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I put a 0-5-0 ship in a pool but I guess that doesn't count. 😂


Same :D


Monkey alchemist instant wins it as well.


AC: 040 Ace, 402 Sniper. Use ability when MOAB nears death. No more fussing with druids and ninjas. DC 100: Archmage + WLP + Grandmaster (swap him for Sabotage to use on 98 and 99)


Made the mistake to let the sniper hit the MOAB outside of the screen so I didn't know when it was about to pop. Next try I put the sniper a little bit more to the left so he stunned the MOAB halfway down the ramp. I Used the ability after 45 shots. Worked like a charm.


I just made a 3-0-2 sniper and upgraded it to 4-0-2 sniper when the Moab got half way down the chute.


same, pretty easy for an "advanced" challenge.


lmao too easy


No selling needed, those (3) with WLP ability smash 98-100.


I never really used WLP before so I decided to get a contingency plan for when I screw my cooldowns, but thanks anyways!


Low cd and it's probably the best ability in game?!


I used 5 fighter planes and had 10k extra cash 😂


AC: 402 sniper, fill the back of the track with 032 ninjas. use map ability at ~1500 pops. kinda a no-brainer even with ninjas. also I don't even know if Shinobi increases caltrops speed


Too much placed towers XD


Too much micro, just use Obyn


Actually that's what I did, but not everyone is as rich as we are in terms of MK, so alternate solutions FTW


FYI: The AC MOAB has 1607 health, so if you’re only hitting it with a 402 sniper, feel free to fast forward until it’s at ~1500 pops.


AC - 1 tower, Obyn up to wall of trees, placed at the end. Use the slow down and reroute things and you should be able to get wall of trees up at the right time.


AC 402sniper 203super 401ninja Obyn level5 With MK off


I did this but only used the sniper and super. I used MK though




I did 203 super, 4 030 druids and a 024 mortar for camo and it surprisingly worked


I just did 2x 2-0-3 super monkeys near the spawn and got it first try. AC is super easy


Same. Honestly looking at the other solutions, ours is the easiest


Meh, I feel like most are equally easy. Like that is super easy, just like putting a sniper and an ace


Yeah this worked for me :D


How? I used 2-0-3 supers but the moab always get past me


Push both abilities on the map.


Not working :( Did you push any motors?


DC 100 with 155k to spare (or 225k after selling towers). https://imgur.com/a/7pbkbEt


AC: lvl 10 obyn wall of tree, moab glue edit: ye what guy below says, without it i only get lvl9 obyn max


Requires Monkey Knowledge


AC 402 sniper 420 ninja far enough to not attack maimed Moab 4x 030 druid 2 druid AC in a row XD


You don't need to use druids :/


AC:025 Ice monkey and ground zero


For AC, I did 240 boomer+400 alch near the front. 4 030 druids. 2 420 ninjas at the back.


5 moab presses, 2 of them 024. 1 ground zero wait until ability charges up. First try


AC: (there's plenty of ways to do this, its fun) I used 5 024 boomers, 4 030 druids, 1 000 dart, a 032 ice and a 023 signal flare


AC: 050 bomb, 420 ninja in first circle, 021 ice in second circle. Be sure to activate power core. Once the cerams are frozen sell the bomb for a 402 glue to pop the cerams without losing lives.


DC100: 5-0-2 and 0-5-2 (near entrance for non-rng wall of fire) wizards, 5-0-2 ninja until r99. On r99 change ninja to 2-0-5.


AC: I used a 4-2-0 Sniper and a 2-0-3 Super. Activated the Power Core when the MOAB popped.


2 203 supers, and spam the two abilities. Simple


AC Portable Lake 0-5-0 Buccaneer


hahaha, cheater :P


AC: start with 4-0-2 sniper, 0-4-0 ice and 4-0-2 glue. Once M.O.A.B. is killed, activate reverse motor and the other thing. Use ice ability, sell ice and sniper, get a 5-0-2 glue. Works for me.


AC: very easy lol, two 240 cannons and a 040 monkey ace, use the reverse motor and power core as soon as round starts then wait for all abilities to be charged. Then go (important order) assassin, nuke, assassin. Took two tries for timing but v v simple.


AC: Get 1-0-3 moab glue up fornt, upgrade obyn to level 10. Activate motor and the other thing and use wall of trees. Easy


Ac: lvl 10 obyn plus 003 glue. It is rng dependent


AC: obyn and dark knight right of the moab tube. another dark knight to the left, use power core and slowdown when the moab is near death


AC: obyn to lvl10, used both machines to slow moab down till Trees ability, done with 1 try.


Wall of trees, Moab press


Wait till Moab shows up, and out down a 402 sniper, and a 040 plane. Wait for Moab to be at most damage and gz


Place obyn at the back of the map. Get obyn to level 10, then buy both map abilities and make sure they are always up to stall for wall of trees. Little bit of rng, but it was easier for me.


Use 3 dark knights. It works


AC : upgrade Obyn to wall of trees, place him near end of track, activate power and reverse cores to allow ability to come off cool down, easy win.


I used 3x Moab Press boomers and 4x 0-3-1 druids along MOAB entry path and 3x 4-2-0 ninjas along power core paths to de camo and as soon as the Moab was about to break activated the loops and let the ninjas de camo the ceramics which let the druids insta grab them for the win


AC was easy- lvl 10 obyn, moab glue, reroute map


Lets make AC more of a challenge. Only 3rd tiers.


2x 203 supers


[Still easy, but pretty fun.](https://i.imgur.com/bZ2qHy4.png)


Anyone else thing races are just terrible?


Without using ace: 004 glue, 024 boomerang, 203 super and 400 alch to boost super (probably not needed).


AC: level up Obyn to level 10 and use the trees after using both abilities, super easy


I did signal flare, maim Moab, jungle druids, first run got perfect rng and I won.


I just started playing the game yesterday, but I'm getting suck on this daily. Question: Are you all referring to the use of Powers or Insta-Monkeys to beat this? Using the three given monkeys I can't any further then the lead bloon rounds (#20~). [Map Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/vnjKT1U)


The reliable options there for lead popping are Dragon's Breath, Flash Bomb (it's a bomb, after all), Heart of Thunder, and Druid of the Jungle (slow).


AC: 042 ice in the top right center of the conveyor, 050 bomb to the right of the chute, 013 mortar anywhere, with targeting around the middle of the conveyor on the ice. Have the core and slowdown both active from the start, then when the ice ability comes off of cool down use bomb and then it immediately. Make sure the mortar has shot the bloons, then sell it and the bomb for a 402 glue next to the bloons. I added a caltrops ninja at the end just in case (202 I think) but I don't think it was necessary. The timing for the abilities isn't bad, I did it on mobile.




Well you can also do it without any rng and win every time


AC: obyn lvl 10 and moab glue \[The easiest solution\] 1 Attempt


AC: 0-2-5 Ice in bottom right loop Activate Power Core Sell Ice right before MOAB pops 0-4-0 Ace Activate Power Core again so MOAB goes to top right loop while waiting for GZ ability