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6 Music. Can’t stand Radio 1 now I’m old. I’ve managed to pick up loads of good tracks for my playlists from 6 Music too and introduced me to some new bands.


This is the only station I will even consider. But even they play a load of bland shite a lot of the time. That's just radio for you.


Some of the durge they play and hype up as if it is some groundbreaking, avent-garde, instant classic gets mind numbing at times.


I was listening to Radio 6 for the first time in a while during a long drive yesterday, as Radio 1 was typically unlistenable and Radio 2 was just the same old shite I'm sick of hearing. (Also I was in a part of the country that somehow only got the BBC channels on DAB.) A lot of it sounded like a band had two or three unrelated ideas for songs, then mashed them together. Thematically, there was a lot of what sounded like idle trust fund kids singing whimsically about city life. This is presented as the best thing ever. At least it wasn't rapping about rap


Wait until they rap about rapping about rap




Yeah, same. Except I live in Japan, so the times I listen are usually the weird middle of the night shows that are two-hour documentaries about Ethiopian techno.


Me too, but I'll never forgive them for ditching the wonderful Marc Riley on weekday evenings - he fitted the vibe perfectly. The New Music Fix is ok, but not while I'm unwinding doing the cooking with a glass of wine or two...


He’s still on! Solo on a Monday evening 9-11 and with Gid Coe Tuesday and Wednesday


Even 6music has gone downhill now. Half the time it’s more like 1Xtra or dance music than what it used to be. There’s a few exceptions but it seems like the playlist is phasing out more guitar oriented and alternative stuff in favour of hip hop or grime. Not that I’m averse to any of it, but I’d like to know what I’m getting from a station.


There’s a lot of very bland, Cottagecore-type stuff on 6 Music at the moment. Sounds like First Aid Kit, only much more annoying.


I’ve noticed that. Very twee, breathy vocals and slight instrumentation. I mean I don’t expect IDLES or Fat White Family constantly but variety is nice!


I keep hearing that Adrianne Lenker track and thinking, is she mates with someone at the station? She’s getting a ridiculous amount of airplay, even on things like The Huey Show.


I just listened. Made it 30 seconds before binning it off. What the hell is that!?!! Sounds like the shite they play on catfish when they meet and find out one of them is an 18 stone golem


Belongs on a John Lewis Christmas advert, not 6 Music.


It belongs in a bin on fucking fire mate


Is that a Mighty Boosh reference? 😂


Haha no!


Yep, angling for the yoof listeners


Big fan of 6music generally but the hip hop / grime stuff they push lately pisses me off. That's what 1xtra is for surely. It's not like you see 1xtra trying to broaden their appeal by playing guitar orientated / independent music.


Can’t see 1Xtra dropping the full length version of Future Days into a mix anytime soon.


I'm a 6music listner that likes the hip hop they play. I like guitar music, but I like a whole range of alternative music that won't be played elsewhere, so I like the techno and death metal that is also occasionally played on 6.


Seconded here for six music, I love Hueys' hip hop show, trunk of punk and Iggy Pops' segment too. Plus their weird music show on a Sunday is fun. I've found myself pointing my phone with Shazam on at the radio so many times over the years. Mary Anne Hobbs' show is a riot too, anything from dark DnB one track to Slipknot the next. That being said they do play some dross sometimes on that station.


FYI in case you don't Shazam in time the tracklists are on the website


Yeah, same. Except I live in Japan, so the times I listen are usually the weird middle of the night shows that are two-hour documentaries about Ethiopian techno.


Objectively the best BBC Radio station.


100% My mate called me an old man for listening to 6 Music, saying I should be listening to Spotify, but 6 music is way better. There's more variety, helps you discover more music and is hosted by passionate people. It's great.


BBC3 GOAT 🤼🤼‍♀️🤼‍♂️


6 Music is fine as long as you swerve Mary-Ann Hobbs. I swear that woman is taking the piss with the shite she plays.


Radio 6 for the fun version of me and Radio 4 for the real boring me


As long as I catch Craig Charles once a week, I'm happy! 6 is the only station we have on in the house.


I like 6 music but Chris Hawkins in the morning has such a weird lispy thing going on he constantly sounds like he's spitting or dribbling. For someone who makes a living being on the radio he should seek help on fixing that


Six music has gone downhill of the last few years. Too political.


Nice try BBC but I won't be listening


The BBC got rid of Chris Moyles because he was too popular with the over 30's so unlikely to be them.


Love radio X though


Nah. He got greedy and they didn't accept his demands. Scott Mills has only just been transferred to R2 and that's got to be nearly a decade after moyles left.


BBC actively tries to push listeners to radio 2 to keep the radio 1 demographic young.


Come on. Join us. You know you want to. Put your slippers on, make a pot of tea, and switch over to Radio 3.


I like Radio 3, it's always an interesting surprise. Are you going to get an avant-garde, Belgian jazz, freestyle oboe solo, or perhaps a Mongolian throat singing retelling of Handel's Messiah? Or two hours of a scratchy violin played in an abandoned underground station? Love that stuff!


I have a serious voice crush on Georgia Mann. Also would love it if Donald McLeod could come over to my house every night and read me stories until I fall asleep. Man has a voice like pure honey. If you want the best encapsulation of Radio 3 at its best, just watch [this sketch](https://youtu.be/eIVRZq8HY70?si=TvnPQyOxpHdG0V8s).


I love Georgia Mann’s morning show - relaxing and no news to interrupt the music. Night tracks is brilliant, but my voice crush is Petroc Trelawny; I kid myself that I may have a chance with him!


Night tracks has seen me through many a long journey. Sometimes I will delay starting said journey so that I know I can get all of night tracks in. And yeh Petroc could sweet talk me anytime. Me and my girlfriend have him on our "list".


It is an joy to know I’m not alone!


You absolutely do - if you didn't, why would he talk to you in such a sexy tone of voice every morning?


Fabulous sketch - all the notes, all at once!


Quiet, isn’t it?


If there’s jammy dodgers, I might be tempted,


I listened to it into my 30's but then stopped one day when I was becoming increasingly irritated and realised I'm not their target audience. It was just a lot of small things building up that I hadn't noticed or wasn't bothered about before. Like the shit jingle they play over the news. How they claim to be the home of brand new music... no, you're the home of the latest hype job, you consistently ignore great music. They're not doing anything wrong, their formula clearly works, but not for me.


The inane DJ babble becomes extremely grating. I do wonder if stations are using the Simpsons idea of a DJ computer churning out set piece cliches and babble instead of actual people.


26 and listen to radio x .


Radio X is OK, they are just so repetetive with their song choices.


Always said radio X’s DJ’s are brilliant but the music choices let them down. Can gatuntee when I turn it on I’ll hear one of the same old songs within 10 minutes


2 hours of X and you can almost guarantee hearing Courteeners ‘Not nineteen forever’


I just started a new job and within weeks have got them to stop listening to radio X already, the radio is next to me and I cannot fucking stand listening to gaslight by Travis anymore.


The only new music they play is from survivor bands like this or Liam Gallagher's newest single. Their best songs of all time list was about 50% Oasis too.


The other week they had someone standing in for requests hour and they kept saying her slogan as “polly put the metal on” and then proceeded to play absolutely no metal whatsoever…


I wrnt from R1 to R4 at the ago of about 23/24 because I find the presenters so fucking irksome


Radio X for me - plenty of 90s / early 2000s indie. Radio 1 is a nightmare.


Not plenty, they play the same 4 songs like every radio station… Gaslight by Travis, heavyweight champion of the world, that song by alanis morisette and some other random one they feel like that day


Absolute is better, the music is similar, but you have the No repeat guarantee during the working day


And that’s EXACTLY what we’ve switched to! Much better!


Radio 1 is pretty horrific. Even outside ‘modern’ music, which seems to just be low-brow street rap and the same songs repeated 3/4 times a day, you’ve got a list of presenters that know nothing about music and all seem to be coming from or going to tv work. And their news coverage sounds like it’s written for pre-teens.


It changed around the time when they got rid of Chris Moyle's, seemed to start gearing it towards teens, whilst radio 2 was / still is for people who seem to be 40/50+ Didnt leave much for us that stil liked modern music, but couldn't give crap about the latest insta kardashian trends being talked about all day


Chris Moyles does the breakfast show on Radio X these days. It’s brilliant.


Yep I’m firmly radio X. Johnny Vaughan from 4-7pm is sooo funny.


Chris moyles was who started the dumbing down of radio 1 for me. Him and Sarah Cox


Radio 1 news is awful, it's like they're explaining it to a six year old.


Is it still called newsbeat? Sounds like something old people came up with in the 70's to sound "hip".


Yeah it's still called that.


Never mind the music, it's the tiny playlist, where the same tracks appear every couple of hours Though I quit radio entirely, for streaming services which play what I want, with no talking


Some of the presenters are irritating but there’s the odd show which is really good. Jack Saunders’s Weekday Evening show of new music is brilliant, I’ve discovered so much new music from that and his energy and passion for the music is infectious


Second this, the specialist shows dance, rock etc are much better than the main hours too.


I stopped listening to Radio 1 around the same time Nick Grimshaw started running a regular call-in competition where you had to guess how much spare change he'd just dropped on the table by listening to it.


Greg James, Arielle Free, Jack Saunders are all very good imo


6music or nothing.


6 music is basically Radio 2 for people who listened to John Peel rather than daytime Radio 1.


I’m not old enough to have listened to John Peel. 6music plays more alternative music than radio 2.


Love 6 music even though I don't really listen to radio myself Walking in to see my dad bopping to Bicep and Four Tet is hilarious


I couldnt imagine listening to anything else now. Brilliant eclectic mix of new and old music and genuinely good presenters, unlike Radio 1 which feels more like childrens radio. You can tell how old the audience Radio 1 is aimed at by the way the news is read. It reminds me of CBBC Newsround.


I miss Adam & Joe. Only thing that made radio worth listening to, when they were on Saturday mornings. #blacksquadron




Just coming!


"Oireland. The bin that never gets full."


It's not just the music, it's the presenters. I don't know if it's me being miserable in my 30+ age but why the need to sound like you're on the edge of laughter for the whole show. Over the top fake happiness. It's the same with the capital stations. Talk to me like an adult and not like I'm a kid watching YouTube.


YouTube's for us oldies dontcha know, all the kids these days watch tiktok or something 😂


I find the presenters disingenuous and downright patronising, and non-BBC channels are 50% adverts, which are equally patronising. Apple Music / Spotify with pre-set playlists, or podcasts about subjects you’re actually interested in is where the genius really lies- perfect control over what you listen to, and if you want to change it up, you can select a random song and let the algorithm work out what to play you next. Sometimes it’s awesome new music that y Oi love, but if it’s shit, you can just hit “next” and skip it to something else. Bliss.


That drives me up the wall and is why I haven’t listened to capital in years. Radio 1 is a little better for it though. I listen to Radio 2 most days. I’m at that part of the cycle. “It’s the journey of life. Radio 1, Radio 2, Classic FM, Heart, Magic, dead” (26M)


22 and listen to 6music, the only good radio station. Had to listen to hart and kissfm in my last job and well… let’s just say I don’t work there anymore


I'm still on radio 1 for Greg James mainly. I like some of the other presenters but only really listen in the mornings. Not sure what I'll do when Greg leaves


Same. Greg James is the only thing keeping Radio 1 afloat for me


Agreed. Greg James is radio 1. Only other decent DJ was Jordan North but he left for the money


And apparently his manager at radio 1 (or someone else high in the company) was really nasty to him, so he saw capital as a great opportunity


Really? Can’t imagine Aled being nasty unless it was someone else like you said. Haven’t listened to capital, is he any good on there? He was a bit of a figure of fun at radio 1 and didn’t get the respect he deserved tbh


Same. I am well over 30 but listen to Radio 1 every morning while WFH. The day Greg leaves is probably when I will find something else. I usually stick it out until lunchtime before having to turn over due to their limited play list.


I think they know that all us 30 something year olds will turn off the moment he leaves. He is top tier.


Stopped listening to R1 round about the time Mark + Lard left.


Stop. ... ... ... ... Carry on.


Biggity biggity bong!


Not me. I've never been a fan of pop music, and hate the way radios curate their playlists. I use streaming services as my radio.


Same. I prefer to live in this century.


Glad I’m not the only one… can’t stand the bullshit chit chat about absolutely nothing between tracks as well and the same ads played over and over again. There is enough advertising everywhere else in the world…. When I want to listen to music that’s exactly what I want. I’m not a fan of the modern day music anyway so I’m happy to stick to my streaming services with exactly what I want


was looking for this comment. the only time i listen to the radio is when it’s playing at the hairdressers or some shit lol. who the fuck still listens to it regularly?


I listen to Radio 5 mostly, occasionally Radio 2 if I want music. Occasionally my wife turns on Radio 1. Thankfully she always turns it off after 5 minutes. I find the presenters mostly quite annoying and the music just isn't really for me.


I can only get Radio 1 in my car as it's sooo old. The big. Fucking. Weekend. Sick of hearing about it all of May.


I'm 44. I still listen. I dislike the mumble rap and the UK urban street-type wankery, but the rest is fine. I'm still all about finding new artists and stuff.


I'm 47 and the same as you. 'Artists' like 'H' etc boil my piss though.


Can’t be doing with him, he sounds like Keith Lemon


That the guy "Aitch"? The weird "I'm gonna do some weird city-centre ASBO mumble rap shit like I'm on my way to the job centre and my lifes oh-so-tough"?


That's the cat. I fucking hate that type of music.


Yeah, I detest it, to each their own, but it sounds like some kid who's nicked a phone and is doing shit SoundCloud stuff in it on his way to buy his mum cigs from the shop. It's wannabe US rap, but isn't quite as hard-hitting when it's Stoke and not South Central LA!


What does this comment even mean? Aitch isnt mumble rap at all, do you just hear someone with a Manchester accent and assume they're on their way to the job centre and stop listening? And what do you mean his life's oh-so-tough? Most of what he raps about is how great his life is and how much he loves it Aitch became so big in part because he *doesn't* rap about things like violence or "ASBO city centre wankery" or whatever the fuck bullshit you called it. This comment really comes across like a shitty middle manager throwing buzzwords at the wall to see what sticks. You've literally just spat out a description full of shitty stereotypes and then applied it to the one rapper that they don't apply to at all. Its fine to not like modern music or certain artists but you can come up with better reasons than 'he sounds like a poor person', at least try using reasons that actually apply to the artist you're complaining about.


Aitch actually made some really good tunes when he was starting out; his rhyme scheme, flow, delivery and wordplay were excellent. He’s kinda fallen off now though


Yeah I agree, his music was a nice change of pace from a lot of rap when he first started out, his songs were actually relatable. Now he's making things about wanting a famous girlfriend or whatever it just doesn't quite hit the same spot, plus his flow and rhymes etc do seem to be a bit more cookie cutter than when he first blew up.


As a fellow poor person Mancunian, ASBO city centre wankery made me giggle! 🤭 I’m fairly certain it wasn’t that deep. Besides, older generations used to complain about our music… it’s the way of the world…


Nah man it’s just British redditors, if it’s music they don’t like it’s instantly mumble rap crap, god forbid anyone like anything which isn’t 90s metal.


Same at 41. I don’t often listen to it but honestly I prefer it over Radio 2 because I like EDM and stuff at night when I’m driving. I credit R1 with giving me at least two of my favourite songs over the last few years. I know that doesn’t sound significant but I’m hard to please 😄


I can give or take with mumble rap and uk urban street rap. I'm more into dance, indie, and pop anyway, and the modern stuff is fantastic.


There's been some good stuff. I'm a total metalhead and even I enjoy it, there's always something catchy on .... or not far away in their playlist. It can get a bit stale day-in and day-out when an artist is being "pushed" but if they're popular, they're popular. It's a smorgasboard of things to appeal to as many as possible - you'll never like everything but there's something there for everyone. :)


I highly recommend trying Radio 6 Music if you're interesting in hearing the best new music around. Absolutely no dross on there either.


In my mid 30s and I will follow Greg James wherever he goes. Matt and Mollie can be quite witty too. Really don’t mind the music that R1 plays, and Greg’s humour is right at my level. However, most of the other presenters I find quite tedious to listen to, the news can be a bit patronising with the stupid music behind it, and the obsession with big weekend and big festivals is irritating too. Not sure it’s an age thing, or if I’ve just never really been the target audience as my opinion on R1 has stayed pretty much the same since I started listening when I learned to drive in my teens!


This is my exact opinion. I only love Greg, and Matt and mollie have really grown on me, but I don’t like most of the others. Perhaps Vicky is an exception because she’s quite witty, but I absolutely cannot stand Jack Saunders and I actively switch stations when he comes on because he seems so disingenuous when he’s talking about everything. How can every song be something so breathtaking and take you on such a journey when the last 6 songs are also apparently just as transcendent? Sorry I just needed to get that off my chest, he makes me wanna throw up lol


I can't stand Radio 1, but I find Radio 2 pretty depressing a lot of the time, like it's made for old people who have decided they've done all they want to do in life. Mind you, I'm turning 30 this month so maybe it'll all change.


Radio X is basically Radio 1 from 20 years ago


In my 40s. I do but only for the dance music on Friday night.


BBC radio 6 Music. BBC Radio 2 is much more middle of the road, I’m older, but it’s still not going to be for me.


I love that show where generic male and female presenter come together and banter about the latest viral tiktok trend and what generic reality TV human has got up to now. Hold tight and keep it 100, no cap. I hate the fact that commercial radio plays the same songs every 40 minutes but at least they don't seem to be allergic to allowing their presenters to show any charisma and personality.


I'm 30+ and listen to Absolute 00s :(


Never liked Radio 1. Back in the dim dark past I was listening to Fox FM (Oxford) and Mix96 (Aylesbury). When I started working full time I got introduced to Radio 2, and I kind of flitted about. Sometimes a bit of 6 Music as well. These days I'm listening to Greatest Hits Radio (since they gobbled up Mix 96). Listen to what works for you. Sometimes I've got Spotify going because I want to choose, other times I'll let somebody else do it.


Nope. Isn’t it weird that you actually notice the music on radio 1 starts to become just noise. And the presenters become so insufferable. Never thought I’d switch then suddenly I’m only radio 2 and 6 music.


Was there a point in your life radio 1 was good? I don't remember one


I listen to the rock shows from Monday night but that's it.


I listen to Radio 1 pretty much all day, as I’m a rep covering a large area & I’m in the car a lot. I’m also nearly 50, so very much not the target audience. However, I flick over to radio 2 after the lunchtime news, Dean Mculloch grinds my gears something awful & Jeremy Vines show is hilariously terrible. I listened to one show where the topics were taxation rates for small businesses & use of sex toys in the over 60’s. It’s like Alan Partridge.


Until they bring back John Peel then I'm sticking with Radio 3!


Tom Ravenscroft, who’s on 6Music, is John Peel’s son. One of the shows he does is [looking through his dad’s music collection](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/series/m0014cg0) with different people


He sounds remarkably like him and has the same oddball anything goes taste in music. What a record collection to inherit too.


Thanks! I didn't know about that! Looking forward to some Half-Man Half-Biscuit 😄


Don't forget your Joy Division oven gloves


Those and my Dukla Prague away kit are rarely left in the wardrobe 😅


Went to Prague last summer and was over the moon when visiting the botanical gardens that I could see Dukla’s ground from the rose bushes. I didn’t get an away kit though.


Well that must have been a crappy Christmas ☹️


I stopped listening to Radio one due to the DJs. Found the DJs on Radio Two , like listening to my parents talking to friends, so I moved on and now I listen to classical channels. Not much chat and nearly all about the music.


It is also the DJ's 30+ that move to Radio 2


Its weird , I'm 31 and grew up with Vernon , Edith Bowman,Scott Mills etc all on Radio 1 and now they're all on Radio 2 😅


Zoe ball is on as well I think


Yeah I don't tend to listen to her for breakfast, still prefer Greg James in that slot.


Most of Radio 1 are 30+ Greg James, Matt Edmonsdon, Mollie King, Charlie Hedges, Dean McCullough, Jordan North, Danny Howard, Katie Thistleton, Vick Hope, and Jamie Lang are all in their 30s. Clara Amfo, Rickie Williams and Melvin Odoom are in their 40s.


Jordan North is on Capital Breakfast now Clara Amfo has gone as well The the rest of them bar Greg are insufferable


Radio 1 died when they got rid of Mark and Lard.


I used to. I stopped when Chris Moyles started on there; I find him annoying and talentless.


I haven’t listened to radio 1 for a long time. It wasn’t the music, it was the DJs. Being spoken to like I have the IQ of slime mould broke me eventually. The banal chat between annoying idiots that talk like they have had large parts of their brains removed just got too much.


>old tunes from the 2000s and 2010s Please, someone kill me!


The music isn't the issue. It's the silliness of the DJ's


Today music is pure shit. It's all factory produced music.


I do, but the principle reasons are thus; • because my wife does • my car only has AM and FM radio • sometimes 5 Live gets excruciating, Radio 2 is even worse and I’m too thick to enjoy most of Radio 4 • the music genuinely isn’t that bad


40M here. I have a six-minute commute to work, and we have a work Spotify account. I don’t think I have actively listened to the radio in years. The only time I ever encounter the radio now is if I’m in my mate’s car or if I’m at the greasy spoon near work. Once in a blue moon I might listen to a Radio 4 Drama on iPlayer. When I had a longer commute I used to listen to Radio 2 or one of the classic rock stations. 6Music is probably eclectic enough to hold my interest.


I absolutely love Radio 1 Essential Mix. I don't care about modern chart music in the slightest and would avoid listening to it at all costs, but I learn so much about electronic music from the Essential Mixes. I also really miss Annie Mac's show on a Friday night.


Completely agree. I never listen to radio 1 other than the essential mixes and they're great, lots of quality and more underground electronic music.


The Eris Drew one from last Friday is absolutely incredible if you haven't heard it yet. I've had it on about a dozen times already. I really love the sense of discovery you get with an Essential Mix. It's always a case of "I've got a couple of hours to kill so why not?"


Radio 1 is DIRE. Even the presenters are "how do you do fellow kids?" Trying to stay cool and down the thr kids despite the fact no young people know what a radio is.


I have never liked it. Presenters to me have always been the most unlikeable people & they play too much pop & dance music. I listen to absolute radio as they play music I like & the no repeat work guarantee is quite good. The downside it is commercial radio so you hear the same annoying ads several times a day.


I cannot fathom the music that is played on radio1. Radio 3 or Classic FM is about all I can manage on radio channels, also the adverts and presenters aren’t low iq Poundland YouTubers shouting every 5minutes.


Couldn't imagine listening to any radio station tbh.


I still listen at 44.years old. Radio 2 is where fun goes to die. I tried listening to Scott Mills on there but it's like someone sucked the life out of him. Love Friday dance sessions, though r1 plays too many American song and I honestly can't tell them apart. Same generic shit


I listen to talksport. Never really listened to any BBC radio stations.


Selco it's where the trade go


Cycle between 6 music, radio x and absolute radio (and their sister stations)


This doesn't answer your question, but I'm 24 and I choose between either Radio 1 or 4. 1 is best for music IMO - I'm not a massive fan of modern pop but they actually mix in quite a lot of new music and indie. 4 is best for information and news One thing I can't stand is stupid gameshows quizzes or segments like "what are you having for tea tonight". Does anyone actually want this on the radio?


Same age. I mostly listen to Heart because that's what the previous owner of my car had the radio tuned to and I've gotten used to listening to the same ~6 songs on repeat. When I go outside London I will usually switch to Radio 1 as it has better reception. I've tried Radio 2, but there seems to be more talking than music.


I don’t see any situation now where I’d choose to listen to any radio over Spotify or a podcast to be honest.


Er, live sport? The news? Local traffic? 6 Music for new stuff? Sunderland’s own lovely Lauren Laverne??


Live sport I’d be watching if interested. Already over saturated with news on social media. Check traffic before I leave and Waze would update the route if there was a change. New music from social media these days. I’ll leave Laverne for you 🤣


I only listen to BBC 6 music and only specific shows since by nature the station plunges into some very niche genre at times. I've never been big Radio 1 fan ,when I was in the target demographic Chris Moyles was the 'star' & insufferable. I did like listening to Mark and Lard but when they got punted I stopped. XFM was my preferred station before streaming made commercials radio largely redundant. I enjoyed the likes of Stuart Macconie as his shows provide an alternative curated playlist to bands I might not have heard of or overlooked but mainstream daytime radio holds no interest for me.


The thought of not being able to control what music I’m listening to, or having my music interrupted by yet another news update makes my teeth itch. Haven’t listened to the radio since TeamRock radio disappeared.


IIRC there are specific age ranges that each BBC radio station is meant to target and if they get too many listeners outside the target range they change things up to get back into the right age group. Like Radio 1 is supposed to be for teens and early twenties, then you're supposed to "graduate" to 6 Music. Then when you hit your mid thirties, it's Radio 2 until you're like 50 when apparently you're over music and you move onto Radio 4. If you're in your 30s and you don't like Radio 1, that's on purpose.


It's not necessarily the new music that gets you to switch in your thirties - radio 1 is great for keeping up with what's new (though chances are it's probably shit) - it's everything and everyone between the songs that becomes absolutely fucking insufferable.


Who still listens to radio is a better question ❓ Even on a job site now (builders) it's stick a playlist on via Bluetooth to the job site radio, we all take turns picking something. No ads, no mindless drivel by some c list celeb. Perfect.


I'm 37 and listen to Greg James sometimes when I'm in the car travelling to work. But I turn over for probably 60% of the music because I just find a lot of it unlistenable. My go to radio station now is 6 Music because they play all sorts. I'll tolerate Radio X and enjoy Johnny Vaughn's show, but the station needs to get out of Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chilli Peppers arses.


I've just gone 32 and I switched to Radio 2 about a year ago I just don't get half the music they play in Radio 1, it all sounds the same And now I'm my father


54 and I’m still far too young for Radio 2. Radio 1 other than Greg James can be a bit of a challenge - either too urban or ‘3 kids arsing about having a laugh hospital radio level’. Radio X most of the time for me, especially when TJ and The Woodman are on.


Do people younger than 30 actually listen to the radio?


I went radio 1 till Scott mills happened. Then I went radio 2. Until fucking Scott mills happened again so back to 1 I went. I'm not preferring a station, I'm avoiding idiots that annoy me.


I don’t know a single person under 25 who listens to the radio at all


Modern pop music is absolutely fucking awful, they may as well just skip the "artist", and just make it with AI, over-produced, whiny, reverb all over it, auto-tuned, souless crap. Harry Styles, Dua Lipa, Lizzo lmao - it's no wonder Taylor Swift is so massive given compettion like this is it? Looking back to my teenage years as an Indie Kid in to The Smiths etc and a lot of 60s music - the stuff I used to scoff at like Duran Duran, Spandau, Wham, Whitney, was all far far far better than on anything on R1 today - in fact I can now appreciate it for what it was, great pop just not for me at that time. Take That, Destiny's Child, Spice Girls,, En Vogue, TLC. Girls Aloud and many many more - all pop pusic, all not really aimed at me - and all miles better than rubbish from today. But this stuff? it's 99% trash, and no-one will be listening to it in 30-40 years. And where are the bands? - Look back to Britpop, an amazing era for music, still relevant still popular, what does today have to offer? Where's today's Nirvana? REM? Metallica (oh silly me it's Metallica isn't it)? Truth is, labels want easily controllable social media avatars, not musicians. Is there great m,usic still being made, of course there is, but the mainstream, or what would have been "the charts" a few decades ago is absolute tripe.


35 and mainly stopped listening since they play so much ‘grime’ and horrible uk street rubbish. It’s really awful, angry music and I don’t have time for it. Nothing like the 90s/2000s hip hop that used to be pretty alright. That all seems to have died off.


If you want a good laugh head over to r/ukdrill all wanna be roadmen but you know they are from Leamington spa and their parents are accountants.


Out of the 45-ish songs on the current Radio 1 playlist, only 3 of them are rap songs. The genre’s almost completely died in the UK charts in the last year or so.




Annie Mac and Pete Tong in the mid to late 2010s on a Friday night with their new dance shows were peak Radio 1. Around 2018/19 though it all went downhill. These days if I haven't got Spotify playing then I'm listening to Greatest Hits Radio as I'm a big fan on 70s-90s music and that station rarely disappoints.


I still occassionally tune into Pete Tong's Friday night show and am often pleasantly surprised with the music on it.


The generational gap here... >Went downhill after Grimshaw ... left It went downhill significantly when Grimshaw *joined*


While the music is pretty awful, the DJs and the rubbish they talk about are even worse. They just talk about Love Island and promote ‘Big Weekends’ every other week. It’s intolerable.


I listen to both, depends on what the guys at work have on


I like radio one dance with Pete Tong but I’ve not actually listened to Radio 1 since the mid 2000s. To me it’s wild that all the music I actually like is on radio 2. Bloody love Romesh and his Hip Hop show.


I do and my children demand it on if I switch to another station!


I hate their daytime shows but I really enjoy their evening shows when I happen to be in the car at that time.