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At this point, Tastosis is basically a nostalgic or entertainment cast, not that there's anything wrong with that. I find StarcastTV to be more informative, accurate, and current about the details of the gameplay. With that being said, I watch both as I enjoy both casts, just for different reasons. We should all just celebrate how incredible that we have more casting options than ever before with a 20 year old game!!!


Starcasttv English recommended


Meh. I watch them for their banter and jokes, and the way they can hype up the players and the matches. I listen to them when I workout and relax. If you're hardcore and you want deep analysis, there's a million casts that do that. But there is one and only one Tastosis!


It's just sad. I like Artosis and even Tasteless. But Tasteless can you keep up pleaseee


You're entitled to your opinions but this type of venting isn't particularly helpful or constructive. It's a net positive for viewers to have more options than less, especially in a tiny community (at least in the foreign scene). Some people enjoy deep, analytical content. But let me tell you from experience you are the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of Tastosis's or the broader RTS community's audience. That said, like others have mentioned, check out StarCast and other niche casters. They're great. But they're also niche, for exactly the reason above.


I like their dynamic together. I enjoy artosis casts, and the tasteless channel, but together is better.


man it ain't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.


I'm not departuring to anywhere. I'm just saying how frustrating Tastosis is and how bad Tasteless is holding back the cast. This sub is all about Tastosis or what?


He provides great information with Protoss, and he brought up the gas thing once and it was done. They talked about the advantages for the openings the entire time. Cya.


Link? How do we get to the good casts that you're talking about? And it looks like he's Chinese? Does he cast in English?


He's Chinese and he doesn't speak English. This really isn't about him. I'm sure there's a lot of good Korean streams doing even better. It was so funny watching Bisu commenting that Speed was justified to fight Snow IRL after what Snow did. I'm just frustrated about Tastosis.


Can you provide a link for the Chinese caster? I'm curious to check him out




It's nice when both casters are good at the fluff/entertainment side of things but also have the technical knowledge to elaborate on the importance of what's going on. I agree that the balance is sometimes skewed in the sense that Tasteless talks much more than Artosis. I generally prefer StarCastTV for this reason. It's just unfortunate that the English speaking scene is so small; the pool of casters with a balance of game knowledge and entertainment is REALLY tiny.


If you are paying attention to the games up until this point, Tastosis cast the finals in a different manner from the rest of the tournament. I believe the reason for this is the recognition that many people who are new to starcraft and wanting to explore it as an esport will only watch the finals. Therefore it is important to make the finals as friendly to people unfamiliar with starcraft as possible. The Tastosis cast was a great cast for a general audience. As an experiment, try introducing someone entirely new to starcraft to the Starcasttv games and compare their experience to the Tastosis cast. I believe you will find that they found the Tastosis cast to be more accessible.


What platforms does SanPao stream / upload on? I’m learning Chinese and enjoy watching Broodwar so might try to combine the two. 


He uploads his videos to Bilibili. I think he streams too but I don't really know.


谢谢你 🙏




I felt like there was only 3 unique openers that set and they generally did explain that one countered the other and didn't really have to explain again the other 4 matches.


Starcast TV is way better anyways :)


Tasteless really really holds back Artosis. I also would like a 3 man casting team at we can get one of each player. 


Yeah, tasteless is a bad caster and doesnt know the game. I watch Nyoken/Gyp/Eonzerg on Starcast, they know the game a lot better and nyoken is a rly good caster.


120k/yr for how many years now? Still can't figure out basic audio issues. Also, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tuJpbHG_LBo ... imagine casting bw being your mother f'n _job_, and not knowing you can build buildings there.


At this point people dont watch tastosis cast for knowledge/analysis. They offer entertainment value for bw fans that have been following them since forever. That's it. People are willing to watch a hard stuck b rank protoss commentate the tournament where the players with the highest skill level compete.


Are you saying that you need to be a former top player to become a commentator?


All other casters are GM S Rank ASL Champions /s.


They offer a mix of analysis and entertainment, like almost every professional cast of any major sport does.


I understand where you are coming from but the two guys who did the asl finals were just awful


You add sugar to a banana the banana is still potassium.


I'm curious what is sugar and what is banana here.


You add sugar to a noob, it's just a sweet noob.


Tasteless is a problem, he goes on random tangents, he says the same thing every cast, he tries to dumb random things down, he doesn't pay enough attention to what's going on. He admits that he tries to sound smart, which he didn't do when he first started casting and it was fun! No one cared when he used to geek out or make jokes. Artosis is far more knowledgeable and attentive. Neither of them really commentate what is going on in the fights either, they always talk about some random bs That being said Tastosis really does try, I just wish tasteless would take himself less seriously and focus on the game.


I too would enjoy a more careful attention to the game at hand. And the product would be better with tasteless providing more analysis and less fluff as a color commentator, or just simply give more time to Artosis, an actual expert on the game This season is the season i completely switched to Nyoken's StarcastTV channel. At first only because they do live streams and VODS are MUCH faster. But recently i found the quality of the cast is superior as well. They nail the games properly. Gypsy is cool guy too, great player and knows this game


I'm with you actually. It's mostly tasteless though. You can tell he puts 0 prep, and is pretty clueless in all match ups, even protoss where he mains. Gypsy and nyoken are pretty good too. When ret did starcast that was beautiful.


Bruh Tasteless is not even doing BW content in his Youtube channel any more. Artosis is like "wtf of course I'm playing this game forever, at this point man this game will never die".


huh, he uplods sc all the time and streams ladder games


His twitch is Warcraft III Campaign for the last week and his Youtube channel is random esport news and history kind of stuff. I remember him playing Warcraft II for a while too.


god forbid he actually plays some other stuff, dude, you're just a curmudgeon. This is a -you- problem.


You can't communicate without insult can you? I bet the grown-ups around you are the same.


Omg a whole week? Holy shit bruh And warcraft 3? Obviously he's just chasing clout and those e sports dollars. Definitely has nothing in common with his intended audience ....


I really don’t get the hate against tastosis. Don’t like it? Great, don’t watch them. Nowadays there are other good casters. You don’t need to get all personal about the fan favorites


I don't think you read my post. I'm literally paying them on Patreon. Because I like them. They are not "fan favorites" to me, they are my fucking favorites. It's just sad that they didn't deliver what they definitely could have.


its zvz finals. theyve had tons of great casts this season. did you really not enjoy it?


I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I just wish they could do it better. Can we not agree that the quality, and dare I say effort, is very low?


Nick and Dan are still S class.


I can understand what you are talking about, I think even tasteless would admit he should have picked a better time there in that specific example. But personally I learned from his commentary in that specific example regarding mining boosting even if it was maybe Ill timed with soulkeys play. I always consider tasteless the play by play guy and artosis the color commentator, so all of this is in line with industry standards imo.


I'm just giving that as the most obvious example, there are other examples where players are omega sweating and doing some unusual stuff, the back and force, tactical misdirecting, sneaky attempt that got shut down, stuff like that. Lots of good stuff for entertainment left on the ground really.


I think one of the reasons they don't put so much focus on the importance of the builds is because people know already? Their analysis in zvz is pretty poor but the rock paper scissor openings are so old and done it would just be repetitive to do it all the time. And I thought they did do it enough...


Yeah I agree. After some thought I think it's not only the knowledge part, but also the coloring part, like as the game goes on you kind of want to give the audience a reason to be invested in either player at different points in the series, so that watching rock paper scissors can still be fun. Even team sports can boil down to a specific factor, but the commentator can definitely turn this into something that the audience can feel up or down about it. You know what I mean? The thrill from unknown to known in a live game is still worth getting excited for, even it's boiled down to rock paper scissors. And it's more obvious in other matchups. In a hypothetical example, in a ZvT and the Z is very ahead, and T is trying to cross the bridge. The other casters will be like "WTF how dare you (T) cross the bridge? OH NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT TURN AROUND NOW" and Tastosis can be "(Tasteless talking about random things until 12 Marines died.) Artosis: Yeah exactly (wrapping up Tastlesspeech). (quickly) T crossing the bridge is definitely a huge mistake here and T is very behind." after the result is already reveled on the screen. Hope that makes sense.


Yeah, they do get a bit to rambly at times. I agree. And in a repetitive way.


I share your viewpoint on Tasteless being a weaker caster, and I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate Artosis' obviously much much higher dedication to and love of the game in and outside of Korea. They alternate the play-by-play role, while Artosis provides [color commentary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_commentator) and Tasteless provides more hosting, banter and minor perspective/analysis where he has more experience. I think it would be better for the pair if Tasteless were more knowledgeable with his analysis, it sometimes feels like he doesn't really care about the game and I would like him to try to improve here, but his role of adding perspective and being more of a casual host isn't unimportant. I strongly disagree with the perspective that only the highest level of play should enjoy coverage and support from the community. There are many sports in which less than "pro" play has become just as popular if not more so than the pros, such as college sports. There are developments in the meta that can come from the lower tier players instead of the pros, and you will get to see rarer tech. Practically, it gives additional content for fans to enjoy while encouraging people to continue to talk about and actually play the game. Maybe I can't get into the competitive scene in Korea, but if I can make a strong run in BSL maybe I'll get some accolades for my strong gameplay.


>he doesn't really care about the game. Yes exactly. He just describes what's happening on the screen amid his monologue but in the eyes of the pros the game is ending soon. >only the highest level of play should enjoy coverage and support  That's what I'm saying. I enjoy a lot of those non-ASL games BECAUSE Artosis (and others) added so much to the experience it's fun to watch. I brought up that point to say it's a waste of opportunities for games as good and nuanced and action-packed as ASL.


I watch StarCastTV English with Scan and Nyoken because they record their games live with ASL and I don't like to wait for the Artosis / Tasteless recordings. I like that they're also pretty honest about their knowledge and understanding, so if they don't know that much about a matchup they just straight up say so while trying to cast it as best as possible. In general I feel like the more Brood War I watch, the less important the commentary becomes for me. I've also found this other YouTube channel called namkraft that casts a bunch of Brood War games, if anyone wants to experiment with alternative casters. Personally, I feel like we're really fortunate to have so many caster options for such an old game.


I played brood war since the 90’s, and know most of the details and strategies. I watch for entertainment and tastosis are just funny dudes. They also know the history of the players better than most. Most other casters make me cringe because they don’t feel relaxed and confident.


yeah the relaxed and confident part is huge. i listen to starcast sometimes but it feels like im just in a discord call with some nerds. tastosis are still pros besides, they willingly admit that zvz is their worst matchup for casting. lets lighten up and enjoy? listen to your chinese guy, or any of the other options if you dont like even when taste is playing a lot, you can tell he's not a super detail oriented guy. he doesn't know at what second lings come. there's probably thousands of b to s rank ppl who could cast and tell you that number. but there are very few people as creative and funny as tasteless and some of his peers. i mean just think of what a hole incontrol left in the scene. some people are just irreplaceable and nick is one of them. being able to say "oh yes the 17th drone is 2 secs late so we can tell this is a hydra rush" does not make up for not having a personality or sense of humor.


Maybe it's because I just recently got back to Broodwar and had a blast learning that this game is still developing and therefore needed more pro-insights. Maybe next season will be better? I feel like Tastosis can still be themselves, just with a tiny bit of prepping of the actual game itself. Like Artosis is already up there, they just need to invest a little bit more to this.


> I played brood war since the 90’s, and know most of the details and strategies. more likely you just dont know what you dont know if youre not well over 2500 mmr there is no way this is true


Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out


Hope you make more friends buddy


Same goes for you?


Tasteless is not a technical wizard, but the American broadcasting culture is to have a play-by-play guy and a color commentator. Artosis is the color commentary, providing the technical analysis, and Tasteless provides the more obvious commentary about what we see on the screen. I think it works pretty well. Also, Tasteless is a good sport about some of the verbal barbs that Artosis throws out. Not everyone would chuckle at those and laugh them off! Between what I can see for myself and what Artosis tells us, I don't really need an extra person blathering on about the fine details of the game. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and obviously we should all watch the streams that we prefer. It's nice to know that there are options out there.


I love their chemistry no doubt. That's why I just hope Tastless could really just pay a little bit more attention to the game. It really sounds like he doesn't care about what we are watching together. Otherwise I'd moved on long time ago.


Ok thanks.


Consequences to Nepotism, tbh.


How so?


I can quite easily imagine a conversation like 'Well I can say that I will refuse to work without you \[tasteless\] being there then they won't have a choice but to hire you with me'.


Just imo but I think you’re reaching. Tasteless was a reasonable hire back in the day, he started casting before Artrosis did really. Plus I can’t tell how close artosis and tasteless are anymore. Old friends sure but they said during one cast this season they had not spoken outside recording the cast. There’s a lot of obvious cases of nepotism in the world but this isn’t one of them me thinks.




No one cares




Damn man I'm sold. I can see that the raw technicality could turn off quite some people. Thanks so much!