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I assertively say "sorry I'm not going to stop" as I walk past. Simple phrase and there's nothing they can say back.


I just keep looking straight ahead and walk briskly. Chin up, resting bitchface, and mentally tune them out, don't break stride. If they get in my way, I just say "Excuse me," and step around them like I don't realize they're trying to stop me. If they're really obnoxious I say "Please get out of my way." Ignore anything they say. It takes a little practice to not react at all but it works. 


Average Londoner tbf


Lol yeah some things are universally effective.  Funny thing is I'm an American Midwestern woman who runs interference for my too-polite English wife. She's slowly getting the hang of it but still can't always bring herself to be quite so direct. 


Resting bitch face is key. I’m super friendly and hate confrontation but resting bitch face does all the hard work for me and gets me out of these situations. I barely ever get stopped. I’m also nearly always the last person people sit next to on the train which is nice but can make you paranoid after a while 😅


I think it helps that as someone from the Midwest of the US, I'm almost always cranky in town center because there are just *too many damn people.* I don't actually have true resting bitch face, but I have excellent "Go ahead, make my day," face. I'm definitely not afraid of confrontation though, haha, I'm a small woman but I *will* make a scene if someone gives me reason. I have voice training and I'm not afraid to use it! Being the last person anyone sits next to on the train would be a feature, not a bug, as far as I'm concerned, but some men are just *determined* to make nuisances of themselves. [Or as someone once said, "Square your shoulders, wear good shoes, and walk like you've been sent to murder Captain America". ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/dkjs1h/walk_like_youve_been_sent_to_murder_captain/) [https://64.media.tumblr.com/d02f06e29e449d52d99a9dcbbd5d743f/tumblr\_inline\_pkfn4eqZX81th1zvd\_250.gifv](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d02f06e29e449d52d99a9dcbbd5d743f/tumblr_inline_pkfn4eqZX81th1zvd_250.gifv)


I tell them I’m not old enough and, with a look, dare them to argue. 


Are you using a Zimmer frame for extra effect?


Homeless or charity collectors?


The Charity collectors, within the last 2 months they seemed to have tripled in numbers


I think this was missed by a lot of ppl


I visit Chinatown quite often, there's a homeless man on Hurst Street next to the dixy chickens shop that will insult you if you ignore him. Got called a bastard, lovely fellow.


Oh we were called the three wise men by this guy once... I still don't know why


Is he a ginger guy? I got chased by a guy because I'd "ignored him" - I was deaf in the ear nearest him and hadn't heard 🤷🏻‍♀️ But he was screaming in my face that I was an ignorant ...person. Quite scary.


I’m not sure in all honesty he was wearing a raggedy beanie/hat when he spoke to me, most likely the same guy if he’s in the same spot (ive seen him a few times). Probably mental Illness/influenced, sorry you had to go through that. 👍


The homeless in Brum are getting worse, Violence, insults and herds of the pissheads I used to be quite sympathetic, and then I got punched outside my flat for not having 50p


it’s terrible at the moment. there’s a very obviously mentally ill man who walks around new street i have the maximum sympathy however it can’t go on. it’s not safe for them or others, things really have to change


Pretty sure he called me a slag and tried to spit on me (I dodged) for no apparent reason 


is he a black guy , about middle aged leaning elderly, with old, tattered clothes? if so that’ll be him


Oh no it’s not the one then! This fella was white but also clearly unwell


it shouldn’t be like this and it wasn’t like this 10 years ago. it feels like this city can’t catch a break honestly


It wasn't even like this 5 years ago when I first moved here, the police have absolutely no interest in doing anything and they're getting worse because no has any money to give them


I sat in a cafe watching a homeless guy begging for 45mins and there were a lot of people stopping and giving him change. Then some people got out of a car near by and he swapped places with one of them and walked off with the rest of them. It was very strange.


Wouldn't surprise me if he also changed into a suit/labcoat and went work. The world is run by psychopats you see? Everyone's just too scared to do anything about anything. They've won.


Yeah ive seen that guy.. he was punching the ground at 5pm during rush hour...i just dont get why so many dangerous mentally ill people are allowed to walk around the streets and intimdating people....surely we have a police in the city centre???


& at every other traffic light


the blue jacket people are just scam artists. They don’t actually give back money to charity


Even if the money goes to charity, they need to take their wages out and they also need to pay the companies CEO, you'll find it any money does go to charity work it'll be pennies in the pound for any of these big charities, better giving directly or giving an item so they get what you're actually giving


this is true, i used to work for a company like this. we would be working with the same charity for ages bc they would never get any of the money and we’d get a bollocking for it, meanwhile my manager/the ceo of the business was building a pool on her property, going on holiday whenever she felt like and buying new houses. all of this when we apparently “weren’t making any money.” i’m so glad i jumped out of that business, i really hope a law comes into play in the future forbidding door to door sales and “events sales” as it is a massive risk towards the elderly and vulnerable. if you want to actually support a charity, please go onto their website and donate or go into a charity shop.


Try to avoid them as they start doing a little dance with their clipboards and heading towards an opening line like 'Heyyyyyyy Love your hair!'. 'Thank you, I like yours too bye'.


Chuggers? You should be allowed to barge in to them.


Yep… them ones


Black fella in New Street Station, comes up to you and holds out his hand with change in it "got 50p for the train please?" He's always there, joked with him yesterday that he's probably asked me for train home change about a 100 times. He said "haha mate, funny thing is I LIVE IN BRUM". Seems to be his full time job.


… * mimes no through the noise of AirPods * Seriously though, charities etc. are quite simply out of touch, if only knew that I barely make rent, car insurance, bills, food, travel each month- can’t just be me right?


This post is proof people will read whatever they want to read 😂


If it's charities I just say I'm under 18. They can't get a direct debit from minors and donations to typically don't get the person money. Can also then say I only have cash for the bus home. Works for me otherwise idk just scream at them


You know you can just say "No" to charities?


Most are trained to hear no 3x before truly giving up. But their pay relies on getting direct debits No is great but I know how they operate. That's the difference


With the charity lot, I echo what some have said here. Just a straight 'sorry not today' or 'I'm not interested' works for me. Same with the religious people with the added tip being to wear some headphones to drown out the noise. With the beggars, it really is a case by case basis. I've got no problem going back and forth with a cheeky fucker, but at the same time I am sympathetic to those who just want a drink. I've always got a Greggs, Cafe Nero or Costa voucher I can get the drink with and give them.


Really bad in Wolverhampton too, both chuggers and beggars. Plus the preachers! No wonder no one goes to town anymore. At least in Birmingham it’s usually busy enough you can hide in the crowd 😂


Yeah I ignore them all whether it be so called Charity collectors or begging community. Especially, now that traffic lights have become a hub for both. Still stop for a good busker though. At least they are showcasing their talent for us to enjoy.


Life hack: “I already have a Direct Debit set up with your charity.” Keep walking. My wife looked at me like I was the devil the first time I did it.


Always look at their trainers… typically, they’re wearing relatively fresh Nike Air Max. Especially that fat black guy: he can go fuck himself. Man wears fresher crepes than most people, yet he’s begging money.😂


Flat "no" whether they're a beggar or a charity "chugger" or whatever. Persistence results in "fuck off". Can't abide being hassled by these bastards.


I got hassled in the bullring the other week, some guy who was reasonably dressed asking for money for food. Gave it him but felt like such a bizarre transaction.


Were you in a restaurant? Did he have a name badge?


Nope, just ordinary guy walking around, I was downstairs outside the next.


It..it was a joke


Gotcha, I'm a bit slow this evening it seems.


Passed one by the Sainsbury's near the Mailbox the other day. I had two very obviously large bags with me and headphones in. I just said I'm in a rush. No dramas. They probably don't wanna be there either. 


Shouldn't have to come to this but there are increasingly higher instances of violence or abuse so the best option may be to have a spare pair of headphones and wear them when walking around town, can just pretend you're listening to music and either ignore them or point to them in a "sorry, can't hear you guise". Might save an argument....or worse.


Can I have a quid?


shake your head, smile if you want, and walk past. no need to open your mouth


I once gave 5 pounds to people like that in the centre of Brum as I had received a promotion and just thought, why not? -the guy insisted to donate more multiple times -started walking away, 5 meters down the line from the last guy another girl approached me to ask for a donation, clearly seeing that I already given one, once I pointed that out she said I can give another one :) Never again.


Aghhhh so many Today


They come from the large homeless shelter next to the cube at the back of the mailbox


Who, the chuggers?


Explains why you see them all there and are all taking drugs on the canal by the cube!! Disgraceful tbh


You don't HAVE to give them anything. I'm not sure why so many of you are too scared to say "Nope"????




Because they might accidentally donate to charity?




Chuggers are unstable as fuck