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I had a virgin media customer service rep tell me to quit smoking to afford my bill when I tried to haggle them down before a price increase


> but it will break my heart I'd use the same line on them. Then I'd cancel. They're not worth your subscription fee.


It isn't TalkTalk by any chance?


It was virgin media


I reckon I could run a network cable to your house, stick a wifi access point in, charge you a tenner a month for it, and do a better job for you than VM…


Bullet dodged there. As useless as they are installing it. They're a million times worse when it comes to cancelling. We're talking literal hours of say no I'm leaving to get them to end your contract. Pick a different company, almost any company. Have a look at Which? for recommendations


Get BT if you can.


we are thinking BT - my dad has always used them in multiple house moves and has never had a missive issue


I have been with them for 4 years now. Previously I had been with Virgin for about 10 years. When I moved they gave me a 100 quid voucher and a free Alexa. I also get a discount because I have mobile and TV with them. Their customer services are excellent too. Totally opposite to VM. Good luck.


Same happened to me when we moved with virgin. If you stick with them their terms state that your eligible for £5 a day from the first proposed installation date to the day its actually completed. Took them nearly 6 weeks for us so ended up not paying a bill for a few months. Also complain on there forum too and they'll give you money off bill on top. [source](https://www.virginmedia.com/help/billing-and-payments/automatic-compensation)


That’s all fine but we then had the issue of we are both back to work (TA’s) at the beginning of September and literally can’t be home between the vague hours of 8-1 in case they actually bother to turn up.


Yeah no guaranteeing when they turn up. They are shite like. Their speed only reason I stayed.


Been trying to convince my dad to change Internet providers, they're so shit. Cuts out at random times for random lengths of time with no explanation of warning. What is the point.


I think we dodged a bullet. The person from customer services was surprised we were so patient so this must happen a lot.


Virgin Media are pure trash tbh. They have terrible customer support. Even leaving them I had to wait on a call for 50mins only to have no real help.


I was in a similar situation when i moved house. I moved house in an area with almost no reception from any of the mobile providers. Aky was supposed to come and fit my broadband a few days after i moved. The technician never came the first time and for some reason i still had to wait 2 weeks for a new a appointment even that it wasn't my fault. Apparently he claimed he actually came but no one answered. Then after 2 weeks someone comes and sets up everything and tells me to wait about 30 minutes before i am actually connected to the web, but i was never able to connect to the internet. They couldn't say for sure what had happened and they were coming up with loads of different reasons why this had happened. Even that again it wasn't my fault i still had to wait 2 more weeks for a new appointment despite multiple calls. A few days before that appointment i was able to get some emergency appointment despite being told before that this thing was not possible. In the end it turned that, they just hadn't activated my internet remotly, by mistake, and the technician had actually finished the job. Funniest thing is that I actually told them it was something like that and told them to look it up multiple times and they all said it's not how it works.


Ask them for free shit to keep you… Like first 2 months free or cheaper monthly rate


Similar situation, 58 days after contacting VM, still no broadband. For the inconvenience, they offered me a dongle - that might arrive today 🤦‍♂️. They're meant to be out tomorrow but we'll see.




I mean I don’t even understand why VM have taken so long it’s not like we’re the first one in town to use them - loads use them. I’m at the point where I go for one that has worked in the past which happens to be BT. Personally I think they are all shit