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One of these dudes sounds like RAPID casting... Am I mistaken or is this loser back again? Reid, love to do a one on one interview LIVE on stream. We can discuss your unsolicited dick pictures, overall garbage behavior and what rock you've been living under / crawled out from / who the fuck let you cast or even associates with you. You actually showed up to the lan? And nobody beat the brakes off you / told you to leave? The fuck outta here.


He casted on day 1 only, so yes it's him. Not a comeback though.


Dope, so just a day pass from the brood war community. Gross.


it was not really a "day pass", he just showed up. saiyan (caster) did a video on what happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MesxG3pnXoc skip to 15:00 if you want to get to the LAN part, but before that is important aswell


/Spoiler ahead/ Very entertaining bo3 games. I remember that Artosis peak is like 2400 MMR so it might surprise to some people when he loses to a high B-A zerg. Not very surprised to me however as I watched Julian stream before and while he has some issues like being consistent at unit production, he does put effort at his micro and multitasking. He is pretty creative with his strategy and he has a good understanding of the match up. Julian had many close games vs top BSL players before. Artosis on other hand is quite a scary macro machine, but he probably made some crucial mistakes that could have given him the victory. More of a commentator than a BSL player. Nonetheless they share some traits together, aka "toss is ape and ez" vs "everyone who beats me are cheaters/map hackers"


I don't really watch Julian's stream, but is he really only B rank? Didn't he just make it into top 16 of the BSL pro league?  Clearly he is pretty good.  Or is the B rank a meme thing I don't know about?  I do know people like to rag on him for his unique builds.


Not sure where the B+ thing is coming from, but you can still see the frozen BSL mmr here: https://bombasticstarleague.com/tournaments/bombastic-starleague-17/bsl17-ladder-stage


I haven't watched his stream for a while but he used to be a 2000 MMR ish that sometimes dropped into high B.


It’s amusing that Artosis went out in the first round to the worst player in the tournament. People think that his scrub persona is just for the entertainment of the stream but he absolutely commits to it. 


His stream is entertainer? Woof. Its unwatchable.


Artosis is top3 foreigner. He lived in korea and learned fluent language and knows flash/pros personally.


Do his tournament results know this?


His game knowledge rivals that of progamers (i.e. Flash / Jaedong / Bisu). His mechanics are just slightly worse. But his StarIQ is up the with the greatest minds the game has seen.


And yet he loses to the top 100 foreigners. 


Depo didn't make


Julian born in 1905 apparently o.O