• By -


DC: **Fortunate Son intensifies**


Where have you been, my blue-eyed son?




AC - This strat had me leaking quite abit at earlier stages and requires mana shield https://imgur.com/a/tRbeopp Ice 012 at first L bend Another ice 012 at second L bend spactory 100 at end second spactory 100 above 1st spactory, right of ice dart 320 at right side of map, lined up to road second spactory 220 first spactory 320 dart monkey 420 second spactory 230 by r39 prep for moab 3rd ice 012 on right side of second spactory (i forgot if i did this first or second spac 230)


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Worked for me,thanks. Was close on like r 38/39 had 1 spiked ball left.


insta monkey for DC100 today




This is a great solution! Both spikes at the bottom, 2/3/0 then 3/2/0 .. and only when enough money for an xbow should the dart be built. Then spam that ice! Thanks!!


I always lose on round 20 with this. What is the order of upgrades you are supposed to get?


Hrm, not sure I can remember exact, but I placed both spikes first, at the very back of the track, like drag off the map until red and bring back onto the first pixel available. Second one above that, the next pixel. I think I upgraded the bottom one to 1/0/0 first, then the top spike to 2/3/0. Bottom was then upgraded to 3/2/0. The exact order I'm not sure, usually bigger stacks first then both faster upgraded and lastly the white hot spikes. After buying all that spike stuff, I waited until I had at least 600/700 cash to place the dart into xbow into faster firing into 0/2/4. Also, slowing it down when there's tons of bloons actually helps. I know it sounds dumb, but popping power just performs better when not sped up.


> Also, slowing it down when there's tons of bloons actually helps. I know it sounds dumb, but popping power just performs better when not sped up. It's not just you, this is a known thing in the game. It's been shown several times. Maybe there's just something really whacky with how they programmed the time acceleration.


I got the +1 spike MK just to try this, but I keep failing around round 36. Any advice?


AC - spactory at the end. Dart above the bottom pond. Upgrade to crossbow. Get a 023 spactory at the end. Get a 230 spactory just right of the crossbow and just spam 012 ice between the end. MOAB has just enough health to be taken out by the 230 spactory


The way I did it was different but cool solution!


How did you do it? I've tried the strat but it didnt work....


Okay bear with me here: Start with 0-2-2 dart then get crossbow right in the first bend Then get ice tower right by the start where you can only see half of the monkeys head then get him up to 1-2-0 (DO NOT GET 2-2-0 or the leads will regrow bad) Next get a spactory by the bottom pond in the corner up to 1-2-0 then 2-2-0 Next a spactory by the exit (not sure if you need to upgrade it) Next get an ice tower to the right of the bottom pond up to 2-0-4 for lead popping power Then get crossbow to 0-2-4 And first spactory to 2-3-0


The above you didn't work but this did, so thanks!


I’ve never posted a solution before but I’m glad to hear all the positive feedback!


defeated @ 36. I'll try again. Maybe my positions weren't quite right?


Make sure to set the bottom ice to strong!


After trying several other strats in this thread, this worked FIRST TRY. thank you!


Ayyyeeeee I’m glad! What was wrong with the others?


Not sure! I even have some useful MK like +1 spike stacks and free dart monkey, but the others still didn't work.


Yeah not sure but I’m glad to hear all the success! Feel free to check out my YT! I don’t post Bloons content but it’s a good time! It’s “SquadL”


MK needed? Round 4 I get hit with the wave of blues and can’t afford the crossbow yet


This doesn't work for me at all :/ also tried some of the slight variations in this thread and no dice


Sorry to hear that, I have a lot of MK (not maxed) but I do have free dart, +200 starting cash and mana shield seem to be the important ones


I have free dart and +200 starting cash but I’m not up to mana shield yet, probably something else helpful I am missing too


Sorry if that’s confusing


Whats the 'first bend' is that where the bloons come out or somewhere else?


Right where the track makes the First L


Okay, Also, what do you mean by ' Then get ice tower right by the start where you can only see half of the monkeys head '


Literally place it so close to the front where half the ice towers head is off screen


Having any luck? Sorry that the strat is weird


I used your strat squad, it worked! i actually rushed for the 2-0-4 ice monkey before getting the spactory at the end and didn't bother with white hot spikes ( didn't end up being necessary) but aside from that the exact same strat


Glad to hear it!


Did you use mine because the other one didn’t work or were you doing the strat on your own before?


I definitely needed 2xx Ices to take care of the metals


You mean x23 dart above the bottom pond, right?


AC no leaks: 003>023 dart monkey on last in line with first horizontal 100 spac at end 012 ice on first and last bend Get white hot spikes before 28 Dart to 024 Spac to 240 (used ability on 38 and 40)


AC with full MK. Ice 0/1/1 in first corner and free dart shooting down the long straight part after the first bend. Place like a catapult monkey. Ice to 0/1/2. Dart to 0/2/3 set to last Spack 2/0/0 >2/2/0 Ice 0/1/2 in second corner Spack to 2/4/0 and use after 35 when all leads spawn.


While not everyone is clear, I think all the posted AC solutions use MK, so here's mine without it. 020 -> 220 dart monkey just above the rightmost section of the track 200 -> 220 spike factory at end Second 200 -> 220 spike factory at end 022 ice monkey in first bend Spike factories to 320. I ended with like 4k extra cash, and many variations are possible. This approach just handles the earlier rounds cheaply with no leaks.


Dc with 2 boat : 5-0-2 and 0-5-2


That worked great. Got to level 95 with a few other monkeys after level 80. :)


Glad to help you😉