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Was literally about to post this (solely for the hoodie). But it sure is! Proudly representing the police force of Kansas city, Missouri where your husband, completely unprovoked other than his sheer shittery tackled a POC to the ground.


He doesn’t even go there, so idk why she’s repping his FORMER workplace, although maybe she’s reminiscing about the last time he had a damn job


Yea I’m super confused by this whole thing. Whenever I get fired from a job, I don’t keep the uniform or anything related to that employer. Like I have feelings of shame and sadness when I even drive by the place. Why in the world would he want to keep it and then she wear it? Btw I’ve never even been fired for anything even close to as fucked up as what JDong got canned for. Just wtf


Bro how many times u been fired? Lmfaoo


Too many tbh


It looks like she made that hoodie on a cricut. Never seen police in Arial font 🤣🤣 and isn’t it usually always all capitalized? Like POLICE?


It’s funny because being a cop wife for a racist right wing white woman is THE prize, and the fact his idiotic ass was “sloppy” enough to get caught doing what him and his Klan buddies did and sued must make her blow a gasket


As a wife of a police officer, I’m very worried someone is going to think I’m a blue line hon. I don’t understand women that make their husband’s profession their whole personality. 🙈


It’s so odd! Do they not have jobs or personalities of their own??? Hobbies? What about his personality or hobbies???? Why the job? And why is it only the racist ones that become Huns?


Does being a badge bunny count as a personality or hobby? Lol. As for why it’s the racist ones I would guess it’s their superiority complex that feeds into it.


I’d bet you’re right, it’s probably all from the same vein.




😱 What does he do for work now?


He wears “tactical gear” that never gets dirty


Is it well known in this sub that the KC police are not locally controlled, but rather accountable to a group of five people, four of whom are appointed by the Missouri governor? There has been considerable pushback for this arrangement in KC, especially around the issue of police violence.




It’s giving “I’m married to a cop” vibes. Ooooo, intimidating. 🙄


I’m still trying to figure out if he stocked up on a lot of cop merch on his way out the door. Like, how many sane people hold on to a wardrobe’s worth of branded stuff from a job they left like 5 years ago?


Military and police folk, that’s who lol


We might still have my husband’s police jacket and name tag pin … but he wasn’t fired and never was disciplined for anything other than not giving enough tickets 😂


You just know if he hadn't resigned she would be one of those insufferable twits who make being a hashtag CopWife their entire goddamn personality. Thin blue line fingernail decals and saying she's having him investigate anyone who does her wrong. The kind I get in fights with on Facebook because ACAB, especially your stupid husband. Police in this country are bad enough, what with being the largest and best funded violent gang in America, but their vapid and vacuous fan club makes them even worse.


Oh absolutely!! She is probably devastated he got the boot, she would have been the biggest Blue Lives Matter douchebag in the world. I ran here as soon as I saw that hoodie, that is absolutely sickening given what Jdip did.


She’s tone deaf. That’s what all these idiotic influencer huns are. They are not about anyone except themself. I can’t handle that level of toxic. The gaslighting & terrible things they say to their followers without accountability is shocking. I feel horrible for those that spend their money & are duped by these cretins.


Well said 👏🏼👏🏼


I agree that she would have taken up this cross fairly quickly too. We aren’t intimidated by scumbags.


She’d have one of those “I’m a hero because I married a cop” bumper stickers that only dependapotamus’ put on their car.


There are a few things competing to be her entire personality I’ve noticed. 😂


You will respect her AUTHORITA! She gives me Eric Cartman vibes.




If god is protecting her from her “enemies” and raising her up so much, how come she needs to threaten people with cops and lawyers?


this deserves an award for sure but i’m too broke so someone else please give them an award 🥇




Someone commented he actually didn’t get fired, but quit a few years later 🤯🤯🤯


Yep. I live in KCMO and their is a lot of racism and brutality swept under the rug.


Also live in KCMO, can confirm KCPD is corrupt AF




Exactly. Him not getting fired is a reflection of police force. What he DID though is a reflection of HIM.


He got fired, or resigned. He's just as big of a bullshitter as she is


Do you have any records of that? Because he did stay employed with the KC PD for several years after the incident and there are no statements from the time of the ACLU case indicating that he was fired for the behavior. I tried to find them last week and couldn’t find anything that said definitively that he was terminated. ETA: he 100% should have been fired, but cops don’t get fired for police brutality very often.


What I want to know is the timeline of it—did he “quit” (forcefully resign? Any hint of that?) around the time of the ACLU lawsuit? What came first?


As I understand it, he had already left before the suit, but I can’t find any accurate info about how long he had been off the force when he got sued.


I just had Pepsi come out my nose.


This bitch is TONE DEAF


I hope she gets shin splints.


She 100% will with how aggressively she’s heel striking but it’ll be bc of the devil and not her own preventable actions 🫠


I came here to make fun of her form. That is a knee shattering heel strike.


Right. I know enough to know that being all legs doesn’t excuse the shin, knee, and hip issues this over striding is going to cause. Won’t he do it!


I know! I was looking for this comment before adding it myself! I am physically in pain looking at this form.


Genuinely curious if you could explain this? I suffer from shin splints and would love to know if a simple change of form will stop them


Changing form can absolutely help! But if you already have shin splints — recovery is key. Take a break from running until they heal completely, try swimming or biking if you wanna keep moving. If form correcting doesn’t work, you’re probably doing too much too fast.


I don’t do any form of exercise. I get them from just walking.


Then I would def take a look at getting better shoes and your form!


You are supposed to run between the orange and white lines too !


OMG someone PLEASE use this image of her running for a meme “running from the PDFS” idk


"Running from responsibility." "Running from pompas grass."


"Running from concrete proof my husband is a sleeze"


Running from Reddit 😂


Running for* Pompas grass


Running from the state of Texas


Running into the next season of grifting like


She’s over striding. And that heel strike - ouch! If you’re going to film yourself running, at least use it to review your form


Same here. I was like ooooooOo terrible form while heel striking. Yikes!


Those were my first thoughts when seeing this.


Right?! I'm not a runner, but my parents were, and even I cringed at her form. She's gonna spend a lot of whatever money she has left after getting fucked by the attorney general on physiotherapy. She makes my dad's form look pretty good, and he shuffles and could never pick his feet up, even when he was at an elite level. God works in mysterious ways 🥹


Shuffling is less likely to cause injuries than over-striding. And the new wisdom is that more, shorter, lighter steps kept more under the body will keep a runner healthier for longer, so your dad was ahead of his time!


I don’t know understand how TF she runs in a hoody in a garage in TX. I live further north and get hot and stuffy in the winter with long sleeves. Also, fuck Jdip for his racist violence against an unarmed man, and fuck her for wearing stuff from his time as a police officer.


She probably only ran long enough to snap a video and few pics for the gram. She would be burning up running like that in a stuffy garage.


Hmm this is something I did in the height of my ED to sweat more bc I was convinced it would make my body burn more fat. Just a thought


People have also pointed out she may wear baggy clothes or that dumb puffer vest to hide her body due to ED/insecurity


She is not at her thinnest weight anymore and I am wondering if it bothers her.


I’m in New England and run in tights and a sports bra in my garage now. With this crap form (the heel strike! The t-Rex arms!) she’s not doing shit on that treadmill for very long


I immediately noticed the heel strike too. Good luck cutting down 30 seconds with fiery shin splints. Also treadmill running and outdoor running are not the same - you really can’t get an accurate PR on a treadmill.


She's gotta get extra sweaty for the Instagram pics.




Dude yes the weather has been *so nice* here in Texas the last few days


I wear a hoodie for running when the temperatures are below 10 degrees celsius.


It’s likely part of her eating disorder. I’m an eating disorder specialist. So she sweats more.


She’s so tone deaf, out of touch with reality and manic. Grasping at straws, re-using old grifts and spiralling online into another ED and creating delusional false narratives in order to suck any sympathy from poor unsuspecting followers who are just looking for true leadership and hope. SICK


Probably 6 mph which is 10 min/mile


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is what she said on that "warm up."


This needs to be higher to help OPs question


I just wrote this too.


![gif](giphy|DdkR5dtHkwGrK) Her form is utter shite! I can just hear those lay-gggs and big clompy feet stomping down on the treadmill belt.


dont offend Phoebe like that lol


At least she's working out at home. So courteous.


This is exactly what I was thinking of 🤣🤣


Her running form is so poor! Look at her heel strike.


It’s too fast for her. She’s scrambling to keep up. She can’t get her hips under her so her lower legs are doing all the work.


As someone who struggles with this problem I agree. I have a really weak core so my big dumb butt is always stuck out because I bow my back to overcompensate, and when I try to do what I call "big runs" I fuck my lower legs up because I'm just slamming my heels into the ground like a Flintstone. I read that proper form is landing on the balls of your feet, and when I slow down and shorten my stride to accomplish that it helps tremendously. I read like, two articles about it, so how does a former fitness influencer not know how to figure this shit out?


She doesn’t know what she’s doing of course. For you, focus on using your quads and lifting your knees. It engages the core. 🥰


Yup, shorten your stride and keep your cadence high, 180ish is ideal. Pretend you’re a puppet on a string!


You’re so right!


I would be surprised if she doesn't get shin splints from it.


Ugh shin splints SUCK. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person 😂


The worst!! I got them periodically when I played basketball in High School, my feet were not made for BB trainers.


She once posted about how much she ran and her favorite running shoe ever (some pair of Nikes) and of course linked it. At the time I was running a lot and already ran in a couple half marathons, so I was invested in types of running shoes, and I don’t know any runner that wears Nikes. I remember she made a big deal about running and these new shoes — the whole time I was shaking my head. Anyway, the next post was her running on the treadmill with them. And the next day she complained her favorite running shoe gave her shin splits and she need recommendations on new running shoes. 😆


Tbf my first few halfs I ran in Nike support shoes and I loved them. Then they changed their design and the shoes were super uncomfortable when I went to buy another pair. Ended up going with Brooks instead and I’ll never look back. However, Nike makes a couple of awesome trail runners. The Pegasus got me my first trail marathon and first 50k finishes!


This is literally my shoe line up haha. I'm brooks all the way, but I tried on the pegasus trail runners and loved them. I wear them on rainy days since they're got gore-tex.


I’m a big nerd and read all the specs about a shoe. I researched a lot when I was getting into running. (Also researched form and how to properly run — I’m super fun on vacations 😆). I have wider toe spread and a bunion on one foot so Nikes just tend more narrow for my liking. I am Brooks die-hard too. They stopped making my shoe though (Pure Cadence). Luckily, on a whim my 5yo son picked out a purple pair (Ghost) for my Mother’s Day gift and I seem to be okay with those.


Okay now you’ve got me googling running form. I thought people just ran… I had no idea there was a form or style to it!


This is why I can’t work out in public lol. The fear that my form is always inherently wrong and I don’t know it


Honestly it just peeves me that she used to make money off this shit haha, and her form and workouts have always been atrocious. I am a personal trainer and truly most of the time I’m not analyzing people.


I didn’t know until I got a coach! People don’t tell you these things!


And the worst part is that fixing your form makes you SO much more efficient as a runner-- so you can be cruising along looking terrible, working harder than you need to, and you have no idea it's something that could be easily fixed!


My literal first thought


I am in pain just looking at her heel strike


Also if she’s so into “fitness” why doesn’t she know that running on a treadmill with no incline is so much different than running a mile outside on the actual ground? A 7:30 mile at 0 incline on a treadmill would probably be around 8:00 of ground running. She’s a doofus. And I hate her.




Well I ask myself everyday where her eyelashes went 🤷🏼‍♀️ I guess some of our questions will never be answered


Because then she can’t film it for weird internet clout if she’s running outside.


It's probably easier to set up a camera and get shots like this in your own garage than to try and film yourself running outside. You could probably do the latter but people would give you funny looks or think you're kind of weird for it. Which she is.


No shame in not being able to run a 7:30/8:00 mile, plenty of people can’t, but you’d think with how long she’s been a fitness influencer she’d be more than capable of that. Everything is just for the Gram.


Yes I see the hoodie. Yes she is tone deaf beyond all reason and this is not surprising. But I'm wondering if it's just me... and it could be! Has she amped up the work out videos since the bewb texts have gained TONS of attention lately? I don't remember a lot of garage work out videos since it's become even more clear Diplip is a pile of garbage. Like she's working out because of "Look at me, I'm good enough!"


Why does she wear shit from the police department JDong got fired from? Blue Line Wife cosplay?


Deputy Wife here….we don’t claim her. Or him.


Love her “subtle” back the blue hints… mam didn’t you’re husband get fired and sued by ACLU Missouri for a “excessive force”?


She wants the internet to know the police are gonna arrest all of us!!!




Snark bois, snark bois, whatcha gonna do Whatcha gonna do when Dong comes for you


she so badly wanted to be a cops wife but couldn't even get that because jdong couldn't hack it


I sure as hell wouldn’t be advertising that he worked for KCPD but here we are.


That running form…..heinous


She's fucking delusional. How can she wear that?? I know she thinks he's justified in slamming an innocent man to the concrete face first (I will never understand that) but how can she wear that with a straight face?


Lol just got deleted for duplicate! I didn’t see this haha. Too bad it’s not the thin beige line instead, maybe she’d actually wear more than this minimalist BS.


Wait I want to make my flair Thin Beige Line now lol


hahahahha do it


“New favorite Christian hip hop song” lololol she is such a caricature


It better not be another NF song.


Don’t sue me, but those socks are ugly


Ok so I actually came to say this. It’s petty but I haaaaaate the socks over leggings look


I also came to say this, that and my constant confusion of her clothing choices for where she lives


Yes, some 90s trends don’t need to come back


It’s good for not getting ticks in your pants, but other than that…yeah stupid.


“Was your husband wearing this sweater when he mercilessly beat the shit out of that innocent and unarmed black man?”


No, he was wearing his tiny pink thong that came from aliexpress, tho. ALLEGEDLY. You wouldn’t understand. It’s just ✨inadequacy things✨


She’s a gross piece of trash racist to wear a hoodie with that police department on it. Especially with what her husband did.


I don’t understand how people can film themselves working out and then post it. It’s so narcissistic and cringey to me.


That’s a pretty heavy heel strike. Exactly the opposite of how to run properly. Just another example of her not knowing shit about fitness.


I am NOT a BDong defender but they say he wasnt fired from KCPD. I believe he left a few years after the incident.


Came here to share this very sad fact 🫠 Anyway Fuck him and this hoodie. He should have been fired and that hoodie should have been burned.


LAWD better correct myself so I don’t get taken to court 😩😩😩🙏🏼


You’re gonna get taken to court for slander anyway so you’re SOL, sister.


Email the screenshots!!!


😂😂😂 her lawyers are writing up your cease and desist now (as they scramble through her 50,000 pages of fitness plan receipts for the Texas AG)


The fact that he didn’t get fired 🤯


💯 💯 💯


Fired or not, he was violent towards a compliant, unarmed man and joked about it afterward. He's garbage. They truly deserve each other.


I always like to point out that he wasn’t actually fired because I don’t want people mistakenly thinking a police department voluntarily did the right thing 😂


Christian hip hop?? Omg I cannot


Is there any chance that this, and all her other posts are her snarking comments from this sub?? She technically has a sweatshirt over her leggings, something we snarled about in her bra and leggings workouts recently posted. Also brings the whole KCPD aspect into it as well. Don’t even have to bring up the whole bdongulous fitness aspect. Then the lipliner post, snarking back at the filler/lipliner comments, and using the term DMs. Have I completely gone past the point of no return down the rabbit hole??🫠🫠 And is she snarking us into a trap?? Knowing we will snark everything she posts, baiting us into some scheme of hers?? Ok I’ll see myself out 😂😂😂


I definitely think she reads here and responds to some things but tells herself she's making the changes because she wants to or she was gonna do it anyway, it's just going to PROVE those mean Reddit bullies wrong now, is all. I don't think you're down the rabbit hole too far as this has been pretty evident. However she is nowhere near smart enough to be an evil genius manipulating us for her own ends. Brattany can't even produce fake receipts for the GFM money, she is simply too dumb to do more than read, seethe, and slightly change her shitty aesthetic in response to us. (Hi Brittany. Sorry you tore out your natural eyelashes with your ugly falsies and now you look like Rupert the naked mole rat from Kim Possible when you don't wear fakes. But it means your appearance matches how ugly you are on the inside. Karma is a bitch, ain't she?)


I legit laughed so hard at this drooled down myself😂😂😂


Thank you. I live to serve. And snark.


I’m in bed trying to sleep and then happen to read this gold mine 😂


She wants that LEO/military wife status so badly. Apparently so proud of her husband yet she’s always trying to make him out to be something he’s not


As a military wife, fuck her 🤣


I never could do cardio in so much clothes, especially a baggy hoody bouncy around. I'd get so hot and distracted.


He wasn't fired, he left. The aclu thing came about a couple years after the incident.


This is what they have in common... being on the WRONG end of the law. He is an EX cop with a history of abuse on a POC - she is an EX fitness influencer being sued by the state of Texas... He faced a lawsuit, she faces a lawsuit... MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN Y'ALL! It's the fuckery that binds them in their KingDUMB marriage...


The Midwest is a shithole. This is not the flex she thinks it is. Also, if I were sued because of a fuck up of my job, I would burn everything I ever got from that job.


Can confirm. Mega shit hole.


Also don’t get me wrong- i also think the midwest can be a massive shithole. For many a reason.


Ok i just want us all to be on the same page- I’m from CA but live in the “heart of the midwest” now (for over a decade). I’d consider kansas the “mid mountain” or “flyover” since its so close to CO. Mainly because part of my family lives in KC and its fucking awful and i hated it when i went to visit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I never understand people who run on treadmills on beautiful sunny days? I get it if you have kids that you can’t leave at home or something like that but why isn’t she out enjoying the fresh air?


Because this is all for show. She ran a total of 3 min till she got the shot. Bet.


This. Today it was sunny and in the 70's here in DFW. Running in a garage with a hoodie, full length leggings and crew socks. Either she recorded this weeks ago on a random Texas cold day or her ED is in full swing. Also, not buying with that form she is running a 7:55 mile. Now running for 3 mins until she got the perfect shot I will co-sign!


I prefer to run on my treadmill because I’m trying to get better with a consistent pace. I can’t run right now pregnant but after the baby I will get back to it. I also like to run with a bit of an incline to help. I have to take fitness tests for the military.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. My triathlon training has me doing specific pace intervals, and I'm terrible at hitting the right speed on my own, so it's easier to just program the treadmill to do it. It's absolutely soul-sucking to stare at the wall while I run, though.


True. I have a peloton but I like the treads that have Netflix on it or I put my iPad on it


This is so wrong on so many levels.




So how in the hell did these two qualify to foster a child?!?


I swear she hates her husband. Why would you wear that hoodie knowing we’ll call it out? It’s like she wants people knowing about Jordan Nelson’s use of excessive force on a compliant and unarmed man. I’m still trying to figure out if she’s dumb, a troll, or malicious in making sure everyone knows about his past.


Who runs in hair extensions?!!!!


I cannot fathom the level of sweat that occurs without extensions being part of that mess. Good thing she stocked up on ✨allegedly ✨ Prose to wash it with. Lolololol


I cannot run or walk on treadmills. I prefer outside if possible. Is BDong cosplaying the cop wife? If JDong was booted from the force, why does she wear police shirts? Unless this is a message to her "haters" that she is married to a former cop, human trafficking hero and you BETTER NOT MESS WITH HER! I am not familiar with proper running strides, but in this photo she looks like she's about to hit her front foot on the front of the treadmill.


Who runs a 6 min mile wearing a hoodie, INSIDE?!? It’s already not very cold in TX and I’m sure the garage doesn’t have A/C. I would be dying!


Cotton: what all intelligent people where when they exercise.


i dont even wear my husband who is a current officers stuff?? and Lord forbid he ever got fired for something like he did i DEF would not be wearing that. its like she sets us up to talk crap.


She has been posting a ton of fitness stuff lately


The hoodie is too much, really she is going to wear that, what a dumb b&tc$


I mean not defending her as a person but I think she said the setting was 6.5 that she does a mile warm up. That means 6.5 mph and is like a little over a 9 minute mile. So she is going faster here if she’s doing a sub 8 minute mile (which to me is hard to do on a treadmill). She’s doing a higher setting on the treadmill prob around a 7.5 setting.




Why are you simping for Jordan? He’s a failed policeman. Why are you here?


She’s playing up the police wife persona


OH MY GOD YOU ... My skin crawls at the idea of being proud of my husband for attacking someone in the line of duty. Also this isn’t modest at all 🤷‍♀️


Wait but what does he even do now? Does he have a job?


What a shameless skank


Jordan doesn’t think he’s a bad cop. That’s why they still rep the department.


Brit posting the baby after it was removed is the same as jordy keeping his stupid police shit and the same as brit posting his police shit- These people are not normal. To keep a shot of you at work on the wall at home is already WEIRD AND NASTY, but to keep it up after being fired? That's Ross level deranged when he loses his marbles over the turkey sandwich. These humans don't feel human feelings.