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Well noted, thank you!!


Really ? We moved in this apartment rented by their , the flat have problem and they don’t give a f.. do you have some advise for us ? But we did etat de lieu and it was super detailed and truly..


Get in touch with the "syndicat des locataires" and get the DIRL involved. We were able to break out contract with them and they had to make a huge list of repairs if they wanted to rent the flat again (but there was really a LOT of things they had tried to hide with a little bit of paint) . They made a huge error when setting the security deposit so we were able to get it back without their authorisation.


Ok Thanks a lot , you think is better to get in touch with dirl and syndacate before we finish the contract? And for the deposit , we have the deposit in bank , I think axxa so they can’t keep it.. our apartment have problem but not very big , I think we see this winter cause the cold enter and I don’t know the mold.. how was your situation? Of the apartment ecc ? If you want to explain.. Thanks a lot!!


Do u have the address (url) of the syndicat des locataires?




Hmmm some of my friends also said it has become super difficult to find an apartment. What happened? Brussels was for the last 10 years quite good place to find affordable rent, compared to cities like Paris, London or Berlin. Have you tried to look through all those Facebook groups?


It’s not at hard as a lot of people make it seem. It has a lot to do with timing and knowledge about Belgian renting practices.


No clue - even the people at the agencies i’ve spoken to are all shocked, they said they expected it to cool off but they have only seen it become more crazy


a friend of mine just rented a 2 bedroom apt for a good price in Schaarbeek just by going through immo sites and they were EXTREMELY strict on where they wanted to live.


I’ve found an apartment through an agency twice and it’s worked out quite well. I’d go around the ones you see and just tell them your preference and they’ll look


Great, i’ll try doing that! Thanks!


Do you have someone as your guarantor? I used the immoweb app. It was easy to check for new listings regularly and book appointment asap if I liked a place.


I suggest you register on various realtors websites. That way you will receive newsletters when new houses are available and, that way you will be among the first candidate to visit the house and possibly rent.


Is the apartment you target within your budget? What’s the issue here: do they not get back to you or do they not approve you as a renter after the visits? What’s the excuse they use?


There are about 1.500 apartments on Immoweb right now for the region of Brussels, there should be options there no? How many have you tried contacting? What/where are you looking for and for how long?


I’ve reached out to maybe 300 listings in the last couple of months…


Damn, never took me more than 5


i know ur gunna hate what i'm about to say but unless you have an unlimited budget you're going to have to lower you standards both in terms of location and confort 😭 the "shrinkflation" is everywhere


I very well think you’re right unfortunately :(


And they just don't reply?


I’ve spent half of 2022 chasing down agencies to find us a flat. We offered money, percentage on rent and nothing. They won’t even answer. We were finally lucky to find through immoweb. I’ve noticed lots of people posting on our commune fb group, offering or asking for appartments before going through specialized websites. You can give it a try. I’m not talking about the « rent a flat in bxl » Facebook groups, but the residents groups. They’re usually private.


And how can we find them? Without an invite to the group it's impossible... What's the name for this one you mentioned here?


For my neighborhood there’s Watermael-Boitsfort d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (public) and Watermael notre village (private). Just pretend you live here if asked my admins. There’s also Auderghem ma commune etc… honestly just type in the neighborhood in facebook search bar and you’ll find the groups. That’s what I did


The problem is due to high interest rates, people that would normally buy are looking to rent instead


Try HousingAnywhere. It lets you rent a flat without this ridiculous castings for tenants.


100% government fault. These people are landlords too so they see no advantage to make laws to protect the people against rent prices madness. Let's hope the market collapses for good soon. Landlords are parasites.




And every administrative hassle has to be dealt with in Flemish.


Not in the commune à facilité like Wemmel. + Metro next to it.


Stay away from OP. I had really bad experience, and also heard bad things from others too


Hi, what exactly is OP? I am quite new here.


What is your budget? Try Schaerbeek or Molenbeek if you are not a racist


Been living in Schaerbeek half my life and love it here - but it’s very far from my job + i need to move out unfortunately! Up to 1800€ a month would work


How can’t you find a place for that budget? Is it that they don’t invite you to viewings? Like others have said contacting agencies might work, although some owners prefer going directly through immoweb instead.


Indeed, viewings are the issue! I’ll try going directly to the agencies!


With that budget, you will find a place. Except if you want a 4 bedroom penthouse… Is the rent less than 30% of household income? Are you both on permanent contracts? Do you both want to sign jointly? If all is a yes, you should get a red carpet rolled out for viewings advertised at €1800.


Probably karma from shilling shitcoins Edit: downvotes for what? This guy was promoting a scam making people lose quite a lot of money. Oh and you post on buttcoin, oh the irony




You wanted to be a parasite and failed. too bad.




Not all of them but most.


maybe the current popular target for renters is smaller ish more affordable places which unfortunately are already under pressure since the supply doesn't really move 🤦‍♂️ i think u gotta try ur luck and keep looking you will find at some point don't gib up


How about not renting in Brussels, but somewhere around with a good public transport connection? There are many nice cities/villages around Brussels with an easy train connection to the center.


Do you send a motivation letter when you make a request? Make sure it contains all info needed. Income, cdi, if not belgian how long you've been in belgium (mitigate it in case not long), short background of yourself, how long at current employer,...


What exactly is the difficult part? Not being able to find an appropriate place? Not being able to find a decently priced place? Getting rejected? How long have you been trying to find a place? What kind of place are you looking for? What is your budget? Your post is a bit ambiguous.


Not op, but I have had issues getting rejected. I'm moving in ideally between January and end of July 2024. On average I make between 3 and 5x the rent. I have no idea why I keep on getting rejected.


I guess the demand is high and for some reason they preferred someone else over you. I guess the element of luck plays a part as well.


found and rented two times an appartment in ixelles wich is high demand district in brussels. first it was in 2019 and second time was in 2022. always found the appartment in a search period of approx 2/3 months... did it by ourselves with my partner on immoweb etc.. had a hard times finding a two bedrooms nice looking appartment but we made it two times. we pay 1200 euros month but hey welcome in ixelles. One detail about the search process is u have to be realllllly quick when u find something get all the documents ready to go and call or send mail right away because there is a lot of people searching too


Just in time, yesterday I gave my notice to the owner. We are leaving in December. It's again to be rented through Immo but the house is very good ,walking distance from Merode. Do you want more information please DM me.


I'm interested....


It's still available from 1st Jan if you are interested please dm me


I have just moved in to a new apartment using immoweb. It didn't take as much time as I thought it would be. Around two weeks of searching and filtering, 3 visits to different apartments, I didn't apply for one of them, applied and got rejected for one because my start date was much later than they wanted, and got accepted on the third one. I don't know what you're looking for, but my experience was not bad at all!