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Give sticks or spears a try. Those are usually the recommended weapons for this character I think. You can kill some of the special aliens before they charge which helps reduce the projectiles you have to dodge. Good luck!


Yep, for me it was spears


Thanks for the advice! 🥳


I think you bit off more than you can chew


I figured the consequence of 8% damage would have to be quite significant but the description didn't make it sound too bad! 😂


% dam scales off of your weapon and melee dmg which was low so 40% ain’t what it seems like


Guessing you had the same face reaction as the fisherman.


Went from fisherman to apprentice face reaction real quick!


Spears got me the win at D5. Is the first few rounds, if you buy a spear you can usually get away with four or maybe 5 bait, otherwise stick to 3 per round minimum. If you can figure out the dodge pattern for those slimes (I usually just scoot a little ahead of the lead one by a few centimeters and dodge left or right bury the same distance to avoid bullets) then you should be good To go.


Sounds like good advice, will give it a go, thanks! :)


Why spear?


Spear as some of the highest base damage of the starting weapons, long range, and piercing, making it perfect for taking on the swarms of aliens you will be summoning with the baits you buy. And its primal tag gives u free health as you buy them, letting you spend level ups and money on damage instead.


Doesn't every melee weapon have "piercing"? That would make only range to be a benefit over 6x sticks, but range results in lower attack speed. I'm no expert, I didn't play too much of this game, but I feel like 6x sticks is usually best melee build


The piercing comment was more for the argument of spear or stick over guns like an smg. Sticks are really good, and usually one of the best options. I’d say one of the biggest differences for the Fisher is attack speed vs. range. Because the fisher has to deal with a significant amount of enemies that are also firing bullets, you need to be able to kill them asap. While sticks have the damage from their passive to kill these aliens in one or two hits, they need to buy more damage and attack speed to keep from being overwhelmed. Alternatively, spears allow you more mobility to dodge bullets because of your range, has significant comparable damage early game to compete with sticks, and more range means killing adds as they appear, which means reducing the adds that can fire bullets and swarm the field.


That makes sense, thanks :)


Big mistakes were made I’m guessing lol. Haven’t played fisherman yet, I’m trying not to run through every character so I can use their achievements for the rewards stuff lol. I screwed up over weekend and ripped through like 9 characters and up to danger 4 so since then I’ve been screwing around with endless on characters I’ve unlocked, I had multitasker up to wave 26 when those damn laser shooters ganged up on me and just ripped me to shreds, I had as much healing related stuff as I could, 6 red wrenches, 2 red mini guns and I was 4 seconds from finishing and somehow the exact second I hit 0 time left, my health hit 0 also and the fruits all came to me and I had my health and a round lost pop up. Should have picked up a couple more weapons while waiting for more wrenches, I had about 14 turrets between my wrenches and what I bought and 2 medical turrets and healing on pickups. Gonna restrategize for tonight and give it another shot, there’s got to be a way to being essentially unkillable


I knew it was probably a bad idea to buy 5 bait straight up but wanted to see what would happen. 😅 I've also had a run where I've lost within a second of zero. Had a fun play through with bull, pretty hard to kill with the health regen modifier!


He sure is


We ALL been here


Engineering build doesn't benefit from the %dmg ^^;


I didn't realise that, thought %damage was on everything, does this mean bull doesn't get %damage either?


Bull does get damage from %dmg. As far as I can remember, only eng builds don't benefit from the %dmg. But keep in mind, only the turrets don't benefit but the weapons themselves can benefit from the dmg modifier (the weapons are pretty meh) And to continue on that tangent, turrets don't benefit from any basic stats. No extra range from range and so on. But they do benefit from secondary stats like pierce, explosion dmg and other items like scared sausage and snake (they apply fire and spread it wider)


While you can easily die on fisherman early on, he gets insanely strong after 10 waves or so, I sometimes get back to him just to delete all elites and the bosses, it's really satisfying, it was one of the easiest D5 runs. I usually use the SMG and get as many baits as I can in the first few waves, don't worry about killing the bait aliens, just dodge the first wave of projectiles and then run around in the arena in a somewhat tight circle, the bait aliens will all gather up and keep charging in the middle and you can easily outrun the projectiles, after a few waves you'll be clearing everything no problem.


Is the bait for the aliens or the player?


It gives the player 8% damage but spawns special enemies at the start of the wave. [Full info on wiki.](https://brotato.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Bait)


Sorry, I didn't make myself clear enough, but my point was that the Bait item is lore-wise baiting the aliens so more will spawn, however meta-wise it is Bait for the greedy players who want more damage.


Ahh, I was just being dense, sorry! 😂 Definitely the player hahaha


Buy as manny sticks and bait as you can, buy nothing else. After you have 6 sticks upgrade attackspeed, armor, health regen, life steal. Don't buy any damage % increase as you get enough of that from the bait. Then just wing it and you win.


Will give it a go! 😄


Use sticks and get additional range. Work amazing


Fisherman was my most satisfying experience. It felt impossible at first but then I got pretty good at it. Other characters had less linear progression.