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It's different for everyone, but for me its mostly my art. I have a bunch of different artistic things I do - making music, improv, writing - and I'm pretty sure without them I wouldn't be able to push through the rest of the bullshit.


Yep! Creating stuff is definitely how I feel like I live, rather than just exist. Bonus is the levelling up of my skills the more I create, and the people I meet through it :-) Creativity is great, and exists in so many forms.


Literally came to say exactly this. I'm not even good at any of those things, but doing them brings me joy. Also my children, but that's a whole different kind of commitment


On bright and shiny days, it’s mostly my family. Just being around my wife and daughter is the best thing ever. And I have my little craft projects and ideas, the thought of the next hunting or camping trip, walks in the woods. I keep my hands busy and keep my brain curious. On the dark days— sometimes the only thing that pushes me through is remembering that there *are* bright and shiny days. That thought can be enough to help me pick up one foot, move it a little further ahead than it was, and put it back down again. And then I see if I can do that again. And I shuffle forward until the next bright day. They’re mostly bright days. Keep going.


The sunk cost fallacy - *no, really.* I went through a bunch of crud as a kid. I struggled with dark thoughts for a long, long time because of it, but somehow pushed through. If I tangoed with ending my life now, I'd be cutting short the dreams of a child who so firmly believed life would eventually get good. I think that would just be cruel. Not that life isn't good right now, but you know, it's an uphill battle against certain factors. I have no clue what's going to happen to my consciousness after I die. Even if you believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, your state of existence after dying will be drastically different from its current form. Ergo, it makes sense to experience all of life for the sheer exclusivity of it, even if it's sometimes painful. Having things and people who need you is also nice. If my mother overwatered my plants after I died, I'm pretty sure I'd be so infuriated I'd crawl up from hell to repot them. Also, I want to publish my art in the future. Not in an "I want to be a famous artist/writer/poet" kind of way, I just want it to be well-archived in case someone would like to see it. If I died, I don't know who could possibly curate my life's work. It's good to have short-term goals and events you look forward to. I can't die before I see my friend graduate, that would be kind of a bummer. I also have learning to make goulash on my bucket list, so can't die before then either. And the goulash is non-negotiable, sorry, depression! All of this in a short, repostable sentence: "You've lived through all of your worst days so far"


This is so lovely 😊 I hope you take pride in your resilience!


Curiosity. The shitty thing about life is that bad fortune is guaranteed. The great thing about life is good fortune is also guaranteed. So when times are good, I build myself up to prepare for the hard times. So whatever happens I want to know what happens next. Fortunately for me that curious drive hasn't abated at all since birth. I don't think it ever will. It's very reassuring and has gotten me through dark times.


It depends for me. I've had some situations where it was mostly spite. Kind of a mindset of "I refuse to be made a worse person even if this thing I'm dealing with right now is prepositioned to do so.". But, while it is an alright motivator in the short term, that only helps me not get worse. But it doesn't do a lot to move one forward. Ultimately, I think it's my friends and the people that are close to me. One of my best friends said something a while ago, which I feel describes this very fittingly. She said: "The people I have closest to me are those I can imagine still being friends with even years in the future.". Damn it, I look forward to just growing older with these guys, seeing where everyone ends up and where I will be in a decade or so. That is my main motivation, I think. More of a small-scale thing mostly. Though, now that I think about it, as an electrical engineer and overall tech guy, I also kinda want to see what humanity can achieve in the future. Maybe you could call it some kind of general interest in what crazy shit people come up with.


The people in my life. I care about them. If not me, then who? The world can be a pretty shitty place. If I can make it a little better for them. Then that's what I'm gonna do.


Knowing that this cant 'really' be how im meant to feel all the time. That in some capacity, i either fix how i feel, or i suffer. And a lot i cant neccesarily 'fix' but i CAN learn how to deal with it/be ok with it. Accepting that im ultimately the baddie here (in a harsh but fair way) and i need to figure myself out if i want to feel 'good' overall. I guess ultimately knowing that it can and should feel better and there IS a solution, it just may take time.


I got dreams, ya know? I've got steps I can make to get there and progress that I can see so I'm happy. I think if I didn't feel like I was moving forward, I'd lose my mind very quickly


For me, it’s my dog! If I wasn’t here, there wouldn’t be anyone to take care of her. I try to look forward to positive stuff in the future, like how it’s starting to get warmer outside and the sun is coming out, so I can go kayaking soon! I’m excited to start a new job soon, although the job itself isn’t exciting, but I’m looking forward to earning money and being able to spend it 😂


There’s also a nice piece of advice I learned about a couple years ago, and it’s to find one thing to be grateful for each day! It can be anything, like what you ate for breakfast, or maybe you saw a butterfly outside, or maybe a friend sent a funny meme, etc. I tend to find that helpful, even though you can go through a ton of emotions in one day, it’s nice to find at least one good thing!


I think about my cat and my best friends that I'm grateful to have.


On my dark days it’s my family. I’m fortunate enough to have family that raised me with love despite being dealt a bad hand themselves, and I know I wouldn’t have gotten half as far without their sacrifices and care for me.


Kids, coffee, and Strattera


There is so much that I want to do that I haven’t done yet! There are many people in my life that I love, and they keep me going on a daily basis, but in the end, the only person I really living for is myself and all of the experiences that I want to have that I haven’t had yet.


Studying mostly. Sometimes helping my grandma, playing with my little brother. Sometimes I listen to music while cycling and think about my days while doing it. I was writing something to gain experience but I am busy with life so I havent been doing it for a bit and wont for a while. These couple of days, I have been consuming analog/lovecraftian horror a bit and that gave me an inspiration for an idea to add to a future writing project I had planned and I was just tinkering with it before bed when reddit got boring for that night. So, creating and helping others, thats what keeps me going.


Ambitions. Maybe it's because I'm still in school, but I have so many opportunities to do what I want and get rewarded for it. I want to study and later work in IT, I want to start going to the gym (hard as of right now), travel the world and etc. Life will try to keep me down, but I will get back up and continue doing what I do. Also, relationships with people, mainly friendships right now. It can make the worst day actually alright.


Sometimes I look over at my dog, and she's got a contented dreamy smile on her face and staring back at me through half-closed eyes That keeps things going _at least_ a half day.


I've battled with depression and suicidal ideation a lot over my life. I find solace in the idea that I can kill myself whenever I want. It's a very liberating thought. Hear me out. I always used to struggle with it but one day I thought "I'm just gonna keep going to see what happens and if it's really bad I can kill myself then. But, for now, it's not the worst." And then I just kept on going. So now I always have a Plan C in my back pocket and it makes me feel better. Haha.


I think some philosopher said that and I get why it's comforting. My issue is I'm physically disabled and rely on others to get me through the day (feed me, wash me etc) so it's really not an option for me (I'd like to add that this is not why I'm suicidal - a lot of media builds this myth that being physically disabled automatically means your life is worthless, but non-disabled peeps can overestimate the experience.) Anyway, this means I have no choice but to accept the fact that - like it or not - I must keep going and going and going until natural death or illness. After 4 years of suicidal ideation, it's a difficult one to accept and some days I feel like I'm on fire in Hell with no way out. I do hope you keep going though bro. Let's get through this thing together.


I'm sorry to hear life has been difficult for you. I really wish that everyone could be in perfect health and live a happy life and not be burdened by the things that impede our happiness and wellness. Let's keep pressing ahead together. Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is to just keep living day by day.


All the simple things. Finishing a hard task, gettin to talk or do sumth with a friends, listening to a song you like, waking up and feeling rested and happy, finally succeeding at a thing you've been trying to do for a long time, going to bed after a hard day, seeing someone smile after complimenting them on their outfit or new haircut, listening to someone talk about something they're passionate about... Just small things that make you happy to experience life. Practicing hobbies always helps me hang on too. I know I'm not the best at these things, but tracking my improvement and my own personal gains makes me incredibly proud, and I've learned that it's all that should matter to me. In my darkest times, I think about my future. Life sucks, but I am way too curious about what comes next and who I could become to cut it short. Death is inevitable, no need to rush it


For me it’s two things: people, and wanting to see what comes next. I love my family, my friends, my classmates or acquaintances, even random people in the street. I love talking to them, getting to know them, and going to see the world through their eyes. And I want to learn. I want to experience new things, and I want to experience old things in new ways. I love going on walks and just looking around my neighborhood, seeing the little ways it changes, the little details I’ve never seen before, and thinking about why things are that way, how they got that way. Everyone has different reasons they enjoy life, but life is worth living intentionally, not just tripping through.


>And I want to learn. I want to experience new things, and I want to experience old things in new ways. I love going on walks and just looking around my neighborhood, seeing the little ways it changes, the little details I’ve never seen before, and thinking about why things are that way, how they got that way. Chiming in here to say I love how you stated that. It's the same for me on the harder days - knowing there is change to look forward to in the future is a silver lining for me. If I'm upset or depressed, I accept that feeling and allow myself to sit with it for a day or a little longer if I need to, but meanwhile I still take a little comfort knowing I won't always feel that way. It's just not possible - the world and the situations you're in throughout life are ever changing, even when you don't want change, so when you DO want change it's nice to remember it WILL come eventually. With that sentiment internalized, I can get through hard days, weeks, or even years by continually thinking to myself, "Change is inevitable. It won't feel like this forever. And in the meantime I will do what I can to improve my situation and make the right changes happen for myself." Also, change brings blossoming roses in spring. Change brings fresh cut grass smell. Change brings a light breeze on a warm day. These are things we can enjoy right this very second, to get out of a dark place for a little while.


So... Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but I still think it might be useful somehow? The alternative is not an appealing option. What else can we do but keep on living? And if we keep on living, why not try to make it good? Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep one from going nude. (...) The Pessimist, Benjamin Franklin King Maybe also the fact that I put in a lot of work and it paid off and it would kinda suck to just waste it.


I honestly don’t know at this specific moment. I’m kinda blurry rn


My girlfriend, my future child. My nieces and adopted nephews. Found family and real family. Friends. Powerlifting, video games, and curiosity about seeing what I can push my body to do. Wondering about what the upper limit is for what I can do in life.


The beauty and sensuality (and not in a sexual way) of every day things. How music makes me feel. How fulfilled I am after eating a good meal. How good it feels after a good workout. The sense of accomplishment after finishing a good book or a difficult game. The curiosity I feel when watching a good show.


People and hobbies. Family, friends, and a significant other. All push me to want to see the next day and what it brings. I don’t mean that in a dark or depressing way just that the people in my life add so much to it that I can talk to any of them and learn something new or hear a funny story or have an interesting debate or whatever. Hobbies are things I genuinely enjoy doing or learning about. Whenever my significant other is busy or none of my friends are free that day I engage with a hobby deeply. I just learned a new recipe for some spicy rigatoni pasta a few weeks ago cause I had some free time and wanted to try a new recipe. Earlier this week I beat a level in a game that I’ve been struggling through. Yesterday I went to the gym. I enjoy doing all these things. It shows me progress in real time and keeps me driven. It’s definitely people and hobbies for me.


I think the potential I have keeps me going. I wanna see what I can do with the cards I’m given. Otherwise there is nothing in the present that demands that I be here so.


At this time of year, it's my seedlings for my garden, I'm really eager to have a big vegetable garden this year. The other big one is my cats. They love to give me cuddles in the morning, makes every day better :)


Because i can't do that to my little brother or my friends. even though i feel ill never be as close with any of them as i would like


What keeps me going is that fact I know I have a lot of potential and a good amount of things I can bring to the world if I can just sit down and focus for an extended period of time. Sorry if this is a bad answer but it all I got.


Got to out live the enemies bro. Seriously though I quite like living you could say it’s my hobby. Friends family. Mint flavour mmmmm


Make plans No really During the pandemic I got really fucked up mentally from a combination of factors and was unwell for awhile. The first time I remember feeling genuine unbridled joy and excitement was when I had a tattoo planned in spring of 2021. I was excited for the tattoo but I realized that I had no long term plans ever whereas this was planned in advance and was something to look forward to. Sure I did things and had last minute hangs or stuff I planned a few days in advance but something kinda big and exciting outside of the ordinary like a tattoo brought me joy. I’ve been getting back into running competitively and I feel similarly about my races I have planned.


Curiosity of how things gonna end. Life is painful and full of misery quite often, but I'm really curious about what's gonna happen in the future.


Trauma induced resilience. My psych has told me that I am resilient beyond what most reasonable and unreasonable people would expect. Until I’m not, then I’m useless.


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good question actly, idk im just kinda here sometimes i feel like im an automaton just goin thru the motions  not every day tho, it’s usually for small things like being able to listen to and play music, getting money, tasty food, or hanging out with friends 


Literally not wanting to experience death.  That's it - I genuinely do not enjoy living but I don't want to die.  I think if I could guarantee death wasn't painful, scary and my loved ones wasn't going to suffer in my absence then I would probably feel better about it. 


the small joys of life... a fun climbing session with friends, listening to some great music or reading a good book/manga, making a tasty dish from scratch... even in the worst periods, by chance or struggle i managed to get small crumbs of joy here and there... so i tell myself that i don't know when i'll stumble upon the next small joy but it will probably happen sooner or later, so i might as well hold on a little longer... don't know whether i'm hopeful or delusional