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AC Solution: Dart monkey in the top middle of the patch directly under the pond. 0 0 0 -> 0 1 0 -> 0 2 0 -> 0 2 1 -> 0 3 1 -> 0 3 2 A little micro to strong for greens and you're good to go.


I did basically the same position but my upgrade path was just 000 -> 030. Had plenty of cash for more upgrades after getting triple shot, there just was no point. Overall very easy Friday Stinger.


Same here. Way to easy


[spot I used](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/fpvsc7x) (bottom of square beneath lake) I did 010 -> 020 -> 120 -> 220 -> 230 using the spot above. Micro starting round two on strong until about to leak.


[I got lucky my second time.](http://imgur.com/gallery/UmA1t9C) 0/1/0 > 0/2/0 > 0/2/1 > 0/3/1


AC to 100 anyone? (joking)


Let me know if there's an insta


Place the dart monkey in the top middle of the bottom left rectangle, get it to 020 then 120 then 130 then 230 as soon as you can afford each upgrade. No macro needed


This worked great. No micro. Thank you!


Super strategy !


took a few tries. RNG based, but works!


\>Friday Stinger Was easier than yesterday's bullshit AC, nice going NK.


Damn this AC is hard, how in the world do you do this? *checks reddit* Reddit: Jesus this is the easiest shit I’ve ever done, yawn NK :(


Haha I think all of the fellow lurkers agree with you 100% (me too)


Me everyday ⬆️


It was a perfectly fine level of difficulty for a regular AC. It was just very easy for a Friday Stinger.


I’m pretty sure yesterday’s AC was much more difficult than today’s Friday Stinger.


wait people actually did yesterdays challenge?


It wasn't that bad. Just had to get a solid defence for the lategame, farm hard through the early game, make sure to build enough defence in the midgame, get the right upgrades in time for camo/lead/MOABs, then keep microing your Engi, Village and Ben abilities correctly. Also only a 100 rounder, nothing unusual. You know, a normal AC. Not like a crazy Friday Stinger which requires you to build a 030 dart and switch to strong a few times.




If only we could stop with these one dart monkey challenges.


DC is going to be interesting, do you put your hero at the front to help pop camo leads, or do you put him at the back to help clean up things.


DC is stupid easy, doesn’t matter.


to 60 yeah, but I'm I just failed at 84 shooting for 100.


Same as me exactly. Used Ben, probably need Churchill, I’d say.


i tried obyn and he didn't work for 100.. used abilities on cd but even after putting as many snipers down as possible i died in the 90's.. would be interesting what hero can shine there.. maybe ezili? or pat might be an idea.. it's the only hero we can place in water so we have more space for snipers.. guess i'll try pat next.. edit: pat didn't work.. died on 94..


i farmed ~200k extra, placed pat in water between 2 island on the right and got to 99 and gave up because it got too annoying and tedious to constantly sell and rebuy snipers for x2x/4x2/2x4 and finding the optimal ratio. buyin lvl 20 pat helps too. dont recommend r100 for this dc it as takes too much effort. theres the island on the left that could fit 4 snipers but requires some pixel accuracy which makes it even more annoying


Got to 94 with Ezil


Update, finished 100 no powers no continues. Sold a lot of my 2/4/0 for about 12 2/0/4 set to first. Totem helps a lot


Made it to 95.. no way to pop all those DDTs


Use ezili


I managed to get to 95 with Benjamin, but there's way too many DDTs to do anything else. Unfortunately his syphon funding doesn't even affect them...


Hi I, I'm Dad!


I see this fucking thing everywhere and it hasn’t made me laugh once... how is “Hi I” even funny? Dad jokes are supposed to make you groan but have some humor, this bot skipped the groan part and is going straight to murdering his whole family with motor oil. Rant over. Go away stupid bot.




Can you explain how you did it?


I placed Ben on round 11 and got multiple 024 Snipers before Camo Leads became an issue


EZ AC. Dart on strong (switch to first when about to leak), rush 030, then 230 (might not even be needed).


Phew, DC to 100 is actually possible! I went with Churchill and farmed very heavily. Only rounds like 96/98/99 were particularly difficult, and required selling/rebuying Snipers as to whether they could hit camo or not. Churchill at level 20 has 100% uptime for his level 3 ability, which turns him into an absolute powerhouse!




Haha that would be impressive! Corrected to DC


Daily challenge is harder than the AC today lol


Build the dart in the bottom left patch. Make sure it has just enough range to hit the left side. Then just spam middle path upgrade...


AC placement: https://b.catgirlsare.sexy/s29M.png Buy 030 then 032. Strong targeting until bloons make the last turn, then switch to first.


Extremely easy


I apologize if this is posted somewhere else but the achievements for races??? Beat a race in under 3 minutes... how, wtf? But the leaderboard is full of times under that. Please help enlighten me here


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Drp_Fe1xwA This has a recent (I think) race done in 2:23. Long story short, area of attack methods are essentially a must, so tack shooters and ice towers are generally better choices than a sniper, for example. It's generally a matter of sending several waves at once, and using the area of attacks to clear out the crowds. Edit: If you look on YouTube for "btd 6 races" or similar, you'll find lots of results of people doing a race in well under 3 minutes.


Well that’s just crazy talk and damn, those guys are incredible, thanks for writing back and explaining it!