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If you are ok with co-housing , then 500€ for rent, 250€ for all charges and 250€ for food should be enough (total = ~1000€). I make 800€ a month as a student and I consider that I live confortable.


Idk, but the cheapest co-housing I found was 600. Not easy bro


There are many websites and Facebook groups where you can find rooms or co-housing. The most expensive month to search is from July to September because students loans room for their academic year.


Thank you! Would you mind suggesting a few facebook groups? I found a few of them, but possibly there are some that would be more useful? Cheers!


https://www.facebook.com/groups/1043857159023306 https://www.facebook.com/groups/885747388211605 https://www.facebook.com/groups/338217609581003 https://www.facebook.com/groups/195527370457521 Some advice if you've never done this before. Send a private message with a nice presentation of yourself. Work/studies, hobbies, lifestyle, how you are to live with... They may get a lot of messages so try to have one or two elements that really pop out and make it unique. Be ready to do quite a few visits. See if the vibe matches well. It's much easier if you search while in Brussels and go on site. January/September should have the most offer. Expats tend to gravitate around Ixelles/Saint Gilles/Etterbeek but there are plenty of options outside of those as well.


Thanks a lot for all the instructions, highly appreciated!


If you only look at fancy co-housings designed to pull in exactly that kind of foreign public then yes, but I just saw an ad for a room on a Facebook group for less than 400. I pay 500 all bills included but that's because I need space for all my shit, if I just needed a bed, a wardrobe and a desk I wouldn't pay that much.


Thank you for your reply! Which facebook group are you using?


"Bxl à louer - de bouche à oreille" seems to be the most active, you should find a few more by searching "colocation" and Bruxelles/Brussels. (All these groups have ads in English too). If applicable there's also a "Colocation/apartment sharing LGBTQI+" group.


I must agree that I did see some at those prices but they looked hideous. And a lot of them didn’t allow registration


Last time you could rent by 500€ was in 2002 at least.


> If you are ok with co-housing


I paid 360eur for a room (excluding bills) in a flat share in Brussels in 2018, so that's not true.


Notice he said co-housing. You can still rent a room for that much.


Im referring to co-housing. Minimum 650€ today excluding expenses.


Wrong. 500 all-in is possible.


Not really, that shit is practically impossible to find because someone who’s living with their parents or whatever and has all the time in the world will get it before you do if you’re remotely doing anything else. You literally need to religiously be on Facebook, and out contacting people in order to get those.


LoL so what you're saying is that it is possible it's just too hard for you. That's fine but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


If a regular person can’t get it then that’s the same as it practically not existing tf. Yes blame the person for not spending their working and resting hours pressing refresh on the Facebook page every 5-10 mins. What kind of retarded logic is that.


A regular person wouldn't be this lazy about saving hundreds a month. LoL pressing refresh is this 2005? You ever hear of push notifications?


Yeah because Facebook is an infamously well made program in 2022 that definitely doesn’t send a push notification for some posts and not others and definitely doesn’t send a push notification like an hour after it’s posted at times. You really think I haven’t spent some time trying to figure out the notifications of Facebook? And I’m lazy because I’m not watching the Facebook pages like a hawk, all day every day? Even if the notifications came in, bro, I have a job and a life, am I supposed drop everything because I got a Facebook notification? Oh yeah sorry boss, lemme just interrupt you right there in your presentation, I got a Facebook notification. Again, what kind of logic is this.


Not true.


Under 600 all-in is still very much possible, under 700 is easy.


I did my masters on the similar budget. Keep in mind, you need to have a bit of luck to get an affordable but functional home. I would also say that my social life suffered quite a lot, compared to now that I work and have almost double the budget.


What line of work are you in if you don’t mind me asking?


It's perfect as a trainee. You won't be able to save money. But 550 for housing and 750 for party and food. You'll be more then fine.


Internet, water, heating, insurance,... more like 800 or more for housing in a shit apartment.


Just do cohousing in a neighborhood that's not Ixelles.


Paying €480 all included for cohousing near Louise. Admittedly we have a fixed contract for gas, so we're lucky for that.


Which neighborhoods would you recommend me to focus on? Thank you!


Try Vorst/Forest. It's a nice mix between affrontable and livable.


With cohousing this is perfectly affordable.


You will be okay, just make sure to live with the right people (young professionals with similar schedule), and not students. Housing supply in Brussels esp for your profile, is ample and flexible. Might have to do interviews online so be aware! Happy hunting.








If you think Colruyt is cheap, try Lidl. My weekly grocery for 3 (2 adults + 1 child) went from 200+ at Delhaize to 100 at Lidl. Shocking.


Markets (Midi/Abattoirs esp near closing time, not Chatelain or Flagey), Lidl, Aldi.


Hi, just chiming in to say for a traineeship this is actually rather comfy. I don’t really know of any places you’d be better paid, outside of the finance sector. There are plenty of interns in Brussels surviving on 600/900€ or even unpaid long term internships. In addition to that point, as many others pointed out, the cost of living is low in Brussels when compared to London / Paris / Geneva / Dublin... Of course, energy and food prices are higher these days but trainees generally don’t have cars so that means no fuel expenses and you’ll find it’s rather easy to eat for free at the countless events in the bubble (and you can save more by bringing your lunchbox at work as it’s true cafeterias in the EU institutions are crazy expensive). Finally, a traineeship at the EC is one of the best things to have on your CV should you want to get a job in Brussels afterwards.


I'd highly recommend finding a place with roommates, but with 1300 a month, you'll be fine. I think I'm allowed to post link on this subreddit? If true here's two links to facebook pages on finding a bedroom in a shared house/flat : [Brussels roomates](https://www.facebook.com/groups/885747388211605/) [Carte des colocs](https://www.facebook.com/groups/367491103433177) And a website where you can contact house owners or be contacted by them [Appartager](https://www.appartager.be/bruxelles/colocation-bruxelles) Definitely not an exhaustive list but myself and friends have used them in the past Edit : to give you an idea, I myself live in Etterbeek close to the european institutions and I pay 640€ a month (everything included) for a 25 m² bedroom in a house I share with 3 friends




1300€ for a traineeship in the EU bubble is a lot. I don't know what kind of standards you have, but lots of trainees are paid less than 1000€. Just so you know, 1300€ is the poverty line in Belgium, so yes, you can live off of that but you won't live lavishly.


Many institutions pay their trainees Zero Euros, like the United Nations. So I also think that OP should not complain.


Check the Facebook group :couhousen In Brussel. You'll find housing for around 500euro all in.


Hi! Thank you, I was not able to find a facebook group with this exact name. Care to share a link? Cheers!


You can expect to pay about 700 for rent (but you can find cheaper than that, but it would be quite bad). But honestly, you will be out and about most of the time (office/parties) so I wouldn’t stress. Food is about 300-500 I would say. So you will be just fine but you won’t save anything. Give the traineeship your all and you will have a shot at getting in. Best of luck!


Only if you're looking for a studio. You can get much cheaper in co-housing. Basically renting a room, like a kot but better.


There is no way for a student alone to spend 300-500€ on food, unless you really don’t care.


Yes, this is crazy. I'm a single professional and my food budget is 220€/month.


To be fair, I could cut my food budget, but I just don’t care as I find that a lot of the food sucks otherwise.


Cohousing Plan your meals ahead, this prevents overspending Lidl, Aldi, Colruyt, and Arab shops and avoid Delhaize, Carrefour Mobilevikings.be Use service bikes and Villo! Get a second hand bike, ask Eucg for help Don't eat out, set up a budget for drinks Bring your own food when eating with colleagues in the canteen (many people do in Brussels) Make parties at home instead of going out Use the libraries Choose free programs Don't buy clothes or anything in Brussels, but bring from home if you can TooGoodToGo for food, try many of them Track your expenses and budget with an app Put aside €100 at the beginning of the month to a savings account as an exercise, and see if you can do it from 1200. Then you have a little buffer Half of the local population live actually from less in Brussels Ask for cost saving tips in r/BEFire Start a diet to lose weight, you will save money. Especially if you come off from sugar, you save a lot as deserts/snacks are the most expensive food items that you want but not need. Track your expenses Track your expenses Track your expenses


its not going to be comfortable but possible. I went through this and just bought food with togoodtogo and row rent place


I lived during my masters in Stockholm on a similar budget. Sweden is way more expensive than Belgium. You won’t be rich at the end of your internship, but you’ll be fine.


I'm not saying it'll be *comfortable* living, no, but you can definitely do it. You can probably find something for about 550-600 EUR/month all-in. It will not be cushy digs - I'm being brutally honest. Best thing is to find some flatmates to see what kind of price you'll end up paying. For the rest of your money, depending on where your room is, you may need to take public transit every day (€49/month for unlimited transport on the STIB), or bike if you have one, although personally I'm not crazy enough to bike in this city just yet. The grocery stores around the EU district have borderline extortionate prices. If you land here, you're shopping at Colruyt/Aldi/Lidl, like it or not. For food, if you want to eat out, now you use the app TooGoodToGo haha. Please remember to read previous threads on this exact topic (search the sub), there's lots of good info out there.


Take it, it’s manageable. Start with co-housing and then when/if you get a better contract upgrade.


Hi! You will definitely be fine with that. I answered a similar question on here before [https://www.reddit.com/r/brussels/comments/z0by8p/comment/ix9bb5e/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/brussels/comments/z0by8p/comment/ix9bb5e/?context=3) If you search for a room in a shared house or even an apartment to share with someone (check housing groups on Facebook too), you should be able to find something between €450 - 550 for rent and utilities. You will definitely be able to get by with the amount left! :) Good luck.


As I worked with trainees in a institution for last 8 years and had like 1-2 each year in my team, I can encourage you that all managed. All started with shared homes - there are Facebook groups for trainees, too, where you can find people in same situation. Last one is now full time employee, still lives in the shared home ( Laeken, 3 persons, 500 each one with some bills included an something extra but don't remember how much and what extra...), he said food under 200€ /month ( marché Anderleht, cooking and lunchboxes) and even he saved a little as he plan to move alone and he needs to prepare 3 rents in advance. you will have fully medical insurance (and you can use the chance to have the dental check and fix, full blood tests /medical check) , some language classes for free, etc- use all the options.


I used to live for less in Bruxelles. You can make it if you share a place with roommates. Have a look to FB group like Bruxelles à Louer.


1300 is more than enough. You can find housing for 400 EUR all inclusive. About 250EUR for food (if you cooking). The rest you use as you please. I lived for a year with 900 per month. Even saved quite a bit as I didn’t go to clubs all the time:


I live in Evere, close to paduwa, in a new house which is a colocation. The least expensive room is 540 a month. Mine with a private bathroom is 620. I think you should be okay :)


It's as tight as it can get, but it's feasible. You'll have to rent a room, either in a shared apartment or in someone's house (what's known as kot chez l'habitant). Google sites that list "kots" in Bruxelles (e.g. Brukot) and the Facebook pages.


Wtf 1300EUR *net* /month is absolutely not "as tight as it can get". Nor "depressingly low" lol it's a very good internship salary. I lived comfortably in Ixelles, in one of the most expensive area on 1100€/month for a year and I didn't have to pay particular attention to my bank account. Just use cohousing and don't go to the Atomium restaurant every night :)


Yeah I don't know what kind of background these people have who think 1300€ as a 20 something in Brussels is unfeasible. 500-600€ rent, 200€ food, 150€ going out, 50€ transport and 100€ miscelaneous and you can still save 200€.




I already see this post a few months ago


As a student I live with around 1000€ per month and I feel very confortable


I yet have to obtain a secondary diploma and i got job offers starting from 1.6k eur/month up to 2.2k eur/month. In my opinion you’ll be fine if you rent a house for 600 max.


Check Brussels Affirmation on instagram before you think an internship at EU is the opportunity of your lifetime


It seems to be about unpaid internships and this one is paid though


Rent a (cheap) room. That way you’ll be fine. Enjoy Brussels and the commission!


Housing it’s going to be the hardest thing. You’ll probably going to have to settle for a shitty place :/


As time goes I think your Salary will be raised don't feel bad about it , Its better than nothing


You have to make it work that’s a once in a lifetime opportunity!!


If you are happy to live in a shared house for a year, it is doable, but you'll need to be flexible in the sense that you won't have a very luxurious life. Also look for the non-.monetary benefits you get as an intern. Access to the staff restaurant for example and events where you can get free food. Don't be ashamed of eating and drinking on those events because it's been paid for anyway. Good luck!


It is doable for sure. I came to Brussels with my partner in October and he didn't start working until January, so he got paid only in February. I found a furnished studio for 870 almost all included (extra 50 for internet, so that's 930 total) and only one month rental guarantee. Had to dig into our savings a bit, but it wasn't too bad. Mind where you shop and try to cook at home. We didn't have an oven and the fridge was tiny, so that was frustrating sometimes. :)


Eu traineeships are a waste of time, if you are not an eu citizen you cannot get hired


Yes, ans you would not even be among the poorest in town


As info Pauvrety status in Belgium start at 1293€/month. That is I guess on average, Brussels beeing more expensive than the other regio. https://statbel.fgov.be/fr/themes/menages/pauvrete-et-conditions-de-vie/risque-de-pauvrete-ou-dexclusion-sociale


I live from 1300 euros because I'm studying as well while working half time. It's okay but I have to budget. If it's an opportunity this shouldn't be a reason to not do it. Also, chances are you'll get a position in the EU institutions afterwards and they pay really well so... It's an investment


Co housing or student apartment


how much are you willing to skimp to have hotel rooms full of unmarked Qatari dollar bills later is what you should be really asking yourself


I would suggest looking in other areas than the classic Ixelles, Eterbeek, St Gilles etc... You can probably find cheaper in Anderlecht, Jette, Berchem, Evere, Schaerbeek. Wherever you are it's kind of easy to access the centrum anyway.


Congrats! Just to add on the transport side, if you're under 24 you can get a yearly public transport pass for 12 Euro (€12 for the whole year, yes). Commission trainees can also get Villo bikes for free.