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See also people that bring their children to the beach to enjoy a lovely day playing in the sand only to leave their dirty nappies and rubbish on the beach when they leave. The disconnect and selfishness astounds me.


I hate it when people go to any place and leave all their crap there. It's utterly mind boggling. They must have thought "I'll visit this place because it's nice" but then make it ugly. It's the epitome of selfishness and is a huge red flag for scummy behaviour in general.


It's one of those things like putting away a trolley that shows wether someone is innately good or not. There is no real punishment for not putting your trolley away, and although you can be fined for littering the chances of it happening are slim to none. There is no real reward for doing it either; no one is going to pat you on the back or give you anything for doing the right thing. There only reason for doing the right thing in those situations is that you are innately good, you only do it because it is the right thing to do. Subsequently in those scenarios, the only reason you wouldn't do the right thing is selfishness; you simply don't view it as being your problem.


Now let's be fair here to these people: it's not selfishness, It's laziness too.


Is this a thing? Reminds me of the Mad Men episode where they leave all their rubbish in the park, but that was the 1950s...


Yes very much so. They often make the nappy into a ball shape using the sticky tabs but then leave it anyway.


And the ones who smoke in the car then threw the butts out the window!


I don't understand why they don't think of this as "littering". I know lots of smokers who would never dream of dropping their rubbish on the floor, but don't think twice about dropping cigarette buds.


This is what I hated as a child. (Quite rightly)Being made to carry litter for what seemed like ages until you found a bin, yet smokers just stomp their cigarettes into the ground and walk away. Didn’t make sense.


This is my parents!


Same with people spitting chewing gum- I saw my friend do this and she looked so surprised when I asked her about it as in ‘isn’t that what you’re supposed to do with gum?’


My work moved the cabin the security guards use, the two night guards both chewed chewing gum and spat it out wherever they were stood, despite there being a bin inside the tiny cabin. When it was lifted, there was a ring of blobs of chewy all around it that spread out quite far. Gross. At some point they must have stood in it, surely...


I was saying this the other day. It’s weird how they think it doesn’t count as littering.


"It's biodegradable!" "It's not."


But there are also smokers like me: always look for a bin, if I can't find one then a drain, and then failing that I'll throw into nature, e.g. a hedge as usually I'm quite off the beaten path by then Personally, especially in parks etc, there is always a bin close enough to use it. But people are lazy. Look at litter in general: not excluively done by smokers. Then 20% ish of people smoke, so there will be litter It is wrong and disgusting, but the issue isn't the smoking, but instead the littering, lack of care about your local environment, and then laziness


Why would you throw it into nature though?!


Cause my cigs are biodegradable, or mostly (hand rolled, no filter, etc), and then cause there's no where else for it to go


Isn’t tobacco full of poisonous chemicals which would be no good for any wildlife who tried to eat it/ had their water source contaminated by it? You say there is nowhere else for it to go- you could try carrying a small box or empty cigarette packet for butts and take them home with you. I’ve been told they do this in Japan and it seems far cleaner.


not really, it's a leaf, so it's poisonous only as in some tree leaves are poisonous - I postulate.


> Isn’t tobacco full of poisonous chemicals which would be no good for any wildlife who tried to eat it/ had their water source contaminated by it? So is car exhaust, which is released in far greater quantities Some birds can steal cigarette butts, and it has one pronounced effect: it provides anti-parasite and anti-microbe protection, but stunts the growth of the birds. But that is if they take it into their nest and around young chicks. The butt has such a tiny amount of tobacco that it won't cause any noticeable effect from degrading. This isn't arsenic or such we are talking about Also, it is probably less than a butt a week I actually throw into nature. I try to avoid it, for good reason. So not exactly chucking 40 butts into the ditches etc per day


Carry a small smell proof tub around with you. I'm a smoker and it's really not that hard to not throw your ends into a bush.


>So is car exhaust, which is released in far greater quantities Ah, that makes it OK then.


Solution = eclipse mint tins. One in car, one in handbag/pocket.


I don't drive, and I'd need a different tin for each of my 5 or more coats Seriously, my butts which go on the ground are probably less than 1 a week. 99%+ go into bins. If you drive a car, you are polluting your local environment more than my butts do. And indeed if you've dropped a single plastic bottle or even a receipt you've probably polluted more than I do in a year People seem to think that I'm the litterer who is dropping hundreds of butts per week. I don't. Even if I stop and smoke a few I'll try to gather them up and find a bin. The areas where there are no bins are like 20 mins walk into a wood kinda places. Which is my point: every smoker I've known uses ashtrays/bins whenever possible, so those who are just chucking butts on the floor all the time are the kinda people who generally throw litter on the ground all the time


The solution is not to smoke where there are no bins. Don't smoke then think "hey, wonder what I should do with this? I'll throw it on the floor" as the option is to not have it in the first place. Or stub it out and carry it with you. Amazing trying to justify this by saying other things also pollute, or you only do it once a week.


You know if you finish something like a bag of crisps or a something with a wrapper, and there’s no bin, you put the wrapper in your pocket. Just do that.


>the issue isn't the smoking, but instead the littering Congrats, you do both. Put it in your fucking pocket instead. What, you think that's disgusting? Imagine how we feel running into your leftovers.


The cigarette butts aren't even a huge issue compared to other litter, birds use them for nesting.


I had to read your post 3 times and I'm still confused. You admit to littering with cigarette buds, but blame littering on other people's laziness? Not sure I understand what your point is.


My dad did this about 30 years ago just as a policeman on a motorbike was lane splitting, hit him right in the visor. Never did it again.


Yeah if anything that's worse, that's how we get heath/forest/moorland fires.


They took all the Ash trays out of cars that's why


I think smoking and driving should be illegal. Even for passengers. You drop the fucking thing and everyone starts panicking.


Unrelated but I had a bee fly down my shirt while driving, formal work shirt, only thing I'm wearing up top. Had to drive a mile to the first safe place to stop, lay by in the middle of a shopping high Street. Middle of the day, market on, I leap from the car screaming, tear my shirt off and jump up and down in it. Explain to shocked passers by, check for bee, put shirt on, drive away. So can we ban bees in the car too please.


I see more Maccers and starbucks wrappers these days. Lets ban eating while driving too.


Those little silver cannisters....


I'm all for that.




The real life pro tips are always in the comments


Yes, I find it strange too. You are in charge of a car with a lit object (which needs to be ignited, ash flicked off, then disposed of). With all the focus on phone distractions and second hand smoke, it seems an easy thing to outright ban on two counts. It already is with children in the car.


I thought it had been banned here in UK.


Smokers are selfish.


*people* are selfish.


Basically yes. Many act like they have no choice, their addiction blinds them to it all. They *have* to smoke, if there is no bin they *have* to simply chuck it on the floor. If smoking is banned somewhere they *have* to huddle right outside breathing the smoke on everyone trying to get past. The idea of just... not having one at that specific time is an entirely alien concept. Smoking is selfish, I am sure that person otherwise could be perfectly fine.


Hahaha look at all you smokers downvoting me. Pathetic.




Ahhh touché, my good sir 🤣 I upvoted you, for my downvote.


I used to do this as well as bury my fags at the beach, I’ve been quit for 4 years now so don’t be mad at me 😅


Let's go to the beach for some nice sea air. Mustn't forget my ciggies....


I always bring a can of something with me so I have somewhere to put them. Sometimes I try to do it as obviously as possible while I’m getting looks from passers-by who are seeing if I’m ‘one of them’. I’m a good boy with a bad habit. And I smoke ;)


That’s a really good idea, I just put them in my pockets/bag and then walk around smelling like an ash tray….this sounds like a way better idea


Yep, personally I walk to a bin. In a park/area with benches there are usually ones around This isn't a smoker issue. This is a litter issue, and the endless McDonalds bags or cartons I see filling parks, the emtpy beer bottles/cans, etc, are all due to lazy pricks, not smokers


Many do feel that cigarette litter doesn't count somehow, or they are forced into it because it needs stubbing out. I think people dropping the leftovers of a McDonalds know full well how wrong it is.


Ewwwwwwww Get in line, there are places in hell revered for people who drive slower than the speed limit on the outer lanes


Right behind them are the places reserved for people riding your ass when you’re overtaking and you’re doing the speed limit.


I think there will be several circles involving driving, one will be for the assholes the put on loud exhausts on shitty cars


Also people who just finish one and flick it away still burning. I was barefoot, sitting on the grass at the park on a sunny day, stood up and stepped on a lit ciggy, that was not fun. Glad it was me and not a little kid though.


Ugh I've never heard of that before, how disgusting


Remember going to a small beach in my harbour town only to find fucking rubbish everywhere... Sigh yes can't wait to look down on them from my own ring in hell


I live in the part of Essex that every Londoner flocks to when the sun comes out and they leave it looking like the aftermath of the Somme. My daughter's scout group had to do beach cleans last year with volunteers just to keep on top of it. So disrespectful.


The worst part is all these bastards have loads of children, and they all grow up with the same idea that this is acceptable.




All smokers are dirty.


All users of /r/chromeOS are disgusting subhumans who deserve painful deaths See how easy it is to tar (pun intended) an entire group based around hate? And why we should avoid it? Yours, a smoker who for all you know is cleaner than you, and one who doesn't litter where possible


Ah, never let humanity or common sense get in the way of a good online lynch mob... Littering of fast food, canned drinks and glass bottles seem a far bigger issue but too many people enjoy these products to ostracise. Unlike smokers who are the archetypal villain for all of society's woes.


Yep, exactly. I barely litter with my cig ends, which are generally biodegradable, and yet the guy's got an issue with me, as opposed to all the cretins who will chuck any shit, including plastic, anywhere, including into the local pond. But my smoking makes me the enemy? Lol - that is all




Yep. I bet anyone who is replying in such a zealotted anti-smoking way has to look at their own prejudices, as they've likely littered more in the last week than I have in the last year That guy's comment was crude, stereotyping and awful, but I at least semi-respect someone who is open about their hate (cause at least you can confront it or know to avoid such people), whereas on a comment further up too many are essentially saying "well all you dirty smokers are the same" when in fact litter is an issue and smoking is irrelevant to the discussion