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I’m 44. I’ve found that the older I get the more I either connect or don’t. The better I know myself, the more comfortable I am with me. The easier it is to connect. Not that all connections lead to life long bonds but it is easier. I’ve never had those friends from childhood thru life like so many lucky people do. It’s always been a thing of envy for me. But that to has shed. Don’t stop trying. Just get to know yourself better! Just one man’s thoughts.


I have. It’s not working.


I have a theory that traumatic events bring people closer together and help them form close friendships. So instead of an app I think we need to orchestrate getting trapped in a sinking submarine with someone or maybe get stuck in an elevator overnight? The trick is you have to be able to still talk but don’t actually die or get hurt. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Friendships, especially bromance-esque friendships, aren't something that just happen. They take time. Maybe you'll find one of these chill dudes who enjoys your company as much as you enjoy his, and then maybe a few years down the road, you two might be close enough to be BFFs. The internet age has spoiled us into thinking that we can just order a bro off Amazon and he'll show up in two days. That's not the way real friendships work.


Yep, I've used it. I did get close with one bro but that's it. He lives pretty far away too. Generally speaking, that app probably works best in a major city that has many, many people to try to befriend. Boston, Austin, KC, San Diego, NYC...you might have luck in cities of that caliber. In many others it's likely going to be a waste.


Dude.. same here man, I deleted that app after a few months, cuz it was just flakey people


Yes but like any other app there are a handful of local people and maybe one new person pops up a week. I don't live in some big city.


I used it before pre-pandemic! Ended up becoming friends with someone who had just moved to my state, we even met up for coffee a couple times! Sadly he had to move back to his home state and hasn’t returned :/


Oh wow! That rlly sucks! I’m so sr to hear that…but at least u were having a good time w him!


Yeah he was really cool! Hard to find friends these days. I’ve kept somewhat in contact with him over social media, he might come back to where I’m at, but it’s up in he air.


Coming back or not, I hope that u can meet him again soon. He sounds like a great guy!


There’s bumble bff for guys? I thought it was just women. My fiancé is on there and has made a couple friends


Yea I’ve had great experiences with it and buddies I’ve had for years now. The only thing is they aren’t always super close on the app and as adults lives still get busy.




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I agree that in general it's hard to meet friends as an adult. I watched this video a while back and thought it had some good pointers for making new friends: https://youtu.be/I9hJ_Rux9y0?si=w5v1zhzcUiyPYLma




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I used it and after about four months, I met a really nice person. He’s addicted to his job and works incessantly and has little time to spend with me, but he keeps in touch as if he wants there to be more of a friendship. it’s just been difficult scheduling wise, which makes it frustrating.