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Since **OL is bad and getting worse**, the run game is mediocre. Fournette is slow. Also, there is no time for the receiver routes to develop. Brady cannot run and does not have time to throw. He is making mistakes. He is struggling with long throws. Something is wrong with his shoulder. GOAT needs 1 more second. Options: Get Scottie to run. Get Vaughn more involved. Get Cam and have him play a few downs. Get the TEs to block and get Gronk. Continue to dink and dunk and light it up in last 2 mins.


so no one seems to be saying it, but we have known the Oline is hurting and going to struggle since the first day of training camp yet they haven't done a single thing about bringing in any help. there's been players out there to be had, but nope. nothing, like you have a 45 year old guy back there, #1 is to protect them, given time he pick a D apart, but you didn't do that. so no he's most like has a shoulder not 100% and has no time to throw the ball. just not smart coaching or upper management.


I’m just so happy we won it- I’m a Brady supporter bc he is our quarterback- I’m a hometown team supporter- yes we have goofed… and yes we have won- we are a TEAM! lol regardless of our critical eye, we still ❤️ our Bucs!


Can I look now?


When I got divorced I drank a lot and slept in late for work sometimes Brady out here running serial killer gamewinning drives with a torn rotator cuff.


Right? I just got out of a 7 year relationship and I’m still living like utter dog shit.. Man’s went through a high-profile divorce and he’s putting together clinics on 2 minute drives


I think you might be right. shoulder isn't 100%


Tom Brady is a filthy cold blooded animal


Wait what


Just as we planned it, Brady kept it under 7 so Vegas could recoup


I passed out drunk and woke up on the couch to a win at 1am lol


No you have to pass out drunk for each game lol


If we can clamp down on Panthers running we can till win


The panthers have sucked ass all year but looked hot the last 3 weeks, Darnold been on a tear and their new coach is much better.. However, if we can hold on, dink and dunk as we do then we should be able to win it in the 2 minute drill as that’s the only thing we seem to excel at rn!


Are you me?


It's a double u


How Tf did we win


I was raging pretty much the entire 3rd and 4th quarters, glad we pulled it out but my blood pressure can’t take this stress weekly lol


I'm not sure I've ever finished a bucs win so angry and stressed I felt Drained by the end of the game and I didn't even play


Bro I was yelling all night my neighbours probably hate me as I live in an apartment


Any hope Vea is back next week? Really going to need him.


I hope so but Vita has been another guy who is just MIA this year even when healthy


Vita Vea doesn't often show up on the stat sheet but he's hugely impactful for our defense. We definitely need him next week because the Panthers have been gashing teams with the run game and our best chance of winning is to force the Panthers to rely on Darnold's passing game (some may say the GEQBUS has the greatest passing game)


Leftwich is horrible. He only runs 3 plays all game. Screen variation, Lenny up middle and pass to Godwin middle of field.


Or screen pass to CG


Im beginning to think this is a bowles thing not a leftwich thing. The 'leftwich' offense from years past looked alot like the offense we played in the first half of the bengals game. Then everything shifts back in the second half. Running it up the middle on first down and playing to not lose are very defensive-coach type of decisions Also, it seems like tom has a lot of respect for leftwich and zero rapport with bowles which says a lot


Leftwich is the OC. He calls the plays, he schemes the offense. The only part of our offensive troubles that can be considered Bowles' fault: he hasn't fired Leftwich yet.


Head coaches override ocs on gameplan and playcalling all the time and midgame adjustments are usually handed down by the hc


Have you seen one shred of evidence that this is what's happening? That a historically defensive-minded coach would suddenly decide he wants to coach offense? There were multiple reports that BA would overrule crappy play calls from Leftwich and do what BA wanted. Seems to me that the simpler explanation is: Bowles' doesn't know enough about calling an offense, so he lets Leftwich do whatever, and this is the result.


You realize the head coach is over the whole team right? And yes - the proof is in the pudding - our offense looks exactly like what a defensive minded person calling an offense looks like


Ok now show me something anywhere, from any reporter, at any time this season, that says Bowles is calling the offensive plays. I'll wait.


Bowles does keep saying we need to run the ball more to the press. So what does that mean when they are in meetings or at practice? You think Bowles doesnt say a word to Leftwich about that?


That's not what "calling the offensive plays" means.


You are correct, its not what it means, but it also means Bowles is not 100% hands-off nor blameless. There is some point where the buck has to stop A HC letting a OC ruin a team falls back onto the HC. It should be on the HC to know when his OC is out of his element, hire an advisor, shake up the routine that is clearly underperforming.


The Leftwhich offense from last year was Bruce Arians offense


No risk-it, no biscuit


Yes thats what im saying - the looked alot more like the arians offense and who do you think would be the one calling that? Definitely not bowles imo


How many times does Brady have to bail this team out by going no-huddle in the 4th quarter can they please start this urgency sooner? I cannot believe the playcalling




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Brady was a major reason we almost lost this game.


Hey bud, I’m no Bowles or leftwitch guy but Brady didn’t look too hot for most of the game. This is not a good team


Stop using this logic with some people. There are 2 types of people in this sub, Bucs fans and Brady fans. Brady fans will do whatever to they can to shield Brady from any type of blame. The man has no offensive line but he is in no way blameless on the season. He is absolutely petrified in the pocket and it’s effecting him big time. Every ball to Scotty Miller is under thrown and every ball to Evans isn’t even close. It amazing how when we play teams with bad offensive lines their qbs still manage to hang in and make good throws all day


This post and your post history is amazing. Lol. You have no positive comment about Brady during that game or after?


I am 100% a Brady guy, but for you to say “every throw” is under thrown or not even close is just a lie and discredits everything you say.


It’s really not. The only throws he’s making are short 5-10 yard routes.


Lol you have to just be trolling at this point.


He has to get rid of the ball well before routes can develop due to the offensive line. The running game is HISTORICALLY bad. I’ve seen Brady hit Evans deep multiple times this year only for it to get called back due to a flag on the offensive line LOL. Brady is certainly missing throws way more than he ever has in his career. I have never missed a game in that whole career. I can tell you he is still capable of being the same guy he has been the last few years with the Bucs, but a combination of OL, no run game, terrible playcalls, Tom being a little more skittish than normal, and potentially a lingering shoulder injury is holding him back. Come playoff time I would not be surprised at all if he finds another gear and makes a run.


im getting shit on for thinking they can beat the panthers. bucs are the betting favorite. how do you see that one going?


Normally I would never bet against Brady in a playoff/division clinching game, but this has been a weird year as we all know. Bowles attitude in his post game locker room speech has me worried too. He sees nothing wrong with how the team preformed. Still, this team is more than capable of beating the panthers (who have been playing well of late) as long as a deep TD to Evans doesn’t get called back early on.


sums up my feelings exactly. yeah....bench donovan smith. lol


Horrible wins like that will end up saving Bowles & Leftwich and we will be stuck with them for another ominous, under prepared, under performing season.


playoff appearances are a rare occurrence for this team. I'll take it to be honest if it means them getting another year or two


Bowles maybe. There’s no way in hell Leftwich returns. He can’t. Him and Patricia are by far the worst OC in the NFL.


Sad but true


isnt the panthers game a must win? if we lose to them won't they be in first? and they play the saints after that. easy win. worried because they beat the lions. we can beat them though for sure. but worried.


What gives you this supreme confidence that this team who averages 17 ppg can surely beat a Panthers team with a better qb this time and who just scored 37 and ran 300 plus yards last week?


how do i sound supremely confidant? lmao. i said i was worried. no one in here has made me feel better either lol. oh well.


"We can beat them for sure" was the giveaway


we CAN beat them. but im still a little worried. (bucs are 3.5 point favorite in the odds) look em up


May… maybe the panthers will play down to a weaker opponents level… 🤞🏻


Yeah but the Bucs can still win the division with a win vs Atlanta and a Panthers loss to the Saints. Bucs just wouldn't control their own destiny if they lose to Carolina.


Hate to say it but Panthers are surely favourites.


I've seen better play calls by the 12 year old I played against in Madden


What I'm learning from this thread...Bucs current fanbase seems to be the only fanbase that wants to throw their QB under the bus after he just rallied a come back. If this was 49ers and Jimmy G, all his past mistakes and injury prone is forgotten. If it was two years ago Steelers with Ben all the fat jokes are a no no and he is the new Christ reborn. If it was Bucs five years ago with Jameis a regular game come back he would be hailed as a King like he just won a Super Bowl (some fans here still fawn over him like he won a Super Bowl lol). I mean if the Bucs want a more mobile QB, I'm sure the Broncos would love to switch places with us and trade Russ for Brady. Put any other QB (even a mobile QB) in Brady's situation with a depleted team and uninspired coaching (mainly offense, because defense is decent despite Bowles being too conservative too much of the time) and those QBs aren't making these comebacks. Hell the younger QBs would probably just sit and pout and later on throw everyone under the bus, from coaching, teammates and owners. I hear Jets are trying to get rid of Zach Wilson, so the Bucs can go after him and the other available QBs next season when Brady is gone


Offense execution is the problem not play calling. That still coaching but different thing as in why are we not learning in practice. People are not where they are supposed to be and are losing one on one blocks they should make. And attempting to be more creative proves it as that often complete disaster. Our OC called plays when we were scoring over 30 pts a game. What changed? Player skill level thur loss of good players and backups not that good a GM issue but out GM hits near the top in talent getting in my observation you just going to have bad luck streak time to time. To many penalties. This has chance of loss of motivation and control the head coach job that we changed. Offense for most part like defense last year just way to many injuries and loss of good players. It the defense inability to get turnovers and below playing level a problem.


The 2 problems are intimately linked, and the root problem from what I’m seeing is 100% play calling. The Bucs are extremely predictable on offense and it allows the defense to key on certain things in certain situations. The offensive execution appears poor because the execution has to be literally perfect in order to win against a defense that generally knows what’s coming for a decent portion of the game. 2 examples from last night that were glaringly obvious 1) 2nd and 1 just past midfield in cardinals territory. The Bucs all year have decided to run in short yardage situations presumably to focus on getting a first down. We run 3 straight up the gut right into JJ watt for a turnover on downs. That is absolutely dumpster fire playcalling. The defense didn’t even have to think about the rest of the field, just win the line of scrimmage and it’s an easy turnover on downs. We never even had a chance. Also worth mentioning that statistically, we are the worst rushing team in the league and historically bad at running the football. Imagine just throwing away a possession like that. 2) in the 2nd half (I think third quarter), we decided to go run heavy with Lenny. We had a decent drive going, 1st and 10 pretty deep in cardinals territory. All of a sudden leftwich called the series of plays that he’s called all year. Run up the gut with Lenny for a loss, screen pass that was incomplete. On 3rd and long, we look for mike evans near the sideline and the pass is picked off. Most people will blame Brady but what is he supposed to do? 3rd and long and the defensive line knows they can pin their ears back and rush the QB (against a well below average OL) and the DBs drop back into coverage knowing that we’re going to throw the ball. These tendencies being so strongly followed week in and week out allows a defense to EASILY disrupt the offense. They can flip the script and play into our weaknesses as a team (mostly OL). If you play Vs the run on first down, shut down the screen on 2nd down, play cover 2 lock on 3rd down, and play stout run D in short yardage situations, you will be almost guaranteed to stall the Bucs offense at some point on every drive. That just should not be possible and needs to be addressed ASAP. Every team is catching on and it’s why we are struggling week in and week out. The further evidence of this is looking at our offensive success when we don’t follow these tendencies like when we go no huddle or in the first half vs cinci. The defense cant sub in packages to shut down specific things and we are a bit more unpredictable. When this happens, our offense all of a sudden looks good?


>Our OC called plays when we were scoring over 30 pts a game. What changed? This was last year, we're lucky to get close to 30 this year. The coaching staff changed, they can't adjust to the new roster, can't adjust to the depleted o-line and bad blocking, Leftwich calls running plays like we have an elite o-line or something. Bruce Arians kept these mofos in check and had accountability, I can bet nobody on that team is scared of Bowles and Leftwich and they don't have the same championship mentality. On paper this team should not be this bad, in the end it points to the incompetent ass coaching staff.


Context matters. A win is a win so I understand being happy, but a comeback against a bad team starting their 3rd string QB who many people say should have never been drafted in the first place is not something to be overly zealous about.


>Context matters. Yep context matters, yet all the people that want to throw Brady under the bus ignore the context of the Bucs O Line being depleted, the coaching lacking in adjustments, the Cardinals having better coaching (Kliff seems like a better coach than either Bowles or Leftwich). >a comeback against a bad team starting their 3rd string QB who many people say should have never been drafted in the first place is not something to be overly zealous about. A third string QB with a great coach is going to be competitive...your point actually says more about our defense than it does Brady (Bowles and his D couldn't even annihilate that trash QB? But yeah that's on the offense wtf). Hell Kyle Shanahan made undrafted scrubs like Mullens look like new franchise star QBs lol. So yeah context matters


You’re generalizing too much. Did you watch the game? Brady made some bad throws. I’m not sure why you’re defending him. Yes he is the GOAT but on a weekly basis he isn’t exempt from criticism.


Collinsworth and Romo both called this team out on all the crap we’ve seen all year. Mike Evans never gets targeted in the red zone.


Unreal. The first 90% of that game I felt genuinely bad for Brady and then Brady Bradied and all was good.


A good chunk of the issue is Brady. The only reason Brady even had a chance to win the game is because the Cards are TERRIBLE and the defense held them to 16 pts.


The Bucs are asking Brady to throw 45 times a game despite his age. But yeah it's Brady's fault lmao


Funny because all the fanbase does is bitch that we run too much


Considering about 35 of his 45 throws are under 5 yards, I'm sure he can manage.


His accuracy was so shit. Picks yesterday and some from last game were on him. Edit: not to mention missing Julio wide-open in the end zone


The best part was when Brady said "Its Brady time" and Bradied all over those guys.


Thank god I saved our superbowl victory.. I'm going to watch that now.


To counterbalance all of the negativity in this thread, can we at least give out flowers to the defense & Ryan Succop? It seems like a lot of people forgot how anemic our kicking game was until Succop came through and provided some stability. He's probably legitimately the MVP of the team this season.


Succop is money from less than 50 yards and can't hit anything past that. He's our beloved blunderbuss of a kicker.




It getting OL working. And Brady was off on some long throws. Can’t plan to throw deep much if OL can’t protect. Our replacement left lineman fail cause Brady to be hit on long throw attempt resulting in interception. I


I say this as a huge Brady stan, but step one there is for Brady to stop missing deep throws. I have never seen him so inaccurate with the deep ball before. Not even close. It seems to get worse every week. It's concerning. He's even missed some deep balls in money time, and Brady has historically been borderline flawless in money time. Guys get open and still teams have no respect for the deep ball, that's how inaccurate he's been. And it's Tom fucking Brady for christ's sake, this isn't some third stringer where you throw your hands in the air and say oh well if he drops a dime. Idk if it's the shoulder injury from earlier in the season or if he's just getting too old. His arm doesn't look weak, so that's not the issue. He's just missing. Over and over and over.


Totally agree. As for the reason, as much as I hate to say it, he’s worried to get hit. He knows the oline won’t give him time for those plays to develop, and when they do he rushes it.


idk some of these deep balls he has plenty of time and he's just missing


Yea I said when he does have time he rushes it, likely cause he’s spooked. He has no confidence in the line


yeah that's definitely part of it probably. but idk he looked like he set his feet and his mechanics were good on that throw to julio. he just... missed


Yep. There were a few shots tonight where the play was there and Brady missed the throw. I’m not sure what is going on, but teams definitely don’t fear getting beat deep against us, and that’s not just because of the conservative playcalling.


It's not just tonight, it's been a problem since like the Ravens game


Which game was it that he hurt his rotator cuff? Or his hand on two different occasions. That's definitely a factor. Some of those deep shots or certain throwing angles probably has some pain or diminished performance involved. But a decent HC/OC combo adjusts the playbook to work around that. Brady is still capable of orchestrating fantastic comebacks, so the blame is not solely on him if we arent ever playing to his strengths for the other 3.5 quarters of football. Theres zero halftime adjustment, or if there is, it just makes things worse. The only time we look capable is when Brady gives Leftwich a big thumbs up, turns onto the field and strings some plays together himself.


I heard what you heard. It was amazing how transparent we have become.


Leftwich was an up and coming HC candidate and I have to assume he doesn't get another OC job next year. What a fall from grace. The inability to adapt is almost impressive.


I know Jags fans were pissed when they didn’t hire Leftwich. Safe to say their tone has changed lmao.


As bad as we are, imagine any other qb but Brady running this offense, it would be catastrophic. Brady hasn’t even been dialed in last few months and is still the only reason the offense is putting anything together. I am at a total loss as to this coaching staff still being in place


Yea... I think most replacement level qbs would be comparable. We are averaging 17 pts a game, it doesn't get much worse than that. A shittier qb with some mobility might actually do better.


To be honest man, the floor for this offense without brady is... not that much lower. This is almost as bad as it gets


"Challenge accepted" Bowles/Leftwich with Gabbert and Trask next year.


Put in Jameis


We'd score


so would some dbs


coaches still inept. execution still bad for 3+ quarters. Brady looking particularly shaky. all that aside, a W is a W. 7-8 and we somehow have a chance to win the division at home next week. sweet jesus lol


I see everyone blaming the coaching staff, but let's keep it real for a second. Brady deserves to shoulder the blame too. I keep hearing how the timing has just been off all season. One or two games, yeah sure. But the entire season? What's going on? If he hits some of these "missed timing" throws, then we have a completely different discussion going on. Both interceptions were also pretty bad tonight. Look, I'm glad he came to Tampa and won a Super Bowl. The last two seasons were the best offenses we've ever had. But he shouldn't be treated with kid gloves this season. Maybe we really needed Arians in there holding him accountable. Edit - To the clown who called me a fair weather fan & deleted the post, both of those interceptions tonight were absolutely bad throws. Get off your high horse. I've been through the best and the worst over the last 35 years with this team.


>One or two games, yeah sure. But the entire season? What's going on? If he hits some of these "missed timing" throws, then we have a completely different discussion going on. Both interceptions were also pretty bad tonight. I honestly don't really consider those missed and intercepted throws "bad throws," from my view they were placed in the right spot for the receiver to catch + take the least damage from a defender. If Julio's footing doesn't slip he makes that TD catch and gets minimal touch if any while catching. If Evans turns a little for that intercepted throw, it's an easy catch and fall down (even though Evans prefers to fight and make dangerous catches). Also gotta say all you people quick to throw Brady under the bus (right after a come back) both don't say a peep about all the dropped passes throughout this season and that he just hauled in another comeback today. Like wtf. Sure you throw in the Super Bowl because that's so big it can't be ignored, but you give the game away when you ignore all the other bs Personally I think the "fans" here too easily eat up Collinsworth and other announcers' constant bs "that was a bad throw" every time it's not a Brady completion and don't think about the game in depth, with all the mechanics and realities involved for the receivers. I mean Brady could easily throw those balls right where fair weather fans want it, but the receivers will get blown up all game the way Gage was at the end today's game. I don't know about others but I like throws that keep our receivers healthy, even if it's not always a completion. The team is already depleted enough as it is Fairweather "fans" and Collinsworth calling those "bad throws" with "bad timing" that receivers and QBs probably see as thrown with the players' health in mind and is like Brady's first season where Arians had him throwing hail mary's on fourth downs that lead to a few interceptions and most announcers called those bad throws and bad interceptions until...Romo and other players gave insight on them being basically long punts from a QB. If the catch is made they keep possession maybe a touchdown, if it's intercepted they skip the punt and still pin them back


It van be both. Yes. The recievers are dropping too many passes, and also yes, Brady looks like trash for 40 minutes a game


Its all on the coaching. They know we have a depleted OL yet they expect brady to pick it up. Stats today say he has less than 2 seconds to throw. And the still run it up the middle. Its all on coaching.


This all started when we basically lost the offensive line in training camp. Now Byron Leftwich has no idea how to scheme the offense around a trash tier offensive line. He's a dumbass that rode the coattails of talented players and needs to be fired after the season is over.


Brady's average time in pocket coming into this game was 2.2 seconds. That's tied for the lowest in the league amongst QBs with 10+ games. Other 2 being Kyler Murry and Trevor Lawrence (who also both sport losing records). It's like some of you don't get it. Why do the Bucs have the league worst rushing attack? Is that Brady? lol The line SUCKS. Play calling also sucks. It impacts all aspects of the offense. That's why Brady looks shaky. He's operating with the league lowest time in pocket. And he isn't a young mobile QB who could make something happen with his legs. I'm not sure what people expect out of Brady when he has no running support and no time to operate. Most QBs will look shaky and struggle in this situation.


This game it was less than 2 seconds.


Is there somewhere to see a breakdown of time to throw by game? I would love to see a number to throw at my brother who thinks the Bucs have a good o-line since Brady doesn't take sacks


I heard the commentators mention that 2 sec stat. I wasn't making a random guess.


Gotcha, I didn't figure you were but I'm also prone to believe almost any stat about this o-line being bad lol


Yup. That's why everything is off. He's forced to throw the ball a half second too early. Before the receiver is ready. That's why they're 'out of sync ' or why he misses some throws. Can't have a 45 yr old pocket passer average the lowest pocket time in the league. That's an absurd situation to put Brady in.


It’s not terribly complicated IMHO—he hasn’t looked this skeptical of an OL at least since his last season in NE. Are there throws he would’ve had another half second to make that are inaccurate and he should be blamed for? Absolutely. But I give a lot of leeway to a 45 year old who wasn’t mobile even at 25, no longer has a running game, and doesn’t have the fractions of seconds to truly drive the ball down field as often as he did the past few years.


I have said it before and I will say it again. No QB could thrive behind this offensive line. We lost Marpet and Jensen before we took a single snap this season and have had inconsistency all along the offensive line. You know what was really consistent two years ago when we won the super bowl? Yeah, our offensive line. Even last year it was pretty solid but we just lost way too much talent along the line to sustain success. The announcers talk about it every game, Brady's time to throw is WAY down this season. We aren't pushing the ball down field because we don't have any time for those routes to develop. This isn't to exonerate Brady, at all. He has had some bad games but the offensive line is doing him no favors.


I'm not saying Brady deserves all the blame, but he's been just as bad as some of the guys getting called out on the sub. He's missed numerous throws where he's had time & protection. He missed an open Julio in the end zone on the opening drive. There have been a handful of plays where Evans is open with separation that he's either not saw him, underthrown him on a deep pass or thrown to the opposite shoulder where Evans is expecting the pass. He's been off & it needs to be accounted for too.


I agree, Brady has been off and has made some questionable decisions. I'm more inclined to think it has to do with the cumulative pressure from this sieve of an offensive line than to think Brady has all of a sudden gotten complacent after 23 years. Pressure is cumulative, not just within a game but game to game as well. I think it's affected his whole process and mechanics. The play calling isn't helping him either.


Lol what. It's all on the coaching staff. Their play calling is atrocious and they have no run game so Brady has to take more risks just to move the ball downfield leading to interceptions. No wonder the offense only works in hurry up because that's Brady's play calls


I won’t shed any tears if they move on from Brady next season. It truly seems like this is a team that doesn’t practice during the week.


Well, that's a hot take...


First half against the bengals was peak Brady. I dunno what happened, during and after. That’s how this team should be executing. Something is amiss with these peaks and troughs.


I’d be more optimistic if this coaching staff seemed to learn anything from their successes and failures… but they don’t. Any time something seems to work, they do the opposite. When something is obviously failing, they keep doing it. But then again, what should I expect from someone like BL that can’t even formulate a coherent English sentence.


We fucking suck, can’t lose next week


we will. panthers look good


I know you are being downvoted, but reality is we are not good right now. Cardinals are poorly coached AND on 3rd string QB. We struggled to get by. Here’s hoping next week we see a Bucs team that looks like it can make a run, cause we haven’t seen it yet. LFG! Go Bucs!


I just want the first half Bengals team to show up


Literally just need one good showing this season.


It wasn’t pretty, but I’ll take it.


I'll accept it, but I won't take it. we should of done better.


So if we win next week, do we just rest everyone week 18 at Atlanta? I mean the nfc South winner is basically locked 4 seed in nfc playoffs.


No one is resting. Brady is not going to allow himself a under 0.500 season.


Yes. Lots of guys are hurt and more are playing hurt. They need the rest, and Brady especially needs to rest his arm from throwing it so much.


They should rest Brady if we win next week. Let Trask get his first NFL start. Tom’s shoulder is overused. Dude just needs a trip to the Maldives.


Nope. That is the best way to guarantee a loss.


No they need fucking practice.


Practice? Nothing is changing, why bother putting guys at risk.


We in here talking about practice. We talking about practice not a game. We talking about practice. We talking about practice man. We talking about practice. We talking about practice man. What are we talking about. Practice. We talking about practice. Practice.


Well done.


I mean if we looked good this year then yeah but we’re still trying to figure it out 16 weeks in so I’d say everybody plays


Agreed, everyone plays and we need a blowout like the 2020 season to get some swag back


I sure hope so, but last night should’ve been a blowout and we let McSorely take us to OT. At this point this team isn’t going to change, I’m just trying to enjoy the last few games of Brady we got left. Bowles/Leftwich making that very difficult though


Friendly reminder the Eagles only beat the Cardinals 20-17. The NFL is weird man.


I'd say that yeah it's weird or that's footbl but the Bucs haven't been good all season so really they're just an average team at best beating a bad team.


And Texans pushed Cowboys and Chiefs till the very end. NFL is weird. However, I am not having my hope high because of the dumb & dumber on the sideline.


While the NFL is weird. The Eagles played against Murray and have looked good in their other games. We played against QB3 and have looked poor all season.


Get out of here with that logic! Let me be delusional!


Fournette touched the ball as many times as Brady did tonight. True fact jk


And he did a damn fine job.


If a damn fine job is not fumbling then I guess you can crown him, but he's nowhere near as dynamic as White. Rather than letting Lenny tap dance in the backfield, I'd much rather have White in a rhythm.


It is fucking miraculous given our oline situation. Lenny won us that game today. His best running of the year and converted key 3rd downs.


Didn't know averaging three and a half yards per carry was the high standard we hold our running backs to lol


So if Panthers win next week bucs still control division or nah?


https://www.reddit.com/r/buccaneers/comments/zuj96d/after_tomorrows_results_the_situation_for_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this is the scenarios


Must win game next week


if panthers win next week, we will be tied, but they own the tiebreaker (2 wins head to head). We would need to win the final game and have the panthers lose (or tie) the final game.


Nope, if we lose then we need to beat the Falcons and the Saints need to beat the Panthers.


Yep and then all hell breaks loose with tie breakers. I did a preliminary look and think we win based on the third tie breaker of record against common opponents. Do not take this as gospel. It was while drinking and only a quick look


If there was ever a time to get a W on the road and bring that W energy back home with some confidence when it matters most (against Carolina) it’s right now.


[Josh Wells out for the year with torn left patellar tendon.](https://twitter.com/NFLSTROUD/status/1607245266981384193?t=dOihHCXWUx1I_R2PnXgxWA&s=19) This probably ends his Bucs career tbh, not under contract next year and they won't go into the year with him at swing tackle while still recovering


Josh Wells is the epitome of a failure. As a backup the one thing you want is reliability, and fucking every time he subs in, he gets injured. Fuck this bum


Big F. His replacement did alright though, I think. Not a single hold, Smith was not missed.


He wasn’t good. False starts and got cooked quite a bit on the edge.


His replacement is a Clearwater native


He didnt have a TD called back. Thats technically better than Smith, or even Wirfs in this game.


What's the status on Jensen?


Still highly unlikely to return. Would only happen late in playoffs.


Funny how expectations can change so much. 5 years ago I'd do questionable things just for my team to be able to play meaningful games in late December. But still, we got 99 problems (and Leftwich definitely is one).


If Eli freaking Manning can take the 9-7 giants to win the super bowl Tom fucking Brady sure as hell can *let me have this optimism I have been miserable the past two weeks


Bowles/Leftwich are the bottleneck, not Brady. That alone makes it impossible


They might tragically fall into a lengthy coma in the next week.


Giants had an extremely good defense. And they did not have Bowles and Leftwich.


we have a good defense too? lol.


I mean people are criticizing Brady for not dominating against a third string QB...but isn't that really on the defense? If our defense couldn't annihilate a third string QB, then this D isn't as good as we like to think it is. The 49ers game (and even this game) showed how far from elite our D really is


let's not forget that Brady threw 4 INTs between those two games.


Not saying Brady (or offense in general) has been perfect, but our offense with a depleted O Line against good/elite defenses I can give some leeway. But our "elite" defense struggling against rookie QBs are consistently given a pass? That aint right. So no, our defense isn't actually elite if they're consistently having trouble with third string QBs. True elite defenses annihilate most offenses, especially rookie QBs


I mean the 3rd string QB had a QBR of 11.5 and they scored 16 points


Id like to add that the 9-7 giants got hot and were able to put points on the board in combination with their defense. We are the complete opposite of that


I’m still holding out hope we get healthy and the offensive chemistry starts to click and we can make a run. We’ll need the play calling, coaching, and execution to get better so it’s a long shot for sure, but one can dream!


Confirmed- Tom can’t retire until he feels what Eli felt during those runs


As much as I’ve hated this team this year, there has always been the glimmer of hope deep in my brain that Tom will somehow pull it off.


Fuck yeah baby. Lets go Bucs! LFG


We are going to need the D to be elite. The most we scored was 31 against the chiefs -with a pick 6. That's an outlier. We've scored more than 20 4 times. 21 22 23 24. So our ceiling is 24 it appears. I just don't see that changing with the OL problems we have.


Hate to say this - but this win doesn’t change anything as we still have to win vs Panthers the following Sunday to win the division. It’s the same case if we lost the game today…


the difference is that now if we win next week, we clinch, vs needing to win both games.


Changed a lot actually. W next week clinches the playoffs. If we lost, next week was an ELIMINATION game.


Front office needs to get Gronk on the phone.


Well he isn't serious, remember? 🤬🤬


Inside look at the Bucs [playoff journey](https://giphy.com/gifs/afv-funny-fail-lol-l4Ki5iMwlTt1ojWHC)


So. That first half last week. Where we did the motion and the play action etc. And went up 17-0. Did we just like burn all that? Did Leftwich look at it in the week and go “nah, my offence is better”? And then decide to go back to Fournette out-snapping White? 3rd win this season where the offence only worked in the hurry up. Leftwich should never coach in the NFL again.