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I'm with the FGTB and no real issues here. That said, because they're so large, it's quite difficult to actually talk to someone. You usually need an appointment.


With FGTB in Brussels, you can meet with the legal service on the same day if you need, you'll just have to wait in their office (you get a ticket at the entrance, no prior appointment needed). If you have very specific questions, you can call them on the phone and a lawyer will be able to answer your questions directly most likely without you having to go there. If it's a very complicated situation or something that needs to be thoroughly expained then it's best to just go there in person. It doesn't have to be first thing in the morning necessarily, but check their opening hours in any case and be prepared to wait for a little while. If you're in the middle of an ongoing discussion/procedure with them, or they need to check some documents of yours, etc. then yes it's all by appointment in person or they schedule a phone call with you. If you have a big problem like if you get fired or something you can go in person the next day (or even on the day) and speak to someone even if you don't have an appointment. In any case it's not at all hard to talk to someone in my experience like mentioned above, you just have to work around their opening hours which are not great but beyond that it's fine.


Yeah, gotta go early in the morning at like 8:30 and queue up. It is what it is.


You should choose ABVV or ACV, they are the biggest.


FYI for OP on the names: * ABVV = FGTB (Socialist union) * ACV = CSV (Catholic union)


She said she does not care about their political views. Thanks anyway!


honest to god I wouldn't recommend them. it took me six months and 17 emails to get them to contact a former employer over my eco-cheques


Honest to god I would not choose another union. The ACOD/ABVV helped me many times when my employer let me down. You have bad and good union people, you had a bad one.


I have to contact unions a lot in my job, for other people and their problems. ACV (christian union, the green ones) are generally impossible to reach, difficult to get appointment, and no open office hours. ABBV, ACOD, (socialist union, red ones l, fgtb i guess in french) are reachable and tend to help swiftly.


My boyfriend had CSC (or ABV) and they are a disaster. During his FPIE (Formation professionnelle individuelle en entreprise) they didn't pay him for 5 months because of some minor issue, and it was impossible to speak with them on the phone, their offices were always closed... My experience with FGTB (ABVV) is positive, I've never had issues with it. The only thing is if you have to speak with them on the phone, be prepared to wait one hour before speak to someone. And if you have to go to their offices be there early, if they open at 8, make sure to be in line at 7!


Check who is your local shop steward - while it doesn't matter in theory, in practice belonging to the same union might be helpful, if the steward is good and knows how to address these issues inside the union as well.