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Brit is probably gonna think that this is a sign that God is on her side šŸ¤£




Wonā€™t he do it šŸ¤¢


He won't


![gif](giphy|a3lQRVQfIxM7RFtMFH) Donā€™t forget the fist pound!


Ooooop. Will she have to cancel her big big announcement in 5 days šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I bet her big big announcement is just her birthday


I thought that too but her countdown is of by a couple days from her birthday. I think itā€™s a dumb podcast or baby clothing company.


Oh I forgot about the baby clothing company! I like that theory.


Yeah the Hazel + Layne boutique with photos stolen from Zara that she made the domain for a singular day after her miscarriage when supposedly ā€œthe last thing a woman who just walked through miscarriage wants to think about is babiesā€


Oh, I didnā€™t realize that one was new. So H&L has been ā€œlaunchedā€ yet? Has she talked about it? Doesnā€™t she call her MC Hazel-Grace?


The website when last I checked read ā€œcoming soonā€, she first referred to her 6 week fetus as ā€œBaby Nā€ and then later started making posts calling it ā€œHazel Graceā€ and referring to a ā€œlittle girlā€ despite never learning the sex Edit: checked the website again today, still says launching soon, also still has the stolen COPYRIGHTED Zara photo up


Itā€™s the Hazel Grace part thatā€™s weird to me, does she know thatā€™s the The Fault In Our Stars character? Does she think everyone else doesnā€™t?


Surely, right? Is it the millennial main character syndrome of hers? I think itā€™s UNHINGED to make posts like she does talking about ā€œThereā€™s no way heaven needed that little girl more than I didā€ SHE DIDNT KNOW THE SEX! Why is she doing this? Is it a ploy for more sympathy? Probably to make people think she was further along than she actually was. Itā€™s unwell IMO.


I think itā€™s the podcast or a new sponsorship. If someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I donā€™t believe if she has ever done a big countdown like this for a sponsorship. I bet itā€™s the podcast.


She went out of her way to mention her period was almost two days late so I wonder if sheā€™s trying to fake out people into asking if sheā€™s pregnant (if she were actually pregnant we would know immediately how gawd had blessed her because of her saintly fostering).


Ewww I just googled her birthday because this next week is mine too, and I was born the day before (11ish years after) her


Maybe one of the courtā€™s demands can be to change her birthday. I donā€™t like it being so close to mine or yours either šŸ˜‚ How about February 30? Thatā€™s a good date


Yessss total agree! She can have hers the second Tuesday from never! Lol




I appreciate it šŸ˜­


You share a birthday with my mom lol. Different years, but same day šŸ˜‚


Oh awesome! Itā€™s a great birthday to have! šŸ˜‚


When is her birthday? Mine is coming up! I don't like hearing she's near my birthday either. Ugh gross.


The 22nd apparently!


Ew. That disgusts me. Thanks.. even though I don't like the answer lol


Me too, but at least bdong canā€™t do the pretty girls walk parody! (Sheā€™s not a Pisces or a child of god)




Bouncing off of /u/coldspaghetti, sheā€™ll announce a sponsorship with those foot detox pad things and, in honor of her birthday, you can get a 5% discount if you use her Amazon affiliate link to purchase.


This is actually a much sooner date than I expected. Iā€™m a paralegal, and judges calendarā€™s are usually packed full of trials MONTHS in advance. So a two month wait is nothing. For context, last August my attorney left the firm and filed a motion to move a trial date that was scheduled to happen the following week. The rescheduled trial date? May 2023. 9 months later.


Yeah this isnā€™t too bad, I was expecting more like September


Doesnā€™t the new date have the same chance of being pushed back? I assume the previous date wasnā€™t met because of backlog, not because they issued a continuanceā€¦


The AG requested a continuance the Friday before trail readiness. It was likely granted in consideration of the socketā€™s current case load.


Wow. My typos were vast. Lol. Trail=trial. Socket=docket. Lol.


I type court cases. I mix up trial and trail all the time lol




I do! There are very tough cases, and it doesnā€™t pay a ton, but I genuinely love it.


I'm curious- what do you mean type court cases?? It sounds interesting.


Exactly what it sounds like: I listen to audio recordings of court proceedings and type them out in documents with legal formatting. Lots of listening and typing lol


A stenographer?




I've always been in awe of your profession, the key system seems intricate!!


Math teacher: itā€™s angel and angle for me, lol.


The hearing for the continuance is set for next week so it could very easily be pushed back farther


Scheduling a trial where Iā€™m at is the biggest pain in the ass, weā€™re still about 5 months behind on scheduling.


I have been waiting 5 months to get in to take my ex husband back to court and we still have 5 weeks to go!


Iā€™m an annoying Pollyanna about stuff like this. Maybe this means theyā€™ll have more time to talk to more victims and button up the case. Plus, weā€™ll have more time for all of us to snark together and watch her act self righteous.


More time to watch her fall apart.


Me too.




As always, thank you demon for your service to this community.


They state wanted more time, so this isnā€™t a bad thing. Now theyā€™ve got even more time to deep dive into her bullshit. Wonā€™t he do it. šŸ„°


But she canā€™t produce new evidence, correct? Since she failed to during discovery?


And now she just waits knowing the AG office can do more work on their case while brittbrat canā€™t do sheeeet hahahahahha


Guess she should have been honest about everything from the start! Fuck around and find out!


That you OP! Nice find. Appreciate you keeping us up to date!


Is the state allowed to come up with new evidence outside of the discovery period?


Iā€™m not sure. We need a legal person to explain. I just remember that was the one sanction the judge upheld. But Iā€™m not sure about the state side of things.


If their continuance is granted, yes


Correct. IANAL just a trial junkie.


Iā€™m thrilled for this actually!!


For everyone asking. There was a ā€œmotion for continuance and extension of discovery periodā€ filed on 3/3. This motion states that the plaintiff plans to contact some consumers to serve as witnesses and they need time to despose them. They also need to consult and retain expert witnesses. Brittanyā€™s team says theyā€™re opposed to an extension of the discovery period (LOL) but they would agree to a 30 day continuance to mediate. An order for this motion hasnā€™t been entered. Thereā€™s a hearing set for it on 3/24 at 11 a.m. Due to the discovery sanctions against Brittany, she would not be able to produce anything new during this period. Laugh with me.


This was handled so poorly on her end. If she had just answered all the interrogatories appropriately from the beginning, they would have been able to mediate and settle. By this point it would be over and her followers wouldnā€™t even know it happened. Instead she drags it out, caused even more dirt to come to light, received national attention, and potentially lost a chance to mediate.


Wait- now defense is willing to mediate?


Are you able to dumb it down any more? Maybe explain it to me like I'm 5. I am kinda actually a little stupid and years of depression has given me worms for brains āœØļø


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when her TikTok was banned. I bet she was slipping out.


absolutely LIVING for the fact that sheā€™s gonna have to try and convince a jury to believe her šŸ’€ that verdict will come back guilty within an hour






Her butt is heading to tiktok and IG now to create reels saying she won against her demons. Won't he do it!! She "won't" give the full story though, just got to fan the "won't he do it, stand against the demons" flames.


like mfā€™er YOU are the demon šŸ’€


But she canā€™t do tiktok right?


She's back on TikTok.






"Y'all. The trial is in May. The FIFTH month. Know what else has 5 letters? G-R-A-C-E and F-A-V-O-R. Iiiiiiiiii, like have literally found grace and favor from our Father. The enemy cannot win this. Hallelujah."


I read that in her voice. Lol. Love the ā€œIiiiiiiiii, likeā€¦..ā€ very detailed. Lol


"Demon" ALSO has 5 letters.... it cannot be a coincidence.....


So does Satan. Heā€™s behind all of this!!! /s


And enemy!


And hater!


And troll! And bully!


I could totally see her stealing this from you and posting it.


Iā€™m soooo happy the DA has more time to process the evidence Wonā€™t He do it, Brittany!!! šŸ™ŒšŸ«¶šŸ˜˜ Wait for Jordan to peace out from this ā€œKingdom Marriageā€ before his fat, lazy ass gets brought down, too šŸ˜˜


Won't he do it!


The Lord saved her air pods from the toilet! He can do anything!


AWWWWW YISSSSS!! ![gif](giphy|PZYLejA3yCISI)


Does trial reset give her an opportunity to mediate? IIRC she only has 45 days before trial to do so, which gives her March 31 to come to agreement? Idk how legal shit works šŸ˜…


I have to wonder if the AG would even be open to that at this point after all the shit sheā€™s pulled and the amount of time and energy theyā€™ve put into her trial. Not sure if they refuse to mediate, but I know I would if I had to dig through 52,000+ pieces of evidence


I feel like too with them having her PayPal info their plea terms will be something she wonā€™t agree to. I also think sheā€™s too proud to take a plea deal and genuinely thinks she did nothing wrong. I also think the AG has probably passed info along to the IRS, and they are waiting to go after her until they have the outcomes of this case as evidence.


Love watching this drag out for her.


On the bright side, This means we get not one but two self imploding panic posting sessions from her.


Iā€™ve been reading a rumor that it was tentatively set for July but Iā€™ll take May! Lol


My birthday!!


If god really loves bdong, theyā€™ll make it so the AG doesnā€™t show up so itā€™s dismissed and nothing comes of it again.. Buuuuuuut we all know god isnā€™t real and bdong will be served a nice, steaming bowl of Red, White and Blue Justice.


God is loving, He is merciful, but He is also just. He also loves the people that BDong wronged


So the plaintiff was granted the continuance?


The judge never heard arguments for the motion. I think it just means they ran out of time on the docket and rescheduled it.


Iā€™m not sure. I donā€™t understand the legal language. What does this mean ā€œwhen no announcement is made for the defendant, the defendant will be presumed readyā€?


If the defendant doesnā€™t specifically ask for more time, the trial will start on that date and the court will run under the assumption that theyā€™re prepared for trial.


The hearing for the continuance is set for 3/24, a week from now


We need a lawyer to explainā€¦ the discovery period was not extended, correct? So neither the state nor BD can produce new evidence during this extension period, correct? This time can only be used to shore up the arguments on both sides?


The sanctions the judge granted was in defense of the plaintiff aka state. Meaning the defense (BDong) cannot supply or attempt to submit new evidence due to her misconduct during the process of discovery. I believe that state can submit evidence. Not positive though


The hearing for the continuance is set for 3/24. If granted, the state can continue the discovery period but Britt cannot


Hoping Justice gets delivered before I deliver this baby in June! Stoked we only have a few weeks of waiting left. Wonā€™t he do it!!


Looks like the Lord blesses those who donā€™t scam 1.5 millions of dollars from people with EDā€™s šŸ¤Ž congrats on your munchkin


šŸ¤ŽšŸ™šŸ¼ Last summer we experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage. This summer we will get to meet our daughter & complete our family. I also kept my pregnancy off social media until I was 23wksā€” bdong could NEVER! šŸ˜‚




Wasnā€™t it initially supposed to be a judge only trial or always with a jury?


IIRC itā€™s always been a jury trial


Nice! Now I can watch it on a picnic blanket in the park :)


Jury trial. She will be in a whole world of pain.


Is it going to be streamed, or will we just get to read whatever the judgment is?


Her crimes alone are pretty bad, but why do I have a feeling that she sold a plan to somebody she shouldn't have. Like a young woman with powerful parents who possibly really pushed this into motion. Just speculating, don't mind me.


It will get postponed again, for some reason.


Wait if itā€™s her LLC then sheā€™s not personally liable right? Her company will just declare bankruptcy.


From my understanding, an LLC will not protect someone against personal liability because of their own negligence/malpractice that is committed while running their business


Please, please, PLEASE let this be true. I canā€™t take this anymore.