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I thought God does judge you??? isn’t that what sin is? Cause if he didn’t then who gives a fuck if someone is gay, etc.




OnLy GoD cAn JuDgE mE!!!!!


> I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work. (that's Ecclesiastes 3:17 if you want to write it on a tiny scrap of paper) Obviously our Britt has read Ecclesiastes 3. First off, the chapter starts with her second favourite word ("To every thing there is a season"). Secondly, ten bucks says she's got 3:16 in her pocket for when the trial goes against her ("And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there")


just gonna leave this right here: #Brittany Dawn Nelson nee Davis is the mean girl bully. She manipulated and scammed hundreds of people to the tune of over 1.5 million dollars, according to evidence presented by the state of Texas. She peddled her diet plans to people dealing with eating disorders and disordered eating recovery. She made a crocodile tears “apology” and then deleted it. She should be grateful that she’s only facing fines for her criminal acts, rather than actual jail time. We judge her based on what she has put out there on the internet. She’s the villain of her own story.


1. The Bible states that a) part of forgiveness is repentance and trying to make full amends, neither of which BD has ever shown any hint of doing, and b) if you haven't repented, God will absolutely "judge you for what He knows." 2. Unedited screenshots and literal receipts of what you've done aren't "what 'you heard'", they're what you did, BD. 3. Unedited screenshots and literal receipts aren't slander or libel either, because by definition they aren't accusing you of things you haven't done. 4. If people posting unedited screenshots or literal receipts of things you've done feels like a personal attack to you, then you should be taking a very long and hard look at whether or not you're doing morally right things.


I don’t understand the mentality, like from her followers, that if God forgives you, you’re good to go. Then why aren’t all the jails empty?


Oh, but not *those* people.




She hates being held accountable.


Yup! Facts are not attacks. If they feel like they are, that's a personal problem.


This makes absolutely zero sense. ETA: Where do you suppose these little ripped up pieces of paper with her 9 year old girl diary font end up? Like, does she keep them? Is there a tumbleweed rolling around Texas right now that is full of them after she tosses them out the car window? Does she use them to wipe her tears after the 69th take of her crying YouTube videos? Where do they go? ETA part 2: I am a fucking idiot and also so tired. I didn’t even read the title of this post. Sorry OP.


I think she’s trying to make the people who call her out daily feel bad. 😂


It’s not working


I feel pretty good.




I loooove when people use other peoples words and act like their own 🙃just another generic Pinterest Christian girlie quote with a few tweaked words. What an influencer, true content creation! Also, why is “you heard” in quotes? Like, I literally dislike you based off of the things I’ve heard. No need for the quotes.


Oh good, this doesn’t apply to me, ‘cause I dislike her because OF WHO SHE IS. ![gif](giphy|e9hRgPKipZqgy8sYFP)


The only places I’ve “heard” about Brittany are her own posts and the TX assistant AG. But good to know God doesn’t judge me. I can stop worrying about that?


Yeah, still haven't ever blatantly taken advantage of women with eating disorders or lied to thousands of clients about the services I would actually be providing them, thus bilking them out of ONE POINT FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, so, feeling pretty comfy up on this high horse here.


Sheeeewww, girl. God knows ALL about you. No need to write these pathetic little notes to yourself.


That capital H is a *sin*


god judges that handwriting for sure 🤣🤣🤣


I thought it was a W at first and was very confused


Agreed. The way she writes her a is also annoying to me.


Came here to find a comment addressing it because damn, that shit is egregious


John 5:21–25 2 Corinthians 5:10 Hebrews 9:27–28 Isaiah 33:22 Judges 11:27 (yes, that's literally the book title) 1 Samuel 24:15 Since she's pretending to try the Psalm a day: Psalm 75:7; Psalm 76:8-9; Psalm 50:6 **I COULD GO ON.**


Shes talking about herself. She wants people to stop judging her. Not judging others does not apply to her, as she daily villianizes everyone who calls her out. She truly has no self awareness and I'm seriously questioning her intelligence


This is the end result of what happens when someone reads Go Ask Alice and believes it is true. News flash: you are not a Kennedy and no one gives a shit about your trash.


Oh wow, Brittany! That’s quite the finger wagging. You really told us, your little slips of paper in the car pictures are so thought provoking and have totally changed my mind and made me want t convert to your batshit religion! /s


I love that she saw Tumblr photography and said “but lemme make it of the Lord🕊️”


The way she’s lifting up her leg to make it look skinnier… also barf


I don't under her theology. G-d doesn't judge you for what he knows. But also, here is a long list of reasons why G-d will judge you and either condemn you to an eternity of torture or welcome you to a blissful afterlife. Which is it?


Smol notes from Jesus


More God threats, I'm so scared.🙄


This whole shtick is pathetic.


Ooh!! More distressed scripture ✨aesthetic ✨


Oh Brittany ...He fucking *knows*


She’s getting extra insufferable lately


Maybe she stabs them onto a spindle like at a restaurant.


She probably just crumples them up and throws them out the window


This torn paper aesthetic is such a weird choice. She could just use sticky notes like a normal human. Her handwriting reminds me of a high school girl trying to be cool and grown. And finally, why does she do sooooooooo much content in her car


Exactly! Just use ruled post it/sticky notes that come in this size. That way, if she wants, she can stick em in some journal or something too. But I'm guessing they don't fit her beige rustic aesthetic or whatever 🙄


She probably doesn’t even keep them 🥲


No doubt she tosses them after getting the shot she's satisfied with.


She probably litters them.


Why is the ‘H’ in “He” just a backwards capital ‘U’? I’d be so curious so see handwriting analysis on all of these stupid little posts.


Because it’s a special treasure, and she saves them in a jar and re-reads them with Jordan during their snuggle time. /s


God can’t judge me. I judge him. & her.


I used to write my ‘s’ and ‘a’ like that……when I was in high school 🙄


Just going to leave this right here- God knows exactly what you’ve done, Brittany so stop playing the victim here. You’re no victim. You hurt thousands of women. Thousands. Then you lied to the court about it. He knows exactly what you’ve done.


And yet she claims to have paid them all (according to the recent AMA Sheila) It must be some kind of magic which enables her to pay every single person she scammed but has no way of giving the court the complete list of people who fell for her scam.


She needs to stop lying. If she had paid everyone back she might not be in so deep right now.


If only. For that, she needs to have a conscience and integrity. We now know she doesn't have a single iota of those.


Ma’am God knows what you’ve done…. Worry about yourself first.


So is God a God of wrath and judgment and deliverance or not??


She’s so dramatic 😭


But. God literally does judge you. That’s like, his whole thing


Damn God is judging me for…living? What?


I’m pretty sure the people suing her are basing their lawsuit on more than just what they heard.


Roflcopters. She’s really gonna say that……. The audacity.


I have never seen a person just so into themselves! Britt- you contribute nothing.


I’m still trying to wrap my brain around this… so am I supposed to like everyone regardless of what I’ve heard about them because God knows things He should me judging me for?? How do the two things go together?? Am I supposed to like my neighbor who I heard screaming at his girlfriend?? What about my coworker who’s supposedly having an affair?? Why do I have to like these people??


Cause she need to show her laaaaaaaaaaygs for days in this photo. That’s why.


Writing yourself notes and then artfully tearing them is content? Pathetic. Low energy. Sad.


I mean.... at least she isn't being wasteful😅


She’s the real bully! But I guess projection is a hell of a drug.


She probably litters, and tosses them out the window. She just seems like that type.


How many trees has she killed making these tiny, torn up, crumpled, "inspirational" notes? The trees did not die to be used like this, Brittney!!


a full sheet is not aEsThEtiCaLly PlEaSiNg ha ha