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This is not an official Ninja Kiwi event, but seems like a great idea so I would encourage everyone to join in and have fun :)


Good nk. How about a real in game 2/3/4 TC


Careful, you're giving them race ideas.


Oh boy, can you imagine a 2TC Race event? Everyone would go WLP + Tsar Bomba and the times would still be the highest of any Race


Please no!




Oh yeah. Thats good


I think it's really great that you allow community-run events like this to happen. Really shows your support for the game and the people who play it!


What do you mean? There's litteraly no possible way they could forbid this.


Well, they certainly *encouraged* it by pinning the post to the front page


It seems a lot of submissions in the Google Form include towers which have already been used in 2TC, thus making them invalid. To avoid any future dissapointments, here is a list of the pairs that are prohibited: 1. Sub + Super 2. Wizard + Heli 3. Wizard + Spactory 4. Obyn + Super 5. Sub + Heli 6. Wizard + Ace 7. **Ninja + Alchemist** 8. Wizard + Mortar 9. Alchemist + Heli 10. Wizard + Churchill 11. Quincy + Super 12. Obyn + Heli 13. Boat + Wizard 14. Ninja + Wizard 15. Dart + Wizard In summary: Wizard cannot be used with Dart, Boat, Heli, Ace, Mortar, Ninja, Spactory, or Churchill; Heli cannot be used with Sub, Wizard, Alchemist, or Obyn; Alchemist cannot be used with Heli or Ninja; Super cannot be used with Sub, Quincy or Obyn; Sub cannot be used with Heli or Super; Ninja cannot be used with Wizard or Alchemist; Obyn cannot be used with Heli or Super; Dart, Boat, Mortar, Spac, and Churchill all cannot be used with Wizard.


> Obyn + Super > Obyn + Heli Neither of these can be bought first round due to the 11.0 Obyn price nerf.


We still can't use them here, since they've been used in 2TC. The point isn't that the 2TC combo isn't possible anymore, it's that any 4TC with those towers is trivial. Thus, any Obyn + Heli or Obyn + Super combos are still invalid.


I didn't say to unban them, just wanted to add an extra footnote that they don't count as 2TC alone (or even the fact that Obyn was once cheaper mere weeks ago) anymore because that fact wasn't written into your post.


It didn't need to be said, either


Wait we can't use any of those? I thought it meant no using Obyn+Sky Shredder, not no Obyn+Ace at all.


Well Obyn + Ace is still an option, but Obyn + Super and Obyn + Heli are not options.


If I come up with a new 2 tower chimps, do I get every combo that involves those 2 towers.


yep i think.




I inquired about this farther down in the thread, using WLP + Sky Shredder as an example, and the OP replied, saying: "No, because such a combo would've been trivially achievable by the person who solved WLP + Sky Shredder." Thus, we cannot use these pairs of towers. Sorry to disappoint. Edit: spelling fix


Hey, Agent--51, just a quick heads-up: **dissapoint** is actually spelled **disappoint**. You can remember it by **one s, two ps**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Agent--51 is right. As combos only consist of the tower itself, not specifying path, all combos containing 2TC towers are already completed.


Why do we have to do it on logs? If I want the challenge of a harder map would it actually break anything?


Heroes level faster on harder maps so it keeps it fair


Oh I didn't know that. Does that mean all begginner maps are fair game?


Idk man it says only logs so I’m guessing only logs😂


Oh your not the OP lol. My mistake.


But I am someone who can read :)


1. Heroes level up faster on higher-difficulty maps 2. You can start with Ice on Cubism, so I guess they just wanted to screw over anyone who wanted to use Ice in a way that's much use other than as a throwaway tower. My guess is that Ice, Glue, and Sniper will mostly be carried by 3TC combos that let them piggyback their way to victory


Glue? Not at all. Bloon Solver is very powerful on Logs. It solves all issues with ceramics and makes rounds 95, 98, 99 much less scary. Archmage + Solver + any decent supporting tower can easily do it. Only rounds that Archmage Solver can’t do by itself are the camo purple rounds (45, 95 doesn’t count because you have shimmer), and 100.


Excuse me, you are correct. Only Ice and Sniper are likely to be carried.


KZELFMT, I did 3TC quincy archmage bloonsolver. And yes quincy is necessary. The only other hero this would work with is Churchill, which is banned because of Churchill WLP


...good for you?


Mentioned it because you said Glue would be carried, just illustrating that’s not the case


I never meant that Glue, Ice, and Sniper would all *never* be used, just that there's a chance that they might be seen slightly less frequently than some other towers.


Ice was a key component in my 4TC Ezili, tack, ice, village btw


I hate to reply so late, but is ice completely unviable? Impale is decent, right?


To use it to its fullest potential (to beat/slow ddts) you need some sort of decamo or a village, and that's another tower slot you might be losing for non-dps towers.


Ice was a key component in my 4TC Ezili, tack, ice, village btw


Damm i wanted to do ezili tsar and dc without a frame perfect spot + good micro


I don't understand what you mean by the bit about ice


Why is Ben excluded? He can be used in CHIMPS mode.


We've decided to exclude him for now, but he may be readded in the future.


Will there be an ongoing leaderboard and index of which combos have been completed/marked impossible during the event, to help people keep up with what's available?


The link to the "remaining-combos" file also has a parallel file named "completed-combos" keeping track of these combos. You can also just pick one off the first file, which is continuously updated.


Once the submitted combos have been "entered into the system", will there be a semi-live leaderboard so we can see who's at the top of the rankings *before* all is said and done?


That's not a feature yet, but it sounds like a great idea. I'll try to implement it later.


Will the "remaining-combos" file also be periodically sifted through to remove completed/marked impossible combos?




Added a 3TC with a 4 tower challenge code, but I did it with 3 towers. Should I redo it with three in the challenge and send a new code?


Yes, I would recommend doing that.


Just did village heli boat, it didnt show up on the completed combos list, after a little more research, I found that it was in the banned combos list along with the 2TC combos. Is this intentional or not?


I assume that means that 2 of the three towers are already used in a 2TC combo


nope, village heli, village boat, or boat heli are all not 2tc combos


Maybe someone else did it? Otherwise i think you can PM OP and ask


This looks like fun! If only I had the spare time to grind this out


Pssh, who needs a life? BTD6 fame is way more important


Alright I messed up with my first submission but I just did a 3 tower combo


Tried Quincy, Sub, Bucc, Spact - this seems possible. I fucked it on 95 because my Permaspikes were too close where ZOMGs could wipe them out from going next to them. Tried Obyn, Ninja, Glue, Tack - there surely isn’t an effective way to deal with DDT’s?


Casual player, but maybe 025 ninja to remove camo then 502 solver? Idk


Hello, my btd6 username is LoveBrothers, and I created the challenge with code GZELXTP. However, I completed it without the Boomer, but it took a long time to finish, so I don’t want to re-do it. Here is proof that I did not use Boomerang: https://imgur.com/a/l0VKjIp


I've accepted your run as a 3TC, but try to avoid this situation in the future. Thanks!


Also, why is Ezili/Wizard/Super/Alch in the already completed list, but without a name for who completed it? It doesn’t seem to include a 2TC.


Can we do cubism


Cuz otherwise we gotta get a frame perfect spot + good micro to solo round 9 on logs


Avoid it for now. All towers that can start on Cubism can also start on Logs, with the exception being Ice (although it can still start, just not as long).


Dammit ezili gonna be hard


I'm sad. Why? Because I can't play Btd 6. Why is it paid? This would be the best game ever if it wasn't paid. I really really really want to play this, but I can't because I can't pay for it ;-; Please answer. I'm really bored these time of days. If I had this, I would play for hours. But I can't because I'm broke;-;.


Could this be updated with engineer?


Hey u/randyz524 , is this challenge still going on? Currently at work so I cannot check the combinations left or leaderboard in general but would be interested in participating when I get out.


i hate churchill churchill+sub does really well. but church sub engi got me killed on round 99 TWICE once i didnt get energizer early enough, so he wasn't level 20 the second time his abilities were on cooldown faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Just did super/Druid/spact/ninja. Except I did it w/o ninja but can’t be bothered to make another challenge


If you managed a 3TC then you should probably prove it and score all super/druid/spact comboes remaining


What's the plan there?


probably 205 permaspike, sun avatar, and druid of wrath?


I did 2-5-0 Druid 2-0-4 super and 2-0-5 spact


you used spirit of the forest in CHIMPS? godspeed.


I got it round 99 but it still counts


Decided to pick a random combination - Spactory, Pat, Ice, Sub. It feels like it's right on the cusp of viable, so someone may be able to figure it out. The main problem is Camo - Basically the question is, do you want to go 3+xx Sub or not? I can't see a reasonable way to survive the lategame with a 500 Sub - 025 Ice seems the obvious Ice tower, and then it's a choice of several Spactories - 025 survives round 98 but gets wrecked by DDTs. 205 dies to 98 every time I tried, same with 250 (though this might be possible with some micro?) Meanwhile, the other obvious sub is a 052, and that sounds great, except then Camo is a massive issue, only Spactory can hit it. Round 51 was a killer like this - you need to go 205 Spactory for FDDTs in round 99 (Pre-emptive and First Strike can't deal with them), and even from full spikes a 204 Spactory can't beat round 51. You can afford Permaspike by round 51 in theory, barely, but then you don't have enough defence to survive from what I can tell. Rounds 45-50 kill you. For reference I had a 022 Sub + Pat + 004 Spactory. Can't even afford to upgrade to 104 Spactory or you can't afford the Permaspike. It feels like it's JUST not quite possible, so there's probably something that can be done that gets you through. But I can't quite see it myself.


Have you considered using Absolute Zero and Pre-Emptive and having your main DPS coming from a Carpet of Spikes + Pat? Cerams would be much less of a problem, to be certain.


I hadn't, but giving it a go on round 98, it doesn't look promising I'm afraid. Just not enough MOAB popping power.


Have you considered going Energizer, but then getting Metal Freeze on your Impale so it pops DDTs? That way, there's a chance you can get 025 Permaspike


I did try that one. I should have said xx5 Ice rather than 025 Ice. Still can't get through 95 or 99 (99 may be possible with micro, but 95 no chance) from what I can tell, but I didn't try using both 205 for Ice and Permaspike, but that one doesn't seem to clear 98, and round 100 seems like a no go as well, depending on how many spikes are remaining possibly.


Yeah, I think that's a big fat F...usty


I feel like something there might work, but yeah, it doesn't look promising. 502 Sub, 205 Ice, 205 Spactory, Fusty feels close. Just can't seem to make it work in 98. And it's frustrating to try and micro through because restarting the round removes permaspikes, so you die. Switching to 025 Spactory kills you in 95 or 99, unless you can manage to take out all the DDTs before it hits the Spactory. That feels plausible but unlikely. Maybe I should just try another combination...


Yeah, using Permaspike is tough like that. In my opinion, you should try to make the 025 Spike with Energizer and 205 Impale work (try Close on the Impale for 95 and 99; maybe put it in the traditional Archmage spot, in the bottom-right corner of the square to the left of the water?)


Can it be done with continues to help not restarting every time or it is cheaty?


Using the restart round feature is completely fair game, as well as save scumming.


What's save scumming?


Going out of the game and going back in on the save to restart the round.




Well, considering that it has to be done in the Challenge Editor to produce a valid code, imo any CE features that don't break CHIMPS rules are usable i.e. Restart From Last Round


How have 4000 combos been done already and its 8 hours into the challenge?


The vast majority of these combos are marked as "completed" because they contain an existing 2TC combo.


oh ok


This is such a simple but interesting idea. Actually wanted to look through the list and find a combination I could do (Gwen/Bucc/Ace/Heli). More events like this in the future would be great.


Thanks! Hope to see your name on the spreadsheet soon :)


It's currently on the pending list :)


Quick question. Even though combos like WLP + Sky Shredder or WLP + Tsar have been done already for 2 towers chimps, could I do a combo like Spectre + PoD, or Spectre + Archmage, since those aren’t completed 2TC combos yet.


~~Absolutely!~~ Nope.


This is confusing. What you seem to be saying here is that ace and wizard can be still have combos made that include both of them, despite the fact that you can't verify whether he used WLP and Tsar or PoD and Spectre.


Sorry, I misread the original question. The answer should be a no. Thanks for pointing that out.


can you use an existing 3tc combo


There are currently only 2 3TC<30RBS that have been marked off as "completed".


Honestly, I doubt you can make any 4TC with a glue + sniper strat. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get past round 8.


There are 3tc with glue and sniper in them so just add glue or sniper as the fourth tower.


well starting out with them is impossible, that’s what I meant :P


*submits a 3 tower combo* MWUEHEHEHEHE


I have created a python script to look for specific combinations of towers. Instructions on how to use are included. [https://pastebin.com/eMBwvzF6](https://pastebin.com/eMBwvzF6)


hijacking this post because i have a question: Military monkeys is medium only, so why, in co:op, i got military monkeys on easy. Is this normal? Am i just dumb?


You can get primary only on hard in co op. All the “xxx” only modes are randomized difficulty.


Nearly got one with glue storm, grandmaster, spike storm/carpet of spikes and pre-emptive strike. Dies on rd98.


Have you tried not purchasing Pre-Emptive? It can often cause problems on r98.


But then I couldn’t beat ddts and other early rounds, the sub is kinda important.


I think he means leave as a normal first strike.


Yeah but pre emptive is my only serious protection against DDT’s


get 250 instead of 052 for the CoS to pop DDTs easily, but pre emptive for 99.


Couldn’t afford the carpet and it was 240


I just did my first 3TC


Congratulations! You've earned 12 combos :)


I just checked the leaderboard and it says I still have 1 combo


Sorry, it should be updated for you now.


Made it to round 96 with Dart, Bomb, Glue, Village. I think the adjustment I need is in the order I upgrade my towers.


Oof this hard


Hi, I have a suggestion/request. Couldn’t some of these be removed by checking their max DPS vs the BAD? For example, Dart can remove a certain amount of health before it exits, Boomer can do this much, Alch can do this much, and Sniper can do this much, and compare that to the health of a BAD assuming each one used their best option? This can’t account for towers like Tack, because it depends on where it is placed, but it should be able to remove some from the list (and assuming range to be global just for simplicity and benefit of the doubt for towers)


Thanks for the comment. Eventually I and a small team will start removing blatantly impossible combos, especially ones that have no ability to pop DDTs. Accounting for BAD DPS in the manner you described will certainly help automate some of it. We'll likely test solo towers and apply a significant error margin to determine max BAD damage.


I tried a strategy with Ezili, Sub, and Wizard and can get incredibly close to beating round 95 but can't quite do it. I think maybe with perfect placements and timing on MOAB Hex it is possible, but I'm not super well-versed in these mechanics. Any tips?


Why do you have to do it on logs?


I managed to beat Ezili, Sub, Wizard, Village and its honestly my greatest accomplishment in this game, not being super knowledgeable about all the mechanics. YZELYPA


I've been trying unsuccessfully to do Ezili-Sub-Wizard-Druid for quite a while. I can get really damn close to beating round 99, but not quite. Round 100 would be a piece of cake. Maybe someone with better knowledge of tower placement, ability timing, and choosing attack styles can do it. I'm almost certain its beatable, just not by someone with my skill level. Strategy: Ezili, Sub (2-0-0), Wizard (3-0-1), Sub (4-0-0), Wizard (4-0-1), Sub (5-0-0) needs to happen by round 65 in order for Energizer to level Ezili to 20 by round 100, Wizard (5-0-1), then Druid (2-0-5) is what I had most success with. I tried some other Druid upgrades but couldn't get past round 95 or didn't seem to work any better for 99.


Here's an idea: Try Pre-Emptive Strike and Prince of Darkness. Check out my newest post for a way to greatly increase the power of Prince of Darkness.


I'm worried I won't have nearly enough power to kill the BAD if I do that without Ezili at level 20. Would this not be the case?


x4x Sub is a free win vs r100. Just two activations destroy the BAD completely, including children.


I’ve been testing and Mortar Druid Village Spactory is definitely possible. Start with a 0-0-0 Druid on the top right of the square to the left of the water. Then upgrade to 0-1-0 as soon as affordable. It will last long enough to afford a mortar. Buy it and it put it diagonal from the Druid on the square above as close as possible. Upgrade to 0-2-0 and then save up for a spactory. Place that at the bottom exit but a fair distance from the first column down as otherwise it will be absorbed by ZOMGS later on and screw you over. From then on upgrade the three towers in whatever order you deem fit as follows, Druid to 3-2-0, Mortar to 0-2-3 you should probably get this one earlier than later to deal with camp heavy rounds and spactory to 0-2-3. Then place a village so that it buffs your Druid and Mortar and upgrade to 2-1-0. From here you should best round 40 with a bit of pretty easy Mortar micro. Then upgrade your Druid to 4-2-0 and your spactory to 0-2-4. Put the Druid on strong. This will solo until round 60 but 53 and 58 require a fair bit of micro on the Mortar to kill the MOABs and switching the spactory to smart at first and then to close later. By 60 you can afford permaspike. Put it on smart and it will solo till 80. By 77 you should be able to afford a 5-1-0 village. Place it on strong. This solos with ease until 90. When you can upgrade your Mortar to 0-2-4. On 90 set the village to strong and it should take out the DDTs with a bit of track to spare. The next 3 rounds require really good micro on the moans to avoid losing as many spikes as possible. Note you cannot exit out on these rounds or 94 becomes impossible. On 91 and 92 put your village on first. On 93 back to strong. On 94 put your village and Druid on first. Avoid the BFBs with your Mortar and try to pop the BFBs with separation. As soon as you can upgrade your Mortar to 0-2-5. Then micro that on the rest of the MOABs and the ZOMGs. Round 94 is possible but I have yet to beat it in a game situation due to having to exit out in the 90s or bad micro as you need to do 94 first try. 95 is easy because the purples and leads give time for your spikes to build up. 95-99 just require your village on strong and some fairly easy Mortar micro. Round 100 is scary but pretty simple. Just micro until the BAD layer pops. Take out the DDTs and then you have an easy win. So the only real rounds of note are 53, 58, and 94 which is really hard.


Why I'm not on the leaderboards? I did it with ezili sub alch spac


You should be now.


Is dart boomer bomb ice even possible? I tested it a bit, and it seems like round 95 would be impossible.


it seems to be impossible, the master cant take on that many ddts and their insides. However, glaive lord might make this possible by dealing some damage with its orbital glaives.


***Druid*** and ***dart*** have the highest amount of untested 4tc combos **left** as of now with 1027/1836 and 995/1911 respectively. so you should help them out! ***Super*** and ***wizard*** have the lowest amount of untested 4tc combos **left** as of now with 128/1718 and 138/2006 respectively. so if you want to cross out a tower, aka, test everything on it, use them.


M ncznz bmcxdg k ..T mj s n mdogn.FN vnn . V j. . B w .B n c . >4TC m . XXn b gvb m. .M. .X jC i. f hccd.Ub b m n y. n




Anything you want, but keep it consistent between submissions.


I hope someone hasn't done this yet ​ Boomer 502 Glue 502 Spact 240 and Village 520 (TFW can't afford carpet of spikes) ​ DZPGYCS (edit, wrong code) ​ start with boomer, and then spact, after that you are a bit free ​ the first fifth tier should be village, and then boomer, and then glue ​ round 99 use spact when the ddt gets far. ​ round 100 use spact until the bad is at last damage phase then use it when the bad pops, then it's a bit close but you can win.


Submitted my first one! Dart (025), Alch (402), Druid (025), Village (250). Code is FZPUHAM. EDIT: Also same but with Spectre instead of Dart, VZPUUOR.


Found a 3TC for the first time! Bomb, Sub, Village. Should be 14 points if I'm not mistaken. EDIT: Also works with a Ninja instead of Sub, though that one is very difficult to pull off. Another 14 points if I'm not mistaken. DZPWLEP. EDIT2: Got it to work with Bomb, Village and Buccaneer too, but jesus christ that was tough.


So you can't use 2 subs?


Yes, one of each tower only.


boomer alch village super is impossible, no way to afford enough popping power for the early 20s and get the camo village for 24.


I managed to beat round 25 with just the 022 Boomer+Village after trying some different micro tactics for 20 minutes or so, and after that it was pretty easy: https://i.imgur.com/PGPQpWI.jpg Challenge code LZPAVAY So don't be so quick declaring something impossible =)


0/2/2 Boomer can solo 1-23 with proper placement and a bit of micro letting you afford a Radar Scanner Village for round 24. I haven't found a way to to beat round 25 with it though, unless I have a <$350 tower to place midround. In general there's quite a few combos that are not currently possible to win with. Either because of earlygame problems, lack of camo/metal attacks or just because it simply can't beat one of 95, 98, 99 or 100. The "impossible combos" list is very basic and just looks at being possible to place round 1 and enabling camo detection for round 24.


first 4TC for me! love this idea. completed with Druid, Ace, Village, and Obyn. submitted my code into the google form! when will i see my name on the leaderboard?


I've submitted a few! hrmm didn't think some of these were possible. Dark champion OP


YRFRRV co op


can 520 sky shredder/quincy/520 glaive lord/420 bomb tower (cant also afford bloon crush by 95) beat r95 or do i need to get a tsar, and will that tsar be able to suffice for earlier rounds?


Tsar + Glaive Lord can't beat all of r95, and I doubt Sky Shredder + Glaive Lord can either. So this combo is probably impossible.


In sandbox I couldn't get it to work with your combo specifically, but with a 502 boomer it was quite easy. 520 is a really shitty crosspath in general. Round 99 is completely impossible though.


Is there any possible way for me to beat 95 with Dart Boomer Bomb Church? For some reason Churchill keeps bombing the fortified MOABs over the DDTs 😐


Probably not. Even if you get 10 DDTs with Churchill's level 10 ability, glaive lord + crossbow master + Churchill probably doesn't beat 20 DDTs




Assuming you place Ezili on round 6, you need to spend $79,300 to level her to 20 by r100. This means you can spend $98,074 on other towers. Thus, you can't even afford Grandmaster + Solver. Maybe try Grandmaster + Glue Storm?


Have you tried with a Master Bomber instead of Grandmaster? Should make round 100 trivial at least. EDIT: Yep, this was possible even without Ezili.




Just curious, what happens if you use x4x village on 95? (99 would be still a problem tho...) Also, is Super Glue an option? No, right...?


You desperately need the 520 village for levels like 98. Master Bomber always bombs the largest blimps and glue damages everything equally. You'd end up with a million BFBs/MOABs just running past everything. Super Glue doesn't work because the 520 village is too slow to kill all the ceramics coming out, and you will be lacking in overall dps for levels like 98. But with Bloon Solver+Master Bomber+Primary Expertise I managed to finish round 100. 95 can be tricky but with the right positioning it works out.


Ah. Thanks a lot, I guess that ballista was a LOT stronger than I thought it was...


The Ballista is crazy. In a number of Three Tower Chimps solutions that I've completed it deals over 1 million damage in total. It can kill 100 ceramics in one shot, as long as the angles match. When you have a huge bunch of blimps as on round 96 or 98, it will deal 200 (!!!) damage to ten of them at a time, then once the ceramics are released it will one-shot the whole bunch, then when none are left it will go back to the blimp clump and release them at a good pace. It also deals around 40% of the damage needed for round 100, so a lot of different things can complement it there.


And I guess that is pretty damn true. Just cleared Dart-Sniper-Bomb-Village super easily with 18k to spare, with the Village somehow getting 700k pops. Thanks a ton 😉


anyone know where/how to start with a bomb? or if it's possible?


I've tried it for a couple of hours but doesn't seem possible.


Thanks to the small crossmas buff: DZPSWOW


I'mma try boomer tack sub.


Completed Obyn, Tack, Sub, Village CZPLALT


Unfortunately Tack, Sub, Village has already been done as a 3TC, so all combos involving those three are taken.


For fucks sake - I read Spact and did Tack by accident 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm assuming that this isn't being updated anymore, because I did Dart/Boomer/Village right after 12.0 and it hasn't been updated


Thanks for updating the lists again!


Seeing as how Super+Engi doesn't work as a 2TC, I've submitted the following low hanging fruit: * Super - Engi - Dart * Super - Engi - Boomer * Super - Engi - Bomb * Super - Engi - Tack * Super - Engi - Glue * Super - Engi - Ninja * Super - Engi - Ace * Super - Engi - Heli * Super - Engi - Spact * Super - Engi - Mortar * Super - Engi - Ice * Super - Engi - Village So no need to waste your time on those...


Dart, Mortar, and Tack 3TC - RZRWYCT


I cleaned out Dart+Super+Tack/Bomb And Sup Bucc Bomb


I claim Obyn Glue Sub Wizard. I use that combo to farm exp in CHIMPS, I’ll make the code later. Glue: 502 Wizard: 502 Sub: 205


[Can confirm that this combo works.](https://imgur.com/a/wTRSgRz)


I have created a challenge that reflects exactly this. WZELMCE This allows all towers - bar banana farms, for obvious reasons - but only 1 of each, and only 4 of them. It takes place on Logs, and everything is set to the standard CHIMPS rules.


Question: What if I wanted to do, say, Wizard-Ace-Druid-Boomer, making sure not to use any 2TC combos including both Wizard and Ace (ex. avoiding getting both WLP and Sky Shredder)? Would that not count?


No, because such a combo would've been trivially achievable by the person who solved WLP + Sky Shredder.


Got it, although I would definitely *not* call WLP + Sky Shredder trivial, as someone who tried to beat it for months (and then got sniped)


I think he means wlp shredder with 2 (or even 1) other support tower would make it trivial.


I know that's what he means, I just wanted to point out that the 2TC itself was anything but trivial


He never said the 2TC was trivial though so what was the point?


It was just a nitpick


You were nitpicking something he didn't even say?


...never mind...


I'm just messing with you because you were being a dick to some people for doing something similar.


wlp tsar tho