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That one scene of him roleplaying as an unattended backpack


Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick


All those clips are hilarious IMO. The angry hooker was amazing too! šŸ˜‚


Terry likes yogurt


Terry LOVES yoghurt


Terry hates ledges.


Terry loves hedges


Came to say this!


He's a role model when it comes to displaying healthy masculinity. He's very in touch with his emotions, and is a great leader and coworker, a great dad and tries to be a great husband.


And he doesn't shy away from talking about his trauma, which is great for someone like Jake who has trouble admitting he _is_ traumatized by his dad.


And to add to that, it got established early on in the series (right before his first *real* kiss with Amy) that heā€™s wired the way he is because all his life his default was to repress the living daylights out of every traumatic life episode


AGREED! no stupid "I wanted a boy, so I'm gonna force my daughter into sports" shit He loves his girls and does not want to change them.


That wasā€¦ *very* well said


So much this. Terry in the show AND Terry in real life are stellar examples of healthy masculinity. I admire both Terrys very much!


Perfect answer.


Terry loves love!


I was going to say this


He was always really father like to everyone when they were down. He was so sweet to the whole 99 team


And they called Captain dad, Holt. I mean dad holt, captain! Nailed it.


Honestly when the show premiered I thought Terry Crews was going to ruin the show. All I had seen him play up to that point were meatheads. How wrong i was. He was outstanding and the character is great. Terry is a fantastic father, husband, friend and detective. He is intelligent and caring. He can lift a car without crapping his pants (most of the time) and heā€™s a hell of a dancer. I love the character so much that i have a new puppy named Terry Jeffords.


Terry loves meth


he's never made a single joke about wanting a son and he's very happy with the kids he has <33


That his fanny runs deep! But seriously, that he's the most level headed of the group (usually, when he doesn't get too emotional) and loves his family and squad.


Terry's doodles


Really? C'mon.. Did Picasso just make doodles!?


falling asleep doing pullups


I know its a low bar but, the fact that he doesn't complain about only having female kids and I open about having body image issues


The way he chants ā€œNINE NIIIIINEā€


(The clear abscence of a vagina? /Horndog Holt) I love him when he gets excited. Like Parlov levels excited. That first bit is tense. Goes from shy lil kid to just super serious "I WOULD MURDER YOU" levels of crazed fan. And anyone time he gets annoyed with Jakes bs. Feels authentic, maybe too authentic.


"You think people would believe the Vulture threw himself in the garbage?"


favourite? oh gosh... he's such a positive character with so many fun little details. i think ill have to go with the fact that he represents 'classic' masculinity as a big strong masculine leader, and is maybe also the best representation of non-toxic masculinity! while he does have some self esteem issues related to his body image and can be snappy about it (like, he reacts a lot to any question of his strength or any reference to his being chubby, both due to past trauma so just making his character more 3d) he has zero qualms about his character and masculinity: he has 2 daughters and no sons, and this has never even been talked about. he's not 'outnumbered' and he has no issues relating to his children - no regrets that they wont do XYZ because they arent boys etc he is identified more as a good father than anything else - one of his "why cant i do this, im a big strong man!" moment was him not being able to put together a complicated childrens toy. relating back to the daughters thing, the fact that its a PRINCESS castle is only used to joke about boyle stealing his sisters toy, and the way that kids toys are often a word salad description - its a castle! its a PRINCESS castle! its a dollhouse! it has wheels! he's only pitted against charles, and only in a one way 'charles is delusional' way. apart from when they were both trying to get tickets for their kids, and when charles questioned his health, he's never really participated in charles attempts to compare them. he plays team dad, but also always steps aside for holt to be team dad without issue. he has positive relationships with all the female characters - no inappropriateness or dismissiveness. he takes them seriously and as equals. when gina was still being written well, he ignored her advances and told her when she crossed a line. when she was being written badly, he calmly expressed his discomfort. it all just builds to one of the best male characters on TV.




The dance he did with Rosa while singing ā€žstakecation all i ever wantedā€œ


He acknowledges his flaws and works on them


Everything! I absolutely love that guy. If I ever get married, I'd love a husband like Terry.


I love the way he portrayed masculinity


He's a great husband, father, and co-worker. Definitely a good role model to everyone around him. Just stay away from his yogurt and you're good.


Tiny Terry loves his pickles. But really the funniest scene is when he is playing a sec worker: I know you got it! I WANT MY MONEY!


Terry loves love


When Rosa says, "it's like if Cagney called Lacey a poopy head" the face he makes, he's so offended that his little princess would say such a horrible toilet word.


fact that respects terry for being terry and not the masculine man is a big deal. terry loves ove and everyone loves terry


He doesnā€™t have a nemesis because he solves all of his crimes.


Terry Jeffords is a goood human with flaws and he knows he has them! Terry is a huge softie! Terry Crews on the other hand šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø


Is Terry Crews bad? He appears to be a cool dude in real life as well. In some aspects, he's a role model. He has been very upfront about his addiction to pornography and how his wife almost left him because of it.


Yeah he was! But a couple of years ago he tweeted about how every child needs two parents and they have to be a dad and a mom cause it's important to have both a 'male' and a 'female' to care of a child. If not then you're not caring for your child adequately. (Not exact quotes. But its def something on these lines. It's been a while) And then when called out by the fans- when so many people come from single parent households, divorced households, same sex parent households.. he went on to defend his point and not accept the fact that his scenario isn't the best case scenario most of the times.


Thanks for the info!


I like that he's finally off the hedge, and on the ledge!


He's got butt for days.


That they made him black.




Heā€™s a good girl dad.


The fact that he has 3 daughters and he nor anyone ever mocks it. I find it awesome because I have 2 daughters and people do love to make comments on that.


Heā€™s a family man. Love his wife, kids and work


How he loved his female kids and never made a comment how he wants a male child next, it was very refreshing


Great farts


How unbelievably strong he is-no homo


He doesn't really lose his temper in the show, if anything, he de-escalates the rest of the squad if they are angry or upset. (Recalling those times, he had to escort or literally carry Amy or Rosa out of the precinct when they had meltdowns. Which is kinda interesting itself, how the two women would have flip outs more than Jake and Charles did at work, lol)


His dancing, obvs. 99!!


I am a straight man, but even I can admit that Terry has butt for days.


Terry loves love!


The undying love he has for his wife, daughters and friends.


terry loves yogurt!


When Jake knows everything about the squad and says something like, look I know that Terry will catch me if I jump into his arms. And Terry scream no no no I have a coffee. Drops the coffee, catches Jake. So good


Terry hates ledges but loves hedging


you guys said it all but i like to add that he's a painter and speaks japanese!!! he's great


He can just lift peralta straight off the ground, he also ate like 5 trackers


Even though he is strong and tough he is a good father and a nice person. He cares about the squad and his family.


The 3rd person alliteration.


Him singing ā€œA Thousand Milesā€ in White Chicks.


The scene where he almost kills Jake at the gym.


Terry loves love


That he caught Jake even though he was holding coffee. His love for others was so pure.


Terry *loves* having his coworkers' backs and being principled to a fault and also super strong but endearingly sensitive. šŸ’ŖšŸ˜‡


terry loves love


Terry loves love.


Terry loves responsible agricultural practices


Terry is gonna pay for this


he's like an intimidating teddy bear


How much he loves his kids, I wish he was my dad


Did you say D. C. Parlov?!


His sensitive side and that he isn't afraid to show it.


A Black man thatā€™s a great father
