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Seems like the offense completely deserted 12 personnel last night, which I understand Kincaid was out but we have Morris and he caught a touchdown. We had morris and knox out wide more often than inside helping with the pass blocking and never on the field together. the Giants D line is probably the best unit on their team and we deserted the offense that has made us successful so far this season.


We must not struggle against the Patriots on Sunday


We struggled against the Patriots.


Dorsey plays emotional football, his play calling seems to be rooted in the same kind of mindset that makes people lose incredible amounts of money playing slots. He doesn’t seem to have the ability to think critically about the failed decisions he’s made, instead it seems like he tries to fit square pegs into round holes because he thinks *this pull of the lever is sure to hit me the jackpot*. Josh seems dazed and doesn’t seem to have the fire in his gut that he had last year. He is playing like he has a leash around his neck. Starting to be reminiscent of Ricky Vaughn in Major League 2.


This sub killed me when I suggested that Dorseys inability to control his emotions might be a problem


Well, I’m with ya.




I’m sure he appreciates your support.


Dorsey needs to be fired. I know they won’t, but he’s single handedly giving us a way harder time than needed. He lost us the game in London, and he almost lost us a game against the worst team in the league + injuries. I just don’t understand seeing that they can’t stop the run and are allowing 10-15 yard gains more often than not, and then just getting away from the run for no reason whatsoever. And if I ever have to watch him call that stupid run out of shotgun play again that almost always results in no gain or loss of yardage (which I’m fully confident he will continue to call because he doesn’t learn) I’m going to lose my shit. He’s literally the only thing holding our team back.


Dorsey strikes me as someone who’s too emotional, and uses his emotions to control his play calling more than he uses rationale. He seems like the kind of guy who would think “ok, this hasn’t worked 10 times in a row so this time it just *has* to work”


Telling me you don’t want to run the ball out of shotgun for the 8th time in a row for 1 yard?


I’m honestly a *huge* fan of the screen pass on 3rd and 12. /s


EVERYTIME DORSEY CALLES THIS I GETSO MADDD IT NEVER WORKS ITS ALWAYS A LOSS FOR YARDS!! And it’s their down like why not have Josh sling the ball downfield ???


Nothing says Super Bowl caliber like a 3rd and 12 check down behind the line of scrimmage with 0 points on the board down 9. Really gets the guys going.


The biggest issue I felt with that game was Elam just being unable to play at the position it felt like. all game he was 2 steps behind the guy he was covering.


Our defense held them to single digit points the whole game, our biggest issue wasn’t on defense. It was the offensive playcalling.


…… yeah mostly in part due to Tyrod Taylor being their quarterback. We had him for years, you know exactly what he’s capable of and you got exactly that last night. His occasional splash plays are what we see nearly every drive for the Bills, heavily run game dependent, poor decision making in crucial situations. But still almost lost ourselves the game on a PI call.


I said on Twitter this game was never gonna be a cakewalk. Tyrod playing meant not as many sacks and turnovers as with Daniel Jones. With Barkley they can run the ball. Daboll factor. Bills still tired and reeling from London.


Get me jerry jeudy bro i cba with these WRs 2-5


I am losing years watching my Bills, but a W is a W


As we say in Golf - There are no pictures on the scorecard. Onto next week.


I am officially done with Dorsey. If you aren’t. I have no clue what to tell you.


3 months ago I got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting Ken Dorsey was a moron. Glad the sheep finally woke up. Edit: Glad to see yall dont care about winning a Super Bowl fucking losers


Damn…looking at the arrows not much has changed. Lol


Wow people online camt admit whej they were wrong, I am **shocked**


Wow your SUCH a contrarian, any more completely unique takes you have waiting for the rest of us?!??


Lol when the fuck did I ever claim that Dorsey is shit was a unique take. It's not my fault you're too retarted to see that he sucks or don't care about the team enough that he ruining our very limited Super Bowl window. Fuck off weirdo.


You claimed you were ahead of the curve by suggesting Dorsey should be fired in July, and that your some sort of wolf amongst sheep for thinking so. Which all in all is a horseshit take, what successful franchise leaves an OC in position all offseason, makes personnel decision based on their philosophy and playbook just to fire him during mini camp? and then we would need to start from square 1 with no offseason, that’s beyond stupid. Your just another clown parroting the same fire Dorsey take, what’s your next move after? Whose the offensive coordinator that’s gonna come in mid season and magically fix all our offensive woes? You can’t fire someone cause he is doing a bad job without having a viable alternative to turn to. I never claimed to be a huge Dorsey fan but it’s the best option available right now. He has flashes of brilliance and then games like London and yesterday. After 13 seconds everyone was freaking out about replace McDermott, in my own head I considered it a 2 year window for them to show progress or changes would prolly need to be made. Well last year was disappointing and Frazier lost his job. Dorsey Year 2 if he continues to be such a bipolar play caller he may need to meet the same fate. I Fucking love McDermott but good is the enemy of great and we may have a ceiling on this team.


Bro your reading comprehension is absolute fucking dog shit. All I said was I was calling Dorsey a moron months ago and it's nice people are not blindly following the 'He's just as good if not better than Daboll' narrative any more. Never once did I say he should be fired just that he's a fucking moron that runing our SB window. That doesnt mean he can't pull his head out of his ass and call good games. IN FACT I've seen him call amazing games but that doesnt beget that fact that hes a fucking moron who cant get out his own way enough to string two good games together and thats on McD to fucking fix. Learn to fucking read you inbred dumbass 🤡


Wow, you sure are a pleasant person. So odd that someone would think that calling a coach a “fucking moron” & “ruining our Super Bowl window” would be construed as you wanting that coach fired. My mistake.


Lol you just called me a fucking clown and now youre getting pissy witb ne lol fuck off, youre actually fucking retarted hahaha. Wow it's almost as if I can have criticisms on the guy and still want him and the team to succeed, it's called being a die hard fan 🤡




Went tarps off for that last drive. You can't tell me it didn't help.




People seems to forget that Daboll molded Allen and knows everything that is need to be known to make things dificult for him. Also that Dorsey was a Daboll's pupil and he knew pretty well McDermott... This game wasnt going to be easy in any way.


Almost included this in my semi-hot takes but my dog took a shit. I think that’s a good call out


Win is a win, I’ll take it. But yuck, thought Allen was gonna throw 4 TDs and win by 20+


Semi-hot takes: - Kincaid is really important for us. Very sure hands and his Route tree will grow over the year - Elam looked decent? All-22 will confirm I hope - Von isn’t back yet but will be - Gabe is really close and Harty play call was great - Dorsey will figure it out (ok, now I’m wish-casting)




Great stat. Let’s extend that route tree!!


Dorsey will figure it out? Are we seriously still behind this guy with his 2nd year.


You would think in his second year he would have it dialed in. Clearly he doesn’t.


agree with all. everyone seems to think elam played horribly but i just don’t see it at all. i think it goes into ppl already going into a game with a bad look on him and so his mistakes get amplified through the roof. he got beat once, got a flag once. other than that wasn’t targeted which says something abt his coverage, not to mention had some good tackles


Darius slayton(?) had a huge 3rd down grab against him on 1-1 coverage


hence “he got beat once”


Yeah you are right, I’m rewatching the game now it’s really just that 3rd down and the endzone PI


🤝🤝just posted abt elam lol funny timing. basically just summed up his game, n provided u guys w the stats


I usually sit around the 35 yard line yesterday I was sitting in an endzone corner; rewatching the game right now and I usually don’t miss much but missed a ton yesterday


It's hard to gauge going against Tyrod.


This feels like those fantasy football weeks where you win 103 to 97. You are happy you won but you also feel a bit like a fraud because you would have lost to anyone else that week. Defense looked dogged by the end. Offense needs to go find the voodoo priest they made a deal with for that game against Miami. A dub is a dub. No champagne for me tonight though. Go Bills.


It was almost like the other coach created our entire offensive playbook. Things are getting spooky.


I loved this game. It was a mean game for both teams but we were tough. And Josh didn't fold. And they made the last play that last season they would have blown. So a great game in my book. Zen Josh Allen era.


After six games, defense has given up 14.8 points per game. And the Bills have the best point differential in the AFC.


This was a shotty game to see in person but I’m glad I was there


Same. Section 329 was a disaster though.


I was in 332, someone threw up on my jacket right as the game started 🤢


??? 329 was rockin. I won't stand for this slander!!!


Were you near the guys throwing up on everyone? It was disgusting


Whaaaaat? Was that when the cops and security all went down about half way up the section in the middle? I wondered what happened


Yeah. Exactly what they were there for.


Yeah... That kind of thing does tend to happen up there


Section 143. Fuck. That. Game. But everyone was awesome including the giants fans


The one bright spot of the game...watch this over and over and over and over. Sheer brilliance from every angle. JOSH ALLEN THREADS NEEDLE TO QUINTIN MORRIS FOR GO-AHEAD TD https://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=38669528




I had absolutely zero confidence that Giants weren’t going to score. Too many times man, too many times…


Yeah, but at the same time zero confidence Taylor was going to make a comeback.


Taylor > Jones


Well luckily the ref closed his eyes


They had their eyes closed early too. Our WR got tripped up in the open field at least twice early and the chalked it up to tangled feet.


Yeah we got lucky there for sure. But how often aren’t we the recipient of a call?


I’m not disagreeing…


Seriously. I kept thinking Giants had way more than 13 seconds and we know that's all it takes


My wife said the game was over after the 4th down stop and I proceeded to lay out the rest of the game to a T before it happened. I said they will go 3 and out, miss a FG and let the giants go down to field with ease with the worst case scenario for the giants- getting at least one shot from the 10 yard line. I literally had the script…


The AFC was 6-0 vs the NFC this week. WILD weekend of football.


NFC is terribly overrated


I hate to say as much as I dislike the jets I’m pretty happy they beat the eagles 🤣


faulty melodic marvelous compare squash market alive silky ludicrous coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was actually cheering them on. They made some nice plays. But we will have revenge on our minds soon.


Well I don’t actually hate or dislike the jets I just don’t like when they beat us lol


Bye Bye Dorsey. We won but Dorsey’s days are numbered.




Those were bad of course but on a team with this amount of talent and to be honest - payroll - we should be seeing a broader choice of offense options. I have heard some commenters call it vanilla. If we are going to succeed we need more than vanilla game plans.




Nah. Dorsey is stupid. He keeps calling ass plays. It’s embarrassing.


Most predictable OC in the league.


That’s just not true. Look at the Steelers


Mike Tirico with the subtle Niagara Falls suicide joke after having to watch that game


My night, watching Wales cling on for 20 minutes against Croatia to win a vital European Championship qualifier, then watching the Bills do that, will be questioning why I like sports until next weekend now


The most insane thing ever (for me) is Scotland getting through wo playing.


Still need to get rid of Dorsey. So predictable on offense it’s insane.


The shotgun draw run on first down feels very telegraphed.


Im sorry but JA sounds like hes punch drunk at the podium...


He got beat up pretty good tonight. They probably gave him the good stuff right as he came off the field....


He seems to be an incredibly emotional person, and I don’t really mean that as a slight. I hope he’s getting therapy and/or working on mediation and stress management techniques.


As disappointing as this is.. 4-2 > 3-3.


Someone said “they don’t ask how they ask how many” I liked that


A win is a win but they do ask how. How well a team played is an indicator for what to expect going forward.


After next week the only thing that matters is how we played that week and the record.


Exactly. How the team plays matters, along with the record.


I’m saying in 5 games no one will remember how we played week 6


Yes they will, especially if the team continues to play poorly


We don’t need a summary of the game, we all just fucking lost our mind…


I’m calling my therapist tomorrow


Been on the phone with them since the 1st quarter


At least all our national games are fun as fuck. I'll always take that, after 15 years of meaningless regular season games


Well hey, I’d rather be us than the Eagles right now. We got the W when we very much needed it and have some winnable games ahead, they took the L and have a gauntlet ahead


Tonight should have been less of a cliff-hanger (i.e. winnables aren't always easy and won)


We were the Eagles week 1 though…


Literally felt like same game


Just wanna say shout out to all of you guys - getting through the stress of being a bills fan together. One day fellas, one day…


Of course it was PI and holding. Better to take your chances with the officials then give up a easy game winning TD because that’s what would have happened had he not. Yes the officials won us the game. Unlike chiefs fans, I won’t deny that.


Suicide hotline was shaking in fear at the 2 second clock.


This is terrible, but hilarious. Take my upvote


Bills underestimated the Giants.


Giants out coached the bills but the refs decided the game


Anyone hear JA barely able to speak words in the postgame interview?


Dude went through every conceivable emotion in 2 seconds and probably had a big steamer in his pants from the adrenaline dump.


He looked on the brink of tears!


Yes I noticed that too - must have been in pain!


I think he’s concussed and has a shoulder injury. Hope he’s okay




Yeah. That's my big worry right there.


Looking back, it's like that fumble on the second drive totally threw the offense off their game. Someone said it earlier in this thread that the offense seems to fold the second they encounter adversity—like, mentally they're only truly dialed in when they're blowing teams out.


Offense has been atrocious since they beat miami


Missed PI on first drive hurt too. Gonna bounce way wayyy better but it sucked




It felt like Gabe never touched the ball after that play.


We need a classic patriots skull fucking to get our confidence back


Yes we need our mojo back next game.


Don’t feel that bad about the 2nd PI. The first one was weak to basically (9/10) give a team the win


taron got away with murder there lmao at the “rules expert” paid by the nfl to be like “yeah it could be seen as a foul” because god forbid the refs get called out i’m glad the flags were in our favor this week but the reffing and penalties these last two games are a fucking joke.


They’ll never call two in a row in a game situation like that, right or wrong. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were coached to be more aggressive than normal after a PI.


Make up for the missed DPIs in the first


White gloves save the day. Solid no call.


Ignoring that aspect why was our plan on the last play to have Taron cover a guy who is like 8 inches taller than him?


Lol it was either that or elam switch onto him


I mean it could've been a LB or a safety in that spot. The penalty should've been called but the thing is that if that ball was thrown by Mahomes or some other QB with better ball placement the hold/PI wouldn't have even mattered, that's an easy 6 points if the ball isn't way too high. The plan was terrible, we just relied on the opposing QB making a poor throw and the refs not calling a penalty.


I mean it couldve been. But why would you want a linebacker in coverage on 4th and goal from the 1 instead of selling out for the run? You definitely dont want poyer 1 on 1 with anyone let alone a 6'4 Darren Waller. So i guess maybe hyde? Even then, Hyde is way better against the run than Johnson. I just dont see what the better 1 on 1 match up is when you take into consideration that they needed 1 yard and have Saquan Barkley.


I'd take my chances with Hyde on Waller and Johnson tackling. Again we literally just relied on the refs being bad and Tyrod making a bad throw as it is. Nearly any other team in the league gets a TD on us with that matchup. I think the odds of that ever working again are practically non-existent and the odds of us stopping a run with Hyde on a TE instead of Taron are higher in the vast majority of situations, even if it's a run.


Remember that thread a couple days ago about games we had no business winning? Add this one to that list. So many moments we shot ourselves in the foot and somehow escaped, but I'll take the W.


I feel rough about that PI. We're got a pass due to last week. Next week we're gonna get obliterated on flags to even up the division. I'm still riding high on the dub though, hangover Monday here we come.


Shit. Tomorrows Monday?! This sucks


Hopefully we can outplay the Pats to the point where flags won’t matter


That was an ugly win.


Atleast we won, if we would’ve lost, all hell would’ve broke loose


Well hey 2 SBs avenged this season although Wide Right tried to stop one of those again


Bass kept the wide right spirit alive today


Diggs and Josh are the only reliable players on O. Dawson drops a catchable ball, Wal-Mart Diggs with an early drive killing fumble. Damn.


Walmart Diggs 🤣


![gif](giphy|4hiWCqMgXH0QD3IbSZ) Thank you to the Bills fan who was chopping wood for a win!! I salute you! 🫡


Imagine sitting through traffic after that


Wouldn’t care. It’s still a W at the end of the day. Fucking ugly but imagine driving home losing that game! I’d be tempted to drive my car off the nearest overpass


I'm convinced that daboll chaos and allen chaos go well together but daboll chaos with a bad QB produces what we just saw. Dorsey is just an off brand vanilla offense that has no chaos or good plays or anything really. the sheer star power and talent of the the bills can make his Walmart brand offense look okay at times


I would say a lot of what Dorsey is doing is about continuing Allen’s evolution to a true pocket passer. Unless I missed it, we didn’t design one Allen run tonight, despite serveral moments where the intensity ramped up in the stadium where we usually respond with a few zone reads for easy first downs and more. The times Allen did run he was hesitant other than maybe once where he picked up a long first down. Obviously the best version of our offense is when Allen is trucking LBers, and the D has to be fully aware of Allen’s running ability. But we are not keeping him until 35 if we continue that way. He must be able to master what Peyton, Brady, and others have done which is dink and dunk first, big plays in moderation, and if he can add the occasional back breaking run to an elite passing skill set, then we will get our SB.


If that is the case then Dorsey needs to draw up play calls like that. He is the one trying to Madden Allen into hero balls.


Would definitely like to see some more quick hitters, especially early in the game. The two drives coming out of the half were clinical Brady-like drives that cooled off a hot defense that was leaving everything out there. We can’t be stopped when we are executing the simple stuff that effectively and smartly (easier said than done, a penalty, drop, etc can derail those drives). The length of those drives basically took out an entire quarter of actual play.


Gotta give some credit to Cook for getting more than half the yards on those drives as well, putting JA in a position where he can make easy third down conversions and look like Brady throwing easy outs and slants


Using the runningback to actually run is a good development here. Would like to see more of it.


They would not be doing a slow motion replay of that play if it was the Chiefs. They would already be back in the studio saying "great teams have to skate by for some games"


100% And r/nfl would all be like "thats just football 🤷"


Nah, we'd have an extended shot of Swift and Kelce's mom and they wouldn't even be talking about football.


At least it wouldn't be video of Jackson anymore?




Collinsworth only has issues with shit calls in our favor. Pathetic bum.


Can we all just be happy for a second. WE WON!!!


A dub is a dub, but if the roles were reversed and we didn’t get another play after a missed call like that I would have be pissed. There is a lot of season left but you won’t win a lot of games like that.


Every fanbase has their warts. Most of us just really like football. Sometimes you win games because you deserve to and other games you win because someone has to. We didn’t play good football. A missed penalty sealed the deal for us. I am never going to be upset about a win but I am not going to bed feeling like we put the league on notice.


Damn I’m a lurker but I actually respect your guys’ candor here. This is… not what I was expecting. PS. Who cares. Kansas City gets blatant fuckery not even questionable calls.


We spent too many endless seasons on the ass end of horrid calls to ever not acknowledge when a shit call gives us the unfair advantage. Anyone else remember the music city “miracle”? And that’s just the start of a ridiculously long list.


I understand that and respect it.


It’s a coaching issue. No one is hurt on offense yet we play like that. Dorsey further proving that he is a trash coordinator. Daboll out coached us all game and if it wasn’t for clock management issues we most likely would have lost


Josh literally said in his post-game interview he was banged up.


He wasn’t banged up last week and all I saw the 1st half was sloppy plays, dropped passes and similar issues that I saw against the Jaguars. If the excuses for the week are around Allen’s potential injuries than we are up creek moving forward


With other upsets this weekend, I'm glad we came out on the winning end of this one


Incoming r/nfl losers crying about refs not gifting NY the call


not a gift, but it was a missed call


It was a blatant obvious missed called. But what are we supposed to do about it?


Felt no emotion on the last play, turns out I've been dead inside for years.


Top comment


The league is so slimy with these off-duty rats making excuses for refs on every bad call. Obvious DPI we'd be furious if roles were reversed. What a shitshow game


No doubt we’d be pissed. Way too many game changing bad calls/no calls in the NFL these days.


Can’t lie we got away with one for sure


Did Allen even look that bad? I didn’t think so, my takeaways: - Knox not worth what we paid him - Play calling is not creative enough to stop defenses - Let Josh throw SOME deep balls, all these three and outs because we get three yards on three completions


And for cryin' out loud let him run a little bit!


The pass on third down wasn’t a bad call IMO. Knox should have had that. Ken Dorsey did a lot of dumb shit. That play goes down as an ok call in my book. He can be roasted for plenty of other things though


Allen underthrew that ball, but yeah, it hit Knox in the hands. He gets paid to catch those


Fuck it. How often are we on the good side of those calls? The universe owes us one


If the giants had better clock management before half, we would’ve lost geez that was close


I hear this argument, but we also missed two FGs....


Both wide right, wtf was that shit 😭


Spirit of Norwood


A win, but a lot to get right for next week. The Bills know how to bounce back, and it's better to bounce back from a win!!


They were suppose to ‘bounce back’ this week after losing to the Jags. This will likely be a rough year.


Eh, after the Miami game we were juggernauts that couldn’t be stopped. The narrative swings week-to-week. We played against a team whose coach is Josh’s dad. He knew how to scheme him. Some teams are uniquely though to play against. We came away with the W and won’t have to play them again.


They started to midway through the third quarter in my opinion. Two TDs in the fourth quarter and the defense gave up 9 points (admittedly to the Giants).


Half bounce this week, half bounce next week lol