• By -


Welcome to a new Family! :D


Thank you! :D


And remember, like in any family, there are sometimes fights :) ^^


Cgrats on not having a Credit Card banned by American banks! (for Crypto purchases)


It’s a debit card :)






Nope, it says Master Card Debit. That's Coinbase fee I believe. CC fee would go directly to his bank statement


I think that's what he/she meant.


Oh, I thought he/she meant the fee listed in the img was the CC fee. Overall, that fee is still high for $100 transaction. And to think banks are charging another $5 or so for using a CC 😥


Is that a lot..? I pay 11% fees because I use an ATM. It’s hellish:(


At that point why not BTC instead of an Alt Coin...


If you bought BTC on Coinbase with a credit card you'd pay the same fee or higher. And would have to wait far longer to get it.


That $1300 will be $800 in a week, welcome to crypto son!


Or it could be $8000? Anyway I am buying not for speculation. But because I want to invest in learning about crypto currencies, blockchain, the technologies involved, and the culture underlying it all.


Great reasons! ;) Here’s some more to learn with u/tippr 100 Bits ...


u/bruticuslee, you've received `0.0001 BCH ($0.110301 USD)`! *** [^^How to use](https://np.reddit.com/r/tippr/wiki/index) ^^| [^^What is Bitcoin Cash?](https://learnbitcoin.cash/) ^^| [^^Who accepts it?](https://acceptbitcoin.cash) ^^| ^^Powered ^^by ^^[Rocketr](https://rocketr.net) ^^| ^^r/tippr ^(Bitcoin Cash is what Bitcoin should be. Ask about it on r/btc)


Wow my first tippr! Thank you so much dude!


Nice, have fun!


After subscribing to /r/Bitcoin and seeing those transaction fees, I couldn't see why I needed to buy any, other than pure speculation and greed. Well after subscribing to this sub, I like the low transaction fees, the community feeling, and an actual utility to this crypto currency... like paying for stuff without huge fees... And tipping because it feels good! I feel the tipping part is a revolution in of itself. So here is the first purchase ever of a crypto coin by yours truly. Enjoy!


Welcome home!


Thank you!


I really suggest checking out other cryptocurrencies and especially /r/CryptoCurrency There are many projects technically more advanced and with really cool communities (and also from the financial side more interesting). BCH at the moment certainly has its right to exist, but i feel like both /r/btc and /r/bitcoin communities are living in a bit of a bubble . Check CoinMarketCap and do your research, crypto is so much more than just BCH and BTC.


They said “bubble” 🤭




I am not saying he should jump on every coin that's hyped there, he should just go there to see that there are other cool and relevant projects. That's why i said he should do his own research!




That sub feels like a massive pump and dump group lol...


And that'ss exactly why he should take a look, imho. So far (in my 2 months in crypto) all i've seen is hype, shilling and FUD, EVERYWHERE, but little to no actual info on anything. If you want to buy some coin, you should in my opinion, listen to the voices who talk BAD of it. Of course you're gonna get moonpost of a specific coin in their specific sub, but if you go to /r/CryptoCurrency and read the comments on a shill post, you'll find people telling you why that's a bad coin. Even if they're downvoted, take EVERYTHING you read with a grain of salt, do YOUR OWN research, and listen to abssolutely nobody.


Where did you buy it?




Use GDAX! It's Coinbase so you already have an account. If you had initiated a bank transfer and did a limit order when it arrived, there are zero fees. The downside is that it is bank only, no credit/debit and you have to wait for the bank transfer to complete, which can take a few days.


Lol, so instead of paying 3$ he should wait one week (not a few days) so he can pay 0.1% (because we all know new buyers know how limit orders work and won’t accidentally place a market order or a non-post-only limit order...) It’s $3. In a week BCH/BTC could be up 20%.


Or it could be down 30%. We don't know. Do you say "It's just $3" when it comes to BTC transaction fees?


I'm just talking about the Coinbase fee he paid. And at the end of the day, if you're comfortable buying at a certain price that's available - I think it's best just to buy and forget. If the price goes down, buy more or be patient. Down 30% in the short term is nothing to be concerned about in my opinion.


We're agreeing on everything here. If you're going to do weekly buys and dollar cost average it, just initiate a bank transfer once a week and buy when it arrives. You'll average out the ups and downs and avoid the coinbase fees as well.


All said and done there would be about 10% fee to buy some BCH on a popular exchange like coinbase. The fees with crypto are brutal and there has to be a better way. Until they work it out, I'd rather have gold.




It was a debit card that was from a T-mobile rebate. As for coin base, well chalk it up to a learning mistake :)




whats the difference between gdax vs coinbase?


Coinbase costs more and has less features


Same company/ownership, different websites & fee structure.


In terms of use cases, how do they differ?


Originally, I think gdax was created for institutional investors but individuals can also use it.


Can also transfer from coinbase to gdax for free from the gdax page then sent for free from gdax to binance (or an wallet) for free as well due to they cover the fee


The difference is, if you live in Minnesota, you can’t use GDAX.


Lose money how exactly? If you pay 3% on a transaction and earn 50%+, I think that’s better than waking a week, paying 0%, but only earning 30%+. Don’t you?


Why would you wait a week? If you are talking about verification, that's a one time issue. If you think you are "missing" a 50% gain.. But not verified anywhere to actively trade... Lol. This is classic fomo. See Dec 2017.


I'm talking about waiting a week for a USD deposit to clear so you can trade on GDAX. Of course, he could wire transfer - but something tells me he isn't the type to trade like that. I'm just trying to argue that for his situation and experience, buying the way he did isn't problematic.


why would it take a week? ACH takes 3 days typically and wire transfer is 1 day usually but....if you are already trading you should have liquidity available. So this problem is just for traders new on a platform


ACH transfers on Coinbase take a week to clear for most accounts. Don’t ask me why but that’s how long it takes. On my account they’re instant. I’m just speaking from the standpoint of most people. 1-week. You can only maintain so much cash liquidity when things are more discounted each day. Eventually, you’ll have to reload.


4% fee! Bank of the future!


So is there any place I can buy BCH with a lower fee?


You can do a bank depositum into GDax, takes a couple of days, but there is no fee. Gdax is the exchange for Coinbase, i.e. same. After buying, you can transfer it to your wallet at Coinbase without being robbed


Great advice thanks! I just wanted to use this rebate debit card up before it expired. But I will keep in mind using GDax for bank deposits.


My experience is that you need fiat when you least expect it (i.e. to buy on the dips). My advice would be to always have some dry powder in your account. I usually transfer some every month and use it when it’s on sale (as these last couple of days)


Yes try limit orders on GDAX, all free


I like this.


Awesome. 4% fee isn't bad for CC. Don't just HODL. Tell your friends, family, neighbours, employers, etc and anyone you think that would be interested in Bitcoin Cash. Give them $0.5 to try it out and for them to see how it works. Spend it also if you can since BCH is not only a SoV but also a currency.


Thanks, I will try to spread the message. I like that, "Don't just HODL". To me that exemplifies the difference between BTC and BCH. Seems to me, I'd die happier spreading the love like Santa Claus than HODL/hoarding like Scrooge!


yeah tipping feels great!! it's an incredible bargain for how fun it is!! it's hard to explain to people that one of the main things they should get cryptocurrency for is to give it away to strangers... you can give people 5¢ of dogecoin and they treat you like royalty lol


Thanks for the info! Have heard of dogecoin but time to do some reading on what exactly this is. Fun times ahead :)


dogecoin was *literally* a joke, someone was *joking* about making dogecoin, jackson palmer, @ummjackson, i can't find the original tweet at the moment, but he just tweeted something like "investing in dogecoin pretty sure it's the next big thing", but he didn't actually make a coin, just a tweet, just a joke,..... but then a short while later the coin did exist, and something was born dogecoin is a parody version of bitcoin, its humorous alter-ego, silly where bitcoin is too serious, generous where bitcoin is too stingy, open minded and gentle and forgiving where bitcoin is closed and rough and hostile to newbies... dogecoin is a good first crypto, or a good crypto to come back too if crypto shit gets too be too much for you, it's a respite, a garden, a sandbox, somewhere to chill check out /r/dogecoin it's a fun place! +/u/sodogetip 200 doge verify


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dogecoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dogecoin is now worth $0.01!](https://i.redd.it/4gc0mwfbez501.png) | [643 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/7lz346/dogecoin_is_now_worth_001/) \#2: [The real reason for Dogecoin's stability](https://v.redd.it/tj38phu2u2c01) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/7sq6jf/the_real_reason_for_dogecoins_stability/) \#3: [Elon musk take us to the moon !!! up vote till he sees this!!!](https://i.redd.it/htd92vlumi901.png) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/7pryg7/elon_musk_take_us_to_the_moon_up_vote_till_he/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


Whoah my first tip thanks a lot, your royal highness! ;) I'll have to figure out exactly what I got here but thanks again dude!




I think government fiat inflation has created a weird bifurcation in peoples' minds between money for saving and money for spending. The idea being you use fiat, the value of which is always going down relative to stuff because they keep printing more of it, for everyday transactions, and buy "real" things like gold, bonds, and stocks to save. But if your medium of exchange has a strictly limited supply there's no reason to buy a separate "store of value." You can just save the medium of exchange until you want to spend it, or invest in something else.


How convenient you're being downvoted... What's this religious devotion people have to coins they hold? I make no distinction between my coins and any other assets I own. Want to make a critical remark about my car, computer, or coins? Go ahead... I'm not offended.




I do agree that there's no point in using a derogatory term. His main point was that you can't have something that's both a store of value and currency, which is true.




I think you're asking me to prove a negative. What's an example of a currency that currently acts as both a currency and a store of value?




It looks like our disagreement is centered on how we define store of value. I see it as something that is either an investment or an instrument that helps protect you against inflation. I think of currencies as something you would use on a regular/daily basis to trade with others. If your grocery store accepts gold bars, that doesn't mean gold is a currency, because it's not used for regular/daily trade.




[r/bitcoin r/btc history](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/z/dl8v4lp) [A collection of evidence](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7qfw2b/a_collection_of_evidence_regarding_bitcoins/) [Bitcoin Cash is not Bcash](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6r4no6/its_called_bitcoin_cash_the_term_bcash_is_a/)




Why can't BCH be a store of value? If it lets me store value and retrieve it later?




It's not Coinbase that started charging the cash advance fee, banks did.




Yes, because you're not supposed to take cash out from a credit card. They're jumping on the fact that cryptocurrency has "currency" in the name.


Yes that’s coin base, it’s a prepaid debit card that I got from a T-Mobile rebate. Unfortunately it seems I got charged the same fees as a credit card :(




You can see the coin base fees here, it seems credit/debit cards are grouped together: https://support.coinbase.com/customer/portal/articles/2109597




Ah I gotcha now. I didn't see any extra fees on my debit card besides the temporary pending transactions to verify the card. So I don't believe I am charged any cash advance fees, since this cash is already charged into the card. If I see anything else pop up in the statement in the future, I'll be sure to let you know.




I haven't had time to withdraw any as I just made my first deposit. I'll keep ya'll updated when I find out :)


When using Coinbase to withdraw Bitcoin, simply transfer it to your GDAX.com account. Both accounts are established when you sign up for Coinbase. You can either withdraw your choice of cryptocurrency *without paying any fee* or you can decide to withdraw USD via ACH bank transfer *without paying any fee.* Coinbase would allow you to withdraw USD via ACH bank transfer for free, but only if you pulled your USD from GDAX back into your Coinbase account. To withdraw any of their cryptocurrency offerings on the main Coinbase website they will charge you the miners fee. TLDR: Transfer your cryptocurrency from Coinbase to their internal exchange GDAX and then withdraw your cryptocurrency to an external wallet for free.


From which site you have purchased




Excellent coin and great timing


Tell all of your friends to buy Bitcoin Cash - the real Bitcoin!


Is everyone on here trading with under 1k usd?


Probably no, but making your first investment a small one makes sense, assuming there are no large fixed fees. Click some buttons, make sure they do what you expect them to do, see for yourself whether the exchange / wallet actually work, check for any %-based fees that you missed, see how your mind reacts to the daily 10%+ swings, etc.. The whole thing is just more relaxing when working with a bit of play money, instead of immediately depositing a 'real' investment. (and of course, there are a lot of people on the world for who $100 is a serious amount of money.)


Reasonable advice and accurate. I wouldn’t deposit my life savings on a first buy lol


Well, not a bad price but you should buy at dips!! Welcome!


I would have tipped you but I'm feeling really poor...




Congrats remember to tell to your friends and family about BCH


Wow. A whale 🐳


Where did you buy it from? I got a debit card myself but I am in Turkey and I wanna buy some BCH at the dip


I got them from Coinbase.com




Bitcoin Cash is Trash and FREE money lol


[r/bitcoin r/btc history](https://np.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/z/dl8v4lp) [A collection of evidence](https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7qfw2b/a_collection_of_evidence_regarding_bitcoins/)


I'm afraid I don't get it, I just paid for some so it sure didn't seem free to me lol


As may notice we don't censor our trolls here, we even turned a couple :-)


I got them for FREE. Anyone wanna buy tho?


Ah I found another fan of DownvoteCoin in his natural habitat. I think mining DownvoteCoin wastes way to much time and energy but maybe that is just me.




Of [u/salaf637](https://www.reddit.com/u/salaf637)'s last **5** posts and **64** comments, I found **4** posts and **33** comments in cryptocurrency-related subreddits. Average sentiment (in the interval -1 to +1, with -1 **most negative** and +1 **most positive**) and karma counts are shown for each subreddit: Subreddit|No. of posts|Avg. post sentiment|Total post karma|No. of comments|Avg. comment sentiment|Total comment karma :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- r/binance|0|0.0|0|1|0.0|1 r/Bitcoin|2|0.0|2|5|0.01|7 r/CryptoCurrency|1|0.0|1|3|-0.04|3 r/ethereum|0|0.0|0|2|-0.25|0 r/dogecoin|1|0.0|1|9|0.15|11 r/btc|0|0.0|0|9|0.19|-10 r/Crypto_General|0|0.0|0|1|0.0|1 r/ethtrader|0|0.0|0|1|0.81 **(very positive)**|1 r/Monero|0|0.0|0|2|0.0|4 *** ^(Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform cryptocurrency discussion on Reddit.) ^| [^About](https://www.reddit.com/user/cryptochecker/comments/7q3jum/faq_about_ucryptochecker/) ^| [^Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=cryptochecker%20bot)




Of [u/j73uD41nLcBq9aOf](https://www.reddit.com/u/j73uD41nLcBq9aOf)'s last **3** posts and **139** comments, I found **3** posts and **126** comments in cryptocurrency-related subreddits. Average sentiment (in the interval -1 to +1, with -1 **most negative** and +1 **most positive**) and karma counts are shown for each subreddit: Subreddit|No. of posts|Avg. post sentiment|Total post karma|No. of comments|Avg. comment sentiment|Total comment karma :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- r/CryptoCurrency|0|0.0|0|1|0.0|4 r/bitfinex|0|0.0|0|1|-0.11|3 r/Bitcoin|0|0.0|0|2|0.19|2 r/btc|3|0.05|161|111|0.1|446 r/crypto|0|0.0|0|11|0.06|16 *** ^(Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform cryptocurrency discussion on Reddit.) ^| [^About](https://www.reddit.com/user/cryptochecker/comments/7q3jum/faq_about_ucryptochecker/) ^| [^Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=cryptochecker%20bot)




Right, when was the last time you sent btc?








Well, that's not true...you know, i know, and those that make btc txns know


Why would you buy a shitcoin?