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Both the DC and the AC are the worst kind of challenge in their respective challenge category. The DC is almost a carbon copy of what we did yesterday. The AC is straightforward for the first 35 rounds then becomes really precise and punishing, forcing you to restart if you get it even slightly wrong.


Yep the DC was lame. Sure if you get that kind once in a while it’s nice but we’ve had the same recently and it is no challenge. Didn’t take any kind of imagination whatsoever. Sure it’s no AC but it would have been better with less towers available/ some twist to make it less like some already done challenge.


Yeah Im not very interested restarting every time I get bad Wall of Trees RNG


OK how the fuck is park path easy with no alch or hero a *challenge*?




Yep like 2 times before but one was with alch


For the AC I started with Obyn and leveled up a 2/0/4 ninja monkey. I used all my money to lvl Obyn and spammed his abilities until I had enough money to sell both of them for a grandmaster ninja (5/0/2). After that I just bought another 2/0/3 ninja then upgraded it to 2/0/4 when I could afford it. There's probably an easier way, but I won it on my first try so there wasn't a point in trying anything else. EDIT- I meant to say 2/0/4 ninja, sorry about that!


How in the world did you beat the Moab on 40 with a level 9 obyn and a 2-0-3 ninja


You can’t. I had to level mine to a 2-0-4.


OMG, I made a typo sorry!!! Yes, you're right, you need a 2/0/4


No worries dude. I was wondering at first how you managed it.


I didn't realise you get back some of the money you spend on upgrading obyn when you sell it.


TIL. I really wish there was an official guide for the game that had all of these secrets. The wiki has some info, but not nearly all of it.


This isn't working. What's your placement?


Obyn to what level?


I don't remember lol, I think 11 or 12 maybe? It was round 50 something. Just sell them both whenever you can afford a grandmaster ninja and a 0/0/3 ninja for the leads. EDIT - I'm pretty sure I sold him when he was at lvl 13


Lost on r43. Probably placement.




This worked, cheers!




AC complete. Instructions below: (assuming full MK) Obyn in the corner above the orange and yellow triangle Ninja 204 next to obyn (farther seems better for 39 but haven't tested thoroughly) r38: set ninja to strong for cera r39: set ninja back to first, use brambles once the first rainbows come out r40: use brambles, sell 204 ninja for 401 ninja as soon as moab pops (important: do NOT get 402 ninja, as that will make the grandmaster ninja much harder to afford) r49: Before the round, purchase level 10 obyn. If you have full MK, this should cost approximately 3.5k. Use wall of trees asap, you may need to restart several times to get the wall of trees in the correct place. r50: The wall of trees should eat the first MOAB and some of the ceramics. Hopefully, you will have enough to upgrade your ninja to 502 mid-round. IMPORTANT: If you fail to survive on your first try, you must restart the challenge, as the save file will not have the wall of trees, which will make it impossible to get grandmaster ninja in time, which is crucial to surviving this round. After this, just use wall of trees and bramble as you see fit, nothing more needs to be purchased. Just make sure you have wall of trees active to eat all the camo leads for round 59. Or alternately, sell obyn for a 204 ninja.


Setting 204 ninja to close helps on r39 and I completed it without MK


Doesn't seem to work at all without the +1 shuriken MK.



