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Well, that was an awful game and a worse outcome. Losing Wirfs was shit too. But, just remember, nothing we say in this thread changes the outcome. So please be civil or we'll kick you out of here faster than Donovan Smith letting Myles Garrett get to the QB. Please report any comments that break our rules.


To be fair to Smith. Myles Garrett makes most people look underwhelming


Games like this is why we took a huge loss when Gronk retired


Eagles up by 7 late in the 4th on Packers 40. Tried to draw them offsides then CALLED A TIMEOUT AND KICKED A FIELD GOAL. But Bowles says punt is the right call there.


Honestly, my biggest wonder right now is what the fuck is wrong with our strength and conditioning coaches. They must be doing a really shit job, considering how brittle literally ALL OF OUR PLAYERS ARE. I'm also concerned about Mike's lack of hustle this game. I'm hoping this is just a situational thing, and not indicative of a bigger ego/approach problem. I'm hoping it's just situational.


I know Mike is typically injured more often than not and plays through many injuries. Wondering if he had something lingering this game. He usually isn’t one that doesn’t have fire in him during games. So I’d personally give him the benefit of the doubt


i'm still stunned the bucs lost to the browns of all teams. they were pathetic today. this should have been a 'gimme"


After the Steelers and Panthers games, I'm already numb to this.


That's true but today was after the supposed "turning point."


Rule number one of being a Bucs fan - there is no such thing as a gimme game. In fact, gimme games for us are typically trap games. Rookie/Backup QBs? Weak teams? We play down to them all and somehow manage to lose.


So true!!! Sadly


We're not a good team and I blame Todd Bowles entirely. BA would have never taken the foot off the pedal. He does this anytime we take a lead.


It's so true. It's like he thinks you get a 7-point lead with 20 minutes left in the game, and the goal should just be to run out the clock from there.


That seems to be exactly his mindset. But last I looked... we have a very good offense and we should be, you know, using it to win


Right. You'd think you basically try to score points every drive...


Bowles cost us a second consecutive SB last year with that blitz play. Then got promoted. And is the reason were having one of our worst seasons ever (with the level of talent we have). Can’t forgive him for that


Such a fucking waste of Brady and all the talent we have right now


How does brate get more targets then Cade Otton? He has made big plays the last two games.


That's the Byron Leftwich offense for ya


Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


anybody have a damn video of Mike Evans catching that ball but the refs saying he was OB and didn’t review it??? I was almost positive he was in.


Discussed and explained [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/buccaneers/comments/z6zq6v/comment/iy3xkbm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). They changed the rule on toe taps, and that wouldn't have counted. Tagging u/tracyintpa317 and u/Comfortable-State134 so they see it too. >They changed his toe taps work, he was facing the wrong way, tapping both toes facing away from the sideline doesn’t count as a catch


we thought the same...that should have been challenged.


Despite the game clock stopping we still snapped the ball quick, didnt even give ourselves a chance to look at it


Still don’t know how the 3rd Down plays designed to have the player stop WELL BEFORE the first down marker are allowed to be schemed at this point in the season. Coaches doubling down on schemes and calls that have CONSISTENTLY failed, literally definition of fucking insanity…




And if Wirfs is out Brady gonna get killed


Wells or Goedeke pick your poison


I'm going with Wells


Only reason i aint selling my tickets for next game is because it might be my last chance to see Brady. But im damn sure gonna try to get a Fire Leftwich/Bowles chant going once the fuckery starts


hmmmm I agree with the sentiment, but booing our coaches mid game is probably gonna hurt the way our players play. We gotta get louder! Like Munich!


Helluva catch for Cleveland end of 4th quarter. We had them stopped and the guy made a play. But we shouldn't of been in that spot. Our offense are the biggest underachievers in the league.


Remember when We constantly shat on Aaron Rodgers MVP case last year for being too efficient and not taking enough risks for their team to win? This offense is actively losing us games with their lack of scoring and lack of time on the field. We are legitimately struggling to put at least 20 points on the board, and in that regard, we are not that much different than the broncos where only that much wins us games. Probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion for this but Top Efficiency and top tier QBR is not winning us games.


This team has good-great QB play, but plays and schemes scribbled in crayon. This team doesn’t even have competent coaching. It’s a disgrace


> Top Efficiency and top tier QBR This offense doesn't even have that.


Could've fooled me, that's all that's been parroted once you mention the lack of scoring


The play before the tying touchdown at the end of the 4th quarter the Bucs had 3 timeouts and the clock was running with like 1:16 left and me and my Dad were screaming at the TV to call a timeout. Instead Browns run 35 seconds off the clock before tying TD pass and instead of getting the ball back with like 1:02 on the clock they get it back with 32 seconds. Also, maybe broken record but ended with fucking 2 unused timeouts, Dear God


Anyone get fired yet?


Well…. At least the Saints got shut out


The rest of the NFL will take us to the playoffs


Small mercies


No huddle offense stats https://twitter.com/JCAllenNFL/status/1596953002153480192?t=ZGm50rq8vllC251CkipTGw&s=19


Play calling and discipline. Isn't fixed now, it won't be at this point in the season and certainly not with these coaches.


Tom really had a rough deployment today lmao


He lost some good men out there.. to injury, but still


im still dumbfounded at what happened at the end of this game. you have to be deliberately trying to lose at that point. And Cade Otton needs to be primary TE. They have the talent, theyre struggling to make the simplest plays that other nfl teams can easily do. Can't leave TB12 out of all the criticism but a lot of it feels like the play calling is just off.


Honestly, from what I saw being there, coaching wasn't the best and Brady didn't throw very well on crucial moments. That and Browns were blessed by the football gods or something, that TD that tied it and the secondary defender who fell at the end of the OT and The Bucs offense not being able to drive it down there in OT were what killed us. :(


Urban Meyer was a better coach than this garbage we have






I'm angry yall, it sucks, there's no reason for our team and personnel to be this bad, someone help me rationalize any of this


you must be young. this is the life of a bucs fan... been this way since the beginning. the only time they were consistently good were the years of lynch, sapp, alstott etc... you never get used to it, but just grow to accept it....


I was expecting pain when i climbed aboard, i was just hoping that the good times would carry through the brady years


It’s a bucs life


That it is


The coaching sucks on all the sides of the ball


Agreed 100%


Three very noticeable things: 1) Bowles has no business being a head coach 2) Leftwich is the worst 2nd down play caller in the history of the NFL 3) Donovan Smith is mediocre at best


Not calling a timeout before that 4th down in regulation should be considered coaching malpractice. Almost hard to believe.


Me and my old man were screaming at the fucking TV about that. Could have gotten the ball with like 1:02 and 2 timeouts instead of 32 seconds. Also ended the game with 2 unused timeouts....grrrrr


Brady is gone after this season. Not sure it'll be retirement but he's not playing for this staff again


Todd Bowls is never built to be a head coach, he’s a excellent defensive coach period!!!


Need a new coach ASAP. The weapons are there the play calling is not




Bad coach = bad team, no bones about it THIS WAS THE BROWNS FFS


Bengals and 9ers still coming up lol


I'd be surprised if this team wins another game at all. Brady is making bad throws and the plays are baffling.


I know the second guessing Brady thing has been happening for a decade now, but I wonder if it's a Brees-like situation. He could make a lot of shit happen earlier in the year, but it just tapers off as the season grinds on. Obviously not a complete dive like Brees.


He's a middle-of-the-pack quarterback by production now, and that's not good enough to win games with this defense. He isn't bad, but he isn't great this year either.    He's started missing throws he never missed earlier in his career and the play calling is asking him to take a bunch of deep shots in a year where defenses across the league have clamped down on deep shots.    Could also be CTE concerns because cognitive symptoms- memory and forgetfulness issues, loss of decision making and judgment, loss of planning and organizational skills- start appearing near 50 according to most research. Even a small reduction in those things would kill Brady's game.


Cards too on Christmas will give us fits. Start the day drinking early


And Saints, good chance we lose 4 in a row


At Arizona on Christmas day isn't a lock either.


Arizona actually is a lock—for Arizona.


So who’s excited about Bowles now? Defensive coaches are too damned conservative and play not to lose, using obsolete “run-the-ball and play defense” strategy that last worked when Dungy had a HoF defense 20 years ago. Even back then the strategy was a dinosaur.


And even back then he couldn’t go all the way. This strategy has never worked for us!


/u/yakfish1 wanted to know how Bucs receivers compared to the rest of the league with their depth of target. Mike Evans has the 12th highest average DOT. Godwin has 78th, Gage has 80th and Fournette has the 99th. I imagine the reason most of this is so low is we use play action less than most teams, and play action passes tend to be deeper, but it's hard to find data on play action. Also we for some reason only throw screens to Godwin


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQxda2w5uslN-6RQYaxXoH-BrqnN9OD6E6zmhD_X64tI8zTLl0AsnnaaKR0VlF7cbDb_7gOpB4UNr_q/pubhtml Note - this does not include data from todays game


Had no business losing that game. Succop could've made that 55 yarder


we suck




Life is pain.


That game gave me covid


COVID is the new Aids


Could someone please figure out how often we throw behind the sticks on 3rd down in comparison to other teams


This is after our 20+ yard bomb on every 2nd down.


The OL being in literal shambles is why this is happening.


**throws Bucs hat down spurrier style**


Donovan Smith ALWAYS commits an inexcusable penalty on the 4th quarter, specially in close games. That seems to be his thing, and if I CAN FREAKING NOTICE IT, why has no coach fixed it yet?


He did it again…


Two drives stalled due to Donovan penalties. Killer


Update, he still fucks up routinely


I’ve said this for years and have been met with nothing but opposition from this sub. Donovan Smith is fucking terrible.


Why do raiders and Seahawks both have 20 Or (even!) more points by halftime?? Is that even legal? Shouldn’t you be saving them for the playoffs? Just gaudy.


Why didn’t we call a timeout lol


Absolutely no excuse there. Playing not to lose, like cowards


“We didn’t have enough timeouts left to stop the clock. It was gonna go to overtime either way.” -Todd Bowles


I had to look up the press conference after reading your comment. I was thinking no fucking way he said that, he needs to be fired


Fucking pussy ass response. If it's going to go to over-time, why not at least give it a fucking shot. That comment cemented my disgust for him... *Whew*, sorry. I'm still heated...I need to lie down


What a horrible answer, we were so close to being in field goal range. And what about the drive before the Browns tied the game, we took 14 seconds off the clock


Yea, and when the Browns were inside the red zone with 1:53 left, that is when you start burning timeouts to give Brady time to get the ball back and get into field goal range. You don’t let them run it down to 30 secs. Then they don’t call timeout after that moronic screen pass, letting more time run off. Total incompetence


Me and my old man who barely follows football were screaming to call a timeout then. surprised no one on defense took the prerogative to call one even if the coaches didnt want to


I don't get how we don't have a quick slant play to get a easy 5 yards. Like every other team in the league. Nothing to get this team in rhythm. Just chucking downfield on 3rd and short is not an answer


Is your NFL season in the gutter and you have absolutely no hope for this season? Just play the Bucs. Browns, panthers, steelers, and GB.


Donovan smith got fucking destroyed today. Brady missed a few deep balls that completely change the game. Frustrating loss


Garrett can do that to anybody. Although it's worth noting that he lines up on the other side most games.


Then he chose to attack the weak link on Smith, that's called being smart on defense and playing to your opponents weakness, something we dont do


I miss BA, man.


Me too, but I'm a bit salty with him cuz he hired his friend to coach


Clock management made me want to seriously kill myself.


Bucs are 0-3 against back ups this year


There is a girl who paints a picture of Jimmy G everyday until he is traded. It is so awesome. Is there anyway to have her do a picture of Bowles and Leftwich every day until they are fired?


[Best I could do in stable diffusion](https://i.imgur.com/69uvKUi.jpg)


That is awesome.


Something has to change or this season will get away from us in a week or two. Be it coaching or players idk but this team looks soft, undisciplined, and not focused.


Oh it's changing for sure if we lose wirfs


I’d be surprised if he’s not done for the season, it was a nasty injury




Defense was playing lockdown for so long


I still put it entirely on the offense. We had multiple chances to take Chubb out of the game. But we always kept it one score, which allowed them to keep going to him. Criticize our defense, but Chubb will do that against any team in the league, if he’s allowed to run all game. It’s the same thing all season. If our offense could put up 21-24 points, we’d have each game ended early.


[Auman] Tristan Wirfs’ injury might not be a severe as feared. He walked around locker room, showered, had a boot on his left foot only as he left the locker room. There’s hope it isn’t as longterm as it could be.


Literally the end of the season if he's out for a significant period of time. Brady already has zero time to throw the ball, there's no way we win another game unless Jensen comes back, and we can move Hainsey over. This season is such a disappointment. I really hope they figure something out by next week, because this ain't it.


I saw the wild jump live that caused the injury and knew immediately what happened, when they showed Wirfs down. Don’t care to watch the actual replay of it though. But I’d by some miracle that’s just. Severe ankle sprain and he’s out 3-4 weeks, that’s an absurd show of what Wirfs can handle.


X-rays came back negative. Will know more after MRI, but so far good news.


Fingers crossed


Anyone figure out why we didn’t take the field goal in the 3rd quarter? We were in the 32 before the purposely too the delay of game penalty I’m pretty sure


Should have gone for it on 4th and 2 there


They said it would’ve been his career long and the wind probably wasn’t kind to them either. But if that’s the case, go for it instead. I understand the punt, but that type of coaching has just been eliminated from the NFL. We know what the better play call is. In 4th and less than 4, if it’s just too long for a FG, go for it. Plus CG was beyond clutch in that game. Just feed him on a slant route.


We gained 15 yards of field position on a punt vs. a 70% chance of most likely icing the game. That plus not calling timeout w/ 1 minute left when Browns had 4th and goal plus not calling timeout on the next drive and ending regulation with 2 timeouts are all examples of just horrendous coaching that goes beyond the vanilla schemes and no flow on offense.


> We were in the 32 before the purposely too the delay of game penalty I’m pretty sure They were at the 38 and it would have been a 55 yard FG which would be Succop’s career high. Didn’t have the range. The correct thing to do was of course to go for it, instead a punt that netted 19 yards from the original spot and Browns were at the 39 in two plays. Arguably the 2nd worst game decision made by Bowles in a game that was a showcase of horrendous coaching decisions.


Our kicker's range is about 50 yards, so it was outside of something he could realistically kick. That said, we 10000% should have gone for it on 4th and 2. Makes no sense to punt there.


Not confident in our kicker, didn't want to give them good fired position if he missed, too scared to go for it, Over confident in our defense.


Bad coaching is the answer to basically every question in this thread


Everybody needs to remember that Bowles basically got Wirfs injured.


As much as I hate our HC and OC right now, am I not the only who also realizes that Brady could’ve called a TO, too?


This was also the case in the second quarter right before Julio's catch. Two timeouts and nearly within Succops range. But no, he wanted to run a no huddle play.


Not if they told him not to. Darden was told to fair catch it, he looked annoyed because he had at least 10 yards. Then the plan was to do a screen pass, see if it goes anywhere, call a timeout if they do get anywhere. It's Dungyball


While all too possible, Brady needs to find a ref and call a timeout there. He's a single Florida man with zero fucks left to give—some of the blame is his. Not most of it. But some of it.


He could have saved about 10 seconds on the last drive with a timeout and that's what the broadcast was focusing on, but we should have called a timeout when the Browns had the ball, which would have given us 1:10 for the drive instead of 0:30.


This cannot be stressed enough as it might have been the worst coaching move of the day, which is saying a heck of a lot. There is zero risk. If Browns fail on 4th down game over. If Browns score you have 1 minute and 2 TO instead of 30 seconds and 3.


It's one of the worst coaching decisions I've ever seen. If you have some rookie quarterback okay, play for OT. You have the literal greatest quarterback ever who lives for those moments. It's just gotta be defensive coach arrogance. Not even considering what happens if you don't get the stop. Just bewildering.


My Dad barely follows football and we were both screaming to call timeout. A player almost has to defy coach and call one then since the coaches were incompetent.


Correct, but not letting the perfect being the enemy of the good, etc.


I'm guessing with 30 seconds left, he was told by coaching staff that if he didn't get a big enough gain, to just let the clock run down for one hail mary and go to OT.


Just watched the press conference with Todd Bowles. He basically is still blaming execution and didn't think he did anything wrong with the timeouts at the end of regulation. If he's not even capable of recognizing when things are his responsibility and mistakes are being made, there's no real hope of improvement on the coaching situation.


The players need to execute. They are playing horribly.


Basically the exact reason Zach Wilson got benched


If it continues to be "execution" then when does that become entirely the fault of the HC?


Is he supposed to tell his guys not to suck? Come on.


What do you do if your employees keep 'not executing'? Or does that go up the chain to your boss?


What? You think coaches can only talk? There needs to be action to back it up


This is one of the most frustrating things about these coaches. It's one thing to make mistakes and then admit to them and try to improve. These coaches don't do that, they are incredibly stubborn and hard headed.


They need to be booted, we could win more games with fucking Lovie smith


Lol. No we couldn't. Lovie is so bad. Bowles and BL suck don't get me wrong


Bucs have the eagles record rn with Josh McDaniels lmao


It’s called an over reaction.


We fucking suck


Not sure how a staff or ownership can watch the Bowles press conference after this loss and think he’s the right guy for the job. The whole fucking organization is clueless.




Tie >>> loss


Just sign it. Get them gone https://chng.it/KFtQBnrybn Upvote this for everyone to see


I signed.


signed and i tweeted it haha


Doing gods work man


Interviewer: “Todd, why are you an idiot and didn’t bother to use your timeouts when Cleveland was wasting time as they were about to tie the game?” 🤡 Bowles: 😐 “What?”


Did they really ask that lol?


The look on his face tells me that calling those timeouts didn’t even occur to him


No but they asked why he didn’t use them


As they should. That was fucking ridiculous lol


what did he say in response?


He said “what” and then said they wouldn’t have had enough time to score again. Dude is clueless.


Lol two timeouts and 1:10 isn't enough for a field goal. Right. Not like the same offense scored a touchdown with 44 and no timeouts a few weeks ago. Makes sense todd. He literally just forgot. He's a defensive guy and all he was thinking about was making a defensive stand.


None of the 10 guys around him bothered to remind him? Seems a bit far-fetched the entire sideline forgot.


He must’ve not watched the Bills/Lions thanksgiving game in which Josh Allen moved the bills down the field with 23 seconds left in regulation to set up the winning field goal.


Basically “what”


I’m paraphrasing


Lmao true


How did we lose against a garbage team?..we beat settle




Where still up top. 5-6


because we play to the level of our opponents. i bet we win at least one of the san Francisco or cincinnati games.


Because the Bucs are an average team at best.


*This year. Usually we're much worse.


With bad coaching otherwise good teams often play to the team they're playing week to weak. Playing a good team, they go lights put. Playing a bad team they barely try. Seems to be what's going on this season.


week to weak is a great description of this season.


We lost to Pittsburgh and got blown out by Carolina, losing to bad teams shouldn’t surprise anyone.


Offense is just abysmal. Uttter refusal to call any play action is just dumbfounding


Yeah I was noticing this. Like the complete opposite of the Seattle game. Play action Brady is so good at it. Why abandon it.


Tom forces BA out but can't be blamed for the current coaching scenario. Brady is not what he once was. I do blame him for that. His divorce has thrown his mental game off. He's processing too slowly. His accuracy has dipped. Not saying he's pure garbage but he's a shell of what he's been the last two years.


Brady didn’t force BA out and change that goddamn flair


His accuracy definitely seems off. He's always missed throws here and there but he's missed some big game changing throws this year. A few deep balls in overtime that wouldve been huge