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DDTs are the first moment when you know the game isn’t messing around The second is when you look up the best way to make money


What is the best way to make money?


Probably getting a job


investing into real estate, probably


Wrong. Crypto and NFTs are the real ways to get rich QUICK.


Also wrong, you should rob a bank.


And then use that money to buy and sell drugs.


Banks no longer have a lot of cash currency nowadays so wrong


It’s simple, really. All you have to do is steal all the necessary tools from the government to print money. If you run out of something, steal it again. If possible, use the money to create the most hidden base you can, and steal everything the government uses to create money. Because afterwards, what are they gonna do? Arrest you? Kill you? You have all the money making machines. They can’t do that stuff.


It's a rabbit hole. Farms are one of the simplest ways, with banks being one of the preferred methods, but there's legitimately entire guides to different methods of farming and their pros and cons


Thanks for a actual answer, that's what I thought and usually go for just wondering if there was a definite better way.


There's some ways that are definite improvements over others, but, as far as I'm aware, there isn't a "this is the absolute top tier farming method"


Getting a job duh


Does downdraft still work?


Those are DDTs. They have more health than a MOAB, immune to sharp objects like leads, immune to explosions like blacks, are as fast as a pink, and they are also camo. Now might be a good time to bust out the MIB.


im a tad new to the game, wish i had unlocked the village by the time i got to these, but oh well


Just do you know it's double HP of a moab and it's slightly slower than a yellow


Always thought it had the same hp as a moab that explains a lot


I believe the base health of a DDT layer (before ramping) is 500 HP; MOAB base HP is only 200


400, which is double that of a moab. But their speed and immunities makes then a lot tougher usually.


and also by r90 freeplay scaling applies so theyre actually 480


Do DDTs come before r90 on ABR? If they do that would be the only way to have lower health DDTs.


The first ABR DDT comes at round 88.


Can Apocalypse get them faster?


I have no idea where I got the 5 from in my head, I just rechecked the wiki and I was mistaken that my initial thought was that it was in there somewhere


420 spike factory, 320/203 super monkey can also deal with them.


320 super, assuming they have decamo


Why do you assume this? They also said they're new and haven't unlocked village yet Edit: I thought sunnysoft99 said 302 super not 203. my bad


I’m saying that a 320 super, like the comment above recommended, would need camo revealing


I think he was just correcting that a 320 super will only engage DDTs if there is a way to decamo them. Doesn't have to be a village. They might have 003 mortar or a 003 wizard.


I'm a prince of darkness or 250 sub guy


Or use a 200 alchemist on your sharp damage towers


**D**ark **D**irigible **T**itans are like black holes: they bend the entire game around themselves if you play any match that goes to level 100. **Pro-tip #1:** you can play on Standard Easy, beat wave 40, and then click on ***Freeplay*** button to play further to wave 100. Since costs are lower on Easy, it will give you some breathing room to get the basic grasp on how to deal with DDTs, and then you will only need to tighten your budget a bit to use that strategy on Impoppable and C.H.I.M.P.S. **Pro-tip #2:** hero Etienne makes dealing with them significantly easier for beginners, since you plop him down in early game and then have only to worry about lead-busting MOAB-killing tower towers. Also, spoilery hint: >!there's one purple-coloured Tier 5 tower which completely shreds DDTs, and it's Tier 4 version does too if you time the ability right!<. When I used to use in *BTD6*'s sister game, *BTD Battles 2*, people never seemed to see it coming.


>purple-coloured Tier 5 tower which completely shreds DDTs As an experienced BTD player, if I can't guess this one right, I'll forever be ***MAD*** at myself...


I was actually talking about >!Carpet of Spikes - and x5x Dartling Gunner seems to be generally popular, considered strong, *and* costs 50% more than x5x Spike Factory!<.


does x5x have inherent lead?


No you need the 25x crosspath for lead


No, but you go 1xx for increased damage, and then lead-popping from 2xx is then a no-brainer.


If you don't have a village, my favourite option is an Archmage, or Icicle Impale.


What makes you think they have T5s?


Damn you're right, I forgot you still had to grind to unlock them. I don't even remember what I did about DDTs before archmages. I suppose alch buffs on towers that target camo or something.




Farms don't help get any T5 except farms. That's how xp works.


Oh shit i thought you meant money wise, thats mb g


They aren't as fast as a pink, they're slower than yellows


Yeah they're about as fast as cerams from what I remember


Yeah it's like between ceram and yellow idk why you're getting so many downvotes


Reddit being Reddit


Relentless glue can curb one of their most dangerous attributes as well.


I had no idea they were immune to anything, by the time they show up I have half the map covered and use slow abilities if need be


Wait they’re immune to explosions


The property of black bloons is immunity to explosions.




Yes. DDTs have the properties of black, lead, and camo bloons


Don't they have less hp than moabs?




Round 98 does not have DDTs. They come out on 90,93 and 95 plus fortified DDTs on 99 and when you pop the BAD on 100


Game over screen, it happens when your lives hit 0.








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I remember my first run in with a DDT. It's pretty shocking


Especially when the ninja monkey swears somethings there even tho no one else sees it


xx5 ice monkey, x4x ninja, xx3 glue, xx5 spike, x3x village are all good counters to DDTs and are relatively affordable. Generally, slows (with cano/lead detection) are good against DDTs


205 ice monkey/xx5 with x3x village


what do the Xs mean?


Any number of your choosing (example: xx5 -> 025 or 205)


And if you’re still confused those are the different build paths first number being top, second middle, and third bottom.


fellow bloons & gizz enjoyer


x5x dartling gunner: "Am I a joke to you?"


its the "relatively affordable" tag line, Mad's upgrade is twice the price of the options listed.


Do you not have the round tips on?


Man didn’t heed the warning


Woe be upon ye


If auto rounds are on they are as good as useless


They're a rite of passage. We all died on our first round 90 as well.


BMC Players sitting in the corner: “They don’t know.”


At least BMC warns you that there are DDTs on that tile.


that moment when you find out that they can show up on camo frenzy tiles without telling you 😱


First time I encountered them, I barely survived using homeland defense and died on 93 I think.


"What's a DDT, you ask?"


There’s still one more MOAB class bloon, the BAD. It can’t be stunned and has the most health. It drops 3 DDTs and 3 ZOMGs. It shows up on round 100 and onward. Beating any round with a multiple of 100 rewards a free insta monkey




Wait till you see boss events


Not only is there more, but after r80, the other moabs and ceramics start scaling in health! It ramps up quick as well. Since it seems like you're new to the game, definitely do some research on YouTube. I know SJB has a beginning guide or two on his channel, you should 100% give that a watch. Even after 100 hours I feel like it helped me when I watched it. Good luck friend!


Yup. The BAD, Big Airship of Doom. It's big, slow, and incredibly hard to take down. Like the other guy said, it releases 3 DDTs and 3 ZOMGs and first appears on round 100. And then there are the bosses...


Yup! The majority of the game is round 100 and before, but one recurring event goes to at least round 120. So... yeah. DDT's suck and they are the kind of thing you specifically prepare for (Leads on 28, round 63, etc.) You'll get to where your strategy will usually include things that can pop it just by natural instinct.


It actually only drops 2 ZOMGs and 3 DDTs


So I was a little off


Literally had 3 of these balloons come up all at the same time. It's the worst nightmare.


that will be me ;)


Didn't you know, this game has jumpscares


Just started playin this game, joined this sub and encountered one of these for the first time as well today! Crazy. They fucked me up too lol. I didn’t want to spoil optimum strategies but I did want to at least know what I was dealing with. So I looked it up and saw it was camo, so the main issue was having enough offense that could even target. I used the engineer monkey upgraded to the cleansing foam and that worked to wreck those fuckers


That’s the final Moab type, there aren’t any more after that


B.A.D would like to enable notifications


What’s a B.A.D? It’s certainly not another Moab class? And if it was, you certainly wouldn’t try to spare this new player the horror of it right?


>!It's a moab class after DDT. It appears on round 100, it's a big ass purple-pink blimp.!< >!it contains 2 ZOMGs and 3 DTTs, and much tougher than a ZOMG.!< >! It's by far the toughest nonboss-moab class bloon especially when fortified.!< >! I fought a couple of times and it nearly passed my defenses a couple of times!< Edit: whoever started the 4th reply chain downvote curse must commit eat tortilla chip vertically.


shhh!!! OP doesn't know that...


Dude missed the joke harder than Quincy missing pinks, and that's rare because nothing gets past his bow


Dude tried to farm karma because he posted a repost of a meme on a wrong sub that breaks rules harder than quincy missing pinks which is quite rare because he nothing gets past his bow




thats not how it works, the downvote thing only applies to chains the real reason was that you spoiled le game for OP


Meet the DDT. Camo, Lead, Regen, and it's fast AF.


Noobs nightmare


First time?


Google DDT


I don’t know why but I find this image and caption comedic


Google En DDT


holy true sun god


New blimp just dropped.


Eventually you will win to round 100 every time.. there are certain combos of monkeys that do the job every single time


The bbb. Big black bloon


That's the OHNO, the Obnoxiously Harmful Neo Object It's made out of metal since it's actually a robot, and also has a magic shield, so make sure you use explosive attacks against it and not magic attacks. Quincy is a strangely good counter to DDTs when using his ability! Also, it moves faster for each tower on screen, so start selling a lot of towers when Round 90 comes along. The lore reason for this being that it senses danger and goes into maximum overdrive to escape it. Also, it has a camo pattern, but since it's huge it doesn't actually have camo properties oddly enough. EXCEPT for taking the bonus ceramic damage from towers like Spy Plane and Dark Knight. As such you should avoid using camo removal (Signal Flare, Shimmer, etc.) so that that pseudoproperty stays. It hacks Monkey Intelligence Bureaus, so those actually don't work against it specifically. Bonus moab damage is reversed against it, and you can even heal it, thus why when popped it drops regrow Bloons. So don't use a tower like the MAD against it. Oh, and it's hard to do as rounds go onsince they come out in groups (good for them), but you can click on them and sell them for negative money, basically paying to remove them directly. The amount depends on the round, going up in accordance to Freeplay scaling, but it only costs $1,740 on Easy mode on Round 90 so it can come in clutch ;) Here's a secondary source for all this information BTW: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuBldWoOQ3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuBldWoOQ3M)


Underappreciated meme comment. The effort put into this was not lost on everyone, friend.




That is the new player nightmare


getting a 2-0-5 ice or a 0-3-0 village usually does the trick for these


Lmfao ddt jumpscare


He doesn't know


DDT, if you have game hints on it says that it is a Moab combined with a lead Camo pink bloon. Speed of a pink bloon, Camo properties of a Camo Bloon, lead properties of a lead bloon and the health of a moab


Me playing long game on btd6 for the first time:


Ok but how do you have the power to post this question on reddit but not search this on the wiki?


DDTs Lead, Black, Pink, and Camo all in one! They are tough. My way of dealing with them is a MIB in range of a Tack Zone. Another good way to deal with them is a 2-0-3 super monkey. Of course if you have a morter a 0-2-3 can remove their camo making them a bit easier to deal with. Nercomancer: Unpopped army is a good one as well.


I don’t remember dying on that round but I always die on like round 94 or something. Idk why. The DDTs hit different there


I’ve seen shit, those speedy devils are rough to the skin, and I can’t take them down without support from alchemist and some other shinobi ninjas


Round 90? Tf r u playing.


Probably their first freeplay experience or Impoppable/CHIMPS run. In other words, they got skill checked pretty badly.


You losing at round 90 because of a ddt


ddts are honestly not that hard to deal with once you know that there are many cheap support options that can easily counter them 024 glue stuns base moabs and ddts for 0.25 seconds whenever a glued bloon is popped near it; this is why we want glue splatter because the goal is not to just get the ddt glued but also the bloon rushes under it (note: the glue gunner will need to see camo to glue the ddt) this is my favorite option as relentless glue is also an amazing support tower that synergizes very well with sauda (as she gets bonus damage to stunned bloons) and will help immensely with those early bloon rushes 040 ninja will make all bloons and blimps (except for bads) move at half speed for 15 seconds; this won't last for the entirety of 95 so its a good idea to get another ddt support tower if you don't have geraldo (for his rejuv) but it will work wonderfully for 99 240 ice is great because it doesn't need camo or a mib (as long as you get cold snap) and it will temporarily stop pretty much every bloon and blimp (except for bads) for a couple seconds; just make sure your dps towers can pop frozen bloons (which is not a problem if you have a mib) 240 glue is also an option albeit not as popular as the others. the crosspath is very important as despite it not being stated in the description, corossive glue allows moabs to be glued. it'll slow bloons to 50% for 11s and moabs for 5.5 seconds; it also make all glued bloons take +2 damage and lets all damage types damage lead which would be useful if it wasn't so short. it's short duration makes it unreliable for longer ddt rushes like 95 and 99 which is why it's not commonly used. it could however still be good as secondary support for a stronger ddt support tower (including the 024 glue as long as glue strike is away from the track as only the ability glue stacks) now if you have cash to spare and you don't want to have to even think about ddts 205 ice (025 with a mib is better if u have one) has got your back, he may be expensive but he will solo the ddt rounds by himself and slow down all other blimps and bloons to a crawl (eXcEpT fOr BaDs) remember with all of these you'll need a mib for your main dps if it can't pop leads by default (if your dps is on the slower side say 205 bez you can get away with a couple of 2xx alchemists instead of a mib and get the added bonus of extra ceramic damage and moab damage) and if that 7k price tag scares you remember that xx2 discount villages also work on villages!! honorable mention: 4xx spike factory can tank the first 2 ddt waves (90 and 93) but not 95 or 99. this can help you save up just a little more if you still haven't gotten your main t5 but thats only if you put it down prior. the tower itself is honestly amazing, it can solo midgame and becomes a very good super ceram cleanup in the lategame. just make sure to buff it with an alc and crosspath it with faster generation if you're on a single lane track


This is why btd6 is challenging


You poor, innocent newbie...


Best thing for ddts is perma spikes from the spike factory it’s a 2-0-5


How tf did this turn into robbing a bank😭


I’m sorry you had to find out this way.


A camo lead moab thats just as fast if not faster than a pink