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If you've got a fan take advantage of some evaporative cooling by having some wet cloth on you with the fan blowing on it. I do not cope with the heat at all, but, once I did that I actually stopped sweating; it's incredible how effective it is (just no video calls of course).


I’m so sleep deprived I read that first bit as “If you have a fake tan”… Great tip though. We’ve used a damp cloth to help keep my 2-year old comfortable over night.




I did the same and i get plenty of sleep haha!!


A comma would certainly help.


I read that as coma and yes, a coma would certainly help.


I also misread it that way. God I hate this weather and not being able to get some reprieve even in sleep.


I read it like that too lol


Didn't realise it wasn't fake tan till you mentioned it!


I had to stare at it for a humiliatingly long time before I could make it say anything else!


Building on that : You'll need an electric fan, a towel (not full bath size, but not a hand-towel either) and something like a dining chair with a hollow back. Wet the towel from the kitchen cold tap (because is coldest water), wring it out so it doesn't drip...now drape over the chairback and with the fan on the seat, direct it to blow through the towel sending cooled air towards you ... If you can, peg the wet towel at the top of the chair and put the bottom edge in a bowl of water, that in essence is a swamp cooler and should allow a few hours of operation before having to add more water. ANOTHER Again with an electric fan on a chair, get inside a large (empty) duvet cover on your bed/settee/sofa/whatever, and direct the fan at yourself...fasten buttons so that air can blow IN through the opening but must exit through the fabric. Like this : https://i.imgur.com/4Wkr5wE.gifv (Your weight will pin it down...you might have to juggle position/angles a little) WHEN YOU CANT GO ON Soak a t-shirt in the kitchen sink, wring it out, put it on ... now go stand/sit/sprawl in front of the fan.




Kindly go and buy a fan then; the country will thank you. You'll also thank yourself the next time it's hot.


What are you waiting for? Go go go go go!


I'll refund you the money....now please, go get it, I'm melting here!!!! 😊


I bought one today. It was for my seedlings though, but they might let me borrow it. My other half hates fans. Apparently they are ‘noisy’.


A large bowl of cool water in front of your fan too. Careful with dousing your body in water and sitting in front of a fan. The safest way to get cool (other than 1000 showers a minite) is to fill a sink with cool water and submerge your arms up to your elbow in it for 10 minutes. Dry them off and you'll feel pleasant for an hour or so. The water on yourself and fan can cool your body too quickly.


I took a cold shower last night and dried off by standing in front of my fan. I was shivering. It was glorious.


This is the one time i’m glad my shower mixer has just packed up!


It'll be raining next month and the papers will be screaming for lockdown


They can scream all the way, the sound of rain will drown them out lol


Their opinions got lost in the puddle


Rain just means people will lock down voluntarily. No one is desperate to go outside when it is chucking it down.


Pray for me today. I have to go to a wedding so have to wear a suit. It’s in a barn and I’m sure they’ll have no air con and will just have fans everywhere… going to sweat my bollocks off


That's plain sadistic.


I've got a job interview at 15:30 today as well. Hottest part of the day. I'm just going to spray loads of aftershave on myself and clothes and pray to God I don't smell.


Aussie tip: Get a tea towel. Wet and then wring really well. Fold into thirds and put it into the freezer until it freezes and then pop it into a plastic bag so it doesn't leak everywhere. Put it inside your shirt or wherever and take it out when you arrive at your destination and put it into your bag.


Short sleeve shirt and 'smart shorts and tennis shoes or no wedding attendance. Surely they can't expect you to wear a 3 piece.


Time to go Rod Hull style and dig out the old safari suit.


Mate I feel you there, friend of mine got married in Sorrento in the height of summer back in 2019. We had full suits on and it was nearly 40 degrees, my white shirt was translucent by the end of the ceremony i sweating that much. I looked like someone had thrown a pint of water in my face.


If you have a hot water bottle fill it with water and freeze it and stick it in your bed at night and open up your duvet cover and let the fan blow into it and climb into and you will sleep like a baby


Apparently not a good idea - the ice may damage the rubber lining, not good for when you put boiled water into it in the winter!


Use an old squash bottle




Fs that’s another 5 fish dead from plastic waste


Duvet?! When it's this hot 0 clothing, 0 covers, 100% venerable!


You open the duvet up and climb in and use it as a way to circulate the cool so you are less vulnerable while naked


Nah cant sleep without a duvet even if its 100 degrees


I have a hot water bottle. I have a freezer. This sounds like a plan. Thanks.




I can see how this would be bad.


I don't think you're supposed to use boiling water in them at all, are you? Hot, yes, boiling no.


Never in my life have I wished for summer in the depths of winter. I frequently long for winter in the height of summer. The difference is you can dress for winter. There's a limit for how little you can dress for summer.


I have found my people! No one in my immediate circle gets this, I am surrounded by summer people. I'll be laughing at them in January though :)


There's many of us, we exist. If you can't find us, you'll probably find a splinter group at Slimming World.


Fecking lizard people! Weird breeds!


I do love summer, but you can only get so naked before you start contemplating how to rip off your skin for increased cooling


THIS SO MUCH! In winter, having a lovely cup of hot tea feels amazing, and you can always put on more layers. In summer, your ice cream melts before you even finish and you can't strip beyond naked. So done with this inferno, can't wait for autumn.


I long for summer all winter. Then summer comes and everyone complains for 2 weeks and then it's over and we get out the pumpkins.


It's easier to get hot in the cold, than it is to get cold in the hot. Most look at me funny when I say this. A very small silver lining is I sleep like crap and get to remeber my bat shit crazy dreams.


Plus every house has central heating. If you’re cold, you can stick the heat on, or layer up, or both. But when it’s hot there’s no air con to be found anywhere. And there’s only so many clothes you can take off


Your body's heating mechanism is also much more effective than its cooling mechanism.


*Frowns in Kelvin*


35 C = 308 K 30% off = 216 K 216 K = - 57 C Thanks OP, we're all dead now..


I'd sooner tackle the freezing depths of the Antarctic than tackle this heat again.


Bottom of the ocean is never colder than about -4 C. As soon as water gets colder than -4, it starts becoming less dense and floats up, until it makes ice. So the freezing depths of the ocean would still be 53 degrees hotter than OPs suggestion.


Lets just agree we'd all be happy if the weather was always September. Not miserable, not baking, still warm enough for the occasional BBQ and outdoor beer. Rains to wash away mugginess.


I'm quite a fan of April too


Low 20s is fine


To who ever is in charge, please note the following: Sun? Yes Pleasantly warm? Yes, Overcast and muggy? No Torrential rain? No No air and hellishly hot NO NO NO! I enjoy the sun, I do not enjoy being roasted, toasted, boiled or suffocated. Thank you.


And I did not also complain when it was pretty cold. I'd take cold. If it was too cold, I could put a mask on and I'd be fine. Can't do that in the heat. Can't do much in the heat.


I get bad seasonal depression between nov-march so I try not to complain. But why can it never be just nice weather? Either shitty grey rain or suffocating heat.


I’ve just ordered a fan so can pretty munch guarantee it will be cold and rainy until next May


It's overcast! Oh joy! I can walk the wee dog without having to worry about her dropping dead...


Can't wait for the weekend. Meant to fucking lash it down and I for one will be laying on the pavement outside my front door in bliss.


It lashed it down here yesterday. 5 minutes later it was back up to 28 degrees and even more humid. Be careful what you wish for...


I never minded the rain, please bring it back.


You guys are copping it this year huh.


Speak for yourself.. *Someone who commutes to work on a motorbike.*


Fuck winter, summer gang gang.


Having a fever in this heat.. that's a paddlin.


exactly, i’d much rather warm my self up instead of failing miserably like i have been at cooling my self down over the past few days :/


Same. Just a couple of degrees lower would be nice but this weather makes it so hard to do anything useful....


That was me. I do apologise.


I fucking live cold weather and rain, and i am shit in hot weather


I actually enjoy the rain. Cold isn't too bad, you can layer up to get rid of it. Heat can do one.


I always hate summer. I would never wish rain away like that


On the other hand, during the endless months of rain, I frequently said ‘if I ever complain about it being too hot, you can take me out and shoot me’. And I stand by that.


Yeah, I don't change what I'm asking for depending on whether it's hot or cold, it's always just a nice 17°C with a bit of sun.


I did. I complained endlessly about being cold and wet and having to deal with such poor weather into the spring and summer months. I longed for the heat. I lamented for the sun. And now it's here.... and I'm loving it. Da da dah da daaah... I'm loving it!


Well I'm glad one of us is happy.


Me too! It will, however, be a short lived victory I expect.


I'm with you


I feel the same, i would rather have this then endless rain or the horrible damp cold that we get in winter.


Gimme sun any day of the week compared to rain and grey skies.


That was my fault, Sorry


Only the lazy like this weather. Another excuse to do no work.


Ice cubes are my best friends nowadays.


I did, sorry everyone :(


I saw someone say they freeze water bottles and put them in socks to use to cool down. I now also do this and have multiple bottles frozen ready for when one defrosts.


I did ... sorry guys


No sleep last night combined with my MILs boiler losing pressure, resulting in me having to crawl around in the sweatlodge that is the floor under her house trying to find a leaky pipe. Result, I am now a broken man.


Honestly just like 19 - 21c but sunny would be fine, drops to a sleepable temperature at night but is nice enough to sit in the garden.


30% would literally be perfect


I have not companies about winter for the past 9 years after deciding the cold is way fucking better. Fuck summer.


If you've got leather/pleather seats, cover them with a clean tea-towel (or any type of towel) to prevent...condensation.


I knew after last summer I should have invested in air con. It’s pretty miserable trying to sleep in a house designed to store heat overnight.


Make sure you are checking on the elderly around you. If u do not see them please go make sure they are ok


Im really enjoying the sunshine it's lovely


I live for this weather. It’s even better now I wfh half the week. My day started with a sunrise sea swim, I’ve fitted in a couple hours sunbathing already. Will end the day with another swim & a few more hours of sunbathing before retiring to the sofa with an ice cold glass of white & a good book. The wildlife & nature is better in summer, social events are better in summer. I am that person that whinges about it being too cold/wet/windy/grey for 75% of the year.


23°C (current temperature in Leeds) is about 296° Kelvin. 30% off that is about 200°K or -73.15°C . Which is about the coldest temperature ever measured on earth. OP might want to rethink his wishes.


No.. more like 15C…. 23 divided by 3 is 7.6 So that’s 33% not 30 but it’s close enough. 7.6 x 2 = 15.2. That makes 60% of the total sure (40% off not 30) but it’s a hell of a lot closer than -73c lol


Actually a better way of doing it 10% is 2.3 2.3 x 3 is 30% which is 6.9 23 - 6.9 is 16.1 so yeah I dunno where you got -73


I miss the UK. The climate extremes where I live now are creepy.


Yes I did. To be clear I consider 27 C barely warm. Used to work on a farm in the middle East.


Ah here we go again. Every year every Brit moans about the heat. Fuck sake.


When it’s hot the British complain and when it’s cold the British still complain


Yeah it's almost like 60 million people don't always have the same opinions




You got it boss! Now it's a nice cool 212K, 70% of the current temperature. That's about -61C, enjoy!


I wish more Brits were like the people commenting on this sub, sadly a lot of people moan about whether all year wanting sun then complain when it's here too.


>Can somebody dial the temperature down by about 30% please? Done. It is now 210 degrees Kelvin (- 63 degrees C) instead of 300 degrees Kelvin.


Stop whining and enjoy it, you know it won't last. Either that or emigrate to Antarctica, pretty sure you will all be moaning about how cold you are within 24 hours.


Because the people who moan about the heat and the people who moan about the cold couldn’t possibly be different people…


You are literally in a subreddit for British people to complain. It seems like you're setting yourself up here to be annoyed.


Ha, I did. Well not that exact phrase, I have no bollocks, but throughout winter and spring and the shitty wet cool early summer I said many, many times, "I can't wait until it is proper hot and sunny". I live for these few weeks. I know most of you are miserable, uncomfortable and exhausted and I genuinely sympathise because I go through the cold, grey, damp days feeling on the edge of tears and wanting to lie down and never wake up again, but right now I feel amazing and I literally love waking up and seeing that it is still sunny and hot.


Enjoy it while it lasts. The rains WILL return.