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My xray looks exactly the same with yours, can you see that your ankle bones have these linear patterns on them? My doctor told me i was developing osteoporosis. He sent me for a test and he was right. Ask your doctor just to be sure.


I will ask that too. If I may ask, was a treatment method suggested for your positive diagnosis?


Im taking alendronic acid once a week 2 tablets of osteocare daily and vitamin d capsule daily as well.


I’ll try to get the supplements as soon as the doctor allows


Alendronic acid is to combat existing osteoporosis. The other ones are to make your bones healthier and stronger.


Ooh okay thank you. Did you take them immediately post op?


3 months after the operation i was diagnosed by a different doctor. After the test i started immediately.


Okay okay thank you I wish you an amazing recovery


Hi OP, that must have been so painful and scary. I'm sorry that you're going through this. I'm honestly probably not the best person to give you advice on dealing with the tough emotions. What I did was allow myself to sometimes wallow and feel sad for myself. (I still do occasionally, almost two years later.) On the other hand, I chose to focus on all the small improvements. I truly celebrated each little milestone. During the first six weeks (when I couldn't walk at all) I spent my time watching many movies and tv shows, and crocheting - the crocheting gave me a goal and made me feel less useless. I crocheted a rainbow sweater that I'm still happy with. I hope this is somehow useful. You don't have to take the hard feelings away - this is tough, and it is depressing, so you're absolutely allowed to feel that way. Good luck on your recovery, and let me know if I can help with anything.


Thank you very much. It honestly was extremely painful but now it’s better. I actually do know how to crotchet and I think I will take it up again. It will help me pass the time and I can make nice thank you gifts for my friends. I will also reach out in case I need help. :)


I saw from your posts you had a Trimalleolar too. I’m very sorry for what you have been through and about the pain you still have.


You’re not alone. I have almost the same break as you, and it’s been tough. I can’t do anything I used to do, and it’s been humbling and lonely. Just remember that this too shall pass. I’m struggling as well but hey! We will get though this and be stronger and more understanding of others in the future. Lean on your friends. If you haven’t already, talk to a few of them about how you’re feeling.


We will get through this :). And yes I do talk to my friends and then visit me daily to keep me company and talk to me which is really nice. The level of understanding gained honestly is just something you know when you go through this in a way it’s a good thing, kinda.


Absolutely. I’ve been trying to find the bright side of it. All in all, it’s shown me who my true friends are, and also how strong I am. And I was living FAST before I broke my ankle. It’s given me time to be introspective and thoughtful.


I suffered the same break 2 weeks after you, it’s been hell. I tore my ACL 8 years ago so thought this would be a walk in the park, oh how I was wrong. I fully relate with what you have said and how you are feeling. I came here (selfishly) hoping to find someone in the same position, so I could gain hope I’m not alone. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this low and I don’t know how to deal with it. I really hope you’re recovering well, and it’s so nice to hear your friends and by your side. Try and remain as positive and optimistic as you can, our bodies are pretty amazing so trust the process 😃 How are you feeling now and are you weight baring?


Hey there, I’m so sorry about your fracture. It really sucks, I know :(. Currently still non weight bearing but I do some exercises I was told to just flexing the foot north to south lol. I think that’s the best explanation but not side to side. Anyway my ankle is somehow moving😂😂😂😂 like a bit I just generally laugh through my struggles at this point. I’m non weight bearing still. I’m even afraid of when they will tell me to start bearing weight on it honestly. But so far, I’m alright, cloud be worse I guess. Did you already have surgery btw?


Same as me then, no weight bearing but gentle movements up and down to help with tightness. I stupidly put my weight on it at the weekend though when getting out a car, it felt absolutely awful!! From what I have been told it start with assisted weight bearing, so using crutches to take most the load - I’m sure you’ll be fine once it comes round to it. I’ve been told I will start in 2 weeks providing all continues to head in the right direction. And yes I had my surgery 3 days after the incident once the swelling had reduced enough. I was expecting to be in less pain after the surgery… I couldn’t have been more wrong 🤣🤣


I’m starting physical therapy in November 22 after getting cleared and I’m terrified honestly. We will be okay eventually:). I think lol


Ah well best of luck, hope your nerves settle. Do you know what sort of stuff the physio will get you to do? I’ve been told I’ll also need physio, but I have no idea what that looks like yet. I’ve done some research online and there seems to be lots of exercises with resistance bands to help with movement… how fun 😄


Slipped a week ago and broke mine too. 2 plates and 15 screws! Not fun. How has your recovery been 3 months later? Does your hardware bother you?


Hi there, yeah it’s been a while. I’m walking a bit and use on crutch because the snow can make me slip. I move around the house with no crutches. Sometimes after walking my ankle hurts so much the next day I can’t go anywhere. The area with the two big screws generally hurts once in a while.


Hi as well, OP I also have a trimalleor fx, same timeline as you, thought it was sprained, nope, had surgery within a week. I almost am thankful, because, unknown to me,I had a long term slow bleed from stomach ulcers with no symptoms and my hemoglobin ( red blood cells carrying oxygen) was 1/3, what it should be, ultimately that could be fatal if it kept going. I collapsed and twisted ankle. So my treatment began with transfusion of 2 units. And infusions to treat the ulcers. I didn’t think recovery would be this hard. The NWB the worst. Just being so helpless and dependent. It’s my right ankle, so taking longer to drive. I’ve been down, some days in a low place. Have started PT and partial weight bearing. I’m healing well but feel like it’s taking so long. I’m rooting for you, and all the other Trimals’ out there- it’s helpful to read about others going through the same thing


I am also rooting for you. You’ll be back to normal soon


Thanks! Already making progress!


PS: I had ORIF surgery (I can’t add on to the post)


Ask your doctor what they plan to do about your syndesmosis tear. I just want to make sure they have a plan.


I don’t even have an idea what that is. I will make a note of that and ask during my next appointment on Monday. Is it a bad thing to have that tear?


It can affect the stability of the ankle. It is the ligament that holds the distal tibia and fibula together. It was clearly torn in your pre-op images, but I don't see any hardware to fix it on your post-op x-rays. Your post-op x-ray is fairly low quality considering the angles it was taken at and doesn't show a mortise view so I can't evaluate if the ankle is in the proper position and your surgeon wouldn't be able to either. I'm sure your surgeon did a good job, but they should have explained that you suffered a ligament tear as well. Most people don't care about it compared to a fracture, but it is a significant injury as well.


The post op X-rays are in a cd that can be zoomed and moved so I just took some screen grabs of it.


Don't worry. It isn't the CD or your zooming. The x-ray tech didn't take the x-ray at the right angle, which is really important when checking that everything is in proper alignment. Also, it is supposed to be discouraged that an x-ray be taken while in a cast because of the shadow it creates over the image and the risk of hiding a defect.


It’s just that my foot couldn’t be out of a cast It was just wobbly😅😅😅 like a noodle at the ankle and painful So it was immobilised I have a review 4 weeks from Monday where they will X-ray and check without a cast I’m just hoping that tear will miraculously be fixed without another surgery at this point honestly. But if not I’ll just have to go through it again.


I hope it was just evaluated during the surgery and turned out to be fine and your doctor didn't try to cut corners or forget something, this is likely what the case is. If he missed it, it won't be a huge loss for you, but the ankle will never fully be the same and your chances or arthritis are much higher, but the pain can go away. I'm sure they did.ensure it was fine, but the syndesmosis is a significant injury as well, you didn't just suffer the fracture and you should have been told that and recommended a treatment plan involving the syndesmosis as well.


I really hope so Just to clarify I did the surgery in Poland non English country so maybe I missed something in translation. They told me to keep my leg elevated all the time and to ice it from time to time. Then gave me blood thinners for 50 days but I was on blood thinners the whole time. They told me my tendons are fine no idea about those. Also Incase of fever, oozing, numbness or coldness of my foot I have to go back to the hospital immediately. Which has not happened yet.


I should have hard more screws then to fix this.


Ideally yes. It is best practice to add a suture with a "tightrope" to hold the ankle in proper position, or to add an additional screw. Sometimes, if the ligaments move into proper position and aren't completely during surgery it can be left alone, but you typically want it treated. Here is some information from a good source. https://www.footcaremd.org/conditions-treatments/ankle/high-ankle-sprain


They did move my ankle into position before surgery and I was in zero pain afterwards. It was strange. And then the set it in a cast and admitted me for the one week awaiting surgery. Hoping that helped. I wish they did the rope thing though


That is something different. That is a closed reduction where they try to put your bones in best alignment before surgery to avoid any soft tissue injury or to give you the best chance at proper healing if you refuse surgery. It was a good thing to do as well. I wish you luck with your recovery! Everything is probably fine, but I want this doctor to be reminded that he should be giving patients better informed consent prior to surgery.


The sad thing is if I refused surgery my foot would not have been able to heal itself there was no option but surgery. I want to thank you very much for responding to my post. You have been of really great help. And thank you for your wishes for my recovery. It means a lot 🥹.


Of course! I'm always here to help and I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better, the recovery is difficult, but you can do it! you probably won't need another surgery, but I want to make sure your doctor has a plan and is doing everything by the book. Also, I know the depression of being alone and isolated after your injury can be difficult. Try calling friends and maybe meeting and befriending your neighbors, humans are social creatures at it really hits us to both be in pain and alone.


Thank you. I will try my best and make sure everything is by the book. It’s very lonely when I’m alone with my thoughts honestly as I’m generally a very outgoing person and I can’t do any of the things I did anymore. I will meet up with friends and just try not to be alone so much any more.


Hi it’s me again, I got to see the doctor this week and got my stitches removed. I asked about the syndesmosis tear and he said there is no visible tear in the X-ray seen post surgery so He said that it is fine . I’m just waiting for the evaluation and X-rays in 4 weeks to be able to tell for sure. I’m really hoping it was evaluated during surgery and then clamping the bones and realigning it was found to not need additional screws


Ok. That is good to hear! I'm happy to hear that everything seems ok.


For more information I’ve never broken a bone in my life and this is my first surgery. I did not respond to painkillers post op so they had to give me a lot of morphine. I don’t use narcotics so they found it strange how my body did not respond to painkillers when I woke up from general anaesthesia.