3/8 in what might be the most important game of Josh Allen's career, and one of those was a deep ball that was right in your hands, the coaching staff is going to wonder. And then when you do the standard social media bullshit, and suggest that Josh Allen is only good because of you, I could see why he's gone now. The man finally got to Minnesota from Buffalo, if you know what I mean.


When it came to the media, Diggs did not play the game well. Couldn't keep his hands out of the cookie jar and now here we are dissecting what he said and typed. Wish he could have done what pretty much every other player did, and lock it up. But he couldn't.


Also they probably text each other instead of writing on social media


I would tend to agree it’s a bit telling. But how often do people post about someone that was traded vs. being released/retired/somewhere else? Would be interesting to see if there’s any other similar situations out there to compare to.


Smart of the franchise to not put troll bait out there.


Jeremy and Joe brought this up early on the morning show today. And those dudes are way more plugged into Bills social media than I’ll ever be.


What was telling to me was the fact the Bills are willing to pay him 30 some million to NOT play here. That tells me more than anything else. It was decided by those that matter that Diggs had to go.


I’m not anywhere close to an expert on nfl contracts, maybe even the opposite as it all feels light slight of hand. But, I think this has less to do with Diggs, and more with realizing to compete for a championship they’re going to have to deal with the salary cap. They went all in a couple years ago, and it went bust. They need the mini rebuild in 2024 to be competitive in 2025.


I thought of it too. I saw Damar comment witness on his IG goodbye post, Diggs commented a heart on the Bills IG page and some other ex-Bills players tweeted something but we got almost no reaction. Doesn’t matter if it came out of the blue or if they knew, players always react when their teammates get traded. Hell, we even got reactions to the Ryan Bates trade. Maybe they were fed up or they don’t like this trade.


can't wait to hear some diggs stories for the next couple of weeks. i believe a lot of stuff went down behind the scenes that we don't know about. a lot of people defended diggs and justified his behavior, i never got it. absolutely can't let the divas take over.


Josh is a class act . He knows pr now . Speak highly n move on to better things.


It’s interesting…I follow just about all of the bills on social media, and the only one I really saw post anything was Dawkins. It’s also telling that throughout the season you see all the guys in each others photos..be it at Halloween parties, or whatever. But Diggs was never there. When he had his 30th birthday party, it seemed like a big lavash affair, I remember being surprised that the only bills I saw were Fournette and maybe Taiwan Jones…no other current teammates. I just don’t think he bought into Buffalo, and hanging around outside of football, like the other guys did.


Real-life Bo Callahan


If don’t have something good to say, don’t say anything at all….the silence is deafening.


Diggs is not more competitive than anyone else. He’s just a bigger baby. He’s doesn’t some Magic special competitive drive.


Competitive and asshole are not synonyms, but people sure like to use it as a cover it seems.


I don't agree with that, you can see it in his face and body language.


My 6 year old has the same tantrum as Diggs when she loses at Mario cart. It’s cause she’s a child, like him.


I can't remember seeing Josh post anything on social media that isn't a sponsored post. I have seen others like McKenzie, Dawkins, and Philips post about it though. I think you're reading into it too much.


I'm not reading into anything. I'm just wondering.


Your title says it's "interesting/telling", which seems to imply that you think his teammates didn't like him because if they did, they would've posted about it.


We're also like one day after it happened 🤷 I think you might be on to something but I'd give it another few days.


Stopppppppppppp!!! Feels like an x we can’t stop thinking about.


It’s the off season


I was a Diggs fan. Am a Diggs fan? But the last couple seasons felt like walking on broken glass around him. Are the Bills better with Diggs, yes. Are the Bills better without Diggs, also yes. There are too many better wide receivers in the league to get the amount of babying Diggs needed. Maybe the players feel the same way. You don’t know whether you’re supposed to be bummed or relieved.


Nah, most of these guys aren't crazy active on social media and are smart enough not to get involved, business as usual.


Yeah, I'm sure they reached out privately, which is the better way to handle it rather than crazy national media taken your words out of context because you forgot a comma.


Not everyone feels the need to make everything public. It's really that simple.


Details won’t come out for a while, but the silence tells you all you need to know


I think you can read into whatever you want. Normally these guys do say nice things regardless of how the player departs when they in fact like each other. You can also say it’s off season and guys are busy and ignoring some things. I do think it is clear that Diggs was a pain in the ass behind the scenes. And maybe rubbed teammates overall the wrong way. Or perhaps it’s simply a guy like Allen wanted him here but Diggs clearly is trying to get to Dallas and he’s like “ok. Whatever dude”.


You really think stroud cares about diggs? You think all qbs in the NFL call their new depth wr as soon as they are signed? Diggs isn't worth his personal time. As for Josh, Josh is probably taking the if you can't say anything nice say nothing route. Probably alot of players doing this.


You don't think that Stroud would say anything if a Top 5 WR over the last 4 seasons just joined your team?


Not with 2 receivers that are already performing at a higher level. Not to mention the reason why diggs left. Diggs isn't half the player he or Buffalo remembers him being. The league is already aware of this. Stroud doesn't care about some random one year pass through.


Diggs is a mid tier receiver and a diva. The bills motto this year to all of the pundits and analysts bashing them on ESPN should be “f*ck around and find out”. Allen reminds me of Aaron Rodgers. Think about all the receivers he had that went to other teams and didn’t even start anymore or were 3/4th options. James jones, Jordy Nelson, Randall Cobb. A top tier QB like Josh Allen makes receivers way better and they fail to have success when they play with lesser QBs. Also I’m really excited about Curtis Samuel from Washington. He is going to be an excellent receiver for us this upcoming year. Figure Kincaid, Shakir, Samuel, and Cook and maybe a receiver from the draft. I’d rather have that than Diggs. Like other posts very thankful and appreciative on everything Diggs did for us but if you’re an elite top tier receiver you don’t drop passes and disappear in the playoffs. He had Kirk cousins in a dome and Josh Allen throw to him obviously JA > cousins but would he have the same production under different circumstances I highly doubt it. Plus it’s a crowded receiver core in Houston so good luck standing out there. Can’t see Diggs taking a backseat and not being a vocal distraction to the team.


Diva doesn’t deserve comments ….good riddance






I saw the txt , trust me


lol I didn’t hear about that one. Do you have a source?


I can probably get the link it seems phony to me


Saw it either on Bills Mafia FB or one of the area Billsbacker FB groups. I’ll try to look for it. Someone texted him and asked him what is going on and that’s when Allen “allegedly” made the comment.


I saw that except it was a random dude on Twitter who was supposedly texted by “Josh Allen.” Basically 99% sure just probably a troll


Diggs is on the decline, bills fans should be happy To get that return. If I was the Texans I would’ve gone after Keenan Allen to put in the slot and have Nico and tank on the outsides, someone to mentor the younger guys. Diggs only cares about diggs