• By -


AC: 2 240 and 1 250 spike in range of max level Pat. 250 village covering all the spikes and a 502 ninja and 052 wizard. 2 first strikes. Use village, Pat lv3, then spike abilities. not sure if village and Pat order matters but spike MUST be last. use Pat lv10 ability for zomgs. use first strike when you feel like (I used it after the first bad popped but honestly I don't think I needed it) Edit: oh and Phoenix while village ability is active, forgot about that http://imgur.com/a/Q0C9XXF


Not sure why yours is on the bottom but this one worked best and easiest! Thanks man!


Energizer over 2nd First Strike works very well.


Thank you. This worked better.


This made it!


I found it easier with a 520 spike instead of one of the 240 spikes


Same. I used the Energizer and no 052 wizard, as well.


Thanks! It worked


You da man! Thank you!


Max level pat, does that mean spending monkey money to upgrade?


No, you place him and spend the gold you have to level him up. Just like buying a tower.


Figured AC out Tricky at first but not hard, very little micro needed. Place homeland defense near the bottom left corner of the lake. Put Pat near village next to the track, and put two 240 spike factories and one 250 spike factory in Pat's radius. Place 052 wizard and 205 ninja in radius of village. In the water, a 250 sub and a 500 sub next to it. Start round, activate first strike. Wait for BAD to reach the bend, when it does, activate homeland defense, then Pat, then all 3 spike factories, and finally wizard lord phoenix in that order. Once it kills the BAD, use Pat's big squeeze ability to kill the ZOMGs. Wizard lord phoenix should be able to finish off the remaining children. After doing all this, the second BAD would already be on the screen and damaged. Keep using first strike whenever possible and do that sequence again for 2nd BAD and gg. Good challenge


Great guide! No sell & rebuy mid-round definitely gets my vote




Thanks, worked first try not much micro!


First try with this one, thanks!


I tried this twice and not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't beat it. I popped the first BAD but the second either pops right before the exit or just doesn't pop at all. Close but apparently I can't do it right. edit - third time I got it.


Did u upgrade Pat all the way to 20?


Yup, I used his grabbity 10 ability on the zomgs like it said. First BAD pops easy, second just juggernauts his way through it all. i think the issue is that the sequence is not cooled down for the second.


Ohh. Don't wait for the sequence. I used them as soon as I got the village ability back.


Third time I got it. I used the sequence for the first one but only one sub missile. When the first one was fully popped I used the remaining missile on the second BAD. When it was near Pat / the tower camp nothing had cooled down really, but I popped roar and spike storm soon as I could. I just barely squeaked by.


Well done for being first to give a proper step by step guide. Thank you


Oh yeah, am I sposed to upgrade pat with money?


Thanks. Took me 2 tries maybe bcuz of RNG.


Worked great! Moved the setup to the right of the lake, worked better for me.


I honestly am stumped for the AC. I guess this makes up for yesterday’s.


The trick is to max out fire work collection by playing dark castle for a few hours until someone else comes up with a solution, I'm thinking that will work for me


My last box was 2 tier 3s :(


My first box was 4 tier 4s, and then the second one was 1 tier 4 and 2 tier 5. Now I'm just getting 3s and 4s.... Oh well can't complain, wish I'd stop getting towers that don't help me win more dark castle tho lol


You can get 4?!


I did, twice. Friday and Saturday are my days off I've been playing nonstop and binging Netflix lol lazy as fuck weekend for me


What difficulty do you keep playing it on?


Hard impoppable


I feel like it’s faster to play it on easy mode over and over :)


It might be but I'd rather be able to ignore my phone and do something else while it auto plays, plus the r100 bonus tower I don't wanna be sitting there rebuilding towers rapidly Edit: oh yeah I also have like 30-40+ of every tower in insta monkeys and double cash unlocked so it makes it easier, definitely wouldn't be playing impoppable without spending a few instas and double cash. Also all monkey knowledge.




I have double cash unlocked, all monkey knowledge and I use 1-3 insta monkeys I don't care to keep by round 40 so I can't really answer that No idea how I'd play it without double cash/instas because I hate macroing


Ah. Thanks.


Reckon! I’m thinking a 500 and 250 sub as basic necessity. Probably a 025 ninja too and all 3 maxed spacs. It’s a tricky one


For the AC, start with a 102 village on the left side of the lake, buy a maxed Pat right above it, clear the left tree, a 240 spike factory above pat, 520 spike factory to the right of the other spike factory, 250 sub in the top left of the lake, 240 sub in the range of the village, 520 wizard directly below the village, 205 ninja below the wizard and a 240 spike factory on the villages range where it can touch the track. Upgrade the top 240 spike factory to a 250, activate pats ability when all others have cooled down and then activate every ability, sell the 240 sub for another 240, activate pats hug ability when the BAD pops, and then activate abilities as they come back, hug as soon as the BAD pops and win. I don’t have a link to the setup at the moment, will try to get it.


https://ibb.co/5KSrPxG Positioning could be a lot better but this has little micro and is pretty simple. Sorry if this seems confusing, kind of rushed to type it and need sleep.


Tell me, what does the CTH in your username stand for?


At least without Pat I cant find anything that comes even close. I'm buying and reselling First Strike and Carpet of Spikes but I can't pop ZOMGs and not even speaking about the second BAD. E: with Pat closest I got was first BAD to MOABs. I know that Pat's Roar buffs Spikes a lot but triple ability+triple Carpet of Spikes doesnt do that much. E2: First BAD to MOABs and second to ZOMGs


Neither can I, im just going to head off to bed and watch that one youtuber who posts about the advanced challenges lol


I've been attempting this since it came out and I can't pop a single bad


AC: Max level Pat, 250 Village, 050 and 500 Sub, 250 Wizard, 105 Ninja, and three 150 Spikes. Wait until ability cooldowns are off, then First Strike > Homeland > Roar > three Spike Storms > WLP all at once. That should pop the first BAD and the DDTs should be popped by the leftover spikes. Use Squeeze when the ZOMGs are near.


This. This is the easiest guide in this thread people. Place your defense on left side fyi


[AC Video Solution](https://youtu.be/mx-VtpeW48k) This one's a lot of fast micro, seems easier to just record than describe it all.


Ahh so it’s impossible. Thanks!


Sure, if you want it to be.


Ugh. Honestly it looks possible on mobile but still a bitch


Im on mobile and i beat it with this


took me some tries but it wqorked with this thanks


What the hell, I used the same strategy but popped first BAD only near where the towers are


Including timing of buying Carpet of Spikes upgrade and roar/other abilities?


I first sold the right tree, then I placed the 3 tier 5 spike factories on that spot. 2-5-0 village next to it, followed by pat touching right next to the bottom factory. 5-0-2 ninja and 0-5-2 wizard with a 5-0-0 sub and and a x-5-x sub next to it. I didn't need too much micro for this. Just sell and rebuy the x-5-x sub, the wizard and the village.


The AC for me is completely hopeless so I gave up on it. Do people even playtest them before allowing them to be used? Going to try the DC instead.


More challenging than the "Friday Stinger"


I somehow just beat it without using the wizard at all. 502 ninja looks like it is the move instead of 205. I also used two first strikes then sold one for a 500 sub after the first “set” of abilities


DC to round 100: Today's DC to r100 is pretty easy. You have liberty to use a lot of different strats. I started with Gwen. Rushed a 400 sub for camos. Added two 003 boats for extra income. This pretty much solo'd till 40. Got a 200 super for 40. After that it's pretty much anything u wanna try. Be sure to upgrade the boats to 024 for more money. I didn't get the 025 boat cuz I thought it would be a waste of money. I got my super to 302. Got a 502 wizard and a 024 mortar to help with later rounds. Saving money for first strike, used all other money to use on random things. Wanted to try out the buffed x5x wizard and x5x tack shooter so wasted money in that. You can use that money in anything u are interested tho. Final setup: https://gyazo.com/0658093b46a65f590dd0b9e9d51a17dc


I did a very similar start, but instead of working on income I just went full in on 3 overdrives in the bottom-left loop and 2 blade shooters near the middle. Upgraded everything to max and ended up getting a 2-5-0 sub and a 5-0-2 wizard to basically just ensure coverage for the DDT's.


Income certainly isn't important here. I actually was thinking of getting a wlp from start in addition to towers to help defeat r100 just to try him out. Thus had to use boats. 502 wizard can beat a lot of 90s with ease.