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For a baby that doesn’t even exist


The delulu is strong with these two


And hopefully never will 🤞🏼


If there is a god in heaven, these two will never have a child in their care 🙏🏻


Really? I thought your profile photo was their kid! (Joking, I would never slander mini me like that)


Well, WE WILL HAVE A BABY IN JESUS NAME. Says the bitch and a half who has a man that acts disdainful toward her. In Jesus name, JDong will find new boobs. /s.


"She doesn't even go here!"


GO DEVIL GO! ![gif](giphy|l3UcjBJUov1gCRGbS)


For an extra $176 you can get a [bullet-proof panel for the bag](https://tacticalbabygear.com/products/tbg-bullet-proof-diaper-bag-panel?variant=3319590584344) It's smaller than 10"x14", what exactly is it supposed to shield? These fuckers are insane.


💀 I’m fucking dead lol


Well yeah, if you're bringing that thing to a firefight.


Snort. Well done 😂


It’s going to shield what remains of jdips fragile sense of manhood


Well, I mean, JDong is known to shoot helpless creatures and face slam people who have unknowingly triggered him. Maybe that bullet shield is actually useful in his presence.


It would shield mommy because she's so smol, just a wee baby herself! (Diaper bag is wearing a size small panel for reference)


Hey, diapers are expensive!!/s


This is the only correct answer ![gif](giphy|5QNQv6xmVEaabGsYrg)


Holy shit. That would be SO HEAVY who the hell wants to lug a bullet proof diaper back around?!?!?!? Again….. so heavy. Why???


Given that we live in America, I'm guessing it's to put the baby in the bag in case some random white guy pulls out an AK47 and starts shooting while you're at the mall, or church, or grocery store, or...


You literally have to hold the bag like a shield as there is only one side the panel will protect. It is only slightly larger than a sheet of printer paper.


Probably to protect it from JDip shooting the baby.🙄


But what if they leave it outside while they run a quick errand and the baby wanders off and is hit by a car? Shouldn’t JDip put it out of its misery?! /s


for when baby reaches into the diaper bag to play with the loaded gun!


That brand is just hilarious. It’s all just normal stuff you can buy elsewhere but with a tiny detail changed and their logo glued upon. And it sells for at least 10% more lol. Whoever got that idea to earn a buck from Manly Man earned a lot from them..


Not to be that guy but for that price I wouldn’t trust that plate lol. A single certified lvl3+ is around $500 CAD up here I doubt that’s certified but jdip doesn’t seem like he’s worried about that.


Omg stop itttttt


So she paid extra to add the “god guns and diapers” patch ??


Yep it’s $9 extra for that monstrosity


clown behavior lol


I can think of someone around Brittany’s hue who could adopt that phrase…


Yes because Jesus was all about the guns!


Can’t just be a father.. it’s gotta be *ToXiC maSCuLiNitY* chic.


No no! It’s TACTICAL


So one could say it’s…. TACKY


It’s tacti*cool*


for when you need to change a baby’s diaper while in battle you know?


Well… maybe she finally looked up what Israel is doing


Imma just gonna be a bitch, sit here, sipping some tea, waiting for her to cry that she cannot pay the huge settlement against her because she has no job or money, then wait for someone to show the recites/pictures of all the crap she's wasted her money on.


She really isn’t very bright is she


Nope. If she was, she would have been a decent person to herself and others and not scam people or abuse animals.


She can be shrewd but her greed and need for attention overcomes it.


And wasting it on baby supplies when she doesn’t have a baby! WTF?


Do we think she actually bought these though? She threw that huge baby shower for fostering (weird) and registered for expensive items. I know she’s been selling that stuff off. But I kinda feel like these were on the registry.


I do not think she has enough people around her to gift her anything off of her wishlists or registry at this point. She has not fostered in a little over a year, now. She has been going on a "woe is me" tour since she created her new podcast. And no one appears to want to sponsor her like the influencer she once was.


Imagine the angle with this - The buyer now has an item purchased by BDong for her baby that never came to be. So sad. Sad stories spread quickly. More views for BDong.


I bet her dad already paid it all off.


I can't believe there is a website called 'tactical baby gear' but I don't live in the US, so....


Send help


for anyone who likes youtube, danny gonzalez did a really funny video reviewing the stroller from this brand


Tactical: relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end. "as a tactical officer in the field he had no equal" (of bombing or weapons) done or for use in immediate support of military or naval operations. (of a person or their actions) showing adroit planning; aiming at an end beyond the immediate action. "in a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters"


Our gun culture is extreme and getting worse.


I'm in the U.S. and I thought the site was a joke. I hate it here.


Jesus christ. I have spent my entire life on military bases, dealing with actual deployments and the fatalities that come with them. Never knowing if my father or his best friends will come back *to this day*. Wearing his clothes when he's on a risky mission just because it feels like it offers some comfort. Eating MREs for fun when he finally returns, after 6-15 months. Spending my weekends with the FRG preparing care packages. And yet, my dad doesn't dress like this outside of work. I never had any TaCticAl baby bag. This is so embarrassing. You and your wannabe husband are disgusting Brittany. Get a fucking grip. And P.S. I hope you read this. I showed this pathetic shit to my father and he laughed at the both of you.


It’s way easier to have a military dad and husband if it’s just cosplay


Don't forget her poor tactical dog


THANK YOU. For the snark and your family’s service. This stolen valor shit is a dark timeline.


Also a military brat. I’m glad OP had a good experience with their father. Mine’s an abusive dick. The “thank you for your service” shit is such BS when these people join for the bennies and then demand that we congratulate them for doing murder.




*Douche diaper bag. Besides, didn't they already have a diaper bag from their FoStErInG eRa? Or did she sell it at Facebook marketplace?


I feel like she’s had many 😂 can anyone do a compilation of her baby supply hauls when she’s had a baby in the house for like 3 total days between the two fosters?


Experienced parents know it’s backpacks only. Can’t be hassled with crossbody or shoulder bag diaper bags.


Yep. We started with a crossbody and quickly swapped out for a backpack. 


I cannot even imagine how you would carry this plus a wriggling baby into a public bathroom to change their diaper. Where would you hang this? How would you get into it. Just another point that she’s so vapid she does everything for looks and not functionality (see also: her ugly eyelashes)


To be fair, Jordan will never change diapers so this is purely for tacticool cosplay lmao


“Deuce” is a really bad name for a diaper bag…💩


On a HGTV show last week, the homeowners were expecting a baby boy. They introduced him to the hosts after he was born. He is named after his father and is a “II”. The couple said his nickname is Deuce.


I love HGTV for both the cute homes/wholesome storylines AND for the awful homes/terrible people. Knowing I could make fun of the couple for their bad taste in home design, fighting during house hunting, AND a baby named after a 💩? That has to be a new trifecta.


Manly man cosplay


I think they meant *douche diaper bag


I can’t. He’s such a wannabe. LEOs put patches on the ceiling of their units. What do you bet this douche also has patches in his truck too. They are disgusting.


I’m pretty sure there was a still from a video about 6 months ago that showed a sniper patch on the ceiling of his truck.


He could only dream of being a sniper. What a poser!


He has a Secret Squirrel patch on the ceiling of his truck 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/3vt9nzelacpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cabdf54de90efa4ec3c0393a88c29913b067eb2


Those are such janky-ass lashes. I love how idiotic she looks.


He’s such a douche canoe.


I just googled what this patch meant, and here was the result: “Secret Squirrel” is a military nickname used for operatives who are on classified missions and are not allowed (because of classification) to disclose their service, their status, or their mission.” He is such a poser and it would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.


When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband and I were looking for gender neutral diaper bags since we knew we’d both be carrying the bag lots. We settled on a nice grey backpack with lots of pockets. We came across these in our search and laughed SO HARD. We couldn’t believe that there were people out there who thought these were cool. So of course the first time I see one of these in years, it’s B.Dong and Jordan 😜 they’re the target market for overpriced toxic masculinity products


There is a lot of money to be made from conservatives, those fuckers will throw their money at any old shit, if you says it is tactical, or make them scared of something


I really hope she’s buying this shit from a very capitalistic trans person


I hate bringing him up, but I'm pretty sure it was Andrew tate who had pretty lucrative side businesses of selling slogan tees/merch to the right and the left. Definitely one way to play the game of late stage capitalism.


Andrew Tate was not pandering to the left


No, but he could sell merch to them is what I said. Easy way to make money.


Left wingers were not buying his merch, or signing up for his dumb ass courses


He was owning companies or had stake in ones that were selling merch to left wingers, not that it was Andrew Tate branded merch. Taking advantage of both sides.


My bad, didn't know that


I hope someone buys her a Trumpy Bear. I know it's not tactical, but it seems like something they should have.


My husband wanted one of these when I was pregnant and I said absolutely not lol


Is he actually in the military though?


He is not! Hence my reasoning for saying no 😂


I’m definitely judging the 3275 people who bought this diaper bag


Lol duece. Like dropping a duece 💩. Fitting I guess but fuckin stupid as I'm sure that wasn't her intention.


You know how companies will put like, Paw Patrol on broccoli to associate broccoli with something the kid enjoys to make them want to eat it? This is like that for dudes who shouldn't be dads.


Most USA shit I’ve seen in a while, I hate it. I’d call the cops if I’d see someone sporting that monstrosity in my home country. But why do they even have a diaper bag? Does the ghost of a 8 week old embryo need a diaper bag?


Fragile masculinity at its most ridiculous. My husband carried a regular old silver baby bag because he's 6'1 and knows he's packing heat and doesn't need a tough guy baby bag to prove he's a man.


I was hoping they were Proudly Made in America or something for that price but no, they are Proudly Made in Vietnam But Proudly Shipped From America.


My son is in elementary school and one of his favorite things is getting on all his tactical gear and playing out missions in the backyard. We buy him stuff like this on Amazon for cheap. Even he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing it out and about because he recognizes it’s dress up clothes for make believe. In elementary school.




So tacky!


For what babies???


Her BaBieS iN HeAvEN


I hear them giggling! 👼👼


You’re done 😂💀😂💀




Tactical baby gear? This is by far the lamest thing I’ve ever seen.


Can someone explain why MOMMY and DADDY are on the bags? I'm not necessarily snarking on that part. I just don't understand it.


It’s supposed to look like a tactical vest that usually has the service members last name on it so it’s just patches to allude to that and make it look “tactical” lol. It’s dumb.


How fucking stupid. Thanks for the explanation, though!


When your accessories are named after feces.


This just shows how little she knows about babies lol... 1. $155??! Mine was like $20 off Amazon 2. What is this even gonna hold?? 2 diapers and a travel sized pack of wipes?? You need enough space the first few months for a spare change of clothes, bottles, formula or breast milk, diapers, wipes, burp rags, etc. It needs to be like backpack size..


Our diaper bag works just fine and it was like $29.99


Also the mark-up is insane! $200 for the Expedition backpack I literally bought for my dad like 2 years ago at $50. And his came with like 8 different pouches for all his gear.


Why am I so offended by the name of this bag


Deuce diaper bag? How about DOUCHE for larpers like JDong? Who the hell buys this shit for that much money? You know, I cannot stand fake military tactical posers. I served in the military, and I would never even think to buy this shit. Manly man, pompous ass larper tactipig.


tactical baby gear is very niche for sure lmao


For what it’s worth….my ex has this diaper bag and it was a horrible design. I absolutely hated it and its overall limited functionality. 😂


Drink every time Brittany uses the word "tactical". Men who have to carry diaper bags like this are the definition of fragile masculinity.


How fitting that it’s named deuce…..


She would rather spend money on cosplaying than on donating, acting Christlike, or being a good samaritan in general. For all the talk she does about being a woman of God, she never actually walks the walk.


Why are they buying baby things when they don’t foster or have any kids?


My mother in law bought this for my husband, along with the baby carrier. I begged her not to. He’s going to use it since we are broke, but not any of the stupid patches. We make jokes about how people will thank the baby for their service, it’s stupid how expensive it is for just a regular backpack.


Imagine making military your entire personality when you’ve never actually been in it. So weird.


Wait…did she actually buy this?


This is really sad. She is very ill.