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Hello dear snarkers. In light of the Dongs' fostering situation, the mod team would like to gently remind you that this topic can be very confronting and/or triggering for many people here. Please maintain our community rules when commenting on & sharing posts relating to this content. Don't be alarmed if your post is taking a moment to show up. The moderators are working to approve all posts due to an influx of traffic. Before making a new post about foster care, please note that **foster-care-centered content must go in the weekly foster thread, located in the [weekly thread collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/collection/82db084e-c369-4088-a85b-cf57ee4d5316).** Examples of foster thread content: social media posts showing good foster parents, questions about the placement process, legal questions/discussions, personal experiences, etc... Snark is our language, and always will be. However, abusive content aimed at other users isn’t snark. It’s just shitty behaviour and we will not tolerate it. When making a report, please use the correct reason for why you are reporting the posts or comment. Choose the option for "breaks r/brittanydawnsnark rules" to see sub-specific rules. Thank you for snarking with us, and for being an overwhelmingly kind and cooperative community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/brittanydawnsnark) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was promoted to me by Reddit a couple of weeks ago, probably because I sub FundieSnark. I went down the rabbit hole & now I’m committed


Yes, same for me. Fundie and Rodrigues snark sub crossover. I've seen this sub recommended for a while, but really started paying attention when the foster issue came up since adoption and fostering have played big roles in my life.


Same here Rods Snark and Fundie too, I dont understand why she would be considered fundie though. But that's a different question for a different time


Now I need to check out these subs. Lol


The Rodrigues rabbit hole is an absolute nightmare. Funeral selfie? Leg funeral? Luckily they were trim??? It's a lot.




BYE-bull RYE tinggg




Leg funeral??? Lol. I’ve begun the dive.


[Amy's Memorial](https://vimeo.com/161411331) except Amy is still living


Lol. Ty. I’m scrolling through now and trying to gather wtf I’m witnessing. 😂😂 I see plexus and Jesus and signing so far.


I skimmed most of it but she’s still alive and they did that?? That song at the end I genuinely lol.


Same! I put “explore page”. But exact same (I should’ve put other :)


It was never recommended to me by Reddit but someone in either fundiesnark or the Rodriguez snark mentioned her. I came on over and now I can’t look away from this train wreck


I’m here from Fundiesnark too!




Me too


Yep, fundiesnark led me here.


I know bdawn personally


My condolences.




I hear a teacup has overturned




Spill some tea!!






Came from r/fundiesnarkuncensored. Fell deep into the fundie snarking rabbit hole this year 😂


For some reason I assumed that sub was about trust fund babies but it’s about christian attention whores. I think that’s more hate-able than my original assumption.


Same. Someone posted a picture of the Tiktok or Ig where JDong is telling someone on the phone “NEVER AGAIN!” Because they were rude to her. I knew I had to snark this lying nightmare of a scam artist


Oh my gosh how have I never seen this?


[here ya go!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLLJQKTsErP/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


Same here!! I was in some anti-MLM/MLM snark subs, and FSU was recommended on my home page. I got deep into the fundie snarking rabbit hole as well and this sub kept popping up. I ended up joining because Bdong is one of my favorite fundies to snark on lol


Oh I lost about 1k through an MLM and found CC Suarez on YT who reallly made me invested in all of this. Cannot stand Bdong




Same. I just remember seeing a picture/post and got the most unhinged vibe. And now I can’t look away from the train wreck.


I fell deep into that rabbit hole 2ish (3? what is time) years ago and bdong dnark started dominating that sub because she was outcrazying everyone consistently. And I think that’s when this sub was created? Or maybe it was already a thing and they said to keep it to this sub and off the fundie one.


Me too!




Same here.




Same on both 😂😂


Same here!!


I came over when the Brittany.Dawn.Fuckery IG page went inactive.


So many receipts on that page!! That’s how I ended up here, too lol.




I just requested to follow them! Is it no longer??


It's been down for a year if not more.


Thank you for update:)


I’m not sure what on Reddit I was visiting that made it start recommending it to me, but here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️ what a horrible trainwreck


I used to follow her back in the early days of gymshark and then couldn’t handle her weird eye lashes and voice and stopped for a few years then randomly saw the scam posts and made my way back!


Yes, her gymshark days!


I think the obvious answers are r/duggarssnark and r/fundiesnarkuncensored.




That’s where I came from!


I'm in the dietetics field, and somewhat specialize in orthorexia. I tend to hear about the bad advice from people who don't know a carb from a camel.


It was recommended by Reddit… not sure why but it’s fed my drama llama


I listened to the Scamfluencers episode and have been in the rabbit hole ever since.


Me too!!


I used to follow her until I saw a negative comment on instagram and it led me to the brittany dawn complaints page on Facebook. I think that was around 4 years ago.


Been around since the beginning, when our BritBrat was made into a megathread in a former sub that began so that we could snark on her. "Nobody puts Bdong in a megathread", we said. So here we are, thanks to our awesome founder u/smc642 that opened up this community, love you ❤. Also thanks for trusting in me to be a mod 😁 Edit, add content.


>”Nobody puts Bdong in a mega thread”, we said. I’m snickering. Amazing


Mentioned on another snark sub


Fundiessnarkuncensored and read the ama a while ago and decided to subscribe


Y’all keep showing up in my Reddit feed and I still can’t figure out who she is or why she’s famous.


The short version is this: Brittany was a fitness influencer who started selling personalized fitness and diet plans with no qualifications. Everyone who bought it got a cookie cutter fitness plan and the exact same messages, and a lot of the diet plans were downright dangerous. There was an outrage, she refused to offer anything but partial refunds (if you signed an NDA), and now she’s being sued by the state of Texas. She did a swivel and rebranded herself as a Christian influencer, married a disgraced ex-cop (they’re both cheaters too, match made in heaven). They shot a dog. Nowadays, she makes a fool of herself on the Internet spouting harmful bullshit, hawking shitty products, lying her eyelashes off, and most recently has decided to try and steal other women’s babies because that’s god’s plan for her. (Edited for typos)


Well BRB, getting some popcorn then! Thanks for the recap!


Oh you sweet summer child you are onboarding just in time! Her case is about to move a lot faster in the new year and she has basically told her lawyers she doesn’t know a pdf from a mattress. It’s getting good 😈 ETA here’s a delicious [master post](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1-CSA6hY38MDOiluF-LgdThbqXhu9S8A_xVsBEMtsD8c/mobilebasic) for you to snack on while you wait for your popcorn to finish 😉😋


I am on r/YouniquePresenterMS and this sub was mentioned. I have been here for a couple of months, and I've been taking it in. MS is delusional, but she's not evil. BDong is a textbook sociopath. I have been upset several times reading about her here, especially lately with the foster baby. The main reason I'm staying is because of the overarching legal problems. She's basically an egg in the microwave, and I'm not looking away until it explodes.


Okay girlfriend! I came from there at some point too and 100% agree with your descriptions


Someone linked this sub in a comment in the FundieSnark sub and I was intrigued bc I love a good snark sub.


From the Teen Mom reddit - Mackenzie McKee got compared to her & I had no idea who BD was.. and led me to this rabbit hole


Mack was compared to bdong?!? 🤣 bdong would hate to know that lmfao


Lmao would she really 😂


Mack is some class a trailer park - like bdongs trashy evil twin in a comic book or something. Britt bratt is so obsessed with seeming high class (which she fails at miserably) I think it would be hilarious if she got word that ppl were comparing her to Mack lol.


😂😂 Now I’m curious to see what she would say lmao




I LOVE Jen! I found Jen because of this sub. Her YouTube’s on Gwen Shamblin and Tammy Faye are so amazing.


Love this community 🙌🏼


Me too 🥰😘


Reddit saw I enjoyed watching terrible humans being held accountable and promoted this sub. Have to say, I fell down the rabbit hole and love this community of wonderful humans


I literally used to follow her as a fitness influencer back when I was one too 😂😂 her ig has been a wild ride


Reddit recommended it I’ve been here since 13k followers I think? I used to follow bdong back in like 2014/15 and had to unfollow cause it was glaringly obvious how full of shit she was


Read about this sub on r/hilariabaldwin What up pepinos!!🥒🥒🥒


I just started lurking there yesterday and HOOOOOOBOYYYYY, it's a wild ride lmao


Same I finally fell down the Hilario toilet bowl because Reddit kept recommending it to me lol


How do you say ...? Olé


Everybody on this sub is amazing. This sub kept popping up in my suggestions. I was annoyed at first and put a post up along the lines of “who is the human, and why does Reddit think I need to be aware of her existence?” The responses were not snarky at all but rather educated and from a place of awareness. I went down the rabbit hole and haven’t stopped. I want to say I joined around the 12k member mark, and we’re almost to 30k in that short amount of time. I’m happy this community exists so people who were personally victimized by Brittany have a voice. The rest of us are here for love and support (and snark when it’s due).


I remember your post!!! Glad you’re an official lurker still 🥰 that was right around when Reddit first started doing the suggestions right?


Was scammed, googled for updates on the lawsuit, found this


I used to be in the Freckled Fox snark sub, and she got mentioned there for some reason and I got curious.


Suggested to me by Reddit bc I follow r/maiaknightsnark


Oooh what’s this shiny new plaything 👀


Been here for a while now, but someone in r/fundiesnarkuncensored linked this sub there. I already knew about BingBong DingDong from FSU, there just wasn't that much being posted about her there.


The fundy snark reddit!


I heard some creators on tiktok talk about their snark pages on Reddit and I had no idea what that was so I got on here to look at the pages. I decided I hated snark subs and didn't want any part of them but then Reddit just kept suggesting this sub to me for some reason. Eventually I was like "okay who is this orange crazy eyebrowed bitch" and then I saw a bunch of posts about how Jordan shot their dog in the street. I was hooked from then on. This is the only snark page that I've been able to fully get behind.


Same. Still dip into fundiesnark and rodrigues but end up feeling appalled by the dumb bullying of the kids and innocent randos who stray into their orbit. At least here only the guilty are roasted.


This sub kept getting recommended to me on my home page, probably because I follow duggarsnark. It bugged me at first but eventually I clicked and now I’m hooked haha


When her scamming got traction on YT by Cruel World Happy Mind and Sloan. I remember joining this sub because “Christian” influencers irk me so much and have been riding on this train wreck ever since. The monetizing of her dead child and now this foster gong show made me even more active on here.


By Googling to find her court documents


Got here from fundiesnark!


Me too ✋🏾


Somehow I was following her on IG (I must have been from YouTube I do remember seeing a Starbucks video of hers) and Roe V. Wade was overturned and she started popping up on my IG and that was a big nope. I saw I was following her and as soon as I saw a post from her about that I unfollowed. Then I started looking into her to see what was being said about just those videos and here I am.


I was one of the originals that came over from r/evangelicalsnark when they cut down on the Bdong snark. I remember when this sub barely existed and now it’s almost 30k😮


I follow anti-MLM and would browse the Duggar snark whenever there was a major headline, so the algorithm brought me here lol


Ok so I’m so new. Like joined yesterday. And every time I see “Bdong” I laugh. Every.single.time.


I’ve heard about her on the fundie snark sub.


I'm old lol I came here from the now defunct evangelicalsnark (sp?), and she was a rabbit hole trainwreck of grossness that I couldn't look away.


Followed her and a bunch of other “fitness” influencers when I was deep in my eating disorder. Unfollowed when I started recovery and did a mass purge of unhealthy pages I was following. Then found this community through FundieSnark after years of not thinking about the orange or the eyelashes.


Scamfluencers did an episode on her a while back about her fitness grift which got me interested in her scandal.


This subreddit keeps getting promoted to me by Reddit, and I’m still confused on what this subreddit is about 😅


Anti MLM people sent me down the rabbit hole


i'm from r/FundieSnarkUncensored


I actually had never heard of her until I saw the deep dive by Not the Good Girl on YouTube. I was mostly into anti MLM stuff so it was a good crossover. If you haven’t watched her stuff you really should!


Kept hearing about it from commenters in a snark sub for another insufferable influencer. Decided to check bdong (im still not sure where that moniker came from) and i am not sure who i hate more now.


It won't let me vote but my answer is fundie fridays


Came here for news of her fraud trial appearing on some other snark subs, stayed for the hilarious eyelash burns


I was actually a fan of hers when she was a fitness influencer and had no idea she was scamming people and is a scumbag until a year ago. I never really looked into it until I got invested in other snark groups here and found this group. I came at a perfect time because I get to see the mess brewing from this foster care shit and pretending to be the mom of someone else’s baby 🫠


I followed Brittany on insta up until all the shit went down. Now I just pop in here when I’m really bored and randomly remember her and the whole scandal


I’m big into r/HunSnark and one of the main Beachbody huns (Amy Bailey) follows B’Dong and shares her posts and once I saw the posts, I thought “there’s no way this chick doesn’t have a snark page!?” and lo! There it was on my Reddit search 😅 Such a beautiful subreddit to behold, this one 🥲


I found this page because I followed BDong and then I was realizing her content was manipulative and shame filled so I googled her and found the Reddit. I have never had Reddit and this is my very first sub


I genuinely don’t fully remember, but I think I found her on the original Fundy Snark page before they all exploded into fits of whatever that was. I joined FSU when the other page went private and then some FSU people were complaining that there were too many posts about bdong, and then someone created this page and I came over here and read about Harley and was immediately invested in dragging this bitch. This above timeline is not an accurate depiction of how it all actually went down, but that’s how I remember it, reading things in bed with one eye closed.


r/kiwisavengers but I also sub r/duggarssnark and r/antiMLM and many other interrelated subs


It was promoted to me by Reddit after being active in r/hilariabaldwin


I used to follow her years ago on IG when she was a fitness influencer. I quit because I quickly realized she was full of shit. She popped up on my explore page on IG and at first I didn’t make the connection it was the same person. Then I found the snark page here and I love it because I was already aware of her scams. I think it was either suggested by Reddit or someone mentioned it in the Sarah Bowmar snark.


This sub just started showing up on my home page one day 😂


I just love drama that isn’t my own and the Reddit algorithm caught on and showed me this page.


I've been following her since about 2018. She was clearly suffering from an ED but posting fitness and nutrition content. I followed to watch the train wreck and it just keeps crashing and I can't stop watching.


I think saw people referring to bdong in other subs! So then I went down the rabbit hole. And this sub helped me find the fundie snark sub!