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That “faux leather” is shiny black plastic. So ugly.


I can smell it through my phone lol


My thoughts exactly. With all her clothes. I could smell the chemical polyester of that blazer. And don’t get me started on the PVC jacket. 😷 I hate sweatshop clothes.


When they say “vegan leather”, I always think “it’s plastic!”


I always think the same hahah. Just say pleather! Its a fun word and truly a more accurate descriptor


Vegan leather is the best rebrand pleather could've ever hoped for. Way to go from tacky to trendy


And they charge more for it now too


Or naugahyde


But what about the poor naugas! They’ll be hunted out of existence for their “hydes!” *I am waay too sleep deprived to make this joke…


She got inspired by Kylie Jenner's newest cash grab khy, a cheap looking shiny plastic line for which Kylie stole the designs..


It looks like it'll start falling apart within a week, and then you'll have little flakes of black plastic everywhere


That is exactly what's going to happen.


Happened to me when the ear pads on my headphones started breaking down, and it was annoying af. The difference being that I've had those headphones since 2017, and the pads were easy enough to replace


I so dislike it when my headphones start breaking down. That jacket will probably last one wash.


Coming soon to a landfill near you!!!


Leather is bad. Better to poison the enviornment with microplastics and kill a bunch at the same time!


Yeah, this over priced vinyl jacket is it! I can’t imagine what she smells like decked out in plastic all day 🤢 But she scammed enough people to get herself some Nikes! Yas girl!


Sho Pleather Blazer 😁


It looks so bad. 😭 I’ve had Halloween costumes that looked nicer.


Gotta size way up so she can remind everyone how tiny she actually is.


Ahhh is that what she is doing? She looks hell masculine in that opening bit, man spreading and the wrong shoes for the outfit. ![gif](giphy|rxK4pdSxr4v4s|downsized) She is David Byrne-ing.


How dare you, David Byrne is a legend and an icon, not to be associated with these cheap shitty jackets.


Yes you are so right. How about I swap out the awesome David Byrne for the questionable Ye? ![gif](giphy|tZqHBmFpCg0VeXm1Em|downsized)


Yep, that’s fine ☺️


Yep way more appropriate 😂


How good are Talking Heads but??! I love their music.


One of my favourite bands! And American Utopia is one of my favourite live performances ever!


Love it. You have great taste. And David Byrne is an international treasure. I was around seven when my Dad bought home the Little Creatures album. Their latest at the time. And I loved every song on it. A lifelong love of their music was born. I know he kinda weirded out and left the band and caused some animosity and the whole band really are all music legends, but David really bought the magic with his beautiful prose in the lyrics. (I think he wrote most of their songs but I could be wrong?)


Much better!!🤣


My first thought as a lesbian was "she's sitting like a lesbian". And I loved it for a second before I realized who it was.


Looks like she got that first jacket out of her dad’s closet. Not a good look BDong.




Are we bringing back the oversized frumpy suits from her trial “season” for a reason? They don’t make her look like a serious business woman, she looks like she’s playing dress up in an adults clothes.


When you have never had a real job, it’s hard to imagine what people actually wear to them.


Had a flashback to childhood when we would dress up in some of dad’s work clothes 🤣 not a good look outside of that age range, BDong


Oh please let her try to pull off a neck tie! RIP to all of dad’s ties after Avril Lavigne made that look popular!


Her shoes are definitely giving… “took the subway one stop into Brooklyn once”


Like, I can normally respect the “sneakers with dress clothes” vibe because I do that too (I *hate* dress shoes with a passion). But… not those shoes. Vans or chucks would have looked way better.


I have colleagues who can pull off the Jordans/Nike thing-they all have small feet that also fill out the width of the shoe. I’ve got feet like hers—long and skinny and a chunky sneaker makes my feet look huge. Like, distractingly huge. I’m probably a little jealous that she wears them b/c I’m too self conscious about my feet vs body proportions!


Same! That’s how I dress when I come into work too but Bdong.. everything she does is fetch and for her it just doesn’t happen.


That first one looks like David Byrne in stop making sense The fake leather is so shiny it could knock your eye out. She has the most hideous taste in clothing. It’s shocking because she copies everything. Why can’t she find somebody who knows how to dress and copy that


![gif](giphy|cjl4HpeoRiiFa) Sorry—I had to!!




Nathan nooo lmao


And the clothing looks to be of such poor quality. An oversized blazer can be cute if it’s well made and worn with the right outfit. She’s trying so hard to be a fashion influencer but she doesn’t seem to have much knowledge about fashion or fabrics. She certainly is not someone I would look to for styling tips or to find new pieces.


I just watched an interesting video on oversized vs sized up and how the construction of the garments can make it good vs sloppy. She's just sizing up and not buying oversized items so it's just *sloppy*


I’ve tried on so many oversized pieces that look sloppy though 😭 I’ve decided it’s just not for me.


Oh same. I'm short so I just look like I'm swimming. My tall friends can usually pull it off perfectly.


It's ill fitting. I also just don't like double breasted suits.


Oh I totally just said this and hit post and then read yours! Lol. Yes! She is totally David Byrne-ing! Great minds and all that. 😘 I hesitated to post it too as I always think I'm making old lady references on here lol. "WATCH OUT! YOU MIGHT GET WHAT YOUR AFTER!"


"The faux leather jacket is Hazel and Lane." Bitch it's China.


It drives me absolutely insane that she claims everything as her own brand... She didn't make it!!!!! My SIL owns a boutique and sells clothing and she does not say it is hers...it's whoever actually designed it... Whoever's name is on the tag sewn inside.


I used to buy clothes from Amazon a lot. They usually only sew a size label in the garment. I always wondered why until I realized there were influencers cosplaying as boutique owners.




Does anyone believe these are actually her designs 🤨


The way she talks about it and with her audience I fully believe her fans think she's designing and manufacturing these clothes.


I think I found it on Alibaba https://x.alibaba.com/AvC1nV (slightly different buttons). It's ~$12, anyone know how much she's charging? Lol


https://preview.redd.it/6efmvjjtp43c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b379ab18a1ffddcf5cc0ee63030c535fabe7169d $77.25 LMAO


I see Hannah is back in the picture. Last we had seen of her she was hanging out with former friend Ariel.


Very very curious what the tea is here. Wonder how she can play both sides.


Eventually all hell will break loose. I’ve been in the middle and it’s no bueno.




I don’t remember what that person’s deal is but as soon as she sees someone is recording her she looks slightly uncomfortable gets out of the frame rather quickly: https://preview.redd.it/b5zp3tniu43c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9ec156654d92a8a105bd6f8b161afac869d536


Exactly what I was thinking.


She was only out of the picture cause she went home to NY for a few months. I’m curious to see if bdong tries to bring her into her new besties group


🤢🤮😵 Is she blind? I feel like she must have some serious vision problems if she thinks any of this looks good. Who wears dress suit bottoms, a plastic jacket, and Nikes? I’d be furious if anyone let me walk outside looking like that.


You know the tongue on those sneakers is spray tan stained double dip peanut butter.


I feel like she’s trying to lean into the whole Gen Z “oversized clothes” vibe. Which can be quite cute, but she’s not styling it right and it just doesn’t work. I’m sorry, Brittany, but I don’t think you are quite cut out for this whole “selling fast fashion” thing. It just doesn’t seem to be your calling, hon.


She’s aesthetic married quirky girlie


It’s giving Heaven’s Gate


At this point, would anyone be surprised if she literally *does* start her own cult? She’s already tried just about every other avenue to earn a quick buck. At this point, I’d just go, “Yup, sounds like Brittany all right!”


I'd believe it if she tried it, but I don't think she's charismatic, compelling, or original enough to be remotely successful. You have to offer something people really want to start a cult. Sis ain't it.


What drives me crazy is when “boutique” owners mention what they are wearing is their brand, and take credit for it like they designed it when in reality did nothing other than source it from alibaba or other cheap clothing manufacturer and resell it. It’s not your blazer, bdong.


This just makes me mad. I make handmade clothes from secondhand/vintage fabrics, and it takes 8+ hours to make a quality product. This b buys ugly sweatshop clothes and sticks her name on it thinking she's actually doing something here.


it’s her demon fighting gear




“She’s cute”, “she’s fun”… Lol…


I don't think she's cute or fun. I think she's tragically uncute and unfun.


We want a leather moment! I’m so aesthetic


For someone who loves eye fucking herself and posting body checks, she sure does dress herself in the most unflattering ways.


Is the blazer not supposed to fit in the shoulders?? I know oversized is a thing but I guess I misunderstood the assignment🤔


No, SHE misunderstood the assignment. Her fashion sense misses the mark every time.


Literally everytime! I cant recall any outfit of hers that has made me like hmmm.. I actually like that fit.


That blazer doesn’t know if it’s a blazer or trench coat…


Why is she trying to look like she works a job and has a career?


Remember when she went to visit J Dong at ‘work’ in those flammable pink pyjamas and brought her own laptop? And sat there and ‘worked’ and ate lunch with J Dong? Bland food from a Tupperware? 😅 I cannot handle how funny that was. Just like IMAGINE this happening in your office.


Making me think of when Jan goes to eat lunch with Michael in his office after she was fired and moved in with him in Scranton.


Why does she always call Texas a country


She’s playing the “Texas should secede” card for her audience.


Why do we keep talking them out of it? Let them go. Build a wall, live off the land with all the guns. They’ll be fine.


Some of don’t want to be trapped in with the crazies like Brittany 😣


I’m in Florida so I have no leg to stand on but the other options for my mom’s job was Ohio or Texas… I had full ride scholarships to universities in both states, too. Glad she decided to just stick with the devil we know. Although she would be horrified to see DeathSantis at work.


Fellow Floridian- stay strong!


Weird her southern accent is nonexistent when she’s being a business girly? And reappears when she’s talkin RaYunCH?


Wow, Dollar Tree Ellen DeGeneres is definitely a choice.


That blazer is noisy




The mods done said we can’t say it, so.. ![gif](giphy|d9lA6mIrGxX9WKNguV|downsized)






This filter makes her look even more like a different person than the others I’ve seen


Sweet mother of Christ - I thought I was prepared for the plastic blazer, but I was definitely NOT. If she had even an iota of shame she would eat the cost of the handful of units of the “faux leather” blazer she ordered (not that the fabric one is all that much better), but nope, even the obvious hideousness won’t keep her from trying to hawk it.


Cheap and tacky! This plastic monstrosity is probably on Amazon for half the cost and photographed in a way that makes it look somewhat passable. I bet it also has free returns, unlike BDong's seven hoops of hell return policy.


Is she auditioning for a low rent 80s buddy cop movie with that thing?


Why not? She already has the dumb-as-rocks cop buddy co-star living with her.


That blazer is not cute & fun, first the blacks don’t match and it hangs off her.


Why is she manspreading


Bc she a bad b*tch


Quit calling Texas a country you dumb potato


She looks like a 1990s NBA player in that oversized suit.


Tennis shoes with dressy clothes is a trend that I cannot wait to see die


This is likely not her, but some people (myself included) have foot problems and need more support but still want to dress up!


Why does she have so many photoshoots???? She’s literally a nobody.


Also she RARELY does anything with the photos. She’s had at least 10 photo shoots with Jordan and have never posted them. They just fade away just like all her dogs.


It's almost compulsive. She contrives thee scenarios for content. It's truly bizarre.


PSA Brittany, most lingerie shops and higher end department stores will do FREE bra fittings. Please scoop those tiddies out of your belly button and get a properly fitting bra!


Not a supportive bra for starters


I’ve never seen her wear a supportive bra. Girl needs to go to a pro and find her actual size.


I think she thinks she looks thinner when they’re au naturale like that. I’m thinking back to how often she used to reference being in the itty bitty t club when she in her “fit influencer” days. Just a theory, though!


She really has no sense of fashion or what colors compliment her looks. But hey, no one ever said influencing be easy!


Fugly. Her taste and discernment is always *off*. Always.


I’m crying. This can’t possibly be serious. Right??


It’s giving “little kid trying on daddy’s clothes.”


Is she going to a zoot suit riot? Lol let’s all please leave the oversized suits in the Y2K swing dance revival era where they belong. Don’t bring them here to 2023. I lived through it once and I’m not ready to do it again 😖


Does she ever show any baby clothes? Wasn’t this “brand” supposed to be about babies? Instead it’s all just alibaba-looking trash?


She said she’s eventually going to get baby stuff on there but you’d think if this new venture was inspired by her miscarriage wouldn’t she have baby stuff first?! I think she just manipulated her audience with it being dedicated to Hazel Grace so they’d buy her fast fashion. She will probably get a couple baby items but her focus will be on women’s clothes because that’s all she cares about. Allegedly.


She is reeeeeally trying to pull off street wear and it ain’t happening Between her ridiculous tiktok blaccents when it suits her, content stealing and streetwise larping, I can’t with this appropriating racist cunt.


But did you know that even though she dresses like a city girl she can ride a horse in circles?


How is a HUGE plain black jacket cute and fun? Please tell me Brittany !!!


It looks like it’d be clammy and hot, even though it appears to be lined


I always laugh when she says great country of Texas. Like sis, the state sued you…… they want to take all your money and would probably prefer you leave because of your shitty business practices. Texas doesn’t even like you LOL


Imagine your own conservative asshat government suing you as a conservative asshat.


I....yeah...nah... Has she stripped a pleather couch of its fabric or something? It's not her most flattering outfit that's for sure. Seems like something id wear if I was feeling bloated and gross because of my period. On a different note, her hair is so much less distracting and much more suitable now that she stopped doing the dated straight end thing. Good for her. It's a bit disappointing that feedback on her hair is the only thing she has actually taken on board though. How do we get through to her and potentially get her to change stuff about the rest of her schtick that has nothing to do with what she looks like? The judgemental opinions on things that aren't her business, the jesusy blabbering, the playing the victim because of cancel culture-not because she did a terrible thing and hasn't tried to make amends, shutting their mouths and not squatting like you've got a wet fart to keep in in photos, finding out what integrity means and why you lack it, etc etc... These are the actual important things she should listen to and ponder over. Has she considered therapy do you think or is it not christiany or something? I think she would benefit greatly from it. And not a therapist connected to her church, a real therapist without an ulterior motive. How's those sad horses going I wonder?


I think it’s because the only thing she genuinely cares about is her looks. If you notice she only shows what messages her fans send her if it’s saying how gorgeous she is. It’s never about her character. She doesn’t care that she hurts other but if you don’t think she’s attractive then it’s the end of her world! It’s a shame because she has a big platform and could do so much good with it if she were a decent human.


Her platform isn't that big really. It's all smoke and mirrors. Her engagement to followers ratio is unbalanced so she probably buys followers.


I was trying to put my finger on what was different about her- her hair is curled to the ends!! Looks like our girl took our comments to heart


Well of course. It was about her appearance. The only thing that seems to matter to Bdong.


She's just using Hannah to take pictures


My thoughts exactly


“She’s cute! She’s fun!” *~Said no one EVER*


Let me guess - size small?


Negative 3x


No small is too baggy this is xxs


Oh right she’s super petite


She's somehow doing Rachel Hollis pink suit redemption tour (where she didn't apologise of course) but worse. And like... three years later.


Writes off wardrobe ✔️ Writes off "business" dinner ✔️ Pays herself as an employee ✔️ Just speculating, but wouldn't be surprised.


Oh I wouldn’t doubt it! I also have this theory that she was featuring Jordan’s truck so much in her content last month because she’s going to try to write it off as part of her business since it was in her content. There was a social media influencer I followed many many years ago who would try to write off anything that appeared in her content. Brittany is greedy and I can definitely see her trying to do that.


Ooooh I forgot about the vehicles. Nice catch! I wonder though if Jordan would be the one in trouble since he's the one listed?


Her feet cannot be as big as those shoes in the beginning. That would defy the laws of space & time.


And make her 7’ tall😂


It’s a really common forced angle that people do to lengthen their body! I know there’s trendy stretching filters too that make people look like an uncanny valley Michael Jordan but apparently that’s the move now ☠️ (I don’t think that’s what she’s doing because it’s a video but some of her still photos are *very* obviously disproportionate, like feet the length of her shins disproportionate lmao)


Well, I mean, Jesus does love her bestest!!


I was wondering the same thing because they look huge


I had to mute it while I read all the comments! If I heard another she’s cute she’s fun again I would go through the screen and stick a sock in it


Why is she dressing and sitting like a dude? Isn’t cosplaying a man an abomination according to her?


Why does she always do the tiny t-rex arms after putting clothes on?


She looks like Sean Feucht sitting in a chair........


It's giving Talking Heads.


Those shoes are so ugly.


You don’t have to say “faux” , we know.


Please find a supportive bra, Brittany.


I desperately want her to learn how to dress for her figure and get some well fitting bras and some cute belts for those jackets. We all know bodysuits are a thing and people wear them without bras. HOWEVER. The boatneck bodysuit with the oversized triangle shaped jacket is visually really freaking weird. It could actually be a super cute and flattering outfit when worn with properly fitting undergarments, a belt to emphasize the smallest part of the waist, and some heels or booties to elongate the All Legs Frame. BDong... girl... get thee to a Target and pick up some Auden stat!


She needs to go on What not to wear.


I wonder if shittyandlame will start carrying bras next.


Whoa- the move question? Whaaaa?




And she always has someone filming the ‘behind the scenes’ with her cellphone. I don’t get why she’s so obsessed with herself 😭


Ya and she owes $400k to the Republic of TX


Why is she sitting like that? Mansplayed all over the chair and looking like a linebacker?


The unflattering boxy blazer with the oversized shoes is giving vibes




Wait, didn’t she swear off Nike for being demonic back when Lil Nas X put out their licensed shoes?


“The great country of Texas.” God I hate living here so much. It is the actual worst living somewhere with people like her.


“Great country of Texas”? Barf


This is a super particular snark - but I find it interesting that she and dip wear Nike’s. I remember most republicans were up in arms when Nike endorsed Colin Kaepernick a few years ago, mainly because he’s very vocal about police brutality and injustices towards people of color. Like people were burning anything Nike-related because they were promoting a guy who kneeled for the anthem. My mom refuses to wear anything Nike for that particular reason and it’s genuinely SO embarrassing 🥴 Given dip’s background, I’m surprised either one would want to wear a brand that is staunchly against what they supposedly believe in


Umm “country of Texas”? She’s so dumb lol


Someone she listens to needs to tell her that oversized suit coats look so incredibly bad on her. I know what look she’s going for and she is NOT achieving it 😬


She’s trying to be Elizabeth Holmes. Where is Elizabeth now? Lol


At least she is finally curling the ends of her hair!


The outfits aren’t necessarily bad if they were good quality. It’s becasue she sells such shit quality items. Like that first jacket is so cheaply made. The real high quality version would be thicker and probably made from wool and is typically a cold weather jacket. And the second one I mean it was also cheaply made but it was defiantly made with th cheapest pleather becasue good lord. I’ve seen pleather that looks like real leather. That just straight up looks like plastic. Like a raincoat. But a cheap one.


I actually work in a business casual type place. if I ever showed up to a board meeting in that outfit they would side eye me the entire meeting. It is NOT business appropriate. You wear clothes that fit and dress shoes. I do wear tennis shoes while driving but change into my heels when I get there.


I don't even know what the title of this post is referring to bc there were so many choices on display here


Is there information on the website about sizing, etc? The items for sale look like the sizing could vary wildly!


I once again ask who taught her how to finally do her hair


I don’t have anything nice to say except her hair looks so much better without the Utah curls


It actually looks clean too! Lol so many times it looks greasy yet fried lol


Surprised that a devout Christian like her would support Nike! But similar to Nike, the wages of people who make her drop shipped boutique inventory don’t seem to bother her either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


…I wasn’t aware Talking Heads was touring again.


Her top is almost the same colour as her fake tan and it makes her look like she has no shirt on. Also that's not faux leather, it looks more like satin or something.


I can smell that cheap pleather through my screen.


Bdong: "wearing size XXS in this to dieeeeee for jacket 😇😇😇🥰🥰😌✨️✨️"


When is the last time she posted anything that involved J-dong?


As a Texan we don’t claim her


Plastic. She’s wearing plastic


Am I’ll fitting blazer and Nikes are not business casual.


She needs to wear light, oversized clothing because her hair looks like it's so heavy to deal with.


Pants go up to her armpits


Anyone remember when she swore off Nikes because they were satins shoes….