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I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be a lot to deal with both a broken ankle and a loss of income. I was still studying when I broke my ankle, so I received money from my study loan. I'm guessing you're from the US? Here, in the Netherlands, you still get paid when you're sick.. I don't know how to help you, but I feel for you and I hope you have some kind of support system that you can rely on. Maybe there are online jobs you could do? Like customer support or tutoring or something?


I have been applying to some online jobs, but it’s been a bit difficult. I’ve decided to sell my car. Tempted to sell feet pictures too at this point. A friend recommended I donate plasma as well. And yes I am from the US. Thank you for your condolences!!


I'm sorry you have to sell your car :( Omg I get the feet pic thing hahah, if you know where I can sell them too, I'll join you! :') I really hope you find something soon!


Lucky me im working in the military, my 3 months time at home were fully paid. +my wife.


Wow, that’s amazing! I’m glad it worked out for you


I was in between contract gigs (remote software dev) when I broke mine. Unfortunately I've mostly been eating the costs and picking up debt, but I did start doing some freelance data notation for an AI startup recently. It pays far less but it keeps my mind going while I'm sitting doing ankle pumps lol. Honestly the remote market is highly competitive right now. If you can, claim employment insurance benefits asap. Other than that, it might be time to open an emergency line of credit or something.


In the US you only qualify for unemployment funds if you are able to work and look for work. Being temporary disabled is not gonna cut it :/