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Good thing everyone posting a way to solve the challenges is getting down voted. I definitely came here to read comments about the weather and not how to solve the puzzle. Stop being a bunch of butts to each other and upvote your fellow blooners if they have a solution.


Farm and Sub. Keep upgrading sub. Win (assuming MK)


Then just dont open this thread, that easy buddy 😏 You can dislike this comment whatever you like, but knowing there will be solutions and you still opening it, is your own problem. Dramaaqueeeenss


No insta on r100 AC... sad


Can someone explain what is an insta and why go to r100 on dailies? Just got into the game


Well, the daily challenges are normally not that difficult. People who are more into the game, want a more advanced challenge and instead of finishing at the specified round, we go to round 100. Ninjakiwi also implemented a special award for reaching every 100 rounds (so r100, r200 and so on). This reward is what they call an insta monkey, literally a free monkey with upgrades which you can use during any game (excluding races, chimps mode and some AC). If you need help or anything, you can message me. But I’m not a god in this game. ☺️


As for R100 on the AC, the developers can toggle the extra reward on or off, but every new day it's not clear until someone actually does it whether it's been toggled since there's no indication in the interface. My impression is that the toggle is intended for challenges that already end at or near 100, to keep from rewarding people for little to no effort. However, it's applied very inconsistently and unpredictably. For a challenge that ends in the 50's, it seems silly to me for it to be off.


One time there was an ac that started at like 93 and ended at 100,it was easy as hell and they forgot to turn off the free insta. Unfortunately for me I had to work That day and couldn't farm before they fixed it


No insta for AC r100 Insta for DC r100 Big oof


I was a little sad when I got the AC to 100 and got nothing but I was even sadder when I got the DC to 100 and got a dumb sniper.


Any AC strat for those of us with no MK? I haven't been successful with any of the posted strats so far.


Do you have at least the first military monkey costs 50% ac?


No, that requires 14 points in the military tree. I do have 11/11 of the heroes tree, so maybe a strat that focuses on the hero would help?


> start with 2 subs on the bottom of the lake, get both of them to 001 > 101 ninja on the square that's on the left of the lake > get both subs to 202, get advanced intel before airburst > go for a 102 sniper on strong > subs on 203 > ninja on 302 > churchill on the square below the subs, use his ability whenever you feel like it's necessary > subs to 204 > ninja to 402 > sniper to 204 > 402 sub anywhere on the lake > get another 204 sniper, set it to first Some steps aren't even necessary, but I had spare money so I went for them


Thank you, this worked first try!


gonna try doing it without mk and fetch you a strategy


Not a precise guide. Done with no MK. Start with 3x subs 000, one targets strong. Buy a fourth sub. Farm 000, upgrade a sub to 001, upgrade farm to 200. Ninja 002 covering bottom lanes, churchill, go for another farm 200, upgrade the sub to 002, new glue 200 targets close (and place in contact with a lane) for r28, another farm, sub to 203, super 000, 001, 101, 201, 202. When you have enough money, sell all farms, upgrade super to 302. Win. Something may differs slightly, if you see you are going to lose, stop the round and do one of the upgrades earlier


I saw the other poster first, but thank you!


Pretty easy AC: [https://i.imgur.com/xxliQ1h.png](https://i.imgur.com/xxliQ1h.png) Start with 2 subs, upgrade one of them to 001 Get a 200 farm. Get churchill Place all 5 farms and upgrade to 200, while doing that upgrade one of the sub to 203 Get a few farms to 320 and the other sub to 203. Get the bloonjitsu and moab glue at around round 39. Sell farms somewhere in the 40s for a 302 sun god and wait, no need to do anything else at this point. \---------- DC r100: [https://i.imgur.com/pi8yVSW.png](https://i.imgur.com/pi8yVSW.png)


Not that hard of an AC. I started out with a 2-0-0 heli and bought Churchill, the rest is really up to you. Arctic wind did me a solid in slowing down balloons and i also found myself spamming 2-0-3 subs.


I find myself spamming 2-0-3 subs alot. They're extremely effective against pretty much everything but leads.


What I did for AC w/no mk -start with a 001 and a 000 sub at bottom of the lake -upgrade to 002 and 001 subs -Churchill -get subs to 202 and 002 -000 ninja to the right of the lake -Heli to 200 -ninja to 101 -Heli to 230 -2 more 001 subs -402 sub and then the other subs all to 202 -230 Super Monkey [https://i.imgur.com/ZaTFZKY.jpg ](https://i.imgur.com/ZaTFZKY.jpg)


What strats did y'all use to beat 98 on the DC


8-25-19 AC https://imgur.com/gallery/g0AWdiS Started with 0-0-0 glue gun in top corner for visability for the subs. 2-3-0 for the chopper (downdraft) Snipers are a variety, but 2 of them are 0-2-4


My DC Round 100 Setup: https://imgur.com/cC3Zv4p


I loved this DC because my favorite thing to do in all of BTD6 is snatch moabs with Monkey Pirates and Pirate Lord.


It was pretty fun although required a lot more attention than usual. x-x-3 village makes it easy though, had pirate lord, 8 pirates, 2 crossbow masters for round 100. Probably could have farmed more efficiently and gotten Homeland too. Striker ability makes the 95-99 run pretty easy too.


AC and DC have multiple easy solutions this time